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Everything posted by VinceValentine

  1. Ok, with my little FF knowledge, i am probably just going to sound like a retard but, I like Vincent Valentine (ff7) cos he is so gorgeous! I love the whole story about him and lucrecia etc etc.... And i love the way he is so mysterious and dark.... And i like Irvine (ff8)because he is also gorgeous and he is such a ladies man and i love the hair!! his hair is cute and his hat is cute except when it is on selphie..... L.C. 4 A.C.
  2. Haha, ok i have yet another funny quote "You look like a bear wearing a marshmallow." Cloud Strife, Final Fantasy VII It was when barrett was wearing a sailor suit i think. I mean it was funny enough that he was wearing the suit in the first place, but the way he went back to the bathroom wouldn't take it off is just so funny:D And just imagine a bear wearing a marshmallow. Bears are funny enough on their own, and so are marshmallows, but put them together and hahahaaaaa :D:D:D
  3. Congratulations on coming out. I thought i was gay, so i told a lot of people. Then i realised i wasn't gay and i had to tell everyone that i was straight. but now i don't know what i am... But the best part about it is that i get lots of parties: a coming out party, and then a coming back in party, then a coming out party..... etc.. lol Any way I'm so proud of ya for coming out From The Girl Who Doesn't know who she is, Vincey :D :D :D
  4. OMG!! i absolutely love Lucca!! I love all those pics they are all great!! You are a legend! I love your pics! And i finally found someone else who loves lucca!! Cya :D:D:D
  5. My perfect date would be someone who i can talk to. I am a very shy person and there are only a few people that i can actually open up to. So anyone who really listens and doesn't make me feel bad about myself. Also, someone who shares the same interests as me. Someone who is older than me, probably about a year or 2 older than me would be good. And i love blonde hair!!! And they would have to be a footy fan! I can't stand anyone who doesn't like footy (aussie football!). And they have to be smart! But not smarter than me, cos then i would feel stupid. But, because i've never actually been on a date with anyone... ever(i'm so lonely), i don't really know what i want. Any way.... Cya I LOVE AC :D:D:D
  6. I've just spent 5 minutes trying to think of some part of me that is good. I didn't find anything. And then i realised... why would I give up the only slightly good part of me, so someone else could be perfect?!?! Heh heh, now i just sound really selfish. Oh well Cyaz
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chris [/i] [B][size=1][color=green] do you mind if i do an impression of this peice? i would give you the credit for the original sketch. (remember that you really can't tell me i can't seeing as how you copied it from ff8, but i won't do it if you ask me not to.)[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] No i don't mind at all, you didn't even have to ask me. And you don't have to give me credit, i really don't care. Have fun!
  8. I am really stuck on what the plural of orifice is. (Orifice - an opening or hole through which something can pass eg:mouth) I don't even know if there is a plural to Orifice, but if someone knows can they please tell me... :D:D:D
  9. I have only ever been on one school field trip and that was a 3 day camp at some cruddy place in the middle of nowhere. There was nothing to do except swim in this dirty gross lake ewww, or go on this thing called 'The Confidence Course'. It was this obstacle course thingy that was way up high in the trees, it was so unsafe, one dude fell off and broke his leg! So me and my friends just played on our gameboys the whole time!! Major waste of time.
  10. I absolutely love it. Its gorgeous! I love cars. I love 2 fast 2 furious. And most of all I LOVE PINK! Its great! I totally agree with everyone else how they all say that the colors blend in really well with each other. Excellent job!!
  11. The game that had the best music, i think, was all Final Fantasy games especially FF7 and FF9 had the best music. FF7 had the cool sephiroth music. and i loved all the characters themes, like tifa's theme and vincents theme and [spoiler]aeris' theme, the way the music played when she died and the holy materia bounces down the steps, just the way it is all placed made it seem really sad... somehow[/spoiler] FF9 had Melodies of life which i love so much, the tune and lyrics are so... i dont know... i just really really like it. One of the main reasons why i like certain games is because of the soundtrack!! And i absolutley love The FF games
  12. Well, last year (yr 8)i had a majorly huge crush on my english teacher, and my maths teacher, and a student teacher we had for PE. And this year (yr 9)I have had a crush on my Photography teacher and My Social Studies teacher.... and in year 7 i had a crush on my woodwork teacher. But last years crush on my english teacher was the worst. My whole english class found out. My mum was friends with him and my mum found out. and then he found out.... oh well, i was so desperate back then. I was such a loser/loner/try hard. :D:D:D
  13. Once i typed 'Uwa gagagagaaa' instead of 'Mwa hahahahaaa' .... i have no idea how, the U is nowhere near the M.... it was very embarrassing cos the other person thought i was a retard. And also, i seem to press the Enter button instead of backspace and end up sending a half completed sentence with a whole lot of typos. And then the other person is like 'WHAT!?!?' and that makes you feel even more embarrassed.
  14. I didn't know anything about Final Fantasy until i went to a shop and they showed FF7 to me as it had just gone platinum. I bought it and I absolutely fell inlove with it. I loved everything about it. The graphics were great in comparison to other games i had played at that point in time. I loved the storyline, it stunned me because i had never played a RPG before and as soon as i finished it i went out and bought FF8, and then FF9. Seeing as i have only played ff7, ff8 and ff9, i can't say that its the best ever FF game, but it surely is the best that i have ever played, by far!:D:D:D
  15. This is a sketch that i did not long ago. I'm not very good at drawing so this would have to be the only one of mine that looks even slightly good. Its Quistis from FF8. Please tell me what you think of it, and please tell me the truth.
  16. I know exactly what you mean. I have thought the exact same thing for a long time. It actually quite annoys me sometimes. It would be way cool if they had like a totally new sort of girl. Like one that has like blonde hair or something that isn't black and if she doesn't have magical powers like yuna and garnet and aeris and terra etc, they should have a kick-*** chick like tifa, she was cool.
  17. I love Freddy Got Fingered! Tom Green is absolutely hilarious! I have seen freddy got fingered so many times and i laugh so hard everytime! Pretty much everyone I know, hates Tom Green... I don't know why, he is a legend. I find him so funny and i think Freddy Got Fingered is hella funny:D:D:D
  18. Name: Lyssa Age: 13 DOB: 24-7-89 Location: Australia One Word: Lonely No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: Bored :p Occupation: Student Color: Orange Food: All :P Beverage: Diet coke with lemon!! :D:D:D Alter Ego: Zoltan Dream Job: Artist Self-Proclaimed: Loner Ethnicity: Kiwi Extracurricular: none Hobby: Drawing, music, watching TV and other stuff that doesn?t involve exercise Dessert: All :p:p:p Musician: none Group: RHCP , t.A.T.u, Mac or PC? PC Nics: I always seem to not actually have a nickname? Blog: no Home Page: None Religion: Jedi Book: I don?t read Collections: Garbage Sport: Cricket!!!! Won't Eat: Breakfast. I don?t know why, I just can?t eat it TV Show: Queer as Folk? or comedy inc. Words to live by: Don?t eat yellow snow Addicted to: Laxatives. Nah, j/k! :p:p Comic: none Movie: Cheech and Chong- Up In Smoke
  19. I hate Irvine and Selphie from ff8, i don't think that they suit each other. Irvine can do way better than Selphie, she doesn't deserve him, he is too cute and she is too annoying. And in ff9 where Vivi and Quina got married in Conde Petie! That sucked! haha, Nah, they aren't really counted as a couple are they :D:D:D
  20. Yea, my fave is Vincent(duh), and Tifa! I really wanna play ff7 now, I haven't played it in ages!:D:D
  21. I played ff7 because i loved the Battles, the Bosses were so much more challenging. I loved almost all of the characters and all the fun stuff like the gold saucer was great! Its an excellent game !!!
  22. "Oooh....Soft!" - Zidane from FF9 HEHE, this is what zidane said when he was climbing on to some airship and he grabbed garnet's butt. I loved this bit it was soo good :D:D I mean, what kind of jerk would grab someone's arse and say "ooh....soft!" , but it is really funny!
  23. Gwahahahahahaha Gwahahahahahaha Gwahahahahahaha.... i absolutely love that laugh.... hehe :D:D:D [color=003399][size=1]Try to add a bit more quantity to your posts. - [b]Zeh[/b][/color][/size]
  24. Some of us don't realise it, but the writers at Squaresoft actually have a sense of humour!!!!! Some of my favourite parts of Final Fantasy games are the hilarious quotes!!!! Here is my fave: "You spoony bard!" (Tellah, FF2) HAHAAHAAA hahahaaaa
  25. I do!!!!! Nah i'm just kidding!!!! thats gross!!!!.... (PM me and i will tell you some really good sites).... nah i am soooo joking :D:D haha gross
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