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Chichiri's Girl

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Everything posted by Chichiri's Girl

  1. Awa god...when was the last time I saw the dark Crystal?! Mabey 4 years ago? yeah but I loved the costumes and such. I drew some of my first good pics of charachters from that movie....and the Muppets! Oh man when I was a kid I loved anything to do with the muppets! I watched the movies and tv shows. The songs were always awsome too. I love "rainbow connection". I really liked the mupet babies a lot. I would watch them on nick jr. when I came home from preschool everyday. Dose any body remember that show any way? The oringle Muppet Show from what I remember was really funny. They always had celebrity guest on and such...I mean wasn't it on during prime time at one point?
  2. Yeah I'm sure two big old doors came down cause of two teenager.*sighs* whatever it's all good.... **************************************** "Hmf well, if it isn't you lucky day girlie. I'll be back to kill you latter." rika said as she locked Trilby up tighter and locked the big heavy dinogon door then bounded it with magic. Now the pesty gaurdians can't get in even if they tried without their magic. Rika thought to herself and smirked. I always thought master shough have goten heavyier doors-but noooooooooooo he said they wouldn't fit the stone. she keep on thinking as she walked up 100 flights of stairs and reached the door at the top. She could hear suffling around upstairs. Sudden;y some thoughts entered her mind..."Rika! Stay down there! I don't want them to see you! Go into one of the tunnels that are unseen by people who don't know were they are! Go!" her masters voice echoed in her ears. She quikly said yes master and ran down stairs without making a sound. "I wonder why he dosen't want them to see me? Dose it matter they won't get past him...no one ever has..."she thought to herself and then smiled....she was rememberig her master's attacks....he had shown her his memories of his attaks ...attacks that nobody saw and could say anything about...because they'd be dead...
  3. Trilby had blacked out while the fihure was still in whiping her with a loud CRACK! "Well it looks like that's all we can do now...wouldn't want to waste it all in one shot...Rika go put her in the dunagons!" The figure yelled with a flick of his wrist and his fortress appred. Rika nodded her head, picked up Trilby, and slung her over her shoulder. She had seen her master fighting something for a second that looked....looked like her. If I killed this girl I probably wouldn't see that thing again...but master wanted to kill her himself...but why would he send me to do this when he could have done it better and faster with a flick of his hand...she thought as she took the steps to the dunagon...twisting and turing down all the secret passages that you could easily get lost in and never come out to see the sun again....She finally reaced the doungon and ploped trilbydown. Master MUSt want me to kill her if he made me come down here and lock her in...it takes FOREVER to lock someone in so they can't get out. She thought. She diecided her master wanted to do this....to kill her....it was a test... so she took out her IceFlame Blade and raised it above Trilby and swung down....
  4. Haha! I'm finally posting! I watch Excel saga but on;ty the epies I saw at your house... *********************** "What the?-" Kensuke said as he stared at the two. "Oh wow look at the time! I uh-have to go clean my uh-grabage! bye!" Daisuke saif as he ran for his dear life to his appartment leaving Kensuke with his eyes still bludging. "oh crap oh crap, how could I have been such an idiot?! They're both going to kill me now! wait but Nariko-chan didn't resiste. Mabey she-"He started as his face was didstiorted looking half worried half lovesick. Of course he didn'thave time to say much elese as he ran ito a telepkone pole and saw tiny Narikos around his head. Oh course he had to get home to pack...after an hour of walking around dazed...when he was only a block from his appartment when the pole came to hug him. He hurt- A LOT- but he didn't care cause Nariko might love him too! ******************* Ohho! Lovey Dovey! Man I can't wait to see the next post...
  5. "Ha! You can try to "call" them as much as you want! You have no powers! Pysic or otherwise. You are just like a normal person now!" the figure laughed evily. "You can never take away our bind! Never!" Trilby screamed throught he pain at the figure. "Oh is that so? Let me show you...Rika come over here!" the figure yelled over at Rika who was leaning with her arms folded against her chest on a wall. Rika came forword and stood by her master who pushed her right in front of Trilby eye to eye. Trilby looked into those black eyes silted likes a cat to find nothing of her best friend. She scremed silently in horror. "Now don't you child? I can do anything I want to with your puny lives." The figure smirked pulling rika away. "No! That not's right! You shouldn't play with peoples lives like that!" Trilby shouted at the figure, furries at it's very exsitense. "Ahh...you know that's very simalar to what your friend over there said to me after I said I could bring back her parents...of course I made her an offer she couldn't refuse....but she declined....so I killed her..."the figure smirked. "Killed....? Rika's dead?...Wait what was the offer?" Trilby asked blinking back her tears of pain from the whip hitting her back over and over again. The figure haden't stopped when it was talking. "Oh I said I could bring Takeshi and she proably would have done anything to get him back...except kill you and the others..."The figure said. "Who is Takeshi....?" Trilby asked. "Oh ho? Best friends keep secrets like that? Well I guess you weren't much of friends then were you? the figure said. Trilby was getting very confused....
  6. Hmm well at the Renicanconss Festival we used to go to when we lived in NY I ALWAYS did the archery part so las year I got a bow. I haven't used it since I moved tho...I don't think they'll like it if I shoot down in the woods...I'd get in trouble...but anyway I love archery and if I could I'd do it all the time I think i'll look into the archery clubs in my area...oh and fencing. Always wanted to do it. But I have to wait intil my birthday to do..I'm not old enough yet....yeah but I guess fencing and archery are one of the many higlights of living a half hour from DC.
  7. "Master! What-"Rika had started before her master started. "We will move-now! GO"He yelled as rika disappered outside into another dimension where the others couldn't track her."Now it begins" as the figure waved his hand and the powers from the garudians coming and Trilby were sucked out of them so they were no more than nommal people. "The real games are starting. Are you prepaired little itsy bitsy garudians?" the figure said to himself. Indeed it HAS begun...
  8. "Yo master! i'm back!" Rika yelled once she was in the walls of the figures home. "Did you get her and the others? the figure asked from a winged easy chair by a roaring fire. "Yeah, yeah. You should have more fath in your loyal minions. I got her here and the others are all frozen in ice with a fire going strongly around the ice so there's no possible way to escape. They'll probably die from the cold. And since your home is indectictable they won't be able to find her even IF they use their pysic and element powers. Not even the shadow can get in." Rika said as she ploped Trilby down uncuncises onto the floor. "I'm going to pretend I never heard that "loyal minion" part. What a horrible name." the figure shuddered,"Yes but we can't celebrate till we know they're dead.". "Yeah well, what do'ya want me to do with her?" Rika said nudging her head in Trilby's direction. "Well..."
  9. "Hmm they're getting suspises. We must act now." The figure said. But it wasn't THAT worried. In fact it sounded almost like it was happy...."Yes Master. I will go now." Ika said as she got up from her bow and vanished. "The funis starting to begin." The figure laughted..... ************************************* "Man, ya'know you shouldn't use a gods name in vain. They can get pretty testy.((OCC: I'm just gussing that they worship many gods like in the begining of religin. Kinda like with Egypt and all their gods.))Of course that's what they say in legends. Who knows what they really d-"Rika had started but had been forced to stop because she needed to use her mouth for air after Trilby had grabbed her and hugged her really, super-tight. It was pretty amazining she had been able to say as much as she did. "RIKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Trilby yelled happly as tears of joy steamed down her face. "I thought your soul was gone but if that could happen you wouln't be here!!!!!!!!!" Trilby said sniffing as she pulled away to get a good look at Rika. "Man, were we worried about you! Don't ever do that again!" Sarah scoled Rika. "What happened to you?" Gene asked with a smirk. Yes he was happy she was back too. "Um well ya see.....I kinda got lost...I think I stepped into another dimision...."Rika said shrugging. Of course she was lying , but they didn't know that. "yeah I guess that would explain why we felt shivers. Steping into another diminsion is kinda taboo...."Gene shrugged. "Yeah well lets get out of here." Hikage said. "Umm I'm kinda hungry tho. I didn't have much to eat at the cafe and that was hours ago anyway." Rika said rubbing her stomach. "We can stop to eat I guess but, we'll just go after we eat." Kudara siad releived that Rika was okay. "Umm how will we get food?" Sarah asked. "Just think about it and it will come remember, this is a world of the mind. Oh hey V'Sh'Thou do you want to eat with us?" Trilby asked him spining around from where she was talking to Sarah. "Sure, I guess, as long as it's good." he replied. With that they all sat down to eat. They were all so happy they didn't see Rika not eating. They didn't see her form long SHARP icicles behinde her back with fire incoding them.....
  10. "Hmmmm were missing an element. Where's that half breed girl?" V'sh'thou asked the others after they had tried to mediatate with little suscess. "Half breed?" Sarah asked. "Yeah you know, the one the daughther of Miso and Touy." V'sh'thou said. "Who?" Gene asked. "They are the masters of Fire and Ice and their daughter ids that Rika girl." V'sh'thou said again. "Why didn't you say that in the first place." Hikage said. "Yeah well where is she?" V'sh'thou asked a second time. To this no one responded. "We don't know..." kudara said. They all sat in silence....
  11. "Do you sense a power raise master?"Rika asked the figure that she knew as master and someone elese....."Hmmm yes I think they're thrying to call the Shadow Master...Someone tipped them off...." The figure said looking at Rika as he said this. "Whoa now! I wouldn't do that! Master I am loyal to you! Master I didn't-"Rika had started before she was silencedby her master. "Shh-hush I know YOU didn't your other self did."the figure said. "What should I do master?"Rika asked. "We will attack...but not now....We might still be able to use the sneak attack...Wait we will still use it...but lets see the power of the shadow....Of course you can beat them.....with your power increase...." The figure chuckled. "Yes master of course. I'll go now...to train more."Rika bowed. "Yes yes. Go now. I dismiss you." The figure said wawing his hand. "Yes master." Rika said an dran off. "Of course by the time I'M through with you ya'll be invincable...."The figure smirked again.... **************************** Haha Who is the figure? Rika knows...but nobody elese dose...
  12. Ahem and now for a post that Rika dosen't have a single line in!! So why am I posting! because i don't want to practice vilion right now, that's why! ***************************** Gene was right. It was like there was a storm in the darkness like something had been disrupted...."Freaky" Sarah said. "Yeah I wonder if it will rain?" Trilby inquired and stuck her hand out as if waiting for a raindrop to weeten it. "*Ahem* Yeah well let's get back to the subject Trilby."Kudara said loudly to get Trilby to stop daydreaming. "Yeah I felt like something is up with Rika. Somithing REALLY bad. You all felt that right?" She asked everyone. They all nodded. "I hope we find her soon..." Hikage said. At this Trilby looked like she was about to cry. "Awww don't worry Trilby. Will find her for sure." Gene comferted. At this Trilby looked up at the dark sky(or whatever was at the top) and said" Yeah will find her. Then will kick her butt for making us worry." she sniffed back a tear and smiled. They all looked up at the sky as if Rika would appear ther. *************************** And thus concudes a post where my charachter dosen't appear. Man I need some hobbies....
  13. "Bastard. You won't really bring him back and I know it. I'd never kill Trilby or the others. EVER. How do yo uknow about him anyway....?" Rika looked seethingly into the monster's eyes. "Let me see how do I know about the dead boyfriend who was killed by a horrible plague whom you never got over let me see....Let's just say I have my ways. Oh and you WILL kill them." the evil one grined. "How do you know. Mabey I'll just kill YOU! Hyahhhhhhhhh!" Rika yelled as she thrust her IceFlame Blade into the figure's chest. Blood came pouring out....of Rika. "What?! How?!? I stabbed you...." Rika said while blood trickled out of the side of her mouth. If she was not healed she WOULD die. "Silly child, of course I knew you wouldn't accept my offer. So I knew to get you to do my bidding I'd have to recreat you just before your death so I would have loatly to me. Now you could not defy me if you tried. I control your will now. After I save you though we will be connected. If your friends kill me you will die........If they kill you I will die....but I will forefill my promise I will bring tyour loved ones back...At the cost of your friends life." chuckeled the figure. But Rika did not hear any of this...she had blacked out after she finished speaking....she did not see the figure using magic to seal up her wound and give her black blood so she would have enough blood....she didn't know her eyes had turned pitsh black and the pupils had become those of a cat, slited....In fact no of the gradians knew....they did feel another shiver though....this time so great they alll felt it...even Trilby....
  14. "I know who you are! Your the who killed them! You Bastard!" Rika screamed at the cloaked figure. "Aha but if I can bring them back dose it really matter if I killed them?" the cloaked starger chuckled. "Yes it does! For what you didwill make me forever hate you! You can't play with people's lives, making them die and then come back to life! It's cruel for the people who love them!" Rika screamed back. "I can make it all better Rika...I could make it better then before... I could-"The figure started before Rika intruped him again. "No you can't no one can!" Rika yelled. To this this the figure grabed Rika's chin and tilted it so she was forced to look in ti it's dark black eyes. "I can bring back Takeshi back."the figure said. "What do you want me to do?" asked Rika. "Kill the element guardians and their leader, that Trilby girl...." ******************** In the pitch darkness though split up all the gaurdians falt a feeling of doom and shivered at the same moment.
  15. Rika was siting down on the hard, cold ground imagining what she would be eating right now if she wasn't stuck in this place. Just when she was imagining some good looking rice balls she heard someone calling her name that made her forget her hunger. "Rika,darling, why are you sitting there looking hungry? Come and eat with us." Said Rika's mother, Miso,"You know it's not good to keep your father waiting for food." Miso said sternly. She held out her hand to her daughter and Rika took it pulling herself up. The moment their hands touched the darkness faded away to revile a brightly lit dinning room with a table groaning from the weight of hundreds of dishes. Rika's father, Toyu, was sitting at the head of the table looking grumpy because he was waiting for his food. Rika and Miso sat down and after a quick prayer they all started to eat. Rika was so happy she didn't eat for a long time she just looked at her parents eating happaily like they had never died and left her so alone.....After a good 15 minutes she decided to eat before her food was stone cold. She lifted her spoon of soup but when it touched her lips everything was engulped by the darkness. Her parents were gone with all the food and light. But she was not alone. There was a figure standing infront of her. The figure sterted to talk. "This could never go away if you joined my forces. You could have your parents with you forever. Never dieing, never ageing. All you have to do is one job for me. So will you do join me?"..... ************************************** Hey Arika don't be so mean. Rika's not THAT messed up. *sniff* LOL
  16. "Kudara? Kudara, where are you?!"Rika yelled into the darkness. Before he could tell her what happened after she collasped they were seprated. It was like somebody didn't want her to know. A giant ust of wind had blow-or more pulled- her away and now she was alone. Very alone. She had heard voices-everybodys voices-and she had searched for them to no avail. Of course by the time she started to search she already knew she wouldn't find them.She and Kudara had looked for hours after they had heard all the other voices but they didn't find anything then either. It was like she was in a different diminsion all by herself...
  17. Rika and Kudara had beens searching for hours. Every now and then they heard voices like a few minutes ao they heard 4 screams, Hikage, and Rika's voice yelling something. Rika looked so worried that Kudara said "We WILL find then so don't worry.". He put his hand on her shoulder to console her when they found out something troubling. When he touched her his hand went right through her and it felt like somebody had poured ice water all over his hand. "What the?!..." Kudara whisperd in astonesment. Rika slowly touched her leg only to get the same affect. "Am I a-G Gost?"She asked wide-eyed. "Wait it my not be just you."Kudrara said, "See?" . Kudara had touched his forehead only to find his hand go right through. "Oh god, are we dead?" Rika asked starting to tremble. "Maybe-No think were just in comas and our bodies are somewhere else.-I hope." Kudrara whispered the last part. "Well lets try to find our bodies. I mean we ARE psykics." Rika said not trembling as much. But they triedand tried but nothing. Nothing at all. "Maybe our bodies are gone and all we are now are souls." Kudara said. "Well I doubt this heaven....Wait what happened after I started shaking Kudara. Please tell me everything our lives may depend on it...."
  18. Bravo! Erinzyger that was awsome! I can't wait for Chapter 2! You really in truly hooked us so were beging for more. You made us feel her hate for rich people. You described everything so clearly and made us feel her loss. I hope that chapter 2 is as good as 1 was! Seriouly you should become a writer if your doining work like this when your so young....Well can't wait for Chapter 2!
  19. "Oh man this is not good if we are attacked right now We won't be able to protect them AND fight!" Sarah stated. "We must be prepared to take that risk." Hikage replied cooly. "But what will we do without 2 guardians? Will we even be able to get the tailsmans then?" Gene asked. "Well I hope we don't have to but we must move on if that DOES happen. Will just see where we are pulled to by our powers." Hikage replied again. But at that moment rika and kudara started to float upwards about to feet. Then they started to dissolve.... ********************************* Rika looked around for her parnets whom had been there just a minute ago. "Mama? Papa? Where are you? I need you! Don't leave me!" She yelled hopelessly as she colapsed sobbing. She didn't want to be alone....wasn't it enough to see her parents die in front of her? why was she being tortured this way? Seeing her parents run away from her? What had she done to dserve this? What....?!? She stopped thinking when she heard asoft groan somewhere behind her. She turnered around to see Kudara on the ground gaining concainess. "Are we alright? Where are we?" she asked him. "i don't know...was his reply. that's when they actually looked around them. They were surounded by pitch black darkness. Like what you would excpect would happen if you were taken and eaten by a monster....she heard echos of voices...her parents,Trilby, Hikage, and....herself? "What? No this is at trick! Can't you see that isn't me! I'm here!"Rika screamed into the darkness. "Rika whereare you we will find you! Is Kudara with you?"She heard Trilby yell. She started to reply yes but before she could get the word out of her mouth she heard 4 blood curdling screams...."Ohmigod!" Rika said,"Guys? Mom Dad? Are you alright? oh god....". "We must try to find them...but I think it's too late....oh Trilby....what will I do without you?...Oh lord..."kudara siad. The two set out to seach...
  20. "Hmmmmmmmm did we even pay for our food we were eating before we left in such a hurry?" rika asked with her eyebrow raised. "Ummm...Did we? I don't remember." Sarah replied. Just then they were in front of the cafe (they wer talking while walking) and one of the waitress came outside to yell at them for not paying. "Well It looks like we know now." Trilby said as she reached into her pocket for money and paid the watress. "Yeah so what next?" asked Gene. But this question was ansered as Rika started to twich violently and her pupils deilated as her eyes turned dark, dark blue. So blue almost black...."Oh God! Rika!! Rika! Are you alright?!" Trilby asked while screaming. "Mama?....Papa? You're alive?" Rika whispered as her eyes rolled up into her head...."We need a doctor! Where's a doctor?!" Sarah was screaming now. "A doctor won't do anything for that." Kudara said as he apperaed next to Trilby and Rika. "Wait Mama, Papa....I'm coming!...Don't leave me! Never leave me again!" Rika said as she colesed her eyes.... ************************* Yo People! Yeah well I finally posted... I won't post much anymore because my teahers are sadist hen it comes to homework so I 'll probably on'y post on the weekends from now on and occasinally on weekdays...so bye! O yeah I forgot 1 thing...*ahem*PLEASE let me decide if Rika lives or die....cause I feel like being a but right now....:butthead:
  21. "Hmmmmmmmmm it seems their feelings are mutal. This is gonna be interesting.....good thing I'm practicing my climing upside down stragy today...and my spying stragy too. Oh I'm so evil!" Suziki muttered to herself as she watched Eli running down the hall as to not makeanymore slips. Then she thought to herself "Interesting now I'M getting a secret admirrer too. Oh well They'llshow when they show....ani't gonna let get to me tho." and with that she hung upside down so that Ars now knew he was not alone. " Man you had quite someday didn't ya?" suziki saidwith an exspessenless look on her face. Ars jumped up about two feet in the air from the shock that he was not alone. "Whoa! you almost gave me a heartattack back there!" he yelled at her. "What are you doing up there anyway?" Suziki jumped down with a spin and did a perfect 10. "Well what can I say to me free period=training. so while I'm roaming arond the school upside down I come across someone at my friends loker toss something in and run away. So then after a quick conversation with her I follow you here and see Eli."She explained as Ars stared at her. "Whoa you move fast." Ars said with his mouth hanging open. Consideing all she said happened in less than five minutes he was right. "yeah well plus i hack into the security camras all the time so I know whats going on. But don't worry I won't tell anybody, I mean Akio already knows its you she just won't admit it....Oh crap got to go to the training room I have only an hour before for practice! bye!" Suziki said and with that she vanished. "Well I guess I'll go too now...."Ars mumbled to himself as he went to the tower.
  22. "hehheh did lover boy give ya a present?" "ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! There's a queer in the school who's gonna kill me help!! Sombody call the Police!!!!!!!" Akio screamed while running around waving her hands every whitch way. "Hmmmm so I'm a queer who is gonna kill ya huh? Interesting....very interesting....but I'm sure not the queer one running around screaming when her best friend comes to get the stuff she needs out of her locker..." Suziki stated calmly while hanging upside down from the ceiling.(hey you read the subtitle "where sanity is rare." Okay she was just training to climb upside down...it all good..) "oh god you scrared the crap out of me!" Akio yelled at her her best friend as she did a perfect 10 backflip landing feet first on the floor. "Ahem yeah well, ya now when your whole Social Studies class was dedicated to redoing the test and you got a hundred and five you'd have to find ways to entertain yourself too."Suziki sated stone-faced. "Well anyway my question satnds what did lover boy give ya? Oh I guess I should say Ars if I want to make myself clearer. lord knows how many "secret crushes" you get around tournment time. Bunch of kiss-ups..." Suziki continued. "And what about you little miss "kiss-up?" Akio replied in a icy tone. "Yeah i've been kissing up to you since we met in pre-k....when the only thing I knew about you were that you were my friend. I think i better make up for all these years of kiss-up by kicking your a**." Suziki stated coldy. "Whoah, Akio though. that came out of nowhere! She barly ever talks about the times before her parents and bro died..." "Just kidding!! just kidding! Don't kick my a**!" Akio said joking knowing that the day Suziki hurt her pigs would fly while drinking martnies and recueting lines out of Harry potter. "yeah well what did he give ya?" Suziki asked for a 3rd time. "Umm a new tape recorder. Got to go bye!" Shouted Akio as she raced down the deserted halls relizing she was five minutes late for her meeting. "Hmm i suppose I'll have to worm what the note said out of her...." (o.c.c. she knew ther was a note because she had waiting for Akio to come to her locker thus note on;y did she see who divered it she saw Akio blush while reading it) Suziki said to herslf as she climed her way back up the wall to go and train again....
  23. Name:Miles "Mi" (only his siter,Kylie calls him this)Lupin Age:16 Description:blonde hair , dark blue eyes, a dark blue t-shirt, a pair of baggy khaki shorts and a white and dark blue bracelet on his right wrist.(it's counterpart is a light blue and white beaded bracelet that belongs to his sister). A deep blue bakpack(you know one of the the ones that only has one strap that goes diagonally across your chest so the actual pack is at your side) Weapons and tool. When he was kidnapped he was trained not to use any tools, to relay on ones self so the only item besides some food and drink is a sword that can change sizes. Born and partly raised in Mercury City, Miles is quite a master of theifvery and had no desire to become one. He wanted to be a hero not a theif. But he had lttle choice in the matter for one day when he was 6 he went out o get some water from the well in the backyard but before he could get there he was stolen away by a group of bandits who were looking for an apprentic to teach their ways. they couldn't find one they wanted all over saturn city or any other city for that matter but the second they saw miles they knew he was the one so they took him. For 10 years he was trained to be the best theif ever. They taught him everything he would have learned in 16 years of school, martil arts, and the tricks of a theif. After his training they sen him out to get the Bandit Game. But that's only one thing he's out looking for. The main thing he's looking for is his younger twin sister Kylie or as he called her most of the time:Ky. He will stop at NOTHING to find her and take care of her...
  24. Suziki was walking down the hall to her next class when she heard someone yelling "Su-z-iki!". She turned around to see her best friend Akio running down the hall bumping into a group of 1st years."Yo! What up?" Suziki asked as Akio plowed through a bunch of 2nd years who did not look too happy to come to a walk next to her."No wait let me guess. You had to sub for Mr Matts. AGAIN."Suziki guessed. "Yep, I can't help it if I'm a genuis at Journalism." Akio replied. But to this Suziki just rolled her eyes. "Hey so it was only one period. How did it go?" She asked. "Well it went pretty good actually...One kid didn't have apartner so I had to do Roemo and Juliet with him...."Akio replied. "It was Ars who had no partner wasn't it?" Suziki asked. "Yeah it was...." Akio admitted while blushing. "He has a crush on you ya'know. So did you kiss?" Suziki smirked. "Why don't you ever smile hmmmm? I bet you would if you had a boyfriend...mabey I'll hook you up..." Akio was the one smirking now. "I swear you do and I'll kick you're a-"Suziki started but stopped when Ms. M. came into veiw. "Hey Ms. M.! Suziki and Akio said at the same time. "Hello girls." Ms M. said as she walked on and Akio and Suziki scrameled into class before the late bell.
  25. After helping Trilby stand by herself Rika pulled out her IceFlame blade. The others (besides Tirlby) stared. "You never told us you have a weapon!" Sarah yelled. "What dose it matter" yelled Gene, "I have one too!"he yelled. They all HAD to yell because a great rumbling noise was growing louder and louder. "It's that way!" Rika yelled back. They could all use there pysic powers now it was so close. Over the mountains that surrounded the town where the cafe a gigantic shap was becoming visable...
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