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Everything posted by Chichiri's Girl
Well I too am I die hard Simpsons fan. In fact at 11:00 I plan to see yet another rerun. It's like friggen trdditio in my house to eat dinner watching the simpsons. I mean Simpsons was the oringnal and as far as I'm concerend Family Guy is just a slightly different rip-off. You have the parents, a big brother and sister, and a little brother. I do love Stewi tho. Something about babies taking over the world just gets me right there ya'know? Yeah and the dog is cool too. Reminds me of dogbert....it's basiclly the same with a father with the crappy job who goes to a bar most of the time and dosen't spend much tim with his kids as he should. Of course I haven't seen it in a year or two so forgive me if that's hazy. Seriouly anything that even TRYS to replace the Simpsons will fail drastitically.
Name:Seth Age:15 Desription:See pic [url]http://www.lunaregina.com/furuba/anime14.jpg[/url] [img]http://www.lunaregina.com/furuba/anime14.jpg[/img] Year:11 Bio: If Danny is the most coolest guy in school then Seth is the 2nd. He's not much a people person but he can open up to you once you get to know him. The people who know him the best, aka his friends, are Selenay and Danny himself(is that okay? PM if it is). This year he started to play match maker with the two of them yet he has no love life of his own. He wishes he had someone to love but sadly, he dosen't.(If you want to fix him up with your charcachter tho no promblem! just post it!) So to fill this void in his life he plans his friends. He is actually pretty funny once you get to know him but has a relly short fuse.(just think Kyo from Fruits Basket) He loves to do anything involving martial arts and is very skilled. In his free time he likes to sit on the roof of his house and stare at the sky. ************* Okay is that good? I hope so...wait a sec why am I a boy? Weird..oh bout he pic. It's screwy. Don't upset it. Or it won't show up. It's Kyo from Fruits Basket so If you watch that you know what he looks like [IMG]http://www.lunaregina.com/furuba/anime14.jpg[/IMG] oh here is another image if you really want o see him. clearly he is the orange hair boy(duh)[IMG]http://www11.brinkster.com/chibikawaiineko/kyou_5.jpg[/IMG]
RPG A sweetreyes/erinzyger adventure...Ceres [No signups needed]
Chichiri's Girl replied to Hinata's topic in Theater
yeah yeah it's his que but my post won't affect the conversation in the kitchen. So there.:p ******************* "achoo! achoo! Wow someone most be talkin about me alot today! heh I wonder who?" Daisuke said with a love sick look on his face. He had FINALLY gotten home and had put an icepack to his head where the ploe had greeted him a little too closely. He floped on to his bed with a sigh. A mild concussion can do that to you.(I'm guessing) Of course it wasn't just the concussion. He wanted to get adjusted to a different timezone so he was going to bed at 3:00pm. And he had a big day ahead of him tomorrow too. HE hoped he could get a seat next to Nariko on the plane tomorrow...Suddenly a mental image of Kensuke with a big old wok(I don't think I spelled that right...) in hi hand looken pretty pissed. "I guess I'll just have to hope he didn't bring any heavy metal obyects with him." Daisuke smirked as he was swept into a dream full of Narikos smiling laughing and well...um things that I'm SO not going to say... ****************** Sorry bout the viloence and stuff(there wasn't much but...) I just watched Fruits Basket and well you know how that is...^o^ -
I Want To Do Something, I Just Don't Know What
Chichiri's Girl replied to erinzyger's topic in General Discussion
What omigod Erin who?!?! Anybody I knew back there?! Thank god they are okay! Well I guess you could be extra nice when you see them again but i doubt that's the advice you REALLY want....hmmm wellyou could give them stuff you don't need anymore like clothes ext. You could just help them through tough times by listing and stuff. The whole point of friendship is to be there when your friends need you so go do it! -
I think I can relate..I move around alot cause of my dad's army job so I know hat it's like to be thrust into this whole new world where you had no clue how everybody acts. Plus I happened to move when every body elese had know each other since freakin kindergarden so friends were already established. But just go with the flow I guess. If your sixth grade your gonna be swichen classes so that will be difficult from sittin at one place all day so just hope you have some kind people. I think you'll be okay..of course knowing you Prozen that might be a little harder. lol yeah just don't act TOO crazy the first day. Just a little. A little is good.
"Heh you should worry more about ME than HIM!" Shouko said as she grabbed the jewel out of Gene's hand from behind. "What the?-" He said as she vanished about 50 yards away. "So this is the famed Inuyasha who stole Kikyo away. God all my father ever talked about was getting revenge on you..at least before he died...and why are there 2 Kikyos anyway?" she said smirking. "I told you! It's Kagome! NOT Kikyo!" Kagome yelled very frustrated. It seems she was getting a bit annoyed at being left out. "Well whatever. Kikyo is alive so she won't be needing THIS anymore" she said tossing the shikon jewel up than catching it over and over. "Well I'm gonna leave now. I'll be seeing you soon Kikyo. Probably you too Conna. Yeah weell..Whoa!- " she yelled starteled as Inuyasha and Gene came hurtling towards her. "Ha nice try boys! but I'll be leaving now!" She yelled down at them as she jumped to the highest limbs of the tree. She was about to disapear but suddenly she froze...
"Fox! Give me that jewel! You have no need for it!" a voice yelled from the tree limb it was preched on. Conna spun around. She had thought every one was stillby her hut...wait htis voice was new...but it sounded famialar..."and why do I not need it? I'm going to bring somone back!" She shouted up at the tree. "Kikyo? Ahh but use your nose fox. She is back among the living." she saw a teenageded girl appaer betweent he leaves and then jump down to the forest floor. "She's back?.." **************** K hope that's decent..
Anime Kare Kano: His and Her Circumstances
Chichiri's Girl replied to Magnum Apex's topic in Otaku Central
Yeah ypu can get it at Borders or anybig bookstore like that. AT my Suncost they have it and stores like that will probably have it. And if all else fails I KNOW you can by it off RightStuf.com. I've seen it there and I don't think it's that much eaither. Yeah but which extra one was about the rabbit girl? I've read 1-3 and the begining of 4 but no rabbit girl. Or is that the one where the girl breaks her glasses? Yeah I guess I'll read as much as I can next time at a bookstore... -
Hey can there be 2 wolf Demon's cause I got a story In my head I wnat to try out. Me and Gene won't even be related or know each other all right lets go!~ Name:Shouko Age:19 Gender: Female Class: Wolf Demon Apperence: tall and slender her hair is a light dirty blonde so it's almost brown and her eyes are gray. Her hair is up ain a ponytail that comes to the small of her back. She wears a outfit like Yura's except it's a dark blue and the sash is red. Bio:She's very stuburn and rude but can she also has a softer side which appears evey now and then. Her mother died when she was born and her father was killed by Toyko Destroyer and she plans to seek revenge on him. Fourtently she dosen't know who killed him but is on the verge of finding out...(I know this sounds confusing but she just knows he was murdered cause she came across his bones when she was looking for him in the woods after he had been gone a day hunting) Weapons: a k thin sword she has tied to her sash that is incoded in poision so if your satbbed with it it's all over, and poisen darts she has around her wrist and ankles magic/special attack: well she has her wolf magic which can do anything she wants with it , even minapulate people. She also has what one would call a six sense for dudging attacks and some what vanishing so you would never think she was even there. ********** I hope that's good!
Anime Kare Kano: His and Her Circumstances
Chichiri's Girl replied to Magnum Apex's topic in Otaku Central
I have 1-3 of the manga nad I think it's pretty good. Hidahaki is AWSOME! I wanna be his heep..*sniff* yeah but I think it's funny espically when they turn chibi and stuff. The artwork is beautiful I think. I 'm pretty sure the anime is out in the US. I 've seen it advertised at RightStuff. com. Actually I think I've seen it at Suncost too... Hope that will do! Yeah I was the first one to respond! -
Yeah Legolas is cool! The higlights of the movie in my opinion...but um you can have him before you try to rip me to shreds!*scoots away* I'm printin theses out right now for my Teacher...WAit my pronters not working! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Last time I checked I think I had 25 different series so...you do the math. But I would definatly say it's worth it. If you were watching the anime and you wanted to go to a certain part you'd have to rewind and fast fowrd and stuff. With manga you just turn a few pages. It's more portable plus It's kinda nice to know you have the oringal story(well most of the time) of one of your favorite animes...
Writing The Sailor Moon Cast gets interveiwed
Chichiri's Girl replied to Chichiri's Girl's topic in Creative Works
k here goes **************** Chapter 1: the spore part 2 *TSHG is seen backstage while security guards are seen trying to break up the fight between Usaigi and Rini* TSHG: Hey intern! Get me the want adds out of todays paper! intern:yes Miss*gives it to her* TSHG: Now lets see there must be SOMETHING better then this job...Ohhhh Zoo keeper needed. Now that sounds nice and safe much safer then this...oh and it pats more too...how nice intern:Uh miss were on in 10 seconds... TSHG:Fine I'm going*walks onstage THSG: aha Rini I see they pulled you two appart. Now lets continue this interveiw. Rini:*one bun thingie is out so she only has one still standing* Okay Miss Demon Lady TSHG:*sighs* yes well it seems here besides Mamoru you also have Helios. It's says here he is the priest of Eyslon and his soul is connecte to your fathers...? Man you just can't get enough of your dad now can you? Sheesh...and who's this Peru fellow? Another boyfriend I see... *Helios suddenly burst on to satge* Helios: What I thought I was your main man Rini! Who's this Peru guy! I thought you only loved me! Peru: Who's this guy! It thought I was your main man! I had you first! Back off Unicorn boy! Helios: Unicorn boy?!? I was Pegasus! Say it with me Peg-a-sus! Peru: whatever...Unicorn....*snicker Helios: Look who's talkin sugar fairy! Peru: What did you call me?!*rolls up sleaves* Helios: You heard me Sugar fairy boy-*suddenly stops cause Peru takles him* audience:*Cheers then starts channttting* Jerry Jerry! TSHG: Yep that Zoo job would be SO much safer...Rini it's says you also turned evil and kidnaped your father..then kissed him?!?! God talk about a complex... Rini: Wait! What no-I-Hey stop the viloence! *cuts to comercial break as Security pulls the guys appart* ************************ Oh yeah I'm sorry for buchering Peru's name but I didn't have the time to look it up so I just had to put down what I guessed it was. He's in the Super S movie by the way. -
50+ episodes? Holy crap! Most anime dvds are like 40 bucks a pop(at least at my suncoast they are) so It will take me foever to get them all. Mabey if I could get a job of some sort...but I'm lazy...plus with all my after school activtys and junk...wait I'm going way to deep into this subject! I guess I'll just have to mow lawns or rake leaves or something that would be in great supply here...
Cool, very cool. Chibi evles are sooo kawaii!*somebody slaps her back to her normal state* Okay okay. It really is cool tho. I wish I could draw Darth Vader like that. He's so hard...I like the humor too. I can't wait to see the other 2! Mabey I should print this out and show it too my english teacher. He's a lord of the rings fanatic. I mean he has a whole bullitain borad full of pics. And our asangiments are based of tlotr....
My bros had almost all the books and I would get scarred from the covers. Yeah but i just to watch the fox kids show too. That was pretty cool. Do they even still have that on? Hmmm I wonder.....
Yo! This is Chichiri's Girl and I'd like to say before I start this that this will be based more on the manga then the anime. There might be a few refrences here and there but just live with them. Oh and here's the disclamer: I do not own the Sailor Scouts, Senshi, what ever you you want to call them, or any other charachters. They belong to Nako Ten-aww screw it I ain't gonna spell her name out it take to long, and any other companyies that have owned it at one point. In fact I don't even own this idea. Bandit Joeykuba owns the idea of interveiwing anime/manga charachters and trying to gat underneath their skin till they explode from all the annoying questions. In fact I don't even own the "It's so late it's early show." That belongs to her too. I don't own anything besides this pen on the computer desk. Oka lets go chapter one is on it's way! Chapter one: The spore TSHG: Hello! This is The It's so Late it's Early Show and I'm your host, Talk Show Host Girl! Now today were introveiwing some people who are trying to bike around the word on a unicycle bilt for 6! NO w let's give a big warm welcome to-*intern comes from behinde stage to whisper somethig to THSG* Oh my! I'm sorry foks! There's been a mishape it seems the brave cyclers were eaten by somesort of shark when they wer unicycling into the ocean...? Yes well In there place we have the Sailor Scouts of Japan! What the hell? I'm so not getting paid enough for this... Well her's our first guest! Sailor Chibi/Mini Moon!((occ from now on I'm just gonna call her rini. It dose'nt take long to write)) THSG: Hello thanks for being on! How are you doing? May I call you the spore? Rini: No you can't you fraky lady! You mucst be part of some evil organization! Pink Sugar Heart Attack! TSHG:*after being cowered in powdered sugar* Yes well that was interesting...coughfreakcough...well it says here that your in love with Mamoru...who happens to be your father in the future? Umm yes, well, hows that going? Rini: Fine thank you Miss. Demon Lady. Why after this were going to the park and then the movies- *suddeny Usagi burst from behinde stage* Usagi: What are you talking about Mamoru is mine! Stay off of him! Rini:*pokes tounge out at Usagi* Never you odango head! Usagi: What so are you! audience: Jerry! Jerry! TSHG:We'll be right back after this commercial break...*sighs and asks were her coffe is* ************** So how did ya like it? Anwsers please!
Art Dan Rugh's banners (updated often)
Chichiri's Girl replied to Dan Rugh's topic in Creative Works
Awsome Erin....So cool...really cool....*goes in to a trance til Erinzyger slaps her* Yeah thats is AWSOME! I love that series...I like the animation and stuff and the picture is cool enough by itself. The avi is so kawaii! -
Stay in the light! Saty in the light! Ahaaaaaaaa!!!! God God that movie scarred the crap out of me! I saw it with Erinzyger and I've been tramatized ever sence*shudders*. We were so freaked out I couldn't close an open window for fear she'd grab me. We nicknamed her the"flyin *****". It figures that that was the night the 5th Harry Potter came out.. on the way to the mall in the car I kept on thinking about the scene wher[spoiler]the guy waas like we'll be safe in the car then she came and killed him[/spoiler] You don't want to see that movie you won't be abele to go in the darkever again...
Art Dan Rugh's banners (updated often)
Chichiri's Girl replied to Dan Rugh's topic in Creative Works
Omigod! That awsome. Nuriko's so cool. And you had the pics of him with his shirt off which I thought were the higlighs of book number 7...I have to tell Erinzyger about htis. She's a NUriko nut. Hey how long did it take you to make this? -
Art Last Oekaki before school started.
Chichiri's Girl replied to klinanime1's topic in Creative Works
Even tho the hand is bent the right way it look werid. I don't know why. I t just does. But other than that it's pretty good. I wish I had more time to do Oekakis but they DO take alot of time and all that homework...that I'm soposed to be doing now.... -
Awsome! The background behinde Daisuke is really beautifull. I was meaning to sart that series too...The colors really look good all together. I wish I could make a wallpaper...
Art Dan Rugh's banners (updated often)
Chichiri's Girl replied to Dan Rugh's topic in Creative Works
Please, please, please let me have your chichiri banner! It's sooo cool! That one is my favorite tho I like them all. The Kenshin won is cool too. You should have the animals they rersent tho...the love and peace, aosih shinomori,megaman ones ar all sool too. Man I wish I could make a banner...All your banners are awsome! I like the Fushigi Yugi, Kenshin, Trigun, Dragonball, Yu Yu Hakoso(I know that's spelled wrong),and well, all of them! I still like the first Chichiri the most tho... -
Kodocha is one of my most favorite series! I have all the manga that has been released so far in the US(1-9). I think it's hailarous sometimes..but sometimes it gets more serious and dark....yeah but someday I'm hopin I can buy the anime cause I've heard it's suppose to be good. Yeah the characters are AWSOME! I really love the story too...(as if you couldn't tell)
Yeah Kish and Ryou are my favorites too! So hot*drools*...yeah but the 4th one comes out next month I think....can't wait! I have volume 1 and have read 2&3 but I can't buy them for lack of money.*brakes out sobing* it's definaltly not my most fave series but it's still pretty good...and after a while all magical girl series kinda start to turn out like Sailor Moon. It is cute tho. And I love how cool their outfits are! The plot goes alittle faster then Sailor Moon tho. Oh and you can buy the anime off ebay but it'd be in jappanese and in dvd format. Ya gotta upgrade cause sometime soon they'll stop making VHS all together...*sighs sadly*