*From A safe look out Tero a young Saiyan.See a girl being a attacked by Demonos he also sees Demona and a never before felt power level*
Tero:What the hell!!!Who the hell is that??!!!!!
No,matter I got to help him.
*Tero flies over,seeing sliver Warror fighting Demonosand flies over to Demona*
Tero:Your not thinking about jumping in now are ya?
Demona:What!!!Tero Valor!!!what the hell are you doin' here?
Tero:Make sure your demonic *** don't jump in on my friend's fight over their.
Demona:Oh,oh okay shall we fight then?
Tero:Okay,here or in bed?
*Demona slaps Tero*
Tero:I was olny kidding,Okay,I counld use the warm up.
*Tero and Demona are about to lock in mortal combat,when her
yells for her*
Demona:ah,sorry got to go Tero see you later,okay?
*Demona flies as Tero joking said*
Tero:Call me!!!!