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Baron Samedi

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Everything posted by Baron Samedi

  1. maybe this is all a dream. what i think is that this life could possibly be a dream. we have dreams and have you ever had a dream where you all of a sudden go into another dream. piching yourself to wake you up may work- but it is difficult becasue only in your mind does it move and hurt. if you concentrate you can wake up. maybe these consciousnesses are just a big community dream. people go to sleep and dream the same things. but we are not people... we are large consciousnesses and when we think we "die" we wake up. we don't remember our "waking life". this could be a complex group-dream involving millions of creatures. who knows- it is the most (or one of, excepting how marshmallows taste so good) complex and difficult questions. cya
  2. little green men??? uh right johnny d. we are talking about life sentient or otherwise on planets. of course they could be little and green, but that is another matter YOU SCEPTIC!! so to all you people who look at these threads and go "little green men, uhuh highly likely *yawn* and log out" don't. sceptics like johnny may state their opinion, but LITTLE GREEN MEN????? come on. i thought that humans as a species were past that. and that is kinda off topic *note john - when you log in any new PM's come up- you didn't need to write that*
  3. my famous trousers of time theory- really cool and its REAL!!!
  4. well sadly i havnt read pilars of creation but i loved the series. then again i like fantasy style books...
  5. Desbreko, we are going to have to agree to disagree on this. i am open to the possibilty of "God" but some things are strange. lots of things weren't mentioned in "The Book". maybe it IS a fraud, or maybe "God" is real, and he thought we couldn't handle the knowledge that we weren't "special" and the only ones. who knows....?
  6. thanx kitty. feel free to post ur own banners. here is another of mine
  7. i agree RicoTranzrig. scientists dismiss many planets as unsuitable for life. as we know it. there may be organisms out there who have adapted to such conditions. there are fish at the very bottom of the sea who should not be there. according to scientists nothing could of livd that deep, in those conditions. but some do and they thrive. so what i am saying is that all planets should be checked for life. just becasue the conditions are wrong for us does not mean something could not survive there.
  8. i have thought that a good idea for newbies and pros would be to have a place to post banners that dont have any specific idea- like the banner comp where anime is required. i think it would be good to post miscellaneous banners here. and for tha newbies- would you professionals post a link to a tutorial for banner making or something. anyway here is my 3rd ever banner. miscellaneous and i dont know how to do anime characters in it anyway. hopeya like it!!:freak:
  9. i live in WA and have never heard if the "Manifest" sounds awesome tho. ho hum. poor little me. ho hum. stingy WA. ho hum. i like WA tho. yer. well. i wish i could go and i would go as... someone...
  10. Ok here's the deal. i have something to write up here. there is something wrong with it. if you find the "mistake" (aside from grammar or spelling) Pm me. this is the first part of an article from the newspaper. i will leave this here for a few days and then post the rest of the article. if you moderators can close a thread and then reopen it i would appreciate it. here goes... "It was a perfect summer's day in Disneyland. You were there with the kids and it was a trip you would never forget. Making it even more memorable was Bugs Bunny, who made the day complete for all the family, giving the kids big hugs and having his photo taken with them..." Look for something wrong. if you have been to disneyland remember that moment. i repeat DO NOT POST until i edit this post and include the rest of the article. if you see it PM me. this is really quite interesting the rest of the article... ******EDIT****** "...photo taken with them. but how real was this memorable moment? infact it could never of happened. But according to a recent study, it is relatively easy to make people think they did. More than a third of the subjects in the study recalled this theme-park moment-- impossible because Bugs is nt a disney character--after a researcher planted the false memory other research, of people who believed they had been abducted by aliens, showed that even false memories could be felt as intensely as those real-life victims of war and other violence. the research demonstrated that police interrogators and ppl investigating sex abuse claims should be careful not to plant suggestions into their subjects. preliminary results of recent false memory experiments have been presented at the AAAS. Loftus said some ppl might be so susceptible and suggestible that they could be convinced they committed crimes they didn't. in intervies, much of what goes on is contamination. the news media's power of suggestion also could leave false impressions. "during the washington sniper attacks, everyone was seeing white vans. where did they come from???? a key, researchers said that make sit real is elements of touch, taste ,sight and smell........ thats where the article finishes- paper is ton- interesting though. here is a message from (undisclosed person) guessingwhat was wrong- further proof "It was a perfect summer's day in Disneyland..... I really really couldn't find any mistakes other then these -summer's to summer -in to at There is just one prob. "summer's" is a spelling error and "in" is a grammer error ,but I couldn't find anything other then that. Am I right?" there you go. what do you think about all this- discuss *****EDIT*****
  11. sorry- you guys probably wont of heard about it- it is in WA and on iinet i found some stuff- here are a few linkx.. [url]http://www.perthimc.asn.au/index.php?action=newswire&parentview=578[/url] that one has some differing views.. here is another.. [url]http://www.abc.net.au/perth/stories/s856329.htm[/url] [url]http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2002/08/15/1029113981588.html[/url] there they should provide insight.....
  12. Character--- Crash Bandicoot Reason--- Crash is cool, must be insanely rich, awesome attacks and lasts for more than 5 hours. Knowledge--- well i have played every crash game, know his attacks blah blah blah blah- i love him--- good enuff 4 ya?
  13. with the swan river valley nyoongar camp being shut down becasue of those charges- should they be closing it down- about 2 years ago in the camp a small 18month old baby girl was taken and raped. when they found her she was ripped open almost entiely- these were aboriginals doing this to her. she was aboriginal- should the camp be shut down- i think it should- your views on the matter please...
  14. Dark death- i havnt heard about y but that sounds interesting- and yes kaola su i was referring to the infamous planet x- which they say is the virgo planet and have called- uuum Thunder or something??? i cant remember- i think it is the name of some god from the greek pantheon or something- and aliens basically have to exist. there HAS to be other lifeforms on the planets in this universe. esp. as it is expanding rapidly- apparently...
  15. do you guys think that the governor general should of resigned as soon as these rumours started to retain some credibility to the office??? should johnnie of fired him ASAP. or do you even think he should of resigned??? your views on this disgusting matter please...
  16. maybe when there is another issue again i might- well the GG is still...*trots off to make new thread*
  17. Icecream. it is great. Baskin Robbins in Mnadurah does Carnivale iccream which is the BEST. Choc Chip and jelly rocks my world too. normally from the store (tub) the man (cone) or icecreamery cafe (waffle cone- mmmmmm) spiders are yummy (not arachnids but soft drink with icecream). at home i eat only at night after dinner. at my dads i eat it when i want- out of a bowl- step sisters dont like to share with me :( hehehe. icecream is capital. Ozzie for ever!
  18. if i hit myself it hurts. or i think it does. am i real??? aaaaaaaaah im fading!! oh no my screen is whiting out- uuh hehehe but this is kinda pointless- we can debate about whether we exist but i am saying i exist because 8 think i do. thinking is the main point of this. perception is everything. your brain gemerally sees what it wants to see. if you saw a skeleton walking down the street you probably wouldnt see it because your brain would say "that is impossible" and you probably wouldnt see it. so this is pointless. yet fun. maybe we dont exist but some part of us must because we can think. .... *wanders around in the corridors of his brain loking for companionship and protection*
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kakashi [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]One does not know, till one explores. I doubt there are aliens though, life would be hard, and there's no gravity in space, ect.. but I don't believe in Extra Teraestrial (ET) it just doesn't make any since.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] No Gravity in space???? i think we are talking about life on other planets... ever heard of planets. you know big balls of dirt, ice, gas etc that spin around in space- that have GRAVITY!!! i am sorry i dont get what the %#*% you mean by that post. and y does the probable existence of other life in the universe not make any SENSE? i think you could define that post better... %#*% means oath by the way- swearing is vulgar- hehehe
  20. has anybody here heard of terry goodkind and the sword of truth series??? it is my fav series and i woud like some discussion on it... Up the House of Rahl!!! Long Live Lord Rahl!!! hehehe by the way it is a book series...
  21. i suppose i understand the points you have made there jamesbut i still think that the country one at least might be god. in australia we are having a big thing with the governor general- americans, japanes and british would mot be interested in it but australians would. it depends what kind of things are put in the forums. the otaku lounge is good, but what i am suggesting is country ones which have to do specifically with that country like Australian Forum with stuff like the GG case and the rose and thing hancock case.... i just think it would be useful for specific country discussion matters like that. as long as australians and americans and brits etc dont end up chatting only in their respective forums i think it would work well...
  22. Therer are 9 (or 10) planets in our solar system. there are possibly millions or billlions of solarsyystems in our galaxy. and i dont want to think of how many galaxies are in our universe. whether they are little green men, or cow-things or humans on another planet. there has to be other life in the universe. i am sure there are species way more adavanced than us and species way behind us. there could even be species like us. if you think that there is not life in the universe... ther have got to be another billion planets with the right conditions- and therer could be a trillion lanets with the "wrong" condition that may be thriving with an uncountable populace... i am definitely a Yes.
  23. i find nothing wrong with plucking eyebrows- according to my mum having one eyebrow isnt very attractive ;) ill probly need to start mine soon- back hair- hhhmmm pretty gross i would rather have a wax- i spose- ooh pain-oooh back hair- what a choice....
  24. Yes but i personally think evolution is likely and real, but that is kind of different to saying that there are no such thing as dinosaurs- actually looking back at that it doesnt make sense- ok sure evolution has loopholes but it is obvious that we didnt just appear- isnt it??? i mean the Bible says alkl this stuff about god creating stuff instantaneously- however where were dinosaurs mentioned- did i miss that Chapter- i mean no rudeness and their is definite debate for both points, the bible being true or false- it depends on your outlook, but there is no evidence in the bible of dinosaurs, yet they definitely exist- maybe it is a cosmic joke anmd god put them there, i dont know- but if God created everything, then he created the universe and we never found out about other planets until only a few hundred years ago-or thousand im not sure- why would "He" invest so much time in one place??? according to the bible he made the earth. plausible while we were the only living things and the sun just went across the sky, but now it is laughable- i mean no offense to Christians but it is. these are just my views, and everyone is entitled to it and their own views. however discussion is what we are after so air your views in a nice, non damaging, environmentally friendly way ;) baron Samedi a.k.a Death
  25. Tasrai, Rampant Death is honoured to have it's new member. it will be a pleasure and an honour, both, to be working with you. The Psychic Darking and the Psychic Animage- hehehe if you dont like ur nick just pm me...thanks for being on me team- note i need more teammates.
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