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Everything posted by Chichiri's Girl
"What do ya think killed 'em?" Kaya asked the others grining at Shojiro's joke. "Well I whatever it was they certinally did a bloody job. Must of the bodies are cut in half or decaoated." Daina said shuddering. "How pleasent Goken said sarcastically. "Well don't you think we should check it out a little more throghly?" Ramia asked the group. They all agreed so the gruop headed towards the city... ******************* I hope that's good....I think it's crappy but I didn't know what to post really...:sweat:
"Good god! This is crap! Damn newbies....never taking any pride in their work..." Zoey said to herself as she was reading the start of a thread intiltled: Sailoor Miniii Mooon is the coolest! Out of the kindness of her heart she decided to read what crap this idiot had posted. It only got worst...."What are you talking about?!?!? Mercury is the best!" Not uh!" Yes huh!" Not uh!". This s**t was folled by loads of complete spam with about every other word mispelled. Zoey decided to take it out of it's pain. "Look newbies if you want to go on like this I'm gonna band ALL of you! If ya wanna pull this crap make a poll or go to another website! I swear do you people read the rules?!? Look here is a thread to them. Read it and if you ever pull this s**t again I'll-"she stoped as a she heard a ring to the theme of Fruits Basket and dug in her pocket for her 2- way. On the screen a little chibi Quarte poped on which she knew right away as Saga's avi. "yo what's up?" Zoe said to the screen. The real saga suddenly appeared on it to blow her off. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE INUYASHA FORUM FIXING THE PROBLEM! ZIGGY GET YOUR ***** OVER HERE NOW!" her friend screamed at her while the newbies stared with their ears covered. "Fine I'm coming, I 'm comin. You runied my fun tho. I was tellin off newbies and you know how that makes me lose track of time so-" she had gotten in before the bomb, aka her sole sister, went off again. "I DON"T CARE! Now get into the forum NOW!" she yelled one last time as there was a click and the screen went blank. "FAlright I'm gone", she said to herself then relized the newbies where still watchin her," You all better check out the rules before you post again or I won't be nice next time." she said cooly as she jumped to a portal to the Inuyasha thread leaving the newbies. "I'm scared. If that's nice I don't want to she her mean." a random newbie siad as she starred at the place the mod had once been. The others just nodded....
Sign Up Otakuboards Adventure: YOU be the mod (no mods allowed)
Chichiri's Girl replied to Kyo no Ryu's topic in Theater
Oh crap...I'l ah go post it in now. My bad. heh I'm such a blonde.:sweat: -
Sign Up Otakuboards Adventure: YOU be the mod (no mods allowed)
Chichiri's Girl replied to Kyo no Ryu's topic in Theater
Um hey I was wonderin if I there could be a Sailor Moon forum. Cause-well-I own all the manga and bout half of a couple a sersons, plus all the movies. I'm quit an addict. OH and how soon is soon? Tonight? -
Wait which pic isn't working? I'll change mine if I have too...
Art Dan Rugh's banners (updated often)
Chichiri's Girl replied to Dan Rugh's topic in Creative Works
He you are most welcome Dan! Any time! The avi is cool too. -
Ugh i wanted to be a ninja.. *************************** Name:Kaya Age:15 Gender: Female Bio: She is very much a perople person and is freinds almost atomactically with everyone she meets. But beneath the friendly surface she is scarred deeply. Her whole family was killed when she was 6 by mysterious assassions. She almost didn't escape but her mother jumped in the path of the murderer coming for Kaya thus, being turn to bits as Kay ran as far and as fast as she could. Untill then she had been very quite and much of a loner but she knew to surrive she must be friendly. So indoing that an old childless couple adopted her when she wondered into their village.(the same village as Diana by the way) She became friends with Diana which got her more friends. She now has long since left the world to make her mark on the world. She loves her friends with all her heart and if you mess with them you mess with her. Personality: spunky, sweet,kind, caring, friendly. Class: Neko Attacks: Claws of steel, Ti*sho*ki balst, Sakura Whip Apperence:[url]http://www.dragonworldz.net/noraneko/newart/nekomilalexpc.jpg[/url] [img]http://www.dragonworldz.net/noraneko/newart/nekomilalexpc.jpg[/img]she's the one with the pink ears and tails. And no she dosn't wear that. More like a mini Komno with short shorts underneath
Art Dan Rugh's banners (updated often)
Chichiri's Girl replied to Dan Rugh's topic in Creative Works
That's such an awsome banner! It's so cute! Ryu Sakura is lucky to have it... -
Art Dan Rugh's banners (updated often)
Chichiri's Girl replied to Dan Rugh's topic in Creative Works
I like the Knives one. He looks extra crazy. :p Heh eand the pumba one is awsome. *gives ya thumbs up* And I love your new Son Goku one. The "snowdrop" one that is. It looks so cool....yeah well keep up the good work! -
Man I feel sorry for you Mitch. That really must suck. Well I have Internet Explorer so I don't have to go through that AOL Guardian crap. There's still a little parental control tho but it works in mysterious ways. Like once it wouldn't let me hear a clip of Chichiri saying "No Da!". Yeah I'm SURE that's to mature for me to listen to. And it's shows the hint so I could turn it off if I knew the password but it never works. My dad being the WW2 nut that he is has the hint as D-day and no matter how many times I typed in the date it wouldn't let it go. And I know that it was the date cause when my dad typed it in once he used numbers! Grrrr...yeah but it can get pretty exterme. Some of the blockings I mean. and I agree with whoever said that at one point you're gonna see it all on TV. Cause ya know it's true. After you're 13 I don't think they should even try to block it out cause then you'll be able to see PG 13 movies(if you haven't already) and well some of them are kinda smutty.
Sign Up Otakuboards Adventure: YOU be the mod (no mods allowed)
Chichiri's Girl replied to Kyo no Ryu's topic in Theater
Name:Zoie Conners Screen Name: ZigZag Description: shoulder length black hair she keeps up in a ponytail at ALL times and emerald green eyes. She's as skinny as a rail and can eat as much as she wants with out gaining weight.(lucky) She has blue rimed glasses and always wears shorts and a t shirt. Even in the dead of winter. Age:14 Bio:She loves anime and manga and has seen and read more then most people who lie in Japan. She is quite a genius and all her classes are adavnced. She is considered a dork or brainaic at school since she's one of the stundents who get straight A+s without even trying. Becasue of that and always having her nose in some manga, she was the the target of fights frequently. Luckly(for her not her attackers) she has a natural talent for fighting and has never been hurt at all in a fight. She's a bit of a loner except for her best friend ,Lelia, who hooked her up to OB in the first place. Since she finishs her homework in less then a minute in study hall she has all of after school to be on thus, she became a mod in less than a month. She tries to help Lelia when she is being beat up so she's saved he numeres times but for the 5 or 6 times she wasn't there and Lelia got best up she will never forgive herself or those punks who beat her best bud up.... Forum:fine can ther be a Card Capture Sakura Forum? Weapon:Well her own strenght and skills at fighiting and in case it gets out a hand a bow and quvier of arrows plus a thin sword -
Name: Mania race: human class: Princess/ socress Weapons: Her magic staff(it's the silver thing in the pis) A lond silver staff that at the top makes it resemble a cresent moon. Just below the cresent is a glittering purple jewel that just a bit underneath it has anceint runes inscribed on it. Discription: see pic [img]http://ew2.lysator.liu.se/loth/j/i/jiang/shi_lynn.jpg[/img] [url]http://ew2.lysator.liu.se/loth/j/i/jiang/shi_lynn.jpg[/url] Long dark blue hair that is loosely tied back with a sky blue silk ribbion that has a matching peoce that goes over the top of her heads and comes to her bangs. A few curls escape from her ponytail and frames her face. Her eyes are a deep, deep, blue that look almost purple in the hazy light from toreches in the dark passages underneath the castle. She wears a sky blue cape that has silver linning on the shoulders.Underneath she wears a blue dress that towards the bottom turns purple. The detail on the bottom of her dress weaves circles in silver matching he cape while her shoulders are exposed with staps above and beloe but not directly on. She wears silver arms bands that sre ingraved with swirls and incrusted with a purple jewel in the center. The most curios thing perhaps is on her forehead: a thin purple oval almost. It's her mark of sorrcery.(or something like that..) Bio: the princess of the land who's father had a love for magic yet he possed none of his own. So when she was born he had a socerer come to the castle to be her tutor. She is quite an ice queen with having little to do with any one person. Her people still love her thuogh she dosen't go to any royal functions for she is much to busy. Her quarters are underneath the castle where ther are fountains and pools. She lives there by choice becasue the warmth and hub-bub of the upper castle upsets her. She is quite skilled in her magic with water and ice. [IMG]http://ew2.lysator.liu.se/loth/j/i/jiang/shi_lynn.jpg[/IMG] when you try the site look for the art of Rina Rui Yun Jiang then the purple light pic. edit: k hope that's a good discription. If not PM me.
Whoops sorry bout that. But seriouly #8 really is a sucky name so mabey I'll find another one...don't be surprised if I do.
heh your not aloneGuardian Storm. That's now stuck in my head. permanatly. Yeah well Right Thurr is bascialy mocked at my school. Very badly too. Horrible, horrible paridies yet they still make me grin. I think he might actually not be a one-hit-wonder. Of course i'm just guessing but it's all good. Even if you are a one-hit-wonder so what? You still get credit for that one song. I mean look at Tony Basil. "Hey Mickie" got her in the hall of fame. Of course I'm REALLY getting off topic but I'll shut up now.*grins*
Ummm well I didn't know it took place now but whatever she still could have been built in 1903. Her creator was just very advanced. Um and yeah Suyoi or Su is still good. Sounds better than #8 anyway. But um her nickname is still boom right?
[i]"Rika...Rika...Open your eyes Rika! You are So lazy anybody ever tell you that?!?! My god! It's Almost 5am! Wake up lazy butt!" "Ugh! It's 4:58! Go back to sleep! At your own house too! You are such a pain!" a 10 year-old Rika said to her rude waker. "Whatever! Your gonna miss the sunrise! And you know that the best way to get up is to train! I'm gonna get stronger then you if ya don't wake up!" the 10 and a half year old boy with his dusty blonde hair hanging in his eyes said. "Takeshi if you don't shutup this very second I'm gonna shove this alarm colock down your throat! Now get out of my room while I change! NOW!" Rika yelled at Takeshi who took all this with a big grin on his face. "Fine, fine Rika! Man it's fun to anoy you!" he said his grin growing as he headed for the door. "Takeshi!-"Rika sarted again but was cut off. "I'm going. I'm going." the blonde said as he left the room and shut the door. She went to her closet daydreaming about her old home...and her best friend, Trilby. So many tears on moving day. She had been moddy ever since she moved but not quite so since she met the sandy-haired-pest of a boy. Still she remebered long ago, she thought she might've been three, Trilby and her playing a simple game of tag...[/i] Memories from the past rika smiled inwordly. She wasn't in the dark anymore. In fact her shoulder felt warm....
Name: #8 aka boom Age:unknow estimated around 100 years Species: Robot,A.I., Artifical Intelligence whatever ya wanna call it Gender: Well seing as how she's a robot I guess she really can't have one but since she'd an AI she's a female Appearence: Long stright brown hair that comes to her ankles that she leaves down with nothing in it at all. Her eyes are a steely gray color, she wears a leather coloredovercoat that reaches her ankles(she likes long things) and some knee lenght shorts underneath them with a black T-shirt and a pair of boots Weapons: lbombs that come in many shapes and sizes(hence the nickname"boom"), a pistol she wears on her belt, and metal chain she wraps around her waist which she uses as a whip and well lets just say a murder weapon ;) Powers: Well she has the strengh of a thousand men and she's super smart plus being a robot she can not bleed or be hurt in any way her skin is bullet proof and very thick and if you were to shoot a whole round on her it wouldn't leave a scrach Bio: She was constructed secretly by the top scientist of a 100 years ago unaware of by the government. She was never suppoed to have been made the government didn't like the idea of humans playing god but they had no control over the scientist. When she was completed she killed him so no one could ever stop her from doing anything. She once had a human love but he was died. Of course this was going to happen ,him being human, but he was murdered. Since then she has despied all humans and has jumped at the chance to kill them(this is where her job comes in). She is quit a loner but she might have a few friends here and there. She being over 100 and all. Personality: She can be a bit moody but when she's killing she gets a small grin on her face. She rescoureful and smart and always seems to know the outcome. Tho her hate of humans makes her despite them she might warm up to one everuy once and a while. Organization: Assasins
I love "alive" and "Youth of the Nation". "Alive" pleged me all last year cause I'd have only part of it in my head and I couldn't remember the title so I wrote in down in my planner every week in Science on Friday. Kinda odd that way aren't I? Well and I'd always anoy Leo and Andrew by bursting out "Youth of the Nation" when they were deep in classwork. I was evil back then. Actually I still am. But that's besidesa the point. I was down loading those two songs on Kazaa but my bro deleted them. I wouldn't buy the CD but just burn the songs you like. The album didn't get that good of reveiws...at least I don't think it did...
LO sorry but that sole sister part cracked me up. Ya see that what me and erinzyger call ourselves...okay very nice way to get it out of the dump too! We starting to go back pages... ************************ Light. Tons of it. Reflecting off feathers from beautifully white wings...wings?! "What the?" Rika looked around her and sheilded her eyes from the blinding light. [i]Rika, it is not your time here go back. You are needed more there then here. Go. We will wait for you.[/i] Rika couldn't see who's voice this was but seeing wouldn't have helped anyway. That voice was not coming out of a mouth. It was going directly inyo her mind. yet she knew that voice. From not so long ago..."Mother?!?!" Rika cried out still blinded by the light. The figure just smiled. it was then Rika noticed that there was someone else there. [i]father...[/i] Rika thought to herself with a heavy heart. Wait there was only two figure...but before she could cal out they vnished and she returned to the darkness....
The whole fight with Eowyn and the Nazgul! My english teacher has been showing us that pic since the first freakin day of school...and he's made us write a repot about the pic. And od course Legalos! Yeah! Okay...that said and done I'm kinda lookin foward to seeing frodo and all the other hobits too. And of COURSE Gandorf! Yeah okay I can't wait for the movie...
Why isn't Mr. Hankie in the poll! He's the coolest! "Mr Hankie the Christmas poo.." I can't remeber the rest of the song tho....:sweat: Yeah but clearly that's my faveriote episode. I haven't watched in a while tho. I have better things to do....did anybody see the one with Kathy Lee? Or the Hallaween one? Or the binder one where it devores cartman? Those were awsome...
Yeah well, Wedding Peach has been publised by Viz now so of course I've read it. :sweat: Dose anybody else read it? Most people think it's a chep rip-off of Silor Moon but really it isn't. Yes it has all the transformations and bubbly attacks(aka Scared Pendulum Daisy Blizzard!!!, Scared Lipliner Lily Rainbow!, and Bridal Flash!) and all the googly eyed crushes that will never actually go ANYWHERE but there's something different. Mabey it's different because there is no Princess or there's only 4 angles instead of 5 origanl scouts but I don't think that's it....you still have the unadmitting crushes that show their selves way early then they did in Sailor Moon and most of the charachters have a twin personality in Sailor Moon but I just can't pinpoint what makes it different...so anybody have any ideas? The art is bueatiful by the way if that will make you go and buy it:smirk:.
Manga Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle [Warning: Spoilers]
Chichiri's Girl replied to Aya_Fujimiya_42's topic in Otaku Central
Actully I have heard of this. There's this one site called hollow moon that the webmistress is a total fan of Arashi from X so she knew about it. All I know is that Sorta and Arashi are in it and that they are married. I think there is something like fallin into alternet deminsions or someting like that. It's still running in Japan so inless you can read japanese it probably will be unheard of till mabey 2006. I think Toykopop would jump at the chance of another CLAMP series....but that's just what I think. -
Writing Yu-Gi-Oh! Cast Gets Interviewed
Chichiri's Girl replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Creative Works
*is seen saking vilointly from holdind in her laughter* My...god that was the funniest one yet! What a way to end it! Seriosly the "firetruck" part had me going but then Joey kalling Seto sewtie. *gasp for air* Alright lets just say very entertaining...*runs off alughing her head off* -
um...well...I don't think ANYBODy in my whole family is famous. NO ONE! Seriously. Wait I think my dad said we're somehow realted to some sort of royalty in England but um very, very, very distanly. I do know my that my great-great-great- grandfather was injured on a batltlefeild about a few miles from my house in the civil war but that's not very famous...Sometimes people mistake me for being related to a football player and a wrestler but there is no relation whatso ever. In my Grandma's town some famous guy lives there that she knows..I think...oh and when Robbin Williams was makind a movie in NY and my mom was working part time as some maid at a hotel during highschool that she got to clean his room. Whitch is pretty cool considering she adores him but still thats not much. Man Ravenstorture your lucky I wish I was related to ANYBODy from the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Bass plyer or not...