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Chichiri's Girl

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Everything posted by Chichiri's Girl

  1. Read the 6th book Dan...it's all in there why he's with the Suzaku Seven. Yeah I think in the beginning I thought Kenshin was a girl too. And deffinaltly Sesshomaru with his whole apperance. But once you hear their voices you cant tell who's a man and who's a women. [i]MOST[/i] of the time. *grins at Nuriko*
  2. "Ugh. Where am I?" Rika asked herself as she sat in the darkness. Once the figure had been destroied the fortress, everthing he had ever made, had vanished. "Ohh whatis this?" Rika asked in pain as her memories came floding back again. But that was not what hurt her as she relized she was covered in black blood. She was losing too much blood...she wouldn't make it. She was cut up all over. "I'm finally going to die..." she said with a smile as she would finally get her wish. "I'm coming Takeshi, Mom, Dad. Hold on..." she wispered as the dark over took her into sleep...a very deep sleep...
  3. I can't spell worth crap..0-o..but yeah the headband dose give it away...plus why would Yui br with the Suazku 7? And holding a flute to boot...
  4. Yeah I have 1-7 of that manga too! I've read 8 tho....i don't really like the ending...yeah but it comes out in April '04. I don't know if I should buy it. I've heard the anime isn't very good...they say Miki's a whiney b***h all the time. They add some new charachters tho and the plot becomes a little different. But we don't have to worry about crappy dubbing cause on dvd it can have subtitles. Work those eyes! Yeah! Of course I'm gonna be lazy and just play it in eniglish but it's all good...
  5. Um theres only one girl and that's the girl in the front in the brown school uniform,Miaka. Yui ain't in that pic it's Ambrioshi...whoopsie I wasn't suppose to anwser that was I(I own 1-8 of the Fy manga) Yeah but Last year I'd bring some of my manga to school to read on the bus and such. Before we pulled out sometimes I'd ask my friends who was a guy or a girl in FY and they'd fail...drastically....yeah but most of the time there are some fenimine looking men who can turn out to be very manly(ie Sesshomaru) It's bacially all about the makeup, hair length, and colors of the cold. I mean I know people who have mastaken Inuyasha for a woman simply because on the cover of my manga his outfit seems to be pink and well you know how his hair is so long...You'll get use to the fenimine looking guys tho in anime after you watch it long enough:sweat:....*runs off screaming something about her 110 post...this is the last one of these little message thingies yay!*
  6. Haku-is-so-hot! I wanna go swiming in his river!*Sailor star whacks her over the head with her famous folding chair* Okay okay. That movie WAS awsome. God I love. If only I owned it*sniff*...I love the story it's so cool...Man it was only in for like a friggen day so you must have had your butt achin at the end Stick Fairy...I wish I owned it!!!!!!!*burst out swobing while chicking out this is my 109th post*
  7. "Takeshi?! Oh god! Takeshi! Your Alive!!" Rika yelled as started to cry tears of joy and ran toward him. "Rika?! What are you saying? I never died."takeshi said as she hugged him tight and he hugged back. "As long as were together I don't care if you died." Rika said looking up at him. "Yeah it's good to see you too. Hey wait a minute-those eyes your not Rika your a demon! How dare you imposter her! I'll kill you!" He said aspulled his sword out of it's sheath ((O.C.C. Takeshi was a master of the sword and he also could use magic but not stuff based on an element)) "Takeshi No what are you do-" Rika screamed at him but stopped when he plunged his sword into her stomach. "Aieeee!!" she screamed as evething had fadded away. She woke up sweating and crying. Appearently her master had put her to sleep and transpored her to her bed in her room. [i]He[/i] had [i]made[/i] her see that. She lay there sobbing with her hands over her face when he came in. "That was your punisment for going back to them and getting caught Rika. If you fail me again I'll make that happen for real." The figure said cooly as it then walked out of the room. "Yes master" Rika muttered. She hated that being to it's very core. She'd run away if he couldn't bring back takeshi...he'd give her everything she wanted...[i]anything[/i]. Suddenly an image of Trilby flashed in her head..she was crying...but why? She wanted that girl dead! "yeas", she thought,"that's extacly what I want." She smirked and got up to go train. ********************* My 108th post! Yeah!
  8. Hehe lets go! I was gonna do Wedding Peach but it would be to hard to find pics of her and her weapons so... *************************** Name: Fuu Hououji Gender: Female Age:14 Weapons:Her gigantic sword and her magic(she's not gonna use her Mashin,Windom) rank:guard Anime she's from: Magic Knight Rayearth society:Angle Knights Apperance: See attachment Bio: Fuu was sucked into another world, Cefiro, while on a feild trip to Toyko Tower. She had to rescue the piller,princess Emeraude from herr "kidnapper" Sol Zagato. She is considered to be a smart girl who is always smiling. She has a boyfriend(if ya wanna call him that) named Ferio who is the princess's little brother. Her hobbies are archery and reading. Her best friends are Umi and Hikaru and her Mashin is Windom. [IMG]http://web.singnet.com.sg/~chenp/fu.jpg[/IMG]
  9. I had today and I'm gonna have tomorrow off. All we've gotten is a little rain. My school board is weak....*shakes head sadly* At least I get a 4 day weekend....But my sadist math teacher writes all the frigen homework for the week on the board a week before so I have frigen homework to! Grrrr....I was kinda lookin foward to the power being out and having to use flashlights(don't ask why)...So this storm is abit of a letdown for me...*sighs then walks away mumbling something about her 106th post*
  10. "Ugh I can't believe I'm in debt to such a freakin monster!" Rika grumbled to herself as she was walking up the stairs to her room. Of course she was talkin bout that jelly monster that had freed her from her cage that she couldn't get open. She of course wasin the things debt because she couldn't get the cage open...it was made to hold her in so she couldn't break it....someone else could...anyone...that's why her master sent that thing. She had had a quick meeting with her master before she was dismissed. Her master had shown her that seen in the kitchen....god it made her miss Takeshi so bad....she found something out though. She was never Trilby's best friend....that was Kudara....someone Trilby had never told her about. Trilby had used her only for her powers she knew that now. Her master had told her she would have a surprise when she got up to her room...which was odd....her master didn't like presents much...he certinly wouldn't give her some sort of thing wraped up in a bow...She remembered what he said. "It's something that you will be very pleased with" That made her wonder...alot. She was so obsorved in her thoughts that she only relized she was at her room when she walked into the door. She turned the doornobb...and there, standing by her window, looking out was....Takeshi? ****************** ho ho! What will happen now? Oh and by the way THIS IS MY 105TH POST! YAY!
  11. Umm No. Sorry. Is that even a Jewelry store? Never heard of it...wait is that Naru's(Molly's) mom's store? Cause it's not that store eathier....*shrugs and hits sailor Star over the head with a folding chair while yelling"this is my 104th post!" Again and again*
  12. I like the poem but after that it gets kinda of confusing....it's still cool tho I guess. Oh and remember no double posting!*runs off laughing while you run behinde her with a folding chair while I screaming"My 103th post!"* Man you have a thing for the folding chair....0_o...LOL!
  13. That IS pretty cool! It looks kinda like the art with DBZ tho with all the spiky hair....yeah I can realte to being up at 3 drawing!:D I do that all the time...some of my best art is done in the ungodly hours of the moring :sweat: *runs of screaming about her 102th post*
  14. It was Darien/Mamoru/Tuxcedo Kamren/Mask. What ever ya want to call him....Oh and Ami went to Germany not America...I really know I'm right so..(I read the manga lord knows how many time and been to so many Sailor Moon sites it's not even funny anymore...) Okay my Question is...:*trying to think of a hard question*In Rini's Picture Diary:Watch out for the Tanabata Countdown! What Jewelwry store did Usaigi wnat her pendent to come from? *walks off laughing manically while Saiolr Star comes after her with a folding chair for messing up her thread while CG is muttring a bout her 101th post* Yes people this is how are pms are how sad :sweat:
  15. Oh god! Man I swear I was laughing harder then I've laughted in a while. I liked the last 3 the best I think. The Mokuba one [b]WAS[/b] hailarios. I can't wait for the next one...and I don't even LIKE Yu-gi-ho. *walks off laughing histarically while screaming this is her hunndreth post* Yeah 100!!!! Woooooo!
  16. Umm she only got an "A-" that episdoe not an "F". Yeah but this is kinda funny cause I just saw the one where Maggie shoots the gansters today...I don't think she is the smartest though....she just knows her way around a gun. ;)
  17. I sing in the shower....*looks around nervously* Yeah well normally I sing anything that pops into my head...last week I caught myself singing thw who song from Suessical the Musical. But noramlly I sing stuff off of my raido or anime theme songs withch i hum like Saint Tails. God I love the score for that one...oh yeah but one time I caught my brother singing Monty Python's Always look on the bright side of life song from The life of Brain from outside the bathroom door. And being the wicked little sister I am I mock him by singing it in the shower when I know he's walking by...Oh so evil I am:devil: I also sing Smipson's songs :sweat:
  18. They cancled school tomorrow and our still deciding to close it on friday...which is pretty screwed seeing how It won't hit us till in the late afternoon when were out of school anyway..and I was gonna cook in home ect tomorrow too. *damn* Yeah well I'm not scared much even tho it's gonna come close to me. I mean yeah so what? Electricity wmight go out. Personally I like walking around in the dark with a flashlight. I doubt will be hit [b]that[/b] hard. Of course my backyard is full of trees....yeah man I was really looking foward to go swim in the streets...(chuckles)....whatever man, as long as schools out it's all good...
  19. [i]BOOM[/i]! "What the-"Sarah said from the living room where everyone except Kudara were watching some TV. They had heard a big ol' boom that shook the house. "I don't like this..." Gene mumbbled. "Let's go check it out!" Hikage said as she stood up and headed to the door as the others followed. "Holy sh-" Gene said in utter horror before he was cut off by a scream from the house. "Kudara! Noo!" Trilby screamed as she ran into the house to see what was wrong while the others tried to fight this [i]thing[/i]. It was a gigantic blob of some jelly like substance...or it had been...before they turned there head it had been there. It was gone leaving only a big crater from where it had been standing..."Oh crap you know what this means?" Hikage said staring at the crater. "let me guess, the monster was sent by that master person. wait- that means-" Sarah put the peices together but stopped out of horror. "-Kudara!" they all said as the peices came together. They rushed inside to the kitchen where Kudara's head was lying in Trilby's lap out cold. His arm had a huge slashed in it with blood pouring out. Trilby was sobbing...and the cage that had held Rika was...empty...
  20. I didn't know we were in a house.... ************************************ "Hey did you guys hear a door slam? Or was it just me?" Kudara asked the other two. "Omigod! Rika!" Trilby said. She started to run to where they all had heard the sound...the kitchen? "Yo. What up? It seems a person can't get a snack late at night anymore." Rika smirked sleeply from the kitchen table. Appearently the slaming they heard was the refrigerater door..."Don't do that again! Ya gave us a heart attack!" Trilby yelled at her hitting her playfully on the head. "Talk about easily scared....but what don't you want me to do? Eat late at night or....KILL YOU!!!!!" RIka yelled as her Blade appeated fully buring and covered in ice at the same time. Her eyes had gone black like they were before...."Aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Screamed Trilby as the blade came swinging toward her... ************************** Hehehe....Man I love hurricanes! No school tomorrow or mabey the next day.....Yeah well I back to my sadist self again....comon what WERE you expecting?
  21. Rika had been sleeping when she heard voices. "*yawn* morining guys what for breakfest?" She asked with her eyes still closed and hand over her yawning mouth. "Rika...it's 2:00 am go back to sleep." Kudara said. "k"she said as she drifted off. "Man don't take much to get her up now doses it?" Gene asked woth his eyebrows raised. "Guess so." Kudara repied. ********************************************** But Rika's dreams were not peaceful, not peaceful at all. Because the figure was attacking her dreams where he'd be undectied. He was making her an offer...an offer she COULDN'T refuse. ************* Damn why are all my post so sadistic? Anyone know? Yeah well Sailor Star and Aoshi Shinimori are probably the only ones who have an idea of what the offer is.*winks* well gotta go catch the bus.
  22. "hmm sounds like he sent one of the freaks insted of me to do the work. Lucky Bastard." Rika thought to herself from deep in the ground in the moldy tunnels behinde force feild after force feild. The "freak" was one of her masters monsters he had made himself. "Ha! what good will they do? Sure, they might have been the strongest before I came but I whipped their asses good once I showed up. Little weaklings" she kept thinking. She stopped after she said that. "Before she came". Were HAD she been befoe here? She couldn't remember....that girl...it had something to do with that girl....Trilby?...yes Trilby...."Oh gods! Trilby!" she screamed out loud as her memories came flooding back. She had to get to her! She was the only garudian left with power. The freak would kill the others for sure! She quickly broke down her force feilds running to were they were. She soon found them. The monster was advancing on Sarah, Gene, and Kudara. She pulled out her IceFlame Blade and quickly swung it to kill the monster. It did. "We don't want to kill you Rika so back off." Gene said after recovering to the splatter of black blood from the monster. "Rika?!" Trilby's voice came muffled from behinde the heavy door. Rika blew her bangs out of her eyes and said" Yeah right like you could kill me..you don't even have the weapons or powers.". She continued" Besides I've come to help." She broke the door open and got Trilby out. But suddenly he figure appeared. "Thiunk you can defy ME do you? Well I'll rake care of this." The figure smirked as Rika appeared in chains that wer digging into her skin. "Get away from Here! Run!" she screamed at the others as she was pulled into the darkness. "Nooooooooooo!" Trilby screamed after her.
  23. yeah well I relly just wanted to pm this to erinzyger but it came up as an "x" so she told me to post it here...stupid computer*kicks computer* Yeah well I consider this crap cause I did this early in the summer. But we were testing out our new scanner so I grabbed this and scanned it. It was drawn with one of those pencils that changes colors but you probably have guessed that:sweat:. Yeah well tell me what you think.*walks away kicking her computer and grumbling:grumble:*
  24. Yeah well I had just moved and was over at my friends for the day when they told me they might go to the movies. Of course I was like sure whatever as long as I get some popcorn it's all good. Yeah at this point I knew nothing about the movie. I mean NOTHING! So I was a bit supprised when dead skeleton zombies showed up. Man and my friends had a little sis who is like 7....she must of gotten scrared...at one point I almost screamed and dug my nails so far into my skin I had marks the rest of the day. I went to like the first showing on opening day. my big bro had wanted to see it forever but I saw it before him which I'm guessing ripped up his insides. I saw again with my dad and bro tho. But I never saw the stuff at the end of the credits!*Bangs head against the wall*Ugh! They can't make a sequal! They'll screw it up so bad!*keeps on banging head* They probably will make them have a kid like in the mummy returns.....and then that kid won't even be on the movie posters! The rock will! Yeah well if it's a disney movie that isn't animated you can pretty much guess that there's gonna be viloince...anybody remember Swiss Family Robinsin? remeber the violence in that? The little brother was throwing bombs at pirates...how nice. but I loved the movie...it was funny,full of action, and a little bit of romance....yeah but I am SO going to buy it when it comes to dvd...I don't really think Bloom was hot tho...give me Leouglas anyday...and WHY IS THE RUM GONE?!?!
  25. Yeah well, I agree with maladjusted, Queen Asuka, and Semjaza Azazel. Actually I was gonna say the same comment about Brinyny Spears as QA did but then I saw her post. It's true, I mean remember when Brintny first came out? She was all inocent and dressing up in pigtails. And now well, let's just say one of her's songs titles is "I'm a slave 4 you". Oh wow, that sounds so nice and clean. Same with Christina Agulira. How much you wanna bet that by the times she's 18 she won't be little miss clean anymore? If her carer last that long that is. Which proably will happen I just wish it wouldn't.
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