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Everything posted by Chichiri's Girl
Um well once when I lived in Geremany my friend was over and well....we trew a naked ken doll out the window. Well *technically* we didn't [i]throw[/i] him. We had this string tied around him. My parents weren't too happy wheen they had to pull him back in after he slid down our roof.(you see part of my wall slanted and there was a window in it and well you get the picture.) Of course then there were all the love triangles in any of my games actually. And when one of my friends came over(a different one) I had this Rapunzel barbie and this old ken doll and well, lets put it this way, they went [i]all[/i] the way.
I haven't had dreams about the OB but i have had them about people here. I've had plenty of anime dreams though. like once I dreamed Tamahome from Fushigi Yugo was doing my mom. I didn't see them but I could tell cause he would stay the night and be there the next morning. And it only seemed to bother me too...my dad didn't seem to notice and/or care and my brother just played viedo games. I guess cause my other brother is in college he wasn't there....then i had another dream where I kratae chopped my math teacher in the head. That's what i get for reading manga before bed I suppose....
Writing Mew Mix 2015 (erin PLEASE don't kill me for this....)
Chichiri's Girl replied to Chichiri's Girl's topic in Creative Works
Haha! Well geeze you guys are all so nice....and the andriod was in season 2 erin...but yeah I know what you talkin about. Now this part is from Aiden's point of veiw.(aka the guy who opened the door and was yelling) ************************************************* She was gone. She had been standing there a minute ago. Not even a minute! Where was she?! "Damn it!" He yelled softly hitting the wall with his fist. If only he knew she was safe! He would be alright then. But no, he didn't now. And that was what was ripping him up inside. It was [i]his[/i] job to protect her. But he had failed. Horribly. She was crying when she left which only hurt more. He looked at the sport where she had stood. On the floor was a picture. He bent down and picked it up. Part of it was crinkled. He smoothed it out and looked at it. Imeditatly he reconized two of the faces. One was his friend. When they were kids, after he had met Dea of course, the three of them had always hung out. Intill that day...he shook his head trying not remember the pained look on her face. It was a mistake that he wished had never happened. But it had and shortly after she saw she and Lyra left town. Then she had come back to him. That was the happiest day of his life. He looked back at the picture, at the other person he knew- and loved. Dea. But this was an old picture. Why she had her hair in some werid buns. Really werid buns. He never remembered her hair like that. Did she do that after she left? He looked closer and saw cat ears. Cat ears?!?! Lyra had them too. In the end he concluded they were those head bands with fake ears glued on. It would be to freaky if they were real. Then he noticed the other two people. Two guys who looked a little alike. [i] they must be brothers[/i] was all he thought aboput it before he was distracted. The one with the glasses was standing [b]WAY[/b] too close to his girl! Oh hell no! That guy was going down. Suddenly a thought occured to him. What if she had left to be back with him!?!?! With that thought he leaped up and ran to his dorm to get supplies. He WAS going to find her or die trying! ******************* lol yeah so this part was a little more humerous.... -
Writing Mew Mix 2015 (erin PLEASE don't kill me for this....)
Chichiri's Girl replied to Chichiri's Girl's topic in Creative Works
It's not me! It's a whole nother charcter! See "Dea" is my nickname which was given to me by Erin. It figures it was the name of one of the main charachters in the story....haha! But when we start writing Princess Erinzyger (we better get a better title cause that one sucks....:sweat: ) it will be Erin's turn to pay! *laughs evily* so there! Yes well thanks for the complements and Tony be happy I fixied most of the spelling errors from the first one! The spelling when I was typing it to him over AIM was just sad....oh and I'll write the next part after Erin says something about it. (like that will ever happen....) -
K first off I'm not gonna take credit for this. It's one of those ideas for a mnag me and Erinzyger had that we both fell in love with. So yeah I wouldn't be postin this if it wasn't for her. This is told from Dea's point of veiw at the begining of the third season by the way.... **************************************************** Fear. That's what is was. Memories from long ago being uncovered after so long. She forgot. She had been made to forget. Forget everything. Then when she remembered no more what did they do? They left her. Or more she left them. All she had left....a few short flash backs of three figures and a photograph of strangers. Looking at the picture she remembered something. One was her best friend since the age of two. The other had been her soul mate, her lover. Now they were gone. She gentely traced the faces in the picture. Good god was that her? What the hell was up with her hair?!? It was in 2 buns. It seemed like they were glued tight on her neck. She looked closer. She saw something she never had seen before. Cat ears! What the f**k!?!?, she thought to herself. Why did she have cat ears? The other girl, she too had them. And the two men. They were wearing lab coats. One with his spiked up hair and the other with his steel rimmed glasses. What kind of weridos did I hang out with back then? She wondered only for no anwsers intill..... Suddenly she remembered. Everything. The demons. The robots. The string. A pain deep in her chest. She closed her eyes. They were in trouble. She knew it. He was in trouble. She was blinded by a quick falsh of light. After it dimmed the item she recogized, the thing she dreaded, appeared. She knew what would become of her future if she grabed it. It would go down the drain. But if that ment saving the people she loved....she'd give up anything for their safety. [b]Anything![/b] but it would mean leaving [i]him[/i] behind. Her first love. Her present love. The love she had deserted so long ago. Could she do it? To end her future would be to reach for the item.... She reached fro the item floating in midair. Hesatint at first but more surely as she grew closer. She was drenched in sweat. She squinced up her eyes bracing the effect the travel would have on her body. But at the second she touched it her dorm door swung opened. "Dea?!?! What's goining on?!? Dea!!!!!!!!!!!" She opened her eyes and blinked back tears looking back at him. He could yell all he wanted. She was gone. Lost to him foever.... ************************ Yes well comments? Mind you I wrote this at one in the morning....
One word:awsome. Serious now I'm in your deubt. Whatever it's all good. It's kinda funny actually. I mean now your like addicted to making Sailor Moon banners. The whole process took what...? Two weeks? Sounds right. Oh well it's all good!*nidds head with arms crossed*
Awsome! It's Nightmare from Soul Calibur right? Cool. Kinda freaky lookin though. But i've always thought that sword was freaky. oh well *shrugs shulders* Yeah but keep up the good work! Can't wait to see my new avi. With a moon or without it it's all good!*thumbs up sign then winks*
It works! It works! Thank God it finally works! Yes! After all the copying and pasting it works! 'm so happy. I think I'm gonna cry....then again mabey not. :sweat: But if I did they'd be tears of joy! Well anyway thanks a ton Kyo I own you big. Especially since it like took you a week counting all the different copies and stuff. This one is far the best. oh and K.K.C. it has a border and what's wrong with the font? Whatever I'm so happy right now....I love th pictures. Some of the best of Eternal Sailor Moon if I do say so myself.
Thanks for the avi. It's pretty nice. Yeah so now can you post the new banner? The old one was too big and wouldn't work. Before midnight I WILL get that banner up and running! *clenches fists, holds head high while standing on a mountain peak, crying SD tears* As you can see I have my heart set on this banner. I am sooooooooooooooooooooo odd. Yeah it's no wonder that they call me "crazy girl" on the bus. Course it's also no wonder i'm plotting to kill them. Whoops I just told people didn't I? oh well it's all good.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by angelaanime [/i] [B]I live in Evans Mills, New York [/B][/QUOTE] No way! Do you go to Indian River? Let me guess Erinzyger hooked you up. Right? I use to live there till I moved...damn....yes well I was born in NY but in West Point not Fort Drum. We were visting my grandparents. So being an ARMY brat I'm not quite sure where I'm from. Spent about 5 years in NC, 1 year in Kanasas, 3 years in Flordia, 3 years in Geremany, 2 years in Fort Drum, NY, and well now VA. Course that's all I can remember....oh well. I guess I'm from NY then. But for a while I had a Southern accent from NC....that my parents still tease me about...grrrr.....
Omigod! Thank you thank you soooooooo much! I love it! It's so awsome! Yeek! Thank you! yayy! Thank you a million times! It's so cool! It kicks a**! Thank you! Now i just need an avi that matches....but it's soooooooo cool! Man how can I repay you?!? I have no clue where to begin...I love the collage air to it. I'm glad I showed you all those pictures. Good thing I couldn't choose. Then it'd probably come out looking like crap....considering your relativly new to banner making I'd say that was pretty awsome. yes well thanks a million!*pulls out confetti*
Ohhh it's so prettyful. But still the picture is too small. Like K.K.C said you can't really tell it's sailor moon intill you say so or you squint. Yeah....at this rate it's NEVER gonna get done....oh well, I must take matters into my own hands! *laughs evily* Course then it will turn out even worse so um I guess I better leave it to you. I probably should give you a bigger picture though. Oh well.*shrugs then hands you a band aid for all those weasle bites*
Okay call out the dozen crazed weasles. This should be fun to watch...*grabs popcorn* seriously though. The picture is so small. Could you some how make it bigger? then put it on it's side...geez I guess I should have told you this earlier! Whoops! The blue background makes it really, really, hard to see the words. Can it be a light pruple color? I do like the new border though. It's really pretty! I like how it crosses sorta at the cornors...
lol!*trying not to laugh but ends up bursting anyway* What version is that? 9.0? I don't remember asking for Chichiri to be on it tho....lol. I'm sorry but it's just SO funny!I love the little "NO DA!", The chibi chichiri head is cute too. Plus you finally got the wording right! Yay! You kept on putting "one who is willing to die is brave." Even tho it's cute it isn't what I want...the background color is kinda...well....nasty looking. And please no more Chichiris on it....I want it to look kind of serious.....like I am.....yeah right..I guess I'll go with that story...
"That girl is so fisty. You better tame her quick or she'll eat you up dog." Seth said shaking his head with a big old smirk on his face. Ah the statisfaction of teasing his best friend. Of course this came with a price. This time it was a strangling by his best friend. "SHUT UP!" Danny yelled while Seth started blacking out from lack of air. "THAT'S IT! I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS IN MY CLASSROOM ANY LONGER! OUT!" The teacher yelled at them shacking with rage. Danny let go of Seth's neck leaving him rubbing the red marks on it as they walked away. Once they were in the hall out of hearing range they give each other a high-five. The things they would do to get out of class....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i] [B]I hate Scrubs. I feel it is a rippoff of ER. Though it does have its funny moments; it is just not practical though. These people are in the hospital cracking jokes and pulling pranks while people are diying all around them. ER has better effects and is more realistic then Scrubs. They don't stand around and laugh they actually save lives. [/B][/QUOTE] wtf? Okay Scrubs is SO not a rippoff of ER! The big difference is Scrubs is a comedy (hence the name "scrubs". Seriously would a dramatic show be called scrubs? I think not. It'd be called something dramatic like "ER") and ER is a drama. And don't tell me in the hostpital the doctors and nurses don't crack jokes with each other. I mean not when they're doing a surgery but when they're walking around in the hall and they see a friend they do. Plus the biggest difference is that these are YOUNG people who are only in their third year. I mean hell if you acted sad about all the dieing people around you in a hospital you'd probably go insane. The effect? Like a said before this is a COMEDY. The effects are SUPPOSED to look cheesy.And they have saved peoples lives before. But it's focused more on the main characters then a paitent who might appear in one or two episodes so you don't really know if the person lives or not. Plus it's not the ER where people will die if they don't help them right away. My isn't it fun to see friends tear each other to shreds?
Does anybody watch it and like it? It's on after Friends on NBC just so you know...but yeah I love it. I missed most of the first season because I didn't know about it back then. I think JD would have to be my favorite character but that is probably just cause he is the main character thus most of the show is based around him. Sometimes it really cracks me up though. Does anybody remember the "Journey" episode in the begining of this season? That one was awsome. But I reallly don't like [spoiler] eliot's new boyfriend. Sean? I hope she gets back together with JD...that probably is what will happen though[/spoiler] The janitor and his friend are cool too. I loved the riddle in this weeks episode. How can you have 30 cents with just two coins if one coin in't a nickle? I think that's how it goes. Yeah well it's a classic (the riddle that is).
[i]Thunder thunder thunder cats![/i] Yeah! And Care Bears! I remember them! Actually I think I still have a stuffed Baby Tugs and Tenderheart up on my bookcase. Ahh and the Teenage Mutan Ninja Turtles! They rocked! Oh and inspector gadget! Those were the days....I love the i love the 80s tv show. espacially now that's it's the strikes back. A few nights ago I thought it was coming on and I was just out of the shower so I ran all the way down to the basement with just a towel on....:sweat: I don't really watch all that much tv anymore so I take what I can get. Of course it turned out to be a special on NASCAR so then I got mad....The music in the 80s, in my opinion, was awsome. It kinda seemed that everybody was sad...at least all the love songs did. Oh and Journey was big in the 80s! Don't stop beliveing!*walks off singing it at the top of her lungs till someone whacks her on the head*
[i] I'm happy I'm fellin glad. i got sunshine in a bag. I'm useless but not for long. My future is comin on comin on comin on....Fainally someone let me out of my cage....[/i] okay okay before I lose it and start singing the rest of the song bobbin my head along to the music let me say I loved the Gorillaz. My big bro got the CD when it came out and if we were in the car we would all go "Put in the CD Dougie! Put it in!". Even my mom told him to do it....:sweat: Course mabey that's what made him stop playing it and ending up selling it. Stupid brother. Grrr....okay yeah well as I said before they were one of my favorites. But I guess you can tell that by now....:sweat:
*shudders* That show kills brain cells....well okay mabey that's a little overboard but seriously don't you think if you are willing to let people tape your whole well, day for instence, dosen't that sound a little despret? Personally I think both of them never really were all that great of singers. I can't remember ANYTHING of what Jessica Simpson did. Of course I mabey I'm just out of it....I think I was living in Germany when she was at her highest point in her career and it'd be like 6 months since we got ANYTHING on base from the states. I can remember how 98 degrees did that one song from Mulan tho. That wasn't too bad. And as for Jessica only [i]pretending[/i] to be a blonde. Fat chance. Anyone familiar with the "chicken of the sea" inncident?*snicker snicker* Really she makes us blondes look idiotic.
Yeah family portrait IS dark. But i still like it. :p I guess I like "Pill" or "Get this party strated" the best tho. It's a tie betweent he two. But then the lady Maramlade song was awsome. Does that count? Cause it had more then just Pink....yeah. Oh crap I fogot Don't let me get me! how could I forget that?!?! yeah it's werid when she was just startin out I didn't really like her. But now I think she's pretty cool. I still wish that her hair was still pink and not black tho....
"Right i'll be there as fast as I can." Zoey said while jumping out of the Kenshin forum where ULX was still fighting the banned members. She wasn't one to do RPGs that much actually. It ate up her time she used to ban little crap newbies. Banning newbies relaxed her. Plus she didn't know that much about Evaglon (sorry for my sucky spelling of that) so if she did post she'd be completly lost. But hell, what are friends for? Of course this also probably had to do with the hackers. But still....that reminded her of something. She took out her two way and sent a message quick to someone....
Firsties--Anyone here a fan of Linkin Park
Chichiri's Girl replied to BlazinReddrgn's topic in Noosphere
I like Linkin Park. My second favorite band after the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I love In the End and Faint. They are awsome. I have Meteora just out of pure luck. I was walkin the dog and what did I come across lying next to the sidewalk on the road? A burned Mateora thats what. And it only has one scracth that doesn't effect it at all. I think it has all the songs too but I'm not sure...:sweat: I asked the kids outside playing if it was any of theirs but it wasn't so I kept it. *whistles and walks away :angel:* -
Heh you right where you told me this was disturbingly funny. I think I'll join. I'm SO immature to be doin this tho.... ************************* Name:Tiffiny Green aka Tiff Gender: Female Age:12 Bio: She belived the kid right away because she knew he wouldn't lie. They were best friends. Also she had a thing for UFOs and old space movies and well she always knew that when(no ifs she KNEW someday she would) she met an alien she'd give it hell. Her parents didn't even know she was gone. She had slipped out her window. Plus they were already preoccpied yelling at her big bro while trying to watch the game. She exactly what'd she do to the thing. She wasn't a high black belt in Taw Kwon Do for nothing. She didn't like her parents anyway. Sure they were nice to her and loved her and gave her what she needed and they didn't fight much but they didn't belive in life on anywhere else but earth. That fact kept them from coming together as a family. So she wouldn't have any regrets if she was killed-which she wouldn't be. Apperence:Shoulder lenght red hair tied back, baby blue eyes behind a stylish pair of navy blue glasses, a t-shirt that says: I see your mouth moving but all I hear is blah blah blah and a pair of baggy,knee length, kaki shorts. Weapon: A toy hammer much like the one Sana has plus a good old fashion sling shot.
Linkion Park better then the Red Hot Chili Peppers? Kill me now. Seriously what kinda **** is that?! RHCP should have been higher ranked. There latest album is awsome. Can't Stop rocks along with the Zepper Song. Actually I love them all. But anyway all the people who were voting were probably preteen fangirls or just fangirls who think Linkin Park is the next best thing to Aron Carter.*shovers* actually I'm a fan of LP too but they aren't one of the best bands of all time. I'm kinda suprised Nirvana was number one tho. Top ten mabey but number 1...?