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Everything posted by gsp01

  1. I dont care what ne of u think (altho piro has a good point) the legendary super saiya-jin is vegeta
  2. Goku may always surpass Vegetea, but vegeta never gives up and has an infinite amount of willpower which makes him the legendary super saya-jin
  3. That's very true. I spent about 3 hours non-stop trying to get Great Saiyaman, and he sucks majorly! I belive that the game should've gone onto the Buu saga, but the game was good without it.
  4. Tony 4 is a great improvement from all of the other ones. I love the idea that there's no limit for you exploring the places. This is one of the hardest games of its kind.The hardest for me personally, was escape from Alcatraz. other than that, the game is amazing.
  5. I love the banner. It is a little plain, but hey, it's better than I can do so why am I complaining? Anyways, I love Evanescence as soon as I heard their single. The vocals and instruments are in sync wih eachother perfectly.
  6. I love this game to death. It's the funniest thing made for any system. I'm sorry I can't help you out on the teddiz thing, but I can tell you my fav part of the game. It would have to be the Matrix thing at the end.
  7. I'm pretty sure that she wasnt't pregnant. It was probably just something made up to further prove their love for eachother, as they clearley were in love.
  8. I've heard about rumors and everything that has to do with this movie. It was posted on dragonballz.com in 2001, but there has been no new news since then. It would be nice for them to create a live-action DBZ movie, but there's no way that they'd do it as it would cost way too much and would be too time-consuming.
  9. I don't think that it's a problem they change it. I am against it, but there's not much you can do to stop it. Plus, it's only a name and it's not like it's the end of the world.
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