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Everything posted by Teknomanfan

  1. i think that hamtaro sucks and i don't know if some of you noticed but in the russian worldchampionship is a mistake. when they show where the stadium is situated in Russia, they color Finland as a part from Russia wich is an obvious mistake
  2. i prefer sub because you have then the original thing, with a dub i think you always lose a bit of the original
  3. i believe that somewhere in space there will be another life-form. I think that that probably will be so but i don't really believe in those UFO stories about people getting kidnapped and so. i think that that is just a way for those people to get attention
  4. don't worry about that info i posted, that info can also be found on the tekno-mania site. everyone can see it there so if you have bad intentions you can still easily find that IP-address
  5. if you want a good ftp adress, here is one address: teknomanblade.serveftp.com username+password: teknoman
  6. there are people who share those eps on ftp or through mIRC, you can get those eps that way and it's cheaper
  7. you should try to watch the first series, i think it is far more better than TB II
  8. i thought that the fight between Blade and Sabre was pretty cool
  9. my first anime i ever watched was saint seiya and i watched it because i liked the armours
  10. the perfect vilain to me is someone who is very smart but also very skilled and aint to laizy to do his own dirty work
  11. is your pic from that kikaider show?
  12. sorry about it, but it is difficult to give info about an anime without promoting a site. btw: tekno-mania isn't my site, it belongs to roger s. :)
  13. tekno-mania is a better site with more accurate info
  14. hey guys, if you want the DVD's, visit [url]www.liquidanime.com[/url] , there you can but high quality dvd's (in japanese with english subs) or you can try ebay. if you would like to see the eps again, go to tekno-mania, there is a list with ftp-servers where you can download them from visit tekno-mania for more info about teknoman or join its forum for info on how to get teknomaneps, AMV's, specials, ...
  15. my favourite minor anime character is lance, he has a cool looking outfit
  16. i think that tallgeese is as fast as the other gundams. (except wing 0 and epyon)
  17. he, you have a bit my personality, only i think that i'm not arrogant
  18. sorry wasn't clear enough, i'm from belgium and my point was that i was hoping that we will see those eps to because RK isn't continously broadcasted here
  19. sure, my dad is tottally against it, he says that i should grow up. i know that it is a bit childish for an 18 year old boy to watch anime but i like it.
  20. maybe we'll see those new eps to
  21. i have a question, wich one of the gundam series do you people like the best?
  22. are they gonna show other new anime to?
  23. damned' i'd like to help with updating the teknomanarchives but james has never replied my emails.
  24. is there someone who does an update of the theotaku archives?
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