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Chichiri's Girl

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Everything posted by Chichiri's Girl

  1. The next part is coming....now! It's told from Lyra's point of veiw. by the way I had a pic of Lyra on the boads a long time ago...it migh still be there.....yo this is dedicated to Erinchan! yeah cause with out you Lyra would be just an idea with no personality! And to all Lyra fans eyerwhere! Much love! *************************************** She looked out the window being pelted with rain drops and sighed. They were hitting the glass so hard that it was making a loud drumming noise. The thought of music automactily made her think of her gutair. She turned to look at it. It was so shinny you could almost see your self with every detail in it's surface. She didn't clean it everyday for nothing. Slowly she got up and walked to where it was propped up against the wall. She plugged it into her amp and began plucking nothing imperticular just starring out into space. A meldoy came to her mind. An old rhyme. It was odd but she remembered playing it to Dea and Surichi while he had been asking Dea something. It scarred the crap out of him. Of course he also yelled at her for breaking all the windows and vials and well, hell, anything glass, when she had that last note all the way up on Max. But hey anyone could sneak into the lab. That boy was so into his work he didn't think of anything else. She even had time to bring her amp down...bu that time he had been sweating and he never sweat while he was doing experiments. She shrugged it off. It was only a dumb memory that never had happened. She wondered what Dea would think of Churichi if she ever met him? Probably a geek, a nerd, well he was anyway....but they'd never meet. In fact Lyra was unsure id [i]she[/i] would ever see Dea again. With a malencouly atittude she remembered the last time she saw Dea. They had been walking home from school when they were complaing about a whole week of exams. Dea had gotten well, pissed off, and had smashed her fist into a car. The owner came out of his house when the alarm went off so they ran. They ran so fast they lost there place and ended up lost in the wrong side of town....but she couldn't remember anything after that.....anything! The next thing she had known she was living with two brother scientist. She thought about the other brother, Shuichi. , her boyfriend. It was odd...she had fallin in love the second she saw him...she and Dea always agreeded there was no such thing as "love as first sight" except for extremly shallow people. She had always felt she and Swurichi had a past together that she couldn't quite remember. She'd come right to the edge of it only to suddenly be pulled back. In a daze sshe pluked the first few notes of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and it all came back to her. Everything. But one question still remained. Where in seven hells was Dea?!?!? [i]BOOM!![/i] ******************************** yeah I'd write more but my bro wants on...agioan I wrote this at 12:57 am so exscues the bad spelling grammer ext.
  2. Well some of my favorites is well basically any time in Fruits Basket when Kyou call Shougre a "you sick Bast**d!" then punches him. Of course when ever Kagura comes over it's a treat too....and who can forget...THE YUKI SUMA FAN CLUB!*whackes gong* Yes I relize I am easily amused. So stop the laughing!*throws gong mallet at her own harmless sawdow on the wall* Of course in Saint Tail i also liked that bonus with the hot potatoes. That was cool.....*glares at shadow*
  3. heheh yes bashing Mamoru is SO much fun.... Q: How do you know Tuxcedo Kamen is not pulling any of the weight? A: The man attcks with freakin tops, canes, and roses people. Tops, roses and canes! Q: You know Mamoru is a player who will make out with anyone when.... a: He does it with his own daughter. Yeh new body my a**. That's so wrong.... Q: what's black, white, and red all over? A: Tuxcedo Kamen gettin beat up by a bon bon baby. Now that's just sad...I can't say anymore because now I just pity him.... If course now I pity you for having to listen to that. Seriously man they were bad but I think have one more! Never mind I think i'll spar you the pain....
  4. lol that diarrhea one is cool. Seriously man it's awsome. You just goota love the look on his face. The cheese factory one is cool too. The mice look kind of evil poking out of the cheese that way though. The ramen one and the Sesshumur(sp?) are also nicely done. But my all time favorite...*bangs gong* is the issues one! I love the grid background and the expressions on their faces. Of course I guess you didn't draw them but hey you found them right? Yeah and it must of took you a real long time to find all those pics so yeah....wait what was I saying? Aww screw my short-term memory loss....
  5. Well my big bro( Drew, 16 not Doug 18. Doug thinks anime/manga is the lowest form of entetainment. But he didn't think Sailor Moon was so bad when he was 13.....) Yeah well anuwaus Drew has a lot of anime. Mostly stuff with big fighting mechas and stuff. But he does have the manga of Ranma 1/2 that I have been sneaking out of his room....*evil laughter* But I let him read my Inuyasha manga so it's all good.....those two really the only two we both like alot....so I guess it's nice to have otakus in the family.
  6. Ah yeah the sweater song! I always sing that at school and people start staring. They have no idea why I'm singing about a sweater....:sweat: But it's actually a great metaphor. sweater=life yeah but that's a little obivous.....he he heh now to start the singing! [i] if you want to dstroy my sweater pull a string and then walk away....[/i] or something like that right? Yeah....*walks off humming "island in the sun" to herself*
  7. Yeah anybody else like them? Or even heard of them? Me and my bros like them. Or we use to..I'm not sure if Doug likes them anymore....but yeah. My brother got the new one and we listened to it on the way to NC. I liked the second to the last song. I have no clue what it's called(my brother would rather die then let me touch his CD) but I think the chorus goes [i] my girlfriend wears a pink triangle on her sleeve....[/i] or something like that. Then my dad was all like you know that's what lesbians were made to wear in WW2 constration camps him being the worl war 2 nut that he is. it's funny but me brother told me most of their good songs were written when the lead singer was high. Yeah...well anyways does anybody elese like them?
  8. The sailor starlights are [spoiler]women[/spoiler]. Always have been alway will be. At least in the manga anyway. In the anime they change into women when they henshin(aka transform but I probably spelled it wrong anyway...). Now ChibiChibi....in the manga at least she is [spoiler] The ultimit for of sailor moon, salior Cosmos, aka the strongest scout of all times. Or something like that. But anyways she ran from the fight against Chaos in the far, far future (and I mean FAR!) thinking that if she had destroyed the caldurn then that Chaos would not be here if not as strong as she/he was(in the manga it refers to Chaos as both he and she so it's your guess as good as mine which gender it is if any. Of course they do call it SAILOR chaos and only women can be sailors so...i'll stop the rambling now for both our sakes....) So she changes into ChibiChibi and along the way helps out here and there when Usagi is in trouble.(emotinally or physically. All her friends ended up dieing before she even knew who was doing the killing anyways....) But in the end she knew that th choice she had made orignally the best choice and that she never really have fully destroyed chaos and that she would stop being a coward and go back to her fight in the future, Which she did after after returning the astroid seshi back to the future.[/spoiler] that is basically the history of Chibi Chibi. T least in the manga anyways :toothy: Yeah and hate to be mean but rttocs77 no double posting. It'd be a shame if you were banned when you just signed up...Please go back and edit. Actually I don't really care....
  9. That was a pretty good parody. I loved the lines that go "I could tell she digged me from the way she stared(at the screen) And by the way she said, "fetch me a coke I'm thirsty," (Thirsty) And I know you think I'm crazy becuse she is 70 and since your grandad died two years ago, I know that she is free" Yeah those made me grin. It would be better if some parts ymed better but over all keep up the good work.
  10. It's so cool.....Kodacha kicks butt! Man I love that manga. But it doesn't really have an 'anime' look too it, considering all of the pictures are from the manga...:sweat: It really is awsome espically since your new at banner making. Well I guess you are...yeah, well if I didn't already have a banner and avi that I love*huggles avi and banner* I'd take this one in a flash. Kodacha banners are kind of rare...w00t the 10 th book comes out this month! The end is here... :bawl:
  11. It'd be nice if I could get one of those glove-jewel things from Magic Knight Rayearth. They'd be so much help for my afternoon classes where I have to carry 4 binders, a notebook, a workbook, graph parer, 2 text books, and of course my SSR book. The pile always spills over my desk when I set it down. Yeah...they could sell them during their back to school sale and they could come n all different colors and okay I'm going over board now....
  12. Hmm who not to have as a roomie? Lets see......Hirkru from Magic Night Rayearth? Cause damnit I don't want cheery people around me when I'm half-asllep. Plus she's always kinda of annoyed me. I'd probably end up strangling her with the pony tail of hers. Then mabey Miaka from Fushig Yugi. Great personality but I have a feeling ten minutes after our shopping trip the fridge would be empty....:sweat: so money would go by like that.*snaps fingers* I don't think I'd want to live with ,hell, anyf the inner sailor scouts. I mean Mina's a fangirl to most any pop singer, Ami just studies, Lita shops, and Ray doesn't watch tv (except buffy) and I imagine she'd be doing piestess things most of the time. Don't even get me started on Usagi and ChibiUsa....ESPECIALLY on ChibiUsa...spore....
  13. Yeah I saw that on I love the 80s too. *smooths out eyebrows* I SAID NO WIRE HANGERS!! NO WIRE HANGERS!!!!!!! EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*goes to room and starts beating inocient pile of balnkets with a wire hanger* NO MORE WIRE HANGERS!!! *wipes forehead and mkes her eyebrows go back to normal* That was freaky. And you know that one scene with all powder cleaner in the bethroom. That was werid too.That would suck to clean that all up. But weren't they suppose to be rich? Didn't they have a maid or someone to take care of that? Of course then her secret would be out.....Don't you love it when you anwser you own questions?
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kyo no Ryu [/i] [B]HAHAHA! Seven hells, thats good.. I agree. The only reason she didnt merry whats his face is because the sun wouldnt be sayin. Blech. [/B][/QUOTE] You mean Yamcha? I actually have no clue why they broke up. Either that or I can't remember...probably the later. I'll I remember is that when DBZ started Bulma and Yamcha were broken up, *shrugs* Who knows what goes on in that girl's head? We will never know. I doubt the only reaon she's with Vegeta is because of the sayin son thing. I mean technically Trunks is only half sayin.....*rambles on and on itnill someone turns her off*
  15. Yeah I use to listen to them. But then we moved and the station i listen to now doesn't play them. At all. I remember most of the lyrics to "I' m Addicted to you" and "I'd do anything" that's it though. Sorry. They were alright I guess. I mean they seemed kind of like they were in the wrong genra. They just didn't seem like punk rockers or whatever they were supposed to be. Yeah you know what I mean? Relax...I don't even know what I mean...how sad....
  16. The worst couple in a anime eh? That's kinda hard....How bout Chidori and Yuhi? lol sorry just kidding, just kidding. Although they reall DO make a bad couple it's not the worst. Okay I think I got it. Bulma and Vegeta. That's one where you go "How in seven hells did [b]THAT[/b] happen?!?!" And then when the get a little loving you braf up your lunch. Queen Asuka is right. They only have wife's in DBZ to procreate. I mean do Bulma and Vegeta have ANYTHING in common? Seriously. Yeah and Usagi and Mamour's relationship is one of the best. My I reciete something from the manga? Too late to stop me.... Endymion, You are my first love... my only love.... Even if we are reborn in another life, We'll find each other.... and then.... we'll fall in love all over agian. *wipes back tear* Isn't that beautiful? When i first read that I memorized it. So beautiful*sniff* yeah i'll go now....
  17. Heh you have no clue how many threads have been made devoted to Fruits Basket do you? Oh well they were to many pages back anyways. Besides you a 'new' newbie. (Can I say that? Cause I mean I'm a newbie but I've been here for like 8 months I think...so I'm not that new anymore I guess....) Yeah well I love Fruits Basket! Kyou is so cool!*huggles Kyou* Damn that Kaygua! She needs to back off! ?*growls* Yeah well I've seen the first six episodes and now I'm an addict....:sweat: I mean I have like 2 posters already....But um where are you getting the idea that the manga goes where the anime left off? Cause it starts out when Torhu finds the house and stuff. Yeah....It think the ending is the same as in the anime. Don't ask how I know. I just do.....*evil laugh*
  18. I know it's kinds obivouse but what the hell why not? 1. Chichiri from Fushigi Yugi(without mask on)- Well I actually have no clue why I like him....:wigout: but i think it might have to do with the tragic past and scar and well you know....plus he'd protect me in a split second(not that I need it but...) plus he can be funny someimes and who can resist "no da"? 2. Kyou Suma from Fruits Basket-Well first he's sooooooooooo hot. I love his hot guy act!*squeals* Even though you know on the inside he's a big sofie. And I know he'd make me laugh. He's so cute when he smiles! I suppose he's another one of those sad past boys too...werid. But i'd probably end up going out with him instead of Chichiri because he's closer to my age. 3. Ferio from Magic Knight Rayearth-how can you not like Ferio?!??! He's awsome. He's hot, tough, caring. It was so sweet when he gave Fuu that ring. Plus I love the scars and green hair. The big sword gives him some big points too. Plus I'd imagine he'd laugh with me and crack jokes too.... 4. Sorta from X/1999- I agree with Queen Asuka. CLAMP men are very loveable.*nodds head* And he's funny too! I mean hell, he even makes jokes when he battles. Careing too based on how many times he's stopped Kamui from getting hurt. Plus the cool accent. 5. Hideaki from Karo Kano- Oh man he's so hot he burns! I wish I could be one of his little sheeps...*gets star-eyed* Yes well I think it was so nice of him when he almost killed Arima! That's what he gets for making a girl wait! lol He's deffinalty a joker. Plus he can cook! Well at least ranmen...... Yeah so I guess I like them funny, protective, and caring. heh....
  19. Heh once when I lived in housing there was a pretty steep hill behind a row of houses we used for sleding in the winter. Of course if you were *cool* in summer, spring, or fall, whenever the snow wan't there(which wasn't much) you would go down the hill on your bike. Yes well I tried to go down it only to crash halfway. It hurt real bad so the kids with me went to get my dad. I didn't end of with any [i]major[/i] injuries but the one I got were pretty bad for that age. My bike on the other hand....one of the hand-breaks was broken so I couldn't use it any more. Yeah plus my dad told me NEVER to do that again then he went on about how I could have been killed. Yeah right....and it figures two of the kids with me were 5-year-olds who could go down it perfectly.... Now if we're talking about how many times we've kiked boys in the balls have I got stories to tell! Hey man if .h4ck can do I guess I can. (cool name. f43r t3h b33r! lol k I'm back now...) Yeah well when I was like, I don't know 5 mabey 6, I kicked one of the boys I was friends with in the balls. It figures he and his family were staying over for dinner. (my parents and his were friends too) I actually have no clue why I kicked him either. Not a clue. Mabey he was being mean and wouldn't play with me....? Who knows? But yeah boy did he cry after that. And he screamed. Like a girl. Now the other boys I've kicked in the balls....well first off on my mom's side of the family her sis has like 3 boys who are all graduated now. I guess they're my favorite cousins. Espically Travis. He's awsome....I hope he isn't hurt when he leaves for Iraq....okay off topic! But yeah I think it's fun to hurt them. Yes I know I'm evil. You know I'm not in my right mind if I don't leave some family function without them rubbing their arms from where I've scrached them Or rubbing their bruises from my kicks. But it's how we show our love I guess. Plus I'm a tomboy who grew up with two big bros. If you don't know how to fight back...then all the tombstones your big bro does to you will eventually get to you. That's proabably were my brian damage comes from by the way....lol I'm odd. Very.
  20. Ahh the safety of the Kiddie movies. If any of you have seen the previews for Farrel's new movie you can pretty much guess he's getting despreate. I mean have you ever seen him on SNL? He was pretty good. And did his last movie "Old School" do so bad in the box office? I don't think so. So why is he making movies for little kids? It just is a bit odd don't you think? The movie doesn't look that promising....like he's lowering his standards. The story is about what? A human who was raised by elfs then went out to find his real family who have moved on? Yeah that sounds like a hit. A hit and miss mabey.:mumble: Yes well what do you guys think about it? yeah....
  21. K i'll write the next part Friday. It turns out i do my best writing at ongodly hours. Yes I know i'm werid so back off. Oh and I think I fianaly got where BlazinReddrgn was going with his post. Something like how in Fushigi Yugi when Miaka is hurt or something Yui will atumatically get the wound. She cause it said Dea felt a pain deep in her chest and knew they were in trouble. So that could mean that Lyra could be deeply wounded. Don't worry she's not. I'm just trying to scare you. lol Oh and the next part will be written by Lyra' point of veiw followed by Churichi's then Surchiri's. Yeah I think. That order might change though.
  22. I loved the Grinch with Jim Carrey but i don't think they should keep on making Dr. Suess's books into live-action movies.....I agree with Queen Asuka. It's making seem sorta....dull....I'll probably still see it though. I'll be draged to it by my mom....which is okay by me! lol Yes but anyhoo I do want to see what Mike Myers will do to the part. On ET the other day they were talking about the music vedio he's in with Smash Mouth for the movie. He was jumping around every where. :sweat: I feel sorry for him though. It most be hot in that costume....
  23. Your Chi banner is pretty good and your Tekken one also kicks a**. The avi though....I mean It's good and all it's just the text. It kinda ruins the picture being right in her face. Plus you might want to try another color. Something kinda purplish bluish might be good. Course that's jus my opion and me having no history with banner making....yeah. I know it's not on this thread but I really, really like your present banner. It is the best one I've seen you make i guess.
  24. *Dies from laughter at BlazinReddrgn and Lord Prozen's post then comes back to life* You guys are so weird. This is what I get for tellin my buddies to post in this I guess. On what level were you comparing this to Fushigi Yugi BlazinReddrgn? I guess little Prozen wouldn't get it. Heh okay enough of the insults while I try to explain it better. See Lyra and Dea use to fight monsters and demons and stuff. that will all be explained later. This being the begining of season three and everything...and the boyfriend/girlfriend thing is partly right i guess. Except only her and Lyra went. They ran away more then "moved". An hey man Churichi is a cool nerd!*laughs as Tony flinches at mention of name* but um yeah...erin feel free to jump in with helping me explain this at anytime....
  25. Yeah Shoujo Kakumei Utena is [b] deffinatly[/b] Shoujo-ai. If you have ever seen the movie then you know what I'm talking about. But there really aren't many sereies that are Shoujo-ai. Oh wait one of the most popular anime/manga has Shoujo-ai in it! Even heard of Sailor Moon? Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune. Now it isn't right therein front of you but if you read between the lines...espically in the anime. That's really the only one i can think of that haven't already been mentioned tho.
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