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Everything posted by Chichiri's Girl
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wasabi [/i] [B][size=1][color=chocolate]Heh, I am surprised about the [i]Hey Ya[/i] song by OutKast, and how it made a big hit. I find it pretty annoying. Since my school bus has a radio, most of the kids like to listen to the R&B/ Hip Hop station, and that song rarely is on, but is. Yes, listen closely to the lyrics people... Everyone wants me to like the song Milkshake also. That's an annoying song right there. *looks at Chichiri's post* You must be my twin or something...I never liked Clay Aiken, and Picture for the fact that it freaking makes no sense to me either. (I always thought Clay Aiken said Invincible) Though I hear a song called 'The Chimpanzee' song. It is hilarious to me, but at the same time annoying, because it makes no sense, except about talking about Chimpanzees. *laughs like crazy*[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes we must've been seperated at birth....and "The Chimpanzee' song is done by oh crap.... ican't remember...The Naked Ladies? Something around those lines...I can't quite remember...and from what I've head radio hosts talk about it it's about Stalker's sending postcards to the band from all around the world...0__o Heh and yeah it's Invisible. Yeah...
Lol awsome!! Let me guess Yukari got drunk again on payday and Minamo had to make sure she didn't get herself killed walking home? Yeah I love those two. things just tend to be funnier around Yukari. Same with Tomo for that matter....heh I loved the way Chiyo-chan was tramtized when Yukari drove some of them to the summer house. I can't wait for the anime to come out....but anyways keep up the good work!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]If you're talking about what I think you are, it's not by the Black Peas. It's [i]Hey Ya![/i] by Outkast... It's from Speakerboxxx/The Love Below, which they released rather recently. I didn't expect that song to become as big of a hit as it has, but it's still good. That's an awesome release though. Everyone should own it. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah i'm alsomildly surprised that song had become such a big hit. If you listen close to some of the lyrics...in the part where he isn't really singing well....you find out for yourself. :p Anyways songs I think are annoying? Well back when the song was popular 'Picture' by Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow always made me want to strangle somebody. My old radio station played it at [i]least[/i] twice an hour. I actually kind of like it now. Another would have to be that damn Dido song 'White Flag'. Okay I like the song but my radio station plays it almost every half hour. You can freaking set your watch to it. Only because my new radio station is 'for familes' meaning no hard rock or rap which at times sucks but then I just change it to DC 101. Heh. Clay Aikin's 'Invisble' is also starating to mess with my nerves....
Art Fruits Basket banner [Yuki, Haru, and Kyo]
Chichiri's Girl replied to Dagger's topic in Creative Works
Very nice. I remember the episode where Haru says that. And well the episode where Kyo said that too. Heh I'm addicted to the show I guess. I like the picture of Yuki. And I don't even like him. I think Yuki comes out better in the manga then Kyo. I like Kyo better in the anime. Oh and Haru! Heh Haru looks good both ways. I like how you kind of shaded Haru and Kyo so Yuki looked brighter. The background colors go well with the charcters. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lrb [/i] [B][color=336666] Yea, I was looking forward to coming home and seeing the moo-vie. Oh stupid me, only cows watch moo-vies. But anyways. Maybe it got reschuduled? *shrugs* -Lrb[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah it's reshedualed fro Sunday. I think it was taking along time to make. In his Concerning Midgets thread he talked about it alittle in his last post. O rsomething...I don't remember....
He is the shiz! Man i can't wait ill tomorrow. i can't wait for tomorrow. Maybe if I say it a hundard times it will get here faster. But if it's not here on Saturday is it still Otaku Movie Night? I mean yeah..I don't know what I mean...[i]again[/i]. I wil spar you all from my rambling now.
Art Concerning Midgets (LOTR Comedy Comic)
Chichiri's Girl replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B] And thanks for the comments. If your teacher makes you write junk on LOTR, I want him as a teacher :< I'd get a A for sure :) [/B][/QUOTE] Junk? I never said junk. It was quite fun actually. He had this awsome picture of Eowyn fighting the Nazgul and we had to build it around that pic. We couldn't use the books. And before the last movie cam eout he showed us perviews for it. It was awsome. that sucks though. iwanted to see mr. T. Oh well tomorrow... -
yeah yesterday when i stole my brother's Newtype i watched it too. It was pretty good. actaully I was going to start a thread on this but you beat me to it I guess. :toothy: Anyway I liked how allt e teachers are so freaky. Not a single one of them is normal. I like the PE teacher and Art teacher the best. The Chemistry teacher was cool too. It did get a little sappy but it was mostly funny. poor kid..being pressed into the PE teacher's bosom while she tells him if he doesn't sleep she'll dig out his eyes lol. Classic. Just classic. I don't like the class president very much though.
Art Concerning Midgets (LOTR Comedy Comic)
Chichiri's Girl replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
Awsome. Just awsome. I thought the first installment was the best though. I wonder if he knew the ring Tony Hawk was wearing was most likely a weeding ring. But it's better that he fourged a ring instead of a wife. 0_____o Heh that would deffinatly be interesting. I totally need to show this to my Languge Arts teacher. he has a whole board full of pictures from LOTR. he even made us write a paper on Eowyn and the Nazgul. No doubt he would find this interesting. Anyway kaap up the good work. Today's Movie Night right? I thik it is.... -
Art Film of Randomness: Shinmaru Gets a Job
Chichiri's Girl replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
Nice very nice. wasn't as funny as your How the James Stole Christmas but it was still enough to make me crack a grin.(which is a complement these days....) I liked the randomness of Gollum being in there and the James part too. What ever happened to him getting a job? Kinda flase advertising....heh. Man it's always the mods isn't it? Makes ya wonder whose next...oh and um nice eye patch. Very piratey(sp?). -
Pirates of the Carribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl!
Chichiri's Girl replied to Hacker Kite's topic in Noosphere
Yeah there waa thread before this but it was way far back so probably no point in bringing it back. Well I deffinatly loved this movie. Maybe not the best I've ever seen(really can anything hld a candle to the Nightmare Before Christmas? Or Monty Python and the Holy Grail? well that's just my opnion....) but still it was pretty good. I saw it on opening day first showing(so around noon) and it was pretty empty. Me and my friends family went. I um gott a little scared....*looks at arm when she dug her nails into* but not [i]that[/i] scared. I have to agree with Wasabi ; Orlando Bloom wasn't that good in the movie. I mean he was alright but not good enough to win any awards. Johnny Deep definatly was the highlight of the movie with all his wonderful lines. When ever he was arounf it was almost imposible not to laugh. Since the first showing I saw it agian in movie theaters and both times I had no idea there wasa teaser for the sequal. So when my big bro got it on DVD we all watched and this time I finally got to see it. Not much really. I have a feeling that the sequal will be like the Mummy Returns. You know Will and Elizabeth being married and having a kid who gets in trouble so they have to save him so they call up their good friend Captian Jack. But hey if it has the same cast it will still be good. "But why is the rum gone?" -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by haruno_sakura [/i] [B] A little OT, but have any of you happened to see the live-action Sailor Moon series o.0? ~haruno_sakura [/B][/QUOTE] I've downloaded the first episode but my winamp was screwing up so that I could only hear the sounds but Icoulsdn't actually see anything. *sighs* But you can find alot of sites dedicated to the live action. Finding them translated to english is the tricky part. ;)
Art Movie: Super Otaku Brothers (Rated PG-13)
Chichiri's Girl replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
That was good not as funny as 'How the James Stole Christmas'. But I did like the Bert and Erinie seen...I always suspeced they were't the straigtest knives in the drawer....heh. But you do love to beat up midgets don't you? Ahh well who can resist?*pats little Lord Prozen on the head;)* I can't wait for you to do the Mr. T one. Mr. T. kicks a**! I pity da fool who didn't vote for mr. T.! I would have but I didn't get to this is time....*sighs* but anyway keep up the good work! -
Art My Gift to OB: How the James Stole Christmas (animation)
Chichiri's Girl replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
That was halrious. I had to bite on my shirt to keep from laughing my head off and waking up my parents. I loved the "but my stories are on" part. I remember that Simpsons episode...*goes off on one of her rants* yes well anyway very funny. The Nightmare Before Christmas was such an awsome movie. When you were beating up the midgets I started to crack up. Actually James sorta looks like some fanart of Sirus Black from Harry Potter that I've seen...and has he seen this? He really should if he hasn't already... -
Awsome..just awsome. I got the first two voulmes of the manga for Christmas. it's halrious. i remember the part where she's steals Chiyo-chan's pigtails and flys off too. I probably spelled her name wrong...Man I can not wait for the anime to come out! kepp up the good work! I like the font...it's so cool...
I'm a (natural) blonde too and I don't really get affended by them. I mean actually most of the I go right along with them and end up making fun of myself. Gotta roll with the punches you know? I'm like you two..don't really have a label. Well not one that is less then 10 words anyway...I remember last year at lunch my friend Shirley said "I don't like those blondes that are all so peppy and care about make up and cloths and stuff." At this my friend Angel(who had died her hair blonde) said "Hey!!!" Then Shirly had to blurt out fast" I mean [i]natural[/i] blondes!" then i wwent "Dude!" Then she had to restate her first sentence all over again. And just now I was talking to my friend Megan on AIM. She had asked me to look at her profile and you can pick it up from there..... Meg: do you like mine? me: yeah Meg: read it agian me:hahaha me: very funny Meg: i know!!!!!!!!! Meg: isnt it!!!!!!!!! me: serisouly i'm laughing my butt off Meg: i am too!!!!!! me: dude that was sarcasim... Meg: omg Meg: i didnt know that me: good lord... Meg: hahahahaha me: I'd make a dumb blonde joke but...we're both are blonds... Meg: uh! Meg: well at least you know your a blond! Meg: i am too Meg: that made no sense yes that made no sense...and yet when we were in the same class we were both had the highest grades. Interesting isn't it how some of the smartest people in my classes are blondes no? I mean so is Alshley and she's doing pretty good. So it really makes no difference. But just to get back maybe we should make 'dumb brunette' jokes. And isn't it interesting that in dumb blond jokes they're always girls? Just something to ponder....
Yeah... are we suppose to pm him with the anwsers? Cause that would be easiest and no one would find out intill he posted the scores or something. We should probably start this over....
Alright here goes... 1. Who is Cheif Wiggums son? Ralf (do we have to put the last name? i mean it's prerry obivous already but I'll do it anyway...) Wiggum 2. What is the name of the store that Apu runs? (spelling counts) the Kwik-E- Mart 3. Who is Apus wife? Manyjula( I hope spelling doesn't count on that one....) and then they had all those babies.... 4. Who is Homers boss? Mr. Burns 5. Who does Smithers love? Mr Burns again Okay hope thats right...
Aha! Kyo did you really think I'd let you start up another PRG without me? Well think agian. ******************************* Name: Cynthia Age: 16 Alliance: Angels Race: Angel Apperence: see pic [img]http://www.x1999.com/X33.JPG[/img] Just ignore Kamui(the guy in black....) Bio: Cynthia has always been fasinated with the moon and the goddess of it, her namesake. This fasination led to her dream of becoming an astronaut. This dream was cut short by her sudden death. She had been walking home from the hostpital where she had been multitasking by checking up on her weak-hearted mother and getting a check up herself. You see, her mother had a severly weak heart since she was a girl and at the time of Cynthia's birth it became even weaker so that she could never again leave the hospital. Cynthia therfore spent most of her childhood either by her mothers side or getting checkups herself as her she had inherited her mothers weak heart. The othr half she spent practicing spells trying to figure out how to make both of them better. Thusly she kept to herself and becae rather shy dreading the school full of people she didn't know. So as she was walking home from the hostpital she was at ease being by herself. She smiled to herself as she watched a bired fly back and forth finding building materials for her nest. She became so transfixed on the bird she didn't notice the two balls of light hurtling towards her. No one knows what killed her : the lights or the heart attack she had at the exact same moment they struck her... ***************** K hope that's good!
Yeah I love Petshop of Horrors! i've only read the manga but...i've read all of it that's out! I didn't know there was an anime but from what you've said it doesn't sound as good a the manga is. I'm not sure what my favorite story is from it? They're all so good. But tokyopop has been poping them out faste then most of their manga so i guess I shouldn't complain but I wish they would all come out at once. But hey aren't they better after the wait? Count D is so cool....
Writing Mew Mix 2015 (erin PLEASE don't kill me for this....)
Chichiri's Girl replied to Chichiri's Girl's topic in Creative Works
I hope I'm not too late to put this back up...Oh and um I added something to the last part I wrote. there is now a [i]BOOM[/i] after Lyra remembers all the stuff. I got the inspiration to do this while i was playing monkey ball 2....(don't ask cause I don't know either....) Oh and this part is dedicated to Hells Fire cause I know how much he hates Chirichi. Erin I was ure it was Churichi....*checks the big old painting she did of him* YEs you're right. my bad. Okay now on to the story!! ***************************************** Down in the basement a lone figure leaned over a work table. He had turned the basement full of cobwebs and dust into a sparcling clean labatory. Well most of it was clean anyway. There were stains all over the cold concret floors and ceiling. The tables had suffered too. Someof them had burns making holes right through them. They were probably about to be joined by another hole soon anyway. The figure of course was the scientist. Or the would be scientist if he ever got any where [b]WITH HIS DAMN BROTHER CRANKING UP THE FRIGGIN VOLUME LIKE THAT![/b] He thought to himself as he climbed the stairs. Sure enough once he was at the top he saw his brother, Shuichi, pressing random buttons on the Game Cube controller. (It was espically sad he was pressing random buttons since he was playing Animal Crossing....) While Chirichi looked at him in disgust Shuichi picked up the remote and promtly turned up the volume to 60. At this point Chirichi's was ready to kill his younger brother. "For the love of god Shu! Turn down the damn volume! The way those animals talk is annoying enough at a [i]normal[/i] level. Say 10? But I guess you don't kow the meaning of that word do you?!?!" Chirichi yelled at his brother clenching his fist as not to be charged with murder. "Wow Chirichi I didn't even hear you come in? You workin on super-quiet shoes down there? You could callt hem sneakers! Get it cause you sneak around-" Shuichi strated but was stopped at a snaping noise came from his brother. "It's been done Shuichi. And I belive you are wearing them on your feet." Chirichi manged to get out before he completly snapped. " Oh yeah I knew that." Shuichi smiled as he scratched his head. At this Chirichi had set his phaser to 'kill'. No literly he had made a phaser after watching the old reruns of Star Trek. Seeing his brother with the look to kill in his eye Shuichi ran for his life to the kitchen. He had had encounters with Chirichi that mad before and it usally ended up with one of them in a hostpital bed with an IV stuck in one of their arms. Chirichi glared as his brother fled in horror toward the kitchen then bent down and turned off the game cube. Immeditaly a commercial came on for an insurence company((you know what I'm talkin bout Erin)). Before he could find the remote a loud shrill, "[i]AFLAC![/i] rattled the air around him. Suddenly all his thoughts conserning the remote and turning down the volume vanished from his head. Instead memories of someone appered. "Dea...." was all he could say as the memories of Aflac ducks flooding all around him when he had tried to ask her out. When he had finally suceeded and he rode one out the window falling two stories into the rose bushes. Apparently he was too much weight for that duck. Engrossed in memories he started for the staircase to the basement and started climbing down in a complete daze. When he finally reached the bottom something was wrong. All of the tables were tuned over and some were broken. All the vials containg chemicals had been spilt and broken. Sometime when he was gone his quite lab had been distrupted by chaos. He ran to his desk and vilontly opened the draw only to find his most prized possion stolen. The possion was the last shread of memory he had of her before he had remember. A picture of them all he offened puzzled over. He turned around to see if it had dropped to the floor somehow. He knew it wouldn't be there of course. He crawled around on the floor intill he came to a pair of boots. "looking for this?" a voice asked and he was sure he could hear the smirk in the voice as he looked up and saw the picture. He began to reach for it but-[i]BOOM[/i] he was flung against the wal like a ragdoll. With the last of his strength he uttered one word. "Deeanna..." ********************* Whoop there it is! Now um I think i spelled her name wrong..oops I'll edit it later if it really is wrong. Well coments?An by the way no "Deeana" or "Dea" is not refering to me..whole different character... -
I don't really think that it applys to me. Like if in Revolutionary Girl Utena if Wakaba died I'd be like whoop die do and then i'd just turn the page. Of course that's based on the first story arc before she becomes a more important charchter(well it looks like she does from what i've seen) so who knows? Oh well...actually I don't think I would care if Anthy got killed either. She's alright but not my favorite charcter....
I too, will join. I haven't watched The Simpsons twice a night everynight for nothing. Well this shall be an interesting match. I'll prove my English teacher proud him being the big Simpsons fan he is. Yes well bring it on. The harder the questions the better.
I've read(and own) all the manga and believe me it isn't like Pokemon. Why if the anime is anything like the manga(and from the episode I've seen It prettymuch is identical) then [spoiler]the first and last match the main character plays in the tournment she will lose.[/spoiler]. Of course that's only if allt he episodes are like the manga not just the first one. I think I'll stick to the manga though. Icchan's english voice freaks me out....but did anybody notice that it would seem some of the background art is done by CLAMP, the creators? Maybe it's just my imagination playing tricks on me....
*bites lip to keep from crying* Tony I'm [i]so[/i] sorry for your lost. It's sad when people die so young....but your poem is really nice. Not award winning nice but still nice. I really didn't know you wrote poetry in the first place. You learn something new everyday right? Yes and I agree with you about not drinking and driving. Lord knows how many times my cousins have been in the hostpital and recked cars because of doing it. But I'm sure Stacy is in a better place now...