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About PiccoloNamek

  • Birthday 11/04/1983

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  1. I would get a direct neural connection to game, so I could leave this shithole that is called reality.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]Think about it. Like I said, the virtual reality would have to go to a point where you can walk in the game without walking in real life. So in the game, if you go to feel your head where the headset is, there won't be any headset, or rather, you just won't be moving your hands in real life. .hack is far from 'just a virtual reality game,' it's like a second world that you can live in. Plus, if someone else takes off your headset in real life, it may result in some sort of brain damage, something similar to The Matrix. Speaking of which, that's basically what .hack is, but with obvious differences. [/B][/QUOTE] I don't think so... there are many references of the players interacting with the real world while being logged in. For example, in the episode where they're taking the intellegence tests with those statues, Bear says he's he's drawing a map on paper as they walk along, and he even comments once that he has to stop for a second to go get some more. This is was all happening while he was still logged in. This leads me to believe that he's simply flipping up his visor/headest in order to draw.
  3. The last episode that I saw before it started over was the episode where kikyo gives naraku a huge chunk of the jewel and then starts talking about how much more free her soul is now than it was before, etc.
  4. Well, yeah, it just seems to me that Vash and Knives were modified to be more human-like. Like I said, the creatures inside the bulbs are actually greenish and much more "plant" looking. When I saw them for the first time, I was reminded of celebi from pokemon gold, only with more of a human-shape.
  5. IMO, the best anime songs are from Dragonball and Dragonball Z. Simply incredibly BGM, played by a real orchestra, and even cooler image songs. I like the remix of Hikari no Tabi the most. Simply a beautiful, incredibly, song.
  6. Definately Leliel. First, it looks really cool, and makes a cool sound. Second, it's virtually invincible. If you shoot the sphere it just dissapears, and if you shoot the body on the ground, it just absorbs it. They never really say exactly how Shinji managed to get out... he just "did".
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Plant_Angel [/i] [B]I hope we're not assuming that Knives and Vash are Plants as in pretty flowers.[/b][/quote] Well, no. :) [quote]They are 'Power Plants' genetically manipulated something or others, I dont think they are some form of tree given sentient thoughts. Think of those big bulbs and everything that is refered to as 'lost technology'. Those two are 'lost technology' in a way.[/quote] Well... when his mega-gun arm starts forming, his skin [i]does[/i] looks a lot like tree bark. ;) [quote]Vash and Knives were born to a Plant, it doesnt make it very obvious in the anime, and I dont know how one of those things got preggers, but there you go.[/quote] That's another thing that bothers me. What [i]exactly[/i] is a "plant". How did they come to be? How do they generate power? They need to make a sequel and explain more about that. [quote]Theyre are just the same only they are autonomous and free thinking (and cute, sorry but they are ^_^) I dont think Vash is 'more human' its just that he trys so hard to fit in. In fact Vash's 'flow', his power, is a lot greater than Knives.[/quote] Well, maybe not exactly the same. In the episode that occured inside the flying ship, when Vash goes up to comfort the bulb-plant, it looked scary and green. Maybe Vash and Knives were specially enhanced? [quote]My opinion of Legato is that he always had his power to control others, thats why he is so useful to Knives and why he was able to graft Vash's arm to himself, extending his life somewhat. I think he is actually about 40. Legatos importance is underlined as he is the only GHG without number. I am unsure of whether or ot he could overpower Knives, but his immense loyalty is a factor that would prevent us from ever finding out anyway. [/B][/QUOTE] That's what I always thought, that he had always been able to control people. I still don't see why you would give your loyalty to someone like knives, though, unless you were powerless against him.
  8. Yes, I have seen it all. So post away. ;) Hmm, speaking of plants... I never really paid much attention to this, but are Vash and Knives complete plants that have simply been manipulated to resemble humans, or are they plant/human constructs? You'd think it'd be kind of hard to manipulate a plant's DNA to the point of giving it a brain and nervous system, (As well as all of the other senses that come with those) but, I don't know for sure. Gee, I hope I don't sound too "New".
  9. I saw a boxed set at the mall... the price was around 300 dollars. That's absolute BS, so I'll just watch it on AS.
  10. Legato from Trigun is obviously extremely powerful. Why then, does he take orders from Knives? He says his goal is to make Vash suffer eternal sorrow, and maybe he's somehow working with Knives to achieve this end, but, let's say he isn't. Why listen to Knives? Couldn't he just use his powers to mangle Knives's body? Or does his plant dna protect him from Legato's telepathic abilities?
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