DJ. Tatum
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Artimus and Neomon arrived at the village. Neomon:Artimus you have to meet my friends. Artimus:OK! Neomon whistles and four digimon come out. Neomon:Meet my friends,Patamon,Renamon,Gabumon,and Veemon. Artimus: Nice to meet you! Renamon:So you're the Partner,Noe has been babbling about. Patamon:Well looks like Neomon was telling the truth the whole time. Neomon:You guys lose the bet.
Tate noticed that his stone was glowing and so were the gems.Max noticed this too. Max:Hey cuz why are the gems and your stone glowing. Tate:Don't know? Max: Think we should tell the others. Tate:Yeah lets go. Moments later Tate and Max arrived at the chapel.The others were already inside.The doors opened and Tate walked in. Banner:Well Tate is back. Andrea:I see that you have four gems. T.D:Have you come to take ours. Tate stares at the others coldly. Tate:No I haven't besides, I ain't going to kill you.........yet! Aiko:What? Tate:HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA....Joking! Max:Yeah. Tate:Anyway I'm on your side,Xavier doesn't exist anymore.We combined into one personality, sort of a permanent fusion. The other guardians stared at the new Tate and then at each other. Banner:Well thats good, we need all the help we can get. Tate walks up to Andrea. Tate:Here ya go!*Hands her the four gems he has* Andrea:T-Thanks.*Blushes a little* Silia walks out of the hallway. Silia:I see that all the guardians are back including Tate.We even have a new guy. Max:Hey! I'm Max,Tate's cousin.He saved me from Damienina. ALL:Cousin? Tate:Yep,my cousin.
Artimus recieved a strange email,he was hesitant to open it but he did anyway.He was sucked in to his computer and landed in a windy clearing on top of a windmill. Artimus:............... ??????: There you are! Artimus looks up to see a little porcupine wearing a black bandana. Neomon:Hi I'm Neomon, who are you? Artimus:I'm Artimus. Neomon: you don't talk much do ya! Looks like I'm your partner, what do you say we get going to the village. Artimus of the Wind! They jumped off of the windmill and started walking.Neomon jumped on his shoulder. Artimus:Artimus of the wind....I like that. Neomon:Knew you would. Artiums:Alright, Hurricane Neomon Neomon:This looks like the begining of a beautiful friendship.Really Beautiful.
Tate and Max were walking down into a forrest, Tate stopped and looked around.Max had a concerned look on his face. Max:Tate, why did set me free from Damienina? Tate:Because your not a nightmarian. Max:What? Tate:Your my cousin,I see you don't remember me.I'm not surprised, you were abducted when we were kids.Aunty was devistated.Since that moment I made it my mission to find you.I guess I have completed my mission. Max:*sob*Thanx. Tate:No Prob.Cuz. Now lets get that gem. Max:If you don't mind me asking why do want those gems so bad. Tate:If all eight are aquired, a miracle happens.I suspect that Damienina is gather her forces as we speek. Max:We have to get those gems.
Tate finished his meditation and got up.He went and found Kiara. [COLOR=silver]Tate:So what you doing?[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Kiara:Nothing,why did come back here.[/COLOR] [COLOR=silver]Tate:To help you, I'm not the same Tate you knew nor Xavier.Our personalities have become one I mean you no harm.[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Kiara:I sensed a change in your being when you got here.[/COLOR] Max walks up to Tate and Kiara. Max:Whats up guys. [COLOR=silver]Tate:Hey Max.[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Kiara:Max?Whos Max?[/COLOR] Max:Me, I am a good guy now, cool huh? [COLOR=silver]Tate:He is eager.[/COLOR] Tate looked at his four gems which Kiara held in her hand. Max:Tate what is she doing with your gems. [COLOR=silver]Tate:Her friend Ki doesn't understand yet.If you don't mind I'll take my stones and leave.[/COLOR] Tate takes the stones from Kiara,He and Max began walking away. [COLOR=silver]Tate:We are going to oak forrest to get the last stone.Damienina already has one.You can come if you want.[/COLOR]
Tate flew through the air just dtring off into space. Andrea seemed to notice Tate. Andrea:Hey Tate whats wrong? Tate:............ Andrea:Banner, whats wrong with Tate. Banner:He is proably worried about Silia.Hey Tate perk up man! Tate:.................. Tate flies off ahead of the others.
The group began to walk down the corridor.All execpt for Tate who stared at the remains of one of the aliens. Super Tate:Robots.....Their robots!This alien thing is a front.Someone else is behind this.....but who? John:Robots you say. Meteo:Hmm..... Super Tate: It didn't make since from the begining..aliens don't exist that fact has been proven.This had to be the work of some orginization or something...but why?Why did they send robots to get us and not come themselves.... Maria:The only way we'll find out anything is to go beat that robot alien leader! The group rushed down the corridor to an uncertain battle. Stage One Complete.....
Sonic sees that more people have come,then takes off running. Sonic:This should be fun!*Jumps into the air and does a homing attack* Oh Boy I love this......HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!*Does Sonic's pose from SA2* Yeah! The others stare at him with eyebrow raised. Sora:You alright.
Tate was starting to get very angry , first Cat and Gene now Lor.. Tate:This is starting to tick me off! Everyone stopped and stared at Tate.Then the strangest thing happened Tate started floating in mid air and glowing. Meteo:What the......... The seven chaos emeralds appeared and encircled Tate.They started flashing and then.......Tate changed into what looked like Super Sonic. Super Tate:Alright I've had enough......Who's first.
Tate staggered to get to his feet.He had a smirk on his face.Tate summoned his light sword. [COLOR=silver]Tate: Wow, thats impressive.You would make a good ally.Now its my turn. [/COLOR] Tate swung his light sword and hit it to the ground causing a shockwave that hits max and knocks him into the side of a mountain. [COLOR=silver]Tate:Now lets finish this fight. Light of Purification.*Shoots light arrow* I learned this from my firend Kiara![/COLOR] The light arrow hits mak straight in his heart.Cleansing his soul.Max falls to ground in a deep sleep. [COLOR=silver]Tate:Well thats done.*looks at max* I can't leave you here.*picks him up*Lets go.[/COLOR] Tate looks at the four gems he has and takes to the air. [COLOR=silver]Tate:Four gems and a new friend, good haul![/COLOR] About 30 mins later Tate arrives at the chapel he lands right in front of Banner,Ki,and Kiara....
The young nightmarian commander charged at Tate.Tate jumped out of the way and kicked Max on his back. Max: Aggghhh!You'll pay for that!*Spins nagita around*Take this......Tidal Wave Smasher! A wave of water comes form the near by lake and hits Tate knocking him to the ground. Max: You can put up a better fight than that I know.
While the group is running Tate gets an bad feeling. Tate:Hold on, somethings wrong. Lor:What do you mean? Meteo:Tate this is no time for jokes. Tate:I'm serious, follow me! Tate dashes off toward his home at light speed. Maria:Come on guys! Moments later Tate arrives at his home to find it in shambles. Tate: What the....Cat, Gene where are you? Cat:Help Us!!!! Tate looks up to see Gene and Cat tied to the side of a alien spaceship. Gene:Tate save yourself! Cat:They'll come after you too. The ship takes off. Tate:..........No I won't let that happen!
Sonic:Hey the target test! I got the bottom few. Sonic reved up a spin dash and let loose destroying five targets. Sonic:Oh this ROCKS! Link: Boy you're eager. Sephiroth: Too eager in my opinion.
Tate soon arrived at Stardust Heights. The sky was black with the moon shining in the sky.Tate began to walk down a trail following a signal from the gem. He soon came to a cave with the the gem in it. [COLOR=silver]Tate: There is the gem. * looks around the cave* Looks to easy.[/COLOR] Tate walks up to the altar and picks up the gem.The cave begans to rumble and collapse.Tate runs out before he is trapped in. [COLOR=silver]Tate:Whew! That was close![/COLOR] Tate looks around and sees a boy holding a nagita stading beside a lake.The boy turns around and stares at Tate. [COLOR=silver]Tate: Who are you? Are you are guardian?[/COLOR] Max: I am Max, commander of the Nightmarian army. If you don't mind I'll take that gem.*gets into attack position* [COLOR=silver]Tate: Ha ha. Very funny, you remind me of Banner.[/COLOR]
After about 4 hours of training Tate sat down near a tree . He started to think about Xavier.How cocky he was and if he didn't learn to control his powers he would....... suddenly Tate hears a voice that sounds familiar. Xavier: Would what? [COLOR=silver]Tate: Huh?[/COLOR] Tate looks up to see a spirit image of Xavier standing in front of him. Xavier: What would I do, kill the others! Naw just Damienina. [COLOR=silver]Tate: But when I'm you, we seem so reckless....like the only thing we want to do is fight.[/COLOR] Xavier: There is a way to control that urge......fuse our personalities into one.Its permanent though.But we would be able to control our powers and crush Damienina like the bug she is. [COLOR=silver]Tate:Alright lets do it! But will we still be the same person?[/COLOR] Xavier: Yes we will. *sticks out his arm* Lets go. Tate grabbes Xaviers hand and this triggers a flash which engulfs the wholeyard.After the light diminishes , Tate wakes up and looks at himself. [COLOR=silver]Tate: We are one. Now I can go back, my training is complete.[/COLOR] Tate goes to his home and gets the gems from his room.Then he creates a portal usng his sword and flies into it.Moments later he arrives at the place where he fought Silia. [COLOR=silver]Tate: Now I should proably go to Stardust heights and get the gem, that will give me an even four.I sense that Damienina has already acquired the gem from Sunny Plains.[/COLOR] Tate takes off towards Stardust Heights....