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Everything posted by Chichiri's Girl
Oh Come now, can't you do better than that?
Chichiri's Girl replied to liamc2's topic in General Discussion
LOL Bandit Joeykuba you're step dad is funny! *Ahem* Okay back to the subject. I really HATE chainletters and junk mail! i mean my friends have friends who love chainletters so after they're sent to my friends they're sent to me. Whoop de do, Oh happy days, now my inbox is loaded(since they're my friends the chainletters go to straight to my inbox) with pointless waste of energy and if I don't respond I'll be run over by a 18wheeler truck. And then I tell my friends that I don't respond to chainletters and they send some more anyway. *sigh* -
When you decide you want to become a star you should know whats comming. I mean if your a star you're gonna be everywhere. The pics the paparazzi take will make you famous more or less. i mean you wanted to have a face eveyone knew, right? So if you wanna be a star thenI think you're welcoming the paparazii to follow you where ever you go. it's part of the terrtiory. if you don't like it tuff. You're the one who wanted to be famous.
Well I have two older brothers and the only time they beat me up is when I ask for it. They play fight sometimes but never enough to hurt me cause they'd get in trouble. So big bros aren't ALWAYS mean. They won't normally spring on you inless you do anything to them but, all humans do that. :) I miss my big bro when hes at college *sniff*:bawl:
*Shakes head at erinzyger* How could I be best friends with such a nut case? Oh yeah i'm one myself...Well anyhoo back to the subject. Its okay I guess just but you should practice more. Since you're talking about a scanner I'm guessing you did it by hand so I think you should lighten up on the eraser. rember practice makes perfect! If you practice more you will evently get your own stlye thus different and better eyes. Belive me I know... When I started out I used pokemon eyes*shudders*
Ding Dong! "Yo! It's Miki! You there?!" "Yeah were coming were coming." shouted Suzuki so she could be heard through the wood door. "Yo, said Miki when she was inside the foyer,"Is it just the three of us?" "Oh no, more people are coming. Want a soda?" said Suzuki playing hosstes. "Sure. Do ya have some Root Beer?" "Yeah we do." "Alwrite then." Suzuki went to get the drink leaving Jordan and Miki alone. Then the doorbell rang...
A trigun live action movie?! I hope it never comes to that. I don't like the idea of real people playing animeted charcters. I mean have you seen the pics of the new sailor Moon Live action series? the pics of them in coustume look nothing like the senshie. it just kinda reminds me of serra mu and I hate that. Why can't they just leave anime be?
Umm well i'm only gonna say two ause if I did all of them i'd never leave the computer. Okay when i was 5 or 6 i can't rememmber, I was watching the olmpics and doing sumersalts in the living room. Well we had one of those covers on our couch that you keep on with the scarp plastia screws. While doing a sumersault I ran into the coucth and my lip split open from one of the screwy thingys. i had to go to the emergency to get stitches. looking back on it now I say it hurt like hell. yep I think I hit my head thus i became as screwed up as I am today. A few weeks ago we were leaving the mall and I was looking at some display when I walked straight into one of those directory signs. My mom and brother laughfed their head off and called me a dumb blonde. Thus another reason I'm so screwed up: I walk into signs.
Okay thanks Xai! Wow it still running? I mean i think it came out in 2000 so that is a long time considering there are only 10 takabon. I guess i'll go check ebay for it now...
Thanks! Umm the 3rd book is out it has lettuce on it.:) Yeak I guess she dose get kissed alot.LOL
umm maladjusted what dose that have to do with if you have know if there is an anime or not cause thats the point of the post. Or are you saying that you've seen the anime. Don't mean to be mean but I just want to know if there's an anime and where can i buy it.
I love the Toyko Mew Mew manga and was wondring if anybody knows if there is an anime. If there is I'd like to see it cause the manga is so kawaii and i love it. Umm if you do know there's an anime could you tell me where to buy it. ebay can get a bit pricy but if i have ta buy there I will. Thanks in advance for any info.
it's about this aline princess who comes to earth to become a star(I think) but thay have no money so she gets a job. At her job she meets the dice giel and they both have the same dream cause they're rivals. I only read a few chapters before my head hurt so I had to stop. It's kinda confusing. Syk3 is right they're drawn in a style so that they look kawaii(cute) and chibi(small). I never new there was an anime to this though. I hope I helped.
Um sorry if this is in the wronge place I just didn't know where it fit Mega Tokyo- possibly one of the best web comics of all time. But dose anybody here read it? I do. it's one of my favorites but, anywhoo if you have read it um what do you like about it? I guess i like it cause it's funny, romantic, and well, just plian weird and unperdictable. yeah so what do you think?
I lovt the manga and it DID end way to soon! I wish there were more then 8 voluems. It was kinda a crappy ending although it was happy. I've never actuly seen the anime but what I've heard it sucks. Something like whenever Miki sees a girl with Yuu she totaly jumps to conclusions that hes cheatin on her and that she becomes some sort of winey b***h. if you want to buy the anime you could look on ebay. I think I saw the whole seirs there in jappanes but with engllish subtitles once. Well It seems Toykopop got the right for the anime so I guess more people will know 'bout it now...I wonder how much they'll screw it up? This should prove interesting....
Anime Bishoujo Senshi Serraa Muun
Chichiri's Girl replied to VashieGanbaruwa's topic in Otaku Central
Sailor Moon was the first anime I ever saw and I will always love it. It's kinda funny that the reason I watched it at first was cause my big bro watched it causee of the girls in mini skirts. But anyhoo I have mabey 20 episodes and all the manga when I read the last line I started to cry. :( -
Well it seems that now Toykopop has the licence to the Fruits Basket manga. Which can be a good thing and/or bad thing. I've seen the first 2 episodes and now I have mixed feelings about it cause i'm happy that now I can read it in English but what if Toykopop dubs it really bad i.e. Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon. I think they might do it in their "100% Authentic Manga" so they won't flip it. So umm what do you think about it? Even if they do mess it up i'll still buy it. *sighs*
Sign Up Kurookami High School: Where Sanity Is Rare
Chichiri's Girl replied to erinzyger's topic in Theater
Yo Soul_Taker & JJRiddler you can both be on my team, the weapons club. I mean Suzuki can take off her bada** prom queen taira and use that to fight as long as it's sharp and pointy :)! We could use some brains too. Um I have a question for JJRiddler. Did Sear use weapons to kill his friends? Cause if he did he would be an awsome member. The more the merrier:) -
it sounds interesting....I'll do it! ****************************************** Name:Mikiko(Miki for short)Hayama Gender: female Age:13 Description: a hyper girl with strawberry blonde hair she has in a ponytail and dark green eyes. She wears a megatyoko "PH3AR TH3 CUT3 ON3S to bed with some shorts underneath. Time: 4:00am Why?: Because she wants to thats why.(and she like Trigun and surfing the web at ubseen hours of the moringing.)
Sign Up Kurookami High School: Where Sanity Is Rare
Chichiri's Girl replied to erinzyger's topic in Theater
Name: Suziki Kowi Year:3 Team: Weapon club Lable: bad@$$ Description: Dirty Blonde hair partly dirty because of genes, partly because of all the time she spends praticing with her weapons and getting sweat and dirt in her hair. She normally has her hair up in a bun with some tendralls hanging down framming her face except for the seldom special accasion when her anut forces her to do something different with it. She nomally weres a red shirt that shows middrift and baggy pants that she loves. It's VERY rare that you see her without a weapon because she tries to make sure she ALWAYS has one on her. (note I drew a pic of her but haven't scanned it yet) Bio: As president of the Weapons club (which she founded herself) she can use most every hand weapon know to man. Gun, swords, bow and arrows, dagggers, crossbows, whatever, she can use them. Her best friend is Aiko Mitsume and they are constently together. She dosen't have many other friends. When she was 10 she went to a sleepover with some of her new friends and when she got back to her house the next day her parents and her younger brother were murdered. The house had been robbed in the night and her parents woke up to the noise and killed. Then her brother woke up at the gunshots and went to see what was happinging when he too was killed. Since that day Suiziki has lived with her aunt she has not made any new friend for fear that if she left her aunt she would meet the same fate as her parents. she strted practicing with her weapons so if anyone did try to hurt her aunt she'd be ready. After her parents died most of her new freinds avoided her. Only Aiko stood by her. Suziki has never had much of a love life for fear if she fell in love that person would meet the same fate as her family... If ya wanna be on my team just post that you are. The advantage to the weapons team is the weapons *laughs evily* members of the weapons club:Julius Kaen (eX_mErcAnerY) with his skateboard as a weapon -
Yea Fuka is a bi**h! i hate her for takin Akito from Sana. Just cause someones lonely don't mean ya half to date him! Plus she's a lair cause of the whole askin Akito to date her when her old crush came to twon when she knew how he felt about Sana. i own 1-8 of the manga and I'm waitin for number 9. I've been meaning to buy the anime and have seen it on ebay in a collection with all the episodes.
Okay one morning I was headin downstairs for breakfast before I went to school. Well I opened up some cappytin crunch and beiging kinda groggy didn't notice the ants. So I poured in some milk and started ta eat it when I noticed an ant swimmin in my milk! Yea so i told my dad and he just dumpted took the bag that the ceral was in and took out the ants. Then he made me eat the now ant free ceral . but there still were a few ants.*shudders*
Problems facing today's society.
Chichiri's Girl replied to wrist cutter's topic in General Discussion
How the heck did he steal the election?!? Okay see, people vote for who they want right/ Yeah and then the person with the most votes wins. You can't "steal" an a election. Even if ya could what the heck dose THAT have to do with namin freakin hurricans?!? Oh and how are the African Americans of America being opperessed?! Why should they each have a 1000 dollars? Because their grat ancestors were slaves?! Look Harrry I got news for you African Americans weren't the only slaves in history. Ever since wars started the captives have either been killed or enslaved. True African slavery is most talked about but its not thee only one! If they aren't happy in "AmeriKKKa" then why don't they go back to Africa?! Okay well the steam is gone I'm okay now sorry if I affened any one. Gomen -
Manga What anime was best based on it's manga?
Chichiri's Girl replied to Fyxe's topic in Otaku Central
Saint Tail the anime is pretty close to the manga except they screw around the whole order of the events and that Memei transforms differntly. But hey most of the time in anime they swich the order if they're collecting something like in CCS. Oh Kudos to you Queen Asuka for gettin knowin that Viz flips thier manga! -
yep that's the one i can never remeber his name no matter how many times i say it over and over to try and remeber it. I guess that's what I get for being a blond :P By the way I love your avi! Kyo is my fave!
The most disturbing anime movie I've ever seen is Revoultnary Girl Utena : The Movie. That thing was sick. i saw it over at a friends house and she said there was a little nudity. Yea only a little. Not! I mean ya see utena head on nued. Now I saw this when I was 11 and frankly I can never look at the anime Utena again. Plus the whole Anthey was raped by her brother was sick! To like that movie ya have to be hentai. *shudders* The main theme music IS awsome tho. Now the most disturbing Anime would have to be Excel Saga. Yes its as funny as hell but I agree with pbfrontmanvdp its frenky when one person dies 50 times in one episode. Poor Pablo he just wants to see his sexy wife again.LOL