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About a_dark_soul

  • Birthday 10/14/1985

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  • Biography
    anime fanatic
  • Occupation
    lots of things

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  1. hey musn't forget mad maxwell it is a cowboy bebop/outlawstar one it is awsome i liked it alot
  2. Hey what was the deal at the end of trigun where vash carries off knives. So was he dead or what??? And on an unrelated note COWBOY BEBOP RULES
  3. Cowboy bebop was an adventure into a realistic world with real possibilities. The music score is what made the series. The music is an wonderful mix of every genre. The series displays a well thought out plot and imaginative charecters. The only thing that I would say bad about the series are the two episodes that don't play into the plot line at all sympathy for the devil and Heavy metal queen. Though they were good. This is possibly one of the greatest animes made. Stature wise it ranks up there with Akira.
  4. Hey I don't know about you guys but I am partial to episode 5 Ballad of the Fallen Angels. That episode is full of plot and action. IT and the last two episodes are the best of the series.:sleep:
  5. Yeah nice guys finish last i have never come up ahead because of being nice and it bothers me but we can only be who we are so i keep truckin on
  6. On a post on the relationship between milli and wolfwood in the trigun series. I don't think that milli is pregnant I do however think they are in love but I think the refrence given was strictly to add the realism of the situation that they were in in episode 11. Let me know what you guys think:tasty: :drunk:
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