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Everything posted by TeroValor
Tero:Hi,guys Tala:cool ending Tero. Zeko:Yeah. Talon:That was tricky move their Tero. Tero:I think I was just lucky. Goku:you have leaned well Tero,you saw a opening and neiled it. Tero:their is always next year,right? Goku:ah. Talais:Tero!!!that was awesome! *Tero blushes* Tero:that you....hi Mazek,how you doin' Mazek:good.... *Karma walks you to Tero* Karma:So you won big deal....I can do that too....:demon: *Karma walks away* Tala,Talon,Talais,Tero::butthead: sign. Tero Valor P.S. I need to ask people this..... I'm a good host?Karma is at Axx hole in all but I have been thinking.... I can sign on all the time,I'm a newibe,and I can't type right most of the time....I go to still be the host of this board.... please tell me what you think to how read this and type a honest answer please thank you.... oh........ continue the story......
*Goku stood in shock* Goku:How did that happen? Tero:I was Training with Talon for the Tourament and The Training go Intense and I happened *Lol* *Goku think to himself* Goku:how can Tero learn level 5 in a year?I been training to learn it For years I takes alot out of ya......be Tero is diffent.....he was Born a Super Saiyan and trains almost all the time..... Tero:Hey,Goku! Goku:huh?Ya. Tero:let's continue the match....But first I gotta turn back to saiyan level 4 okay...... Goku:I said full power?..... Tero:Oh,It's not that.... Goku:huh? Tero:I haven learned to contol that level.... Goku:Oh....Okay....Tero....WE can't fight all day so let's use are strogest moves.Okay? Tero:Alright. *Tero and Goku get In their standence* Goku and Tero:KA.....Ma.....HA......MA......HA!!!!!!!! *The two Beam hit each other* Gohan:The power of the two!....... Piccolo:Goku is in trouble....He's using all of he's energy in the blast and Tero's not even breaken a sweat! Zeko:I think Tero going to win Tala:I think so too Talon:Huh?I think your both right......(I'm going to have to use my Super Silvanos Form to beat Tero) Tero:Time to end this fight. Goku:Huh? *Tero super speeds right next to Goku* Goku:what the??!!!! Tero:dragon Fury Fist!!!!! *Goku is Ko'ed by the hit* Goku:Ah....ah.... TheHost:The winner is by Knock Out.....Tero!!!! Tero:Yeah....Goku are you Okay? Goku:Ya. TheHost:The next Match is Ring Vs. Anebu..... Continue the story.... OOC:I got to tell you guy a NEW Rule here.If it A Player vs. Player match I make the Finally deision.I will be made depened on Posts, and Realisem to the Show. Sign, Tero Valor P.S. Peace out!
OOC:Hi Guys Talais and Tala you can wait *As Tero and Goku are still fighting.Tala and Talais are ready to fight* Tala:So you got wings and can sommon thing.I can do the same and better. *Talais laughs at Tala* Talais:Your joking right Tala:No.... Talais:Okay....Let's see it. *Tala rise her arms to the sky* Tala:I call on Deko!!!!!! *A huge beast comes from the sky* Deko:Yes,Master...... Talais:Wow....that's good......really good....I think I have some conbation.... Talon:Okay you two,stop it Tala:Huh? Talais:Huh? Talon:You can take it to the ring after Karma Vs.Seasea and Ring Vs. Shimmira Matches. *Tero and Goku are still fighting in the ring* Goku:That is it.....Kamahamaha......... *A Kamahamaha Beam shoot at Tero.Tero Power Sky rockets to Super Saiyan Level 5!* Goku:What!Super.....Saiyan.....Lev...el....5! Tero:Yes! Continue the story..... P.S. to tell Jion The Super Saiyan Level 5 was my Idea too:)
*as Tero smiles a Tala joke,Karma smiles to giving Tero chills up he's spine* Tero:I can't deside what is more creepyer?His Look or his Smile. Tala:Tero go back to your fight. Tero:right. *As Tero turns to Goku,Goku powered up to Super saiyan level 4* Goku:Okay Tero play time is over.
OOC:Hey guy sorry for the hold up.By the way,Talon hasn't been sign on because every time he posted it didn't show up. *Tero is still in he's Kamahamaha stance* Tero:Dammit,What was it that deseracted me? *Tero looks up at Karma* Tero:It was you! *Karma sack he's head yes* Continue the story....
OOC:thank you for posting again OutLaw:) and again good luck... *on the outside The warrors where cheering for both Tero and Goku* Piccolo:final Goku Vs. Tero this is going to be good. Gohan:I know. Talais:Go Tero,Harray Goku Tala:You can do it Tero! Talon:Ya kick his Axx! *While up in the sky Karma Watches* Karma:This IS going to be good. *Tero and Goku in the ring* Tero:you hear that?I guess it's teach vs. pupial,huh? Goku:Yes,Tero it is but it will be the greatest test for you. Tero:I know. *Goku and tero lock for Combat.Than Kicks and punch of fury that are so fast that gohan can't keep up* Vegeta:Thei...r...r moving s...o..o fa..s..t Tala:un Real..... Gohan:I can't see how's winning or losing.... The continue the story......
OOC:I like to Start and finish this Post I'll try to make it Cool. *As Trunks and Gotai(to tell you Gotai is Gohan's son)steer at each other* Trunks:Do you remember what happen to you let time we fought? Gotai:Yes,I have gotten more Powerful sents then... *GoTai looks around* Gotai:Their are alot of people watch us. Trunks:Yes,so let's gave them a show. Gotai:All right. *Trunks and Gotai get into battle stance* Trunks:Let's Go!!! *The Fight start fighting fist to fist,Foot to foot.match each others moves* Gotai:I told you I got better. Trunks:You aren't Lying. *The to start to fight again,well on the out side Tero is very distarbed by Karma's ora* Bolli:What with him? Goku:Huh? Bolli:That guy. Goku:Tero?I don't know? *Goku go's over to Tero* Goku:What's Wrong? *I'm Think.* Goku:about what? *who is Karma verusing?* Goku:I think it's Shimmira *Okay* *In a insence Karma Shot up he's energy.Causing Trunks to turn around and Gotai to neil him with a beam causing him to Fly out of the ring* The Host:The winner is Gotai! Gotai:Yes,I won!Iwon! The Host:The next match is Goku Vs. Tero Valor! *Continue the story....*
OOC: Hi it me Tero Guys so how are you people's Raiha and Outlaw Please Write back on my board please *Tero go's to he's Knees* Sign Tero Valor P.s. Cool Broard and Good luck!:)
OOC:To Ringmaster and Raiha I like to say... way to go! I'm sick of that guy too I hope Karma does't come back.... *Trunks and Gotai enter the ring and look at each other* Gotai:Wow..This sore is a big crowd. Trunks:yes it is.Do you remember the fight we had before? Gotai:Yes THe Story Continues......
OOC:What the h*ll! first you say I'm weak!Then you say all of as are weak.Who are you!I saw your email address.why did you use TeroValor as email name.Are you Stalking ME! If you say were weak again all kick your A** got it D**k Sign, Tero Valor P.s. Sorry people that I said those things
OOC:how is Karma and he looks like me?Why?Is he Trying to cody my?Dark Orb Wave? what the hell is going on.Oh well I guess the next match is Trunks verus Gotai! Sign, Tero Valor P.S. Thank You for posting NanakiXII
OOC:Okay,sorry NanaKiXII and Raiha Sorry for the match has tookin' too long and has been going too slow so the battle ends now.Sorry Talon.... *All the fighters watch the battle(Tala,Talais,Goku, Gohan, Piccolo,and Tero)* Tero:I think the fight is almost over! Goku:Ah! Tala:Finally! Gohan:I been waiting for my fight for a long time! *Talon and Vegeta Slash together in a Intense final assault* Vegeta:You'll never beat me! Talon:Then why I'm I beat you! *The two power up for their super energy moves* Vegeta:Gattlaning GGGGGUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!! Talon:KKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *The two energy move clide together and in to a brillent light leaving the Warrors in suspense* Goku:Who won? Tero:What I see something! *When the smoke cleared it was offical.Talon land in he's fight stance and vegeta land on he's back out of the ring* Vegeta:Dammit!He beat me!How?! Talon:It's sample's I kicked your A** The Host:Will people it looks like Talon is the winner!What a match to start out with! Tala:alright Talon! Tero:Way to go! Goku:Tell you what!The match Started out slow but ended good! *Piccolo turns to Gohan* Piccolo:looks like were up Gohan:Ah........ Continue the Story...... OOC:Hey,some times people can't sign on so still come on and talk please P.S. Raiha you are verusing Tala in tourament Talon,Bite me you were taken to long.Sorry
OOC:What the hell people where is every body go?I will not lay down and die:flaming: I will prove people wrong.I will fight ! *as the Slivanos and Saiyan go at it tero turn to goku* Tero:hey who do u think will win? Goku:it a tought call.Talon go Speed and power but vegeta got Skill and exp. Tero;Oh. Goku:the fight i'm waiting for is are fight. Tero:I know sign Tero Valor OOc:Talon hary the f'n fight up man!!!
the hole thing here is OOC Hi,It's my Tero I like to say sorry to some people:( I like to say sorry to Raiha(or Talais)for not emailing her on what has happened.Two I like to say sorry to NanakiXIII for mistaking his charaticer.Three,for not being a good host..... I like to hear your though's to talk to me (IM)it's TerovalorTbear
*Tero is also seeing the match start* Tero:I wonder who I'll be faceing? Goku:you'll be faceing me. Tero:master Goku huh Goku:guess it's time to see how's stronger Tero:I guess.... *Tero and Goku share at each other* Tero:But first let's see how wins Talon's match Goku:I guess Piccolo going to have to verus Gohan. Tero:huh? Goku:What? Tero:I was thinking. Goku:About What? Tero:If Talon wins agains Vegeta how will he verus in the secound round? Goku:Let's see,ah here are the matches. Tero:Talon vs. Vegeta,Goten vs.Gotai,Shimmia vs.Vidal,Tero vs.Goku,Piccolo vs. Gohan,Bochan vs.Vegego,Anebu vs.Ring,Tala vs.Talais,andNanaki vs.Slally(formaly know as 18).Cool ...continue the story Sign Tero Valor Email at [email]TerovalorTbear@aol.com[/email] See Ya!
OOC:Like how Ringmaster somed up the end of last year's fight now is the time for the new people to join(please read the first post first my post. *One year later.A Demonos death at the hands ofRingmaster.The earth warrories have been traing to for the tourament.Tero,Talon, and the other earth warrories are in to see how is the best* Tero:Talon,Tala time to go! Tala:Okay. *Talon,Tero,and Tala are on their way to the Tourament* Tala:I wonder who I'll verus first? Talon:I hope it's not me*Holds Tala's hand* Tero:Me too. *as the warrories talk Tero spot's the Tourment ring* Tero:Their it is guy the Ryo Tourament Ring Tala:Cool:) Talon:Awsome Goku:Hey guys Tero:Hi,Goku GoTai:Hey you guys are late you,You all so missed the number pull -ing so we pull for ah.here you guy's number's Talon:1!Yup I the man Tala:I'm number 18 Tero:I'm Number 10 *Goku laugh's* Goku:Ha,that's funny you have to verus me in The Tourament's fifth round Tero Tero:Sweet! Vegeta:So I have to Verus Talon Huh I'll Crush him! Talon:Don't take me so lightly Vegeta. *the announcer call's for the first match* Announcer:will Talon and Vegeta please report to the ring.... *As Talon and Vegeta stare at each other and are going ready to fight......* OOC:Please continue the story..... Sign Tero Valor
*As Tero Sees Talais Fly away.He desided to fallow her* Tero:Were the hell is she going? *Tero flies to see Talon up after Talais cast a spell* Tero:What the hell are you doing? Talais:I'm sorry for the interuption Talon. *Talais pulls Tero a side* Tero:So are you going to anwser my qustion? Talais:I helped Talon out and.... Tero:....You were going to ask him out. Talais:...... Talon:...... *Talon start to think of something to say.* Talais:So Talon will Ya.;) Talon:I'm Sorry Talais.I'm Going out with um......um.......Tala! Talais:Tala?You mean the girl back a the house?Why didn't you know her name then!?:smirk: Talon:Because I wanted to be a surpries. *Talon to himself* Talon:That was a close call *Tero teleapathly is listening* Tero:Smooth ;) Talon:I know. Tero:You two make a great Boyfriend and girlFriend Talon:I guess.I never had a girlfriend before.I Think I'll earth. A Year passes Tero is more powerful,Talon and Tala fall in Love,and The story still continues..... OOC:Sorry Talais is a made up charater.Tala is in real life Talon's girlFriend so it was ownly natural from the story to go the same way.oh,by the way Ringmaster and Tero become friends Thank you and sorry, Sign Tero Valor and for those who didn't remember my e-mail is [email]TerovalorTbear@aol.com[/email] and please E-mail me your e-mail address Talon,Tala,Outlaw,andRaiha.also send me your I.M. please I need to talk to someone P.S. Talon is p.o. so if your going to use talons charater think like him Talon:your Piss off :flaming:
OOC:Hey Talon Sometimes people have to barrow charaters so the story doesn't die.Okay.Sorry man that's the way it go's. *As the fighters watch Talon fly off to fight Demonos Tero hear a sound of dishes droping on the flood* Chi-Chi:Talais did you drop the dishes again Talais:Sorry,I'm a fight not a cleaner!!!! *Talais turn to see Tero Staying their* Talais:Oh!Tero It's you. Tero:Hi,Talais you training for the Tourament *Ringmaster turns* Ringmaster:A tourament huh?Maybe I'll join...you know.....to see if I still got it Tero:Oh.....Okayy..... Talais:Ya I'm signing up and training Too *form over the talking Piccolo hears someone in the trees.Piccolo flies over and kicks it out of the tree* ???:ow!!!Why the hell did you do that for!!! Piccolo:Sorry,I thought you might have been Demona! *Tero turn's to see the girl on the ground and helps her up* ???:Hey,I know you!your the guy who helped out the guy with the sliver hair,aren't you? Tero:Ah,Hi I'm Tero Tero Valor.The sliver haired guy name is Talon And what is your's? ???:My name is Tala,I'm a fighter too. *Talais jumps in* Talais:you don't look like one. Tala:WAS THAT A SMART A$$ COMENT BXTCH!!!! Talais:sorry. *as the warrories were done talking.Gohan,Vegeta,Goten,Trunks,Vegego,and Gotai fly down from the sky* Gotai:Hi,Guys. ....... OOC:Sorry,People for using for Barrowing your charater and your probley mad at my.But understand people need to do it to make the story go on. sorry, Sign, TeroValor I have new Email address it's [email]Terovalortbear@aol.com[/email] see ya.
*Tero,Goku,and Piccolo fly to hind Talon and Demonos with a man dress all in black* Tero:Who is that? Goku:I don't know?Piccolo? Piccolo:I know him from some where.But where? Tero:Hey Talon,who's your new friend? *Talon turns* Talon:I don't know him but his name is Ringmaster.......... AND HE'S NOT MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Chi-Chi cuts in* Chi-Chi:My aren't we popular? NOW QUIT FIGHTING OR I'LL KICK ALL YOUR LITTLE A$$ES!!!!! *The boys quake in fear but Ringmaster stat still* Talon:women on this planet are scary. *Goku turns to Talon* Goku:I see like this all the time.By the way what's your name? Talon:I'm Talon Stormhawk. *In the midst of the confusion Demonos Flies off,turn to Talon* Demonos:I'll See you sometime Talon and next you'll lose! Talon:Bring it on!any time! *As The fighters sighed in relief as Demonos Flew off* Goku:Glad the's over.Now let's go in and eat! Chi-Chi:Not till Trunks,Gohan,Goten,Vegeta,Vegego,andGotai get back. Goku:Ah,come on Chi-Chi my stomach is hungry! OOC:Talon My Brother Signed Up dam it!.... Coutinue the story Please........
*As Goku and Piccolo fly in the air back to goku's house they see Tero fling to them* Tero:Master Goku it's Demonos!He's Attacking the house...or...Was.... Goku:What?Demonos,did you do it!did you destroy him? Tero:No...it was....a guy named Talon.... Goku:Who's Talon? Piccolo:A guy who came with us today.I didn't think he was that powerful.Maybe he has the abillite to hide he's powers like us? *Tero,Goku,and Piccolo flew back to Goku's house.....
OOC:Hi,guys sorry it's been a long time(not actaly).sometimes I can be here so I need you guys to continue the story for me so it doesn't croke over. so I like too thank Out Law,Lord Vegeta,and all the other people how write on to this board thank you *as Tero,Piccolo,Zaden,and Talon flew off* Talon:Hey,Tero were we goin'? Tero:To Master Goku's house. Piccolo:Goku?You Know Goku? Tero:Ah,Year ago he found me in some city shoping for food. Talon:How can up have a power level like us? Tero:I'm part of a dying race. Piccolo:What Race? Tero:Golgo,so others put in my blood,and ahhh....ahhhh..... Sai.....Sai......Sai...Yan,Saiyan Piccolo:What?How?You got Gold hair like a Super Saiyan but your hair isn't staking up like other Super Saiyan like..... Tero:Goku,GoHan,Pan,Trunks,Goten,Vegeta,Vego,Gotai,and Shimmia...... Piccolo:Ya!!! Tero:That Becouse I was born a Super Saiyan.I guess becouse of my mixed race. Piccolo:What? *Piccollo Thinks to himself* *Piccolo:that's crazy a born super saiyan.The promblem is I can't seance he power level so back their I can't tell how much of he's power he was holding back* *The warror finally land at Goku's House* Tero:Master Goku! Master Goku! *someone step's out side the house* Chi-Chi:Sorry Tero,Goku's out Fishing with the rest of the gang and Vidal,Pan,andShimmia are helping me cook Tero:Oh. *Chi-Chi turns to the group* Chi-Chi:So who are your new friends? Tero:oh!,this is Talon,Zaden,and..... Chi-Chi:Piccolo,right?he's a friend of Goku and a member of the family. Tero:Cool. *Pan walk's in on the conversation* Tero:Hi,Pan how's Gotai doing? Pan:Oh,Hi Tero,to answer your question he doing good. Hey did you hear over the radio? Tero:No? What? Pan:Their having a tourament of the best of the masters.I think you should go to it. Chi-Chi:Ah,like you have a choice?Goku already sign him up. Tero:Alright,this is going to be fun.look's like it time to train Hey,would you guys like to train with me.......... OOC:Please continue the story please thank you and come again sign:Tero Valor E-mail me at [email]TeroValor74@email.com[/email]
OOC(out of charater):I'm sorry for making you guys wait so long but now we can start..... *The earth has had many years of peace..... But That peace is about to be broken.....* *Tero is Flying around when he sees Demonos(a Deo which is a demon like being)fighting a Sliver haired warror* Tero:Who the Hell is Demonos Fighting?I hope he's good. *Tero turns to see Demona(a female Deo also sister of Demonos) .Tero Flies down to Demona* Tero:You aren't planing on jumping in on my friends fight. *Demona Turns* Demona:Tero Valor!!!What the hell are you doin' here? Tero:Making sure you don't jump in on the fight? Demona:Oooooh,okay so you want to fight? Tero:Here or in bed? *Demona SLAPS Tero* Demona:You Jurk!!! Tero:I was ownly kidding. *Demona Laughs on the inside* Tero:Okay,Shall we then? Demona:OK *As Tero and Demona lock down for combat they both heard someone Yelling Deomna's name* the voice:Demonaaa!!!! *Tero and Demona came to the seen the found a girl on the ground beginnig gurded buy The sliver haired warrorand Demonos at the hand of the sliver warror* Demonos:Help me out will ya? Demona:No!you dug your own grave,now lay in it. Demonos:Why you B*tch!!!You dare go against your own blood??!!!Now die!!! *Demonos go's to shoot Demona with a energy wave when Tero kicked him in the face* :flaming: Tero:How about fighting a real Warror insead of beating up girls *Sliver Warror Leans againest a tree* Sliver Warror:thank you,I was getting sick of whiping his a**. By the way my Name is Talon Tero:I'm Tero,Tero Valor.By the way you mind if I fight Now? Talon:Be my Guest. Demonos:Sorry to disapoint you but you won't kill me. Tero:will See about that!!! *Tero and Demonos are a bout to fight when they hear a loud sound........ OOC:Please Continue the story and come again.... sign, Tero Valor:)
*Their has been many years of peace on planet earth.But that peace is about to be shaddred* Tero is Flying around when he sees Demonos(A Deo(A Demon like race)fight a sliver haired warror* Tero:who the hell is fighting Demonos? *Tero Turn to see Demona(a Female Deo)* Tero:Your not thinking on jumping in on my friends fight over their, are you? Demona:Tero Valor!What the hell are you doing here? Tero:Making sure you don't jump in on my friends fight. Demona:ooooh,okay.so you want to fight tero:okay,here or in bed. *Demona SLAPS Tero* Tero:I was Joking,so Shall we *Tero and Demona are about to fight when They here Demonos yell Demona.They fly over to see Demonos hallen at the hand of the sliver haired saiyan* Demonos:Help me will ya? Demona:Not you dug your own grave to lay in. Demonos:Why you trader!!!I'm your brother and you dare defie me!!!Now die!!! *Demonos is a bout to shoot a beam at Demona when Tero kicks him in the face* Tero:why don't you Try fight a boy instaed of hitting girls!!! Demonos:ah,Tero Valor this will be interasting...you'll die like my sister Out of charater(or OOC):Please Cantinue the story Please Sign Tero Valor:)
Hi,I'm your host Tero Valor.In case you missed the last time the this thread was on Otaku.Here are the Rules...... Choosing a Guy(or Girl):you can make your own Warror or choose one of my own from DBX(no it not the name of a DBZ porn Flick) DBX Charaters: Gotai:Son of Gohan/Vidal,Friend of Tero's Vegego:2nd son of Vegeta/Bluma,rival of GoTai Shimmia:her father is Trunks/mother is Pan/sister to Gotech Gotech:Son of Trunks/Pan/brother to Shimmia and any other charater in the DBZ andDBGT sagas Charaters Charaters played by Tero,Talon,andTala: Tero:Played by me,hair turn Gold when he turns Ulta Saiyan Talon:played by Talon,Friend and rival of Tero,boyfriend to Tala,Hair turns Sliver Tala:Played By Tala,me and Talon,Girl friend of Talon Gaboo:Played by Tero,a luck dragon I hope you like my Thread or have any throughts about it e-mail me at [email]TeroValorRPG@aol.com[/email][/email] (and cheak out A New Hero By Talon Stormhawk on Games and stories Otaku Boards)(his is no Relation to Dragon Ball Xsterme on the Boards ether) Thank you very for reading and please Join Sign, Tero Valor
No Jakura...this ismy first thread ever here in the otaku ========================================== *Talon looks with a confused look towards Tero. He goes and leans against a tree and pulls out of a bag, a wierd looking fruit and begins to eat it.* "So, who are you? I see that not all beings in this world are weak, only the ones who say they're the strongest." *Picks up a scent of another approaching being* "No time for introduction, there is another power level approaching, get ready for anything." *Talon lets out an intimidating roar and he gains a silver aura. Then his Hair turns silver and is in Saiyan form. His muscles grow double size, and his speed doubles as well.* *Talon looks at Tero* "what, never seen a Silvanos before?"