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Baron Samedi

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Everything posted by Baron Samedi

  1. Thats a good job there. The detail is impressive, especially with the muscles and hair, plus the piece of [gruel?] on the axe adds detail and finesse. I like the overall style, you have done a very good job. Only thing, which I am not even sure is a mistake, is that on his left hand, it looks like he has a glove on, because at his elbow, it goes out and looks odd. Overall a magnificent job. 8/10
  2. Earrings are Ok. But other things... on some they look good, on others they look bad. Just today I saw a guy with a nipple ring.... Eeeeww. My stomach turned. As with anything, it is your choice. I have no piercings.
  3. Tell him this :" I have a boyfriend, and whilst I enjoy your company, I don't want to go out with you, nor do I appreciate you making sexual moves on me. If this continues, I will have to tell someone" That should scare him off. What he is doing is creepy, and he is wrong, and you haven't done anything wrong. But when you tell him, don't be nice. Be very proper and formal. That will probably shock him more than anything.
  4. Eh. I feel that it is acceptable at least, though perhaps a bit... harsh. However, drugs are a bad thing, and it needs to be stopped. I think it was a fair thing to happen, and there isn't much wrong with it. They may have been a bit rough with their handling of the situation, but it should also scare the **** out of the students and perhaps stop them from doing it again/ ever.
  5. Here is my newest banner. I found a lovely picture, edited and bordered etc. it, and here it is! I also got my new avatar to complement it. A few hours work and mucking, and here is the final result. Hope you all like! [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?postid=514105[/img]
  6. Not a bad job, however, some of the images could be blended better. This banner could get away without a border, but the major improvement you need- font. That font doesn't match the banner and is very unappealing. Also, it doesn't stand out. So change that, and your banner will be much better. 7/10
  7. Just a little note: I know where you knicked that background for Tsunami's banner from. Is a cool background, eh? Nice cropping on that picture too.
  8. Baron Samedi


    Oh man... I love that. The picture is awesome, and how did you do the border? My border suck, I don't know how to do ones liek that, but then again, I don't have the best program. Heh. A really neat banner, I lvoe James' mode of banner, and I love this banner. Nice work. 9/10 Who is Enjoi? I want to see some more of his work...
  9. Eh..... I like it very much. The head font for the banner is awesome, the pictures are clear, the colours appear very good to me. Maybe it is just your comp, but then again, I don't know what the original colours were o.O Heh. However, I really like this. I like the layout, the colours and the whole idea.. however, one of the characters looks a bit strange... He has a flat butt, and looks like he should be sitting down, not stanidng as he is. He is the bottom-left positioned one. That is just really bugging me. Heh. Aside from that, an awesome job. No idea who they are, but you have done very well. 9/10 layout.
  10. Walk by singing. Sing as you walk down the street, when people look at you, look back and smile, nod, or ask if they know the song. Most people don't talk as they walk down the street. Doing something so odd, yet entirely within your rights will guarantee stares, and a multitude of reactions. See what happens. Anyhow, thats my take on things. Or you could do the old Sweet and Sour. Wave at people in other cars. Note whether they wave back, ignore you, or give you a bad look / the finger.
  11. It's just like that song of Christina Aguilera's [shudders] "If a guy has 3 girsl he's the man...... If a girl has three guys, shes a [slut/whore/whatever]" And it is true. Double standards are appalling. I think people should be loyal to their partners. It may be hard though, but keep your self in your pants. geez. Appreciation of the opposite gender is acceptable, but know the line. If you have a problem with it, then don't get into relationships. It's maturity, hormones, genetics, society, pressure. It's just the vibe of the thing. [I watched The Castle yesterday. Classic Aussie film]
  12. Eh? Eh! EH!! That first one is Super awesome. Crystal clear picture, perfect cropping, lovely background, nice colour scheme, and I think the font is Ok. 9/10. What a wonderful banner. The second set... I liked the middle font best. very cool. The finished one... I like a thicker font personally, but good job. I love your banner. 9/10
  13. [strike]Damn that Motoko is hot[/strike].... Uuh.. Yeah. So, he drew the girl? Anyways, the little squares... yes, they are quite crude, and in part detract from the image due to their brightness and different colour. Anyways, they look good and the randomness is impressive, even though there is distinctly more red at the bottom. Anyways, a good picture... 6.5/10 [Note: Using "revealing outfit" is enough to get lots of people to look at the thread... lol]
  14. I just have two windows up... One where I've posted, and my edit pofile one. I edit, refresh the second window, and voila. I can see it. Bit time consuming, but it works.
  15. o.O Jezzuz. Not the most accurate one of Venom I've seen but... The detail on him is amasing, he looks realistic, and very cool. Especially his "gaping maw". Very good job, if not as close to Venom as one might have hoped... A very good drawing none the less. 8/10
  16. What changed? Same picture, same no-border, same font...
  17. Eh. The picture is blurry and pixelly, the font doesn't suit and is.. italicised? It doesn't stand out... Some attempt was made to emboss? Didn't work.. Hhhhm. Could do with a border, better pic and change of font. Cool idea though... 4/10
  18. Heh. He is cool. better than anythign I could do... His feet are pretty bad, I must agree. Also, on his shirt at the bottom, some is black and soem is grey. Why? He could possibly have more defined elbow and the fingers.... Fish FIngers? lol. A pretty good job though. 7/10
  19. Here is an edited version of my banner. Tried different shapes and alternate colouring. What do you think? [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?postid=512585[/img] My 700th post. Woohoohoo!
  20. It does look like a girl... but who really cares? Your drawing is fantastic, really well done. Chin is a bit pointy, but that is my only gripe. Aside from that... great shading, great detail, the hair looks good, the dragon looks very good [though a bit odd in proportion somehow o.O]. You are a top-notch artist, keep it up. And I think you should try more like it. It is definitely a success. 8.5/10
  21. You have done a commendable job on this Turkey. However, on that weird face thing, and around that desk area, where is the light coming from? It seems a bit odd, and so does that purple thing climbing on the things spiky hair. lol. Confusing, however your technical skill with this is undoubtedly high and you should be pleased. However, some of the posters look a bit squashed and out of proportion, and the lighting on the desk is confusing me. 8/10
  22. Those top two are not very good. very pixelly, and need a change of fonts, as the fonts are a bad colour or don't fit in or don't stand out. In another thread I commenetd on your Hellsing one. That Gohan one is probably one of the best of yours. The pictures are clear, nice format, but the font is.. very difficult to see. try changing the colour of the font, reducing the green border. Maybe if it was all black, or alternately you could just get a bigger font. Anwyays, good work. 5/10 5/10 8/19 7.5/10
  23. Would you please add an attatchemnt to this. lol. You forgot to put it on here. Either edit your current post or make a new one with the attatchment. Baron.
  24. Could you make it smaller? it's not even letting scroll over. before, when it was loasding, i could scroll, but now I can't. Anyways, it is OK. I don't get it, some form of narration would be awesome. Some of the pics are Ok, some look a bit scrappy, but overall a good try. 6/10
  25. [quote][i]originally posted by Queen Asuka[/i] Heh, how cool is that? I'm an Australian Barbie. ^_^[/quote] James will be pleased. *runs off*
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