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Everything posted by Chichiri's Girl
"Fine but only cause were all showing what we can do."Rika said. She then cupped her hand and closed her eyes. A flame appered. "Oh so you can control fire like me."Gene said. "Not quite." repllied. Sh smiled it was the first time everyone ecept trilby had seen this because the rest of the time she had been frowing. She closed her eyes again and the flame was covered with ice. "What the?!" Sarah said,"how can you use two compoletly opposite elements?! I mean Trilby can make bombs and control water but bombs aren't an element and fire and lightning, sun and th moon are all related somehow.(Moon and the sun have to do with light)" "Well my parents were each a master of one. Thus You get me able to use both." Rika said. At the mention of her parents her face turned to stone. "Rika's parents are dead she dosen't like to talk about them." Tilby explained to the other three. "Well no point in staying here lets go outside so we can see everyone's full potental."Hikage suggested.
Anime Kare Kano: His and Her Circumstances
Chichiri's Girl replied to Magnum Apex's topic in Otaku Central
Hmm I've read the manga but haven't seen much of the anime. from what I've seen they add a few charachters but they do that in mot animes so no biggie. I think they stick pretty close to the manga tho... -
I've seen the first two episodes on the bonus DVD from one of my bro's animes. It's really really cute and funny. Personally I think shougre is the funniest. Yeah but anyhoo it's really got an AWSOME plot line as terra explianed and any gil who likes boushone all over the place would love it. I the end it dose get pretty weird though...don't ask how I know(d**m spolier pics why did I have to look at them?!) He he my favorite three are Kyou, Hana(I'm just gonna call him buy his nick name.) and Shougre,(For people who haven't seen the anime Hana and Kyo are on Luminaire banner. Hana is on the left Kyo on the right) it really is a loveabal anime...
Well Umm here are mine I guess...Hey can I do 4? oh well i'll do 4 anyway.... Sana (Kodacha) Because I have very odd behavor cause when I'm with friends I just say what ever comes to my head Miaka(Fushigi Yugi) Because I can be a crybaby some times and oblivise to things some times. Plus sometimes I'm a bit doopey but I mange to keep a 96.5 averge.... Kagyua(Planet Ladder) Because sometimes I tend to hide my true feelings... Utena(Revoultnary Girl Utena) Cause If the going gets tough I'll stick up for and protect my friends. Well that's it I guess...
Name:Rika Age:15 Gender:Female Element:Ice/Fire (physic) Features: short red hair that comes a little below her ears and cold blue eyes, 6'2 Weapons:IceFlame Blade;A blade made of a flame that's covered in ice that dosen't mealt. With the last of their powers Rika's parents made it for her and only her for if someone other then her touches it the ice will melt and the flame will go out. Bio: Smart,Brave, and Mysterous, she keeps to herself most of the time. She will always come into the fight when the going gets tough. She really loves her friends but she dosen't let it show but sometimes she slips and her cold blue eyes become warm...Her mother was a master of the ice element and her father the fire, so since she was little she was trained in both. She didn't consider going on the journy for the talismans intill she saw her parents murdered right in front of her, using the last of their power to keep her safe. She decided that if she had the talismans she could bring them back to life so she went with Trilby to find them...
Hear hear Tical and Manic! In Japan it IS much worst. A few months ago on ebay I saw all this Totko Mew Mew mercindise. They had dolls, toys, and cookies. COOKIES were shaped to look like the characters. I mean once you're an anime in Japan the mercindise just comes in loads after that.
RPG Kurookami High School: Where Sanity Is Rare
Chichiri's Girl replied to erinzyger's topic in Theater
Deep underneath the building of Kurookami High School, in what people nicknamed the dunagen the Weapons Club was perpairing for the match tommorow. "Okay people we have got to train hard to win! We are going to take home that trophy are you guys with me?!" drilled Suziki Kowi leader of the Weapons club was drilling the team as she had every practice for the last fighting season. On the wall behinde her were an isortment of weapons: swords, guns, bows and arrows, prom queen tiras, skateboards. Anything, anything at all, that you could use for a weapon was there. The other 2 members Julius Kaen and Suzuki Tizuma were siting on a bench looking EXTERMLY board seeing as how they had heard this speech too many times to count." Are you guys with me?!" Suzuki asked again. "yea" the teammates muummbled. "Alright then this practice is started!" They each took the weapon(s) of choice and headed into their practice room aka the once ya see it you ain't gonna see ANYTHING again room. Why this title?! Beacause the floor, walls, and ceiling would decide to have things spring out at any given moment. Anivals, bricks sharp object anything goes. Why? Cause it's Kurookami High School: Where Sanity Is Rare duh! -
Hmm 3 way tie for my fave would have to be Duo's,Wufei's, and trowa's. Much the same for the first two as one above but in Trowa's I liked how the girl had that little "game" thingie to communcate with the enimies. (note: I only read it once. It was Erinzyger's copy :p)
Well were screwed...very, very, VERY badly LOL ************************************************* "So I take it your psyco spree is over?!" Miki asks. "Yeah i relized that having the police come over to find a dead body in a house full of otakus might not be a good thing." states Suzuki. "Wise choice" says Alethea. "Yeah i know espicaly sinc I'm providing soda with caffine," says Suzuki. "Whoa otakus with caffine flowing through their veins at 1:00 am" says jordan:"scary thought". "Yeah well people are kinda late know aren't they?" obsevers Alethea "we were all supposed to be here an half-hour ago." "A half Hour ago?!!? everyone except Alethea shouts. Suddenly the door bell rings... ****************************** Well I suppose we should get ready for our funnerls
Why did you choose your screen name?
Chichiri's Girl replied to EdtheHackerGirl's topic in General Discussion
I know this is kinda obouse but I took my name cause I think chichiri is the coolest bishounen ever and my fave anime/manga Char thus...you get the picture. I dunno just something about men with scars on their face that gets to me(i.e. Chichiri and Kenshin)... -
LOL you named your pet rat after your husband?! Well talk about marriges that will last foever... *********************************** "Hehe he feed him some raman"said Miki with a very freaky look on her face. "What are you crazy he'll get fat!" Suzuki protested. "Umm news flash most rats are fat espicly that one." Jorda stated. "What did you say about my DBD?!!? *a folding chair pops up from no where and Suzuki grabs it while Jordan tries to run away from the very sensitive about her pet rat psyco*"eah you BETTER run!!!!" Suzuki Screams at Poor Jordan. Meanwhile Miki turns to Alethea and says:"Well what happened just now with that rat? And more importantly where are all the other guest and my root beer?". "Ummmmm..." said Alethea. ******************************** Don't kill me spotg67 for making you a pycopath!! i'd go pysco too if someone tried to kill my pets!
"Hey stop laughing and help me put out the fire!"yelled Suzuki yelled from the kitchen," Oh my poor, poor cookies they were going to be sooo good too!" The girl quickly scrambeled into the kitchen to help. After some great difficulty and comferting(Suuki may never recover from the losss of those cookies)they established that the only damage was to those "poor,poor cookies". "Well", Miki said after they had finish cleaning up the water they had used to put out the fire, "I hope you had other stuff besides cookies." "Oh yeah I have some chips and snacks in the storeroom."said Suzuki. "i'll go get it." said jordon "You might need more than one person, there's alot of stuff." Suzuki told them. "I'll go" whispered Aleathea. "okay second door on your left down the hall way" Suzuki told them. As they left Suzuki said to Miki,"well it looks like she isn't that shy anym-" She stopped when she heard the screams of "AHHHHHH! A RAT! A RAT! OMIGOD A RAT!!!!!!!!" ************************************************ Sorry if I went a little over board I could't help it ;P
name:Yuri Age:13 Apperance: she wears a pair of baggy short that I supose come down to her knees but I'm gonna call them shorts anyway:P and a shirt she has brown hair and blue eyes Bio:She is one of the youngest kendo master ever thus she ueses a sword she call Zai whith is extermaly big and heavy ahe also is a master of the bow Not much is know about her past(in other words I'm fellin lazy) Weapons:Zai and her bow and arrows Atacks:(um are these suppose to be magical?)Zai Blade Smash , Sarkura's petals whip, Arrow Fury, criatirl damage, kendo and other martail arts
Hehe One of my most fav movies ever!!!!! I love the art its soooooo kewl! Yea I guess some of the songs are weird. Sometimes at random I shout "And I JACK the pumpkin king!...grows so weary of the same old thing..." I mean if comes out on its own to scare the crap out of people. Yeah the this is Hallaween song is preety cool too tho. Gosh I haven't seen that in ages I'm gonna put that on my movies to watch before school starts list.*under Puff the Magic Dragon she writes The Nightmare beforwe Chirstmas) Hmm did my biig bro take that DVD to collage? Yeah well My favoruite sceen is when you get to see the holiday doors and he falls into Christmas land.*Walks away singing "What this, What this?! This Magic in the air..."
Hmm i guess mine is a 3 way tie? Well I like Akane's middle sister (I can't think of her name right now) who is always trying to make money off of selling pics of female Ranma to the Upperclass man. Then Sampoo cause I love it when she turns into a kitty when Ranma is around. 3rd is like female ranma cause things are bound to happen when she is around. Of couse I like Ryoga cause it's funny when he scheldues a fight with Ranma and comes a week late. Plus P cahn is cute in his bandana!
How did you find OtakuBoards?
Chichiri's Girl replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in General Discussion
Erinzyger hooked me up. I can't remember why. How weird...was it because she wanted me to become a computer junkie?...must have been...yeah well anyway now I think it's one of my fave sites...i check my Pms more than my email! -
Wow! Thats so cool! Man congraulations to every one who this site what it is today!!!!!*throws confety* woohoo Yeah!! Now that is sooo awsome too bad I stopped watching adult swim along time ago....
Oh Come now, can't you do better than that?
Chichiri's Girl replied to liamc2's topic in General Discussion
Hehe I got a cahin letter! And if I don't send it out something bad will happen so if a don]t post again beacause a saty bolwing ball falls out of a window of a 4 story bowling ally and I can't draw or wpost again because my hands are crushed you know why. Well anyway here's the letter...oh it seems my love life will also be smashed. Mabey my "lover" *note I have no love intrest right now* will be hit on the head wit the bolwing ball and die. How Tragic! LOL Anyway hears the letter ************************* READ ALONE.....ESPECIALLY THE LAST PART CASE 1: Kelly Sedey had one wish, for her boyfriend of three years, David Marsden, to propose to her. Then one day when she was out to lunch David proposed! She accepted, but then had to leave because she had a meeting in 20 min. When she got to her office, she noticed on her computer she had e-mail. She checked it, the usual stuff from her friends, but then she saw one that she had never gotten before. It was this letter. She simply deleted it without even reading all of it. BIG MISTAKE! Later that evening, she received a phone call from the police. It was about DAVID! He had been in an accident with an 18 wheeler. He didn't survive. CASE 2: Take Katie Robbenson. She received this letter and being the believer that she was, she sent it to a few of her friends but didn't have enough e-mail addresses to send out the full 10 that you must. Three days later, Katie went to a masquerade ball. Later that night when she left to get to her car to go home, she was killed on the spot by a hit-and-run drunk driver. CASE 3: Richard S. Willis sent this letter out within 45 minutes of reading it. Not even 4 hours later walking along the street to his new job interview with a really big company, when he ran into Cynthia Bell, his secret love for 5 years. Cynthia came up to him and told him of her passionate crush on him that she had had on him for 2 years. Three days later, he proposed to her and they got married. Cynthia and Richard are still married with three children, happy as ever! This is the letter: Around the corner I have a friend, In this great city that has no end, Yet the days go by and weeks rush on, And before I know it, a year is gone. And I never see my old friends face, For life is a swift and terrible race, He knows I like him just as well, As in the days when I rang his bell. And he rang mine if, we were younger then, And now we are busy, tired men. Tired of playing a foolish game, Tired of trying to make a name. Tomorrow" I say! "I will call on Jim" "Just to show that I'm thinking of him." But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes, And distance between us grows and grows. Around the corner! Yet miles away, "Here's a telegram sir" "Jim died today." And that's what we get and deserve in the end. Around the corner, a vanished friend. Remember to always say what you mean. If you love someone, tell them. Don't be afraid to express yourself. Reach out and tell someone what they mean to you. Because when you decide that it is the right time it might be too late. Seize the day. Never have regrets. And most importantly, stay close to your friends and family, for they have helped make you the person that you are today. You must send this on in 3 hours after reading the letter to 10 different people. If you do this, you will receive unbelievably good luck in love. The person that you are most attracted to will soon return your feelings. If you do not, bad luck will rear it's ugly head at you. THIS IS NOT A JOKE! You have read the warnings, seen the cases, and the consequences. You MUST send this on or face dreadfully bad luck. *NOTE* The more people that you send this to, the better luck you will have. ************************* Yes well ahem quite a load of s**t, ne? Yeah well I guess I better watch my self around 4 story bowling allyes.LOL -
Well tachnically all those anttalope or whatever animal came charging in the stampede but you know that Safir set him up. I think. I haven't seen the movie in lord knows how long. My Q is why is Duet not in the Gundam Wing?
I like train. I love "Drops of Jupiter" and "Calling all Angles". I never knew they did "Drops of Jupiter" tho, so thanks BeAmStAh! Well anyhoo if thay did DoJ then My Pravite Nation isn't their first album...but then again the songs don't sound too alike...
Hilary Duff: Needs to stop the maddness called singing
Chichiri's Girl replied to Emme888's topic in Noosphere
I've seen 2 or 3 of the Lizzie Maguire episodes eaither because I was at a friend's house and I din't want to be rude or because I wanted to see what all the hub-bub was about. Let's just say I haven'y watched it since. i mean she is not a BAD actor but she sure isn't the greatest in the history of the world. And now that she is singing?!? Lets just say I change the channle so fast you can't here the next note. I mean I agree with sonic about the a song-by-song basis but not casting Hailry in a live action Sailor Moon movie. I think that would be the collapse of the Anime world *shudders*... Anyhoo back to the topic. Is she really going to quit with disney because they won't pay her enough?!?! Talk about greedy... -
I loved the show when I was a kid but ever since about the 4th seson I stopped watching it cause we moved to Germany and we only had 4 english channles with AFN. :P Then when we got back they were in collage and it wasn't as good...mabey I was just to old for the show*shrugs*...eaither that or they just ran out of ideas. But my friends still watches the reruns every night on disney*shudders*poor girl...
Can I be Zelda? Okay I guess I can Name:Zelda Home World:Hyrule Description:The Normal version I like the color pink;) *note:thanks The (Sic) Shape for the homeworld!*
Well my dad's in the army and next week he'll have been in for 29 years. My Grandpa nash was in the Air Force during Veitnaum and my uncle was in the navy. I guess when I lived in Germany for 3 years and went to school on base it was the most diverse school I've gone to. You had Germans, Haspanic, Blacks, Whites, and a few Latnio.
it's alright to keep an item that belonged to the animal after it died and its no your falt either. When our snozer, Scamp, died I cried. I'm just glad I got to say goodbye before she was put to sleep. i had that dog all my life and it was so sad when she got sick... Then my cat, Coca Cola died and I didn't even get to see her before she died. she was at the vet during her last week...just thinking about them makes me start to cry.. but you must move on and live for their sake...OK now i'm sounding cheesy...*sniff*