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Everything posted by TeroValor

  1. Wow just wow i started this back in 2001 and now ita 2015 14 years later i can see the memories of this dbx post adventure Amazing just amazing
  2. Hi I'm TeroValor and your Host to this new Forum. This Forum is a RPG about Heckdot//Sigh. Before you get started let me laid down the Rules. First. thing to do is type in or Name,rather your is a Male or Female,your class,and signure move(s)(Look at the Example below) Name: Vagrant Sex:Male Class:Blademaster ( The Class are:Wave Master,Heavy Blade,Heavy Axe,Twin Blade, blade Master,and Long arm) Signure move: Blade Buster ( The Signure move is a move you use to finish a Monster or Enemy with) Another thing that may help is a Personality and Occupation in the World. Before You think about starting here are some things to help you understand how this works First you read the post that I or another person has posted and then Continue the Story by replying and ending "Continue The Story" The other thing to remember is OOC,Which Means Out Of Charater.Put this at the top of every Post,You don't have to but it's good to tell people this way they don't get confusied with the story(example below) Vagrant-OOC: HI everyone. (Type Reply) Continue the Story... Of couse We won't start the start till we get more people to play so in till then keep Looking at this Forum for new Players. You can talk to me or their player intill we start the story. Go tell a friend to join this forum too. The more, The Merrier and Remember To Have fun.NOW I tell what the story is about for this Forum... Long after a Infiction and the Key Of Twilight. The World Was rebuilt, to renew peace,Order, and harmony to the World thust renaming it "The New World" But the Problems where begin to spread a virus that made for the fractal codes of "The Key of Twilight" and combination with a virus.This was Crated by a Group of Heckers called "The Dark Circle"This Virus cause Player that come in to contect with it to freeze,Disapate, or Become a zombie like Player following The Circles Every Command.The New World needs Help... How is that,Till we get more players or Poster. We I won't continue the story.and lastly These Story will go in Sagas or Chapters... Well have fun and Post Your Charater on this forum and thanx for read my Forum.
  3. OOC:Time to Start again People.People Join in Players Karma:This can't be I'm Immortal *Tero looks down a Karma* You may be a Showdow of the evil that is in me but this only proves that the light in my heart is stronger...... * Tero holds up his fist* Tero:And is What makes me stronger!!! Continue the Story Please.
  4. Sorry I made A mistake... This Forum is in Adventure... A Feel stupied for this mistake.... Please, those of you who look at this please. for give me for my Brain Fart.... : )
  5. The World (RPG) This Forum Is To Start a Rpg about Hack.sigh this is how it is played you type a name,a class,a group..Etc. then you type a picece to the story or write to cotinue the story... It's fun so try please...You may like it.. The Story Starts in the World a Group of people are gathered together to look at something.A player named Vagrant stops to see what the players are looking at.As he gets closer he hears two players talking..... Player1:How the heck did that happen? Player2:He was just lookin' to buy some items to get for a Dungeon he was going to and out of nowhere it happened... What Vagrant seen was a Heavy Axe Player still in mid air with a blank look on his face and he's color was bloted out with gray. Vagrant:What is going On? At that time a player tipped Vagrant on the soulder and Said......... (Please Continue the story)
  6. The Story Starts in the World a Group of people are gathered together to see a player named Vagrant stops to see what the players are looking at.As he gets closer he hears two players talking..... Player1:How the heck did that happen? Player2:He was just lookin' to buy some items to get for a Dungeon he was going to and out of nowhere it happened... What Vagrant seen was a Heavy Axe Player still in mid air with a blank look on his face and he's color was bloted out with gray. Vagrant:What is going On? At that time a player tipped Vagrant on the soulder and Said......... (Please Continue the story)
  7. This Forum Is To Start a Rpg about Hack.sigh this is how it is played you type a name,a class,a group..Etc. then you type a picece to the story or write to cotinue the story... It's fun so try please...You may like it..:)
  8. *As Tero watched Talon and Tero go at it Tero felt stange to see Talon fight a shadow of himself* Tero:*look's up at the battle*Talon! *Talon look's down at Tero*enough!This fight is mine! *Talon look's at Tero and Sees he means it* Talon:Tero...He's all yours... Tero:*Smiles*Thanks*frouns and look's at Karma* Karma you have great power but you use it to harm the good of this world...*Tero Power begins to grows* and I can't allow that!!!*after that was said Tero flew with and fast punch to the gut,a kick to the face,and little beam to the chest.Karma flies down to the gorund hitting it like a ten ton of iron... Karma:This can not be!? I'm al a mortal... Conutine the story....
  9. Hello and Welcome to Ultaryo(ulta ryo)It's a Rpg game for RPGer.... I this you have total Freedom to make and crate your own Charater.... You also be a loner or join a group.... You can also Post Pictures of your Charater or what ever.... If you post here write a Bio about your charater anything you'd like.Things like Name,Age,Weight, height,personality,Desription,Race,and anything else... A charater can be base on anything like dragon Ball,Outlaw star,and anything else you can think of... So if you like what you see Post.... :D
  10. OOC: People Please,Please,Please Post I need members to post IC:*Karma Attacks Talon but Talon side sweeps Karma and punch him on the way down.Tero Stood waiting in the Ring Please Post....
  11. OOC:First I like to jion this thread Some of my Info is on my Bio but I tell you my for this one if your pick me.... Name:Tero Valor Age:16 Race:GSJ Goldgo Jin Height:6'7 Weapon:Draco blade Bio: He's past is unknow to him.He's looking for clue to his past Des:Gold Hair,Green-Blue Eyes,White Pants,Black Boot with Gold Lineing,Black Belt,Black Arm Protecters with gold lineing,Black under shirt,and a Blue upper shirt.Hair that spikes up when inraged and gold enegy flows from his body(like a super Saiyan but not) Personality:Nice,Harm hearted,Skillful,Wise,Peace but can be dangersous if angered.... Please pick me I like RPG's and to tell you I have a Thread to it's Dragon Ball X:A New Story
  12. OOC:I need people to post please *Tero and Karma Fight well Talon go towards the battle. Tero blasts Karma with a Beam and Talon Jump in and Kicks Karmain the Face* Tero:Why are you interfearing Talon!? Talon:because I was getting bored..... Please post and Countinue the Story.....
  13. OOC:I'm Back I got a New Computer so I'll be posting more(my other Computer Froze a lot and crashed a lot too)so let's start this up!!! IC:*Tero and Karma Power are rising with every blow.Well Talon,Tala,and Ring See the action.* Tala:This is amazing their power's are dead even! Talon:I my getting tired of Tero and Karma fighting I think it's my turn to Kick some A-- *Talon Flies up to join the fight* Ring:Talon! *Talon Stops and turns around* Talon:What!? Ring:You make Sure you beat him real good Remember he's a Shado(or a Shadow)Warror.. Talon:So... Ring:when you Fight make sure you beat up really good Talon:That is the Secound Time you said that Why!!!!??? Ring:So I can Cast him Back to Where he belongs *Talon Think for a min.* Talon:Alright that's a good Plan *Talon Flies torwards The battle as it heat's up OOC(out of Charater):I like To think you for reading my thread this is a Conutinue the story Thread Continue The Story.......:D :) :p
  14. Welcome New Comer I'm Tero Valor Host and Warror.I hope You'll Post here often Here is the lay out a all out combat between Warrors,Wizdards,or what ever else.To see which is strongest to Save the world from Evil.Fight with Warrors with light Orbs to face the evil. You make your own Charater,(or)Fight. You can make a Team of at least 5 Collect 10 light orbs you or team have a choice of:Trainning to build power,speed,Tech.,or snipe(or accuracy)this takes Two Orbs.You or the teamcan choose to Collect more Orbs.The last two are you or the teamcan choose to battle a beast of power or you or the team can choose a Technique the team members can have(Some Techniques you need to train for or Win a Battle Some Techniques need a certain number of Light Orbs to be up -tained(or to buy). Their are also Touraments to gain Orbs.Before a Battle you must type down how many Orbs a fighting or a Team is lying on the line.At times Teams may help each other in battles. Now this is how the battle system works.... A Play or a Team may Fight another Team or Player. 1st:Type your Players name (or Teams name and players on the Team) 2nd:Type How many Orbs of your Team is putting on the line 3rd:when post Fight make Sound Real(no one hit Kills stuff) 4th:have one Member(or Team Member) at a time post so is to act Fair 5th:When the battle will be won by a Trial of Juges.They'll Juge on Realism,how many Post,How long the post is,Battle Technique.The Juges also juge on what one move you win or how many Orbs you win(in Beast Battles).The final destion on who win what match will be posted by me. I myself do not Know the evil that plages this world.... P.S. were registering fighters,warror,and Teams First before getting in to fight I'll get the word from the juges go
  15. OOC:Okay?... I forgot to tell you what all happen up to this point okay here it is A Demon named Demonos was Try to take over the world. But a Silver Haired Warrior named Talon Stopped him.A being named RingMaster(or Ring)Sent him to HFIL.One year after A tourament starts with Vegeta,Trunks,Akneebu,Ring,Tala,Talon, Gohan,Shimmia,Pan,Goten,Vegeo,Gotai,and Piccolo. The Battles were hard fought leding to today events.Tero,Talon and Karma.... Talon letting Tero fight Karma First Karma and Tero Power Up For Battle....... Sorry for not Tell you guys the whole Story and I hope You Post a Reply... ____________________________________________________ IC:Tero and Karma Power Up For a Battle Tero:I won't let you Win Karma Karma:I hope not I looking for a good Fight.. :demon: *(Talon to Himself)Tero is very but so is Karma... This going to be good* Talon:Get this done and over with Tero.I still got to fight you. Karma:What makes you think he's going to Win! Talon:A luck Guess.... Please Post and Countinue the Story Guy(and Gals) ____________________________________________________ Thanx for reading this and Post and help Countine the Story... Sign, Tero Valor
  16. OOC:I'm Back!Tero Valor in the game once more.... Ih my Name is Tero Valor Goldo Saiyan here are something to tell what this Thread(RPG)is all about. You can be your own crated Fighter or what ever.You crate your own Move too. This Thread is a continuation of one I Crated before... Please feel free to say what ever you want to. To tell you what the words OOC and IC mean Out of Charater and In Charater Their are charater in the Story that are taken those like Talon,Tala,Tero,Gotai,Razz,Ring, Drappa,larat(or Demona),Demonos,Vegeo The charater in the Story from Dragon Ball are Trunks,Goten,Vegeta,Bra,18,Krillin,Pan,Etc... Their are ones I made up are... Gotech,Shimmia, __________________________________________________ Prologe:Last time on Dbx Tero and Karma Power up and in a Fight to see how is the strongest... Tero:I see your Power is as Strong as me... Karma:Tero,I have Been waiting for a long to fight you :demon: OOC:Please Conutine the Story.... :)
  17. OOC:People I'm sorry.I have been busy. IC:*The Two's Power are almost too strong to Contain Your Fists Fly so fast that Goku and Vegeta can hardly keep up* Goku:Oh man their fast Vegeta:their power is amazing..... *Back on the battle arena* Conutine the story.....
  18. *Como lens over to Tieshie* Como: (I think we should jump in) Tieshie: (Okay,I think it a good plan) *As Tieshie and Como are run over to stop the fighting and rumble is hear.They all look over* Siren:Holy SxxT!Vamp Army! Como:Oh man.... *Como,Tieshie,and the other draw their weapon* Tieshie:Time to play..... *Tieshie leap in the air and with one slash of he's katana blade cut down a group of Vamps* Tieshie:you know these guys? PS conutine the story......
  19. OOC:PLease post people I'm starting the tourament again.... Ring:I will destory you Karma.....I don't Fear You!!! Karma:Your A fool....I have powers you don't understand... *Tero get's angry and looks a Karma* Tero:Your the fool Karma.... Ring:Stay out of this! Tero:NO! He threaned to destroy u.....I owe you one..... Karma! *Karma turns to Tero* Tero:your fight is with me now! Karma:I'll crash you!Tero! Tero:You'll Be the one being crashed! *Karma Attacks Tero* PS conutine the story.....
  20. OOC:Thanks for Posting *As Como and Tieshie look at Drake,Siren,and Akira* Como:What do you guys want any way? *The Three look a Como and Tieshie*
  21. OOC:Hi guys I'm Tero Valor this is my new story so go along with please *As the moon sets and the sun rises, darkness is over the horizon. Two travelers run into unneeded assistance.....* Thief:How are you guys doing today?:naughty: *the one man lifts up his hat a bit* ?: Good.... Thief:You guys know the drill. Give us your money and you won't get hurt.. *The other man looks up* ?:No... Thief:What?! No!You guys are fools *The Thief pulls out his sword* ?:That would be a mistake my friend.... Thief:Oh,Yeah??!! *The Thief run with fury at the two men but is stoped by a strong pain in he's stomach and look's down at the man* The Thief:It is you two Como and Tieshie!...... *The thief Dies* Como:You bering it on to yourself....Thief.... OOC:Cool huh? feel free to post any time guys this is a make up your charater story line game see ya Sign, Tero Valor
  22. Okay,I get it.... I'm not cool no more... Fxxk it... I need more people to post... my compter crashs I can get on....Please for the love of the gods post.... sign. Tero Valor P.S. I'll start a new chapter in DBX... So please post...:(
  23. OOC:Hi guys sorry it been a long time.I read all the post to refresh my memory.....my password for aol was erased.But I'm back I hope you guys still post.Talon,Tala,Ring,Talais,and All of you thank you. Tero::laugh: that was funny! *Karma get's up angrily* Karma:I have been been beaten by a Human?This is your felt RingMaster Tero:Ringmaster!where??!! *A black mist forms from under Ringmaster* Tero: Ringmaster? Ring (Ringmaster):Yes it is I,I came here to do away with Karma.... *Ring and Karma stare each other down :demon: :naughty: continue the Story...... P.S. To those who see this please post and to Raiha,ring,NanakiXIII,and everyone please post too and to Outlaw's Dragon ball'a new story good luck man and post please see ya guy and girls
  24. OOC:thanks for tell us that Raiha and NanakiXIII your fight is over sorry:( but please keep post. *as Karma walks to the Ring.Tero looks at Karma and Ring* Tero:Their is a buring hate between the two Talon: huh? Tero: Can't you feel their energy? Tala:ah? *Tala sares at them deeply* Tala: The to are powerful!!??I think Shimmira is in trouble.... continue the story.......
  25. OOC:HUH.....ahmmmmm..... huh....Karma that was stupied you watch wrestling too much.....:therock: *Ring enters ring with Anebu* Ring:So your Anebu..... Anebu:Yup Ring:huh,well let's have a good fight. Anebu:alright... *Anebu gets in he's stence but Ring stands still* *anebu to himself* Anebu:Is he crazy or a genise?To be wide open he would have to be a fool. *Anebu charges at Ring and hits him right in the face and then go to a furies fighting mode.Avery punch and kick making contact but Ring stands still.Then Anebu see Ring buring a hole in Karma.Anebu take one more leap to finish Ring off but as he is about to throw a punch he is stop by a rage of pain in he's stomach he looks down to see Ring masters Fist in he's gut.Then Ring swing around with super fast super eldow into he's face making Anebu fly out of the ring* The host:ah.....ah.......I.....guess...Ring is the winner *Ring walk out the ring looking at Karma* Ring:Your up next Karma......just beat him and your all mine... ':naughty:' Karma:huh... The host:Next up.....Karma Vs. Shimmira.... continues the story.......
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