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Everything posted by VinceValentine

  1. I would love to be Vincent (well duh) or maybe irvine, irvine is soo hot and he is such a ladies man... and i like ladies... or maybe beatrix... Yea, beatrix is really cool, she is such a good fighter :D:D:D
  2. Hey, don't you think that Freddy Got Fingered is one of the best movies ever!!!! ok, maybe not... But it is hella cool!!! i love it, Tom green is hella funny, I loved Freddy got fingered, even though some bits were very disturbing....ewww.. But is has some really really funny parts.. my favourite being..... Sings **Daddy would you like some sausage** hehe
  3. I love the simpsons and i think it will always be funny. I think that it is getting worse, but it will always be excellente!!! My Fave characters are Professor Frink and The Comic Book Guy!!!!!!!! they are so dam funny!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha he he he he he !!!!! :D:D:D
  4. HEY!! Kuja wasn't dressed badly!!! i loved what he wore, it was gorgeous **drools** kuja is soooooo hot :D:D:D
  5. Thanks for your opinions, thats exactly what i wanted to know, thanks!!:D:D
  6. I like the beatles and rolling stones too, a little bit, i'm not crazy bout them , but i don't hate them
  7. Yea i did want you to ad to it, thankz At the mall Selphie and her friends were checking out some guys, so one of them walked up to selphie "hey" "HI!!" selphie replied "I'm steve" said steve "i'm Selphie" "Do ya wanna go to the movies with me, sometime?" steve said, trying to act cool Selphie grinned and said.....................................
  8. I had never heard of chrono trigger until someone reccomended it to me. I had only ever played final fantasy games until i played CT, and all i have to say is that i loved it. Its a really old game, i know but i've played it so many times and it never gets boring. My fave character is Lucca, i don't know why, i think its because she looks alot like a girl I used to like. hehe. I really wanna play more and i wanna get Chrono Cross! but i can't find it anywhere in australia!!!!! so i am gonna have to get it from somewhere else. Is it worth it? is it a good game???:D:D:D
  9. Hey, When i was little, I always remember watching Sailor Moon, I only watched the first series though. I then grew out of it and stopped watching it. Now i regret it, I really like sailor moon it is the best!!! I don't Know why but i always loved it and i still do:D:D:D Anyhoo, can anyone give me a brief explaination of what happened in the other series' cos i can't find anywhere that sells all the other series'!!! so i really wanna know what happened !!! My fave character was always Sailor Mars, but now its Sailor Jupiter!!!!:D:D:D .... ........ ....... ...... .... ... .. .
  10. The scariest movie of all time would have to be 'Face/Off' Because John Travolta is enough to give you nightmares but having nicolas cage in it aswell is gonna haunt you for life, they are sooo old and ugly ewww!! hehe!!!Nah, i'll be serious now... Ghost ship is the scariest movie in the world, i saw it at midnight with 2 of my friends and we were the only people in the whole place and they needed to go to the toilet and i was there on my own..... eek!!!AGHH!!!
  11. I just want to see what people think: Who do you think is the BEST dressed Final Fantasy Character ever? Why? Who do you think is the WORST dressed Final Fantasy Character ever? Why? ok, I think the best dressed FF character is Beatrix from ff9, i love the top bit and the long bit down the back, and i love the pants Worst would have to be either Garnet (dagger) from ff9 with her stupid orange tight thingy and the stupid puffy sleeves, or Squall and his stupid fluffy collar :D:D
  12. Yea that is a really good point, i should have thought of that... hehe
  13. Add to the story as you please... I don't mind what you write..... Selphie was sitting in the quad in Balamb Garden. She was just chilling out doing nothing and Irvine though that would be the perfect chance for him to ask Selphie out. Irvine casually walked over to her, trying to act cool. He went and sat down next to her. "Hey Sephy, howz it hanging??" he asked while checking her out "Its all absolutely GREAT, I am having such a great day." she replied **I can make your day 10 times better..heh heh** irvine whispered to himself. "Hey Irvy, why do you always wear that stupid hat... its really silly hehe" "WHA!?!..... um... heh heh...." Irvine said, trying to stay cool "So Sephy, whatcha doin later? If ya have nuffin else planned, do ya wanna... uh... go out wiv me?" .......................................................
  14. Yes but i would really like to see gay relationships develop, in detail.. maybe including one of the main characters and show in detail the relationship (not sex) and how homosexuals are not accepted in society.. maybe.. its just an idea.... i dunno
  15. I generally don't like old foagie songs, but there are some that are really really good, even if they are from the 60's. My absolute favourite oldie song atm would have to be 'Save The Last Dance For Me' by The Drifters... its a beatiful song and i just put it on repeat and just sit back and listen to it..... Unfortunatley my parents hear it and start singing it too....hehe. But i seriously love it its a good song... what are some other good oldie songs that you like??
  16. My best physical feature would have to be um..... um........ N/A My best personality feature would have to be....um.... ok generally... I ABSOLUTELY SUCK in all aspects.... fat, ugly, freckled, big nose, short, little eyes, chubby cheeks, fat, ugly, i am a total loner, i am very unsociable.... i have no friends... when people are sad i usually say something that makes them feel worse.... i am an attention seeker and i will do anything for attention....oh, and i fell inlove with my best friend... she wasn't too happy... the only good part about me is that i am a lesbian... but to some people that makes me a freak.... oh well........................
  17. I'm an artist myself, and i think that it really depends on WHAT you are trying to express with the art. If you just want to show a person and their expressions/ emotions then sketching is perfect. But maybe if its a landscape or you want to show extreme emotions eg: hatred, love etc. then colour is perfect. Most of the time i like sketches, mainly because it is hella easier, cheaper and less time consuming hehe, but also i think it portrays what i want to express with my art the best.......
  18. Hi ppl, I just want to point out the fact that homosexuality in RPGs etc. is very very rare.... I would love to see a game with 2 characters that are gay together, I think that having a gay content in a Squaresoft game would be great. I wouldn't have to be a main storyline, but having some gay relationships would be better than just the same old boy meets girl, boy likes girl, girl likes boy, smooch smooch, the end. It would be cool if they put a couple of pooofs or dykes in there and have some hot gay action..... The closest to homosexuality that i have seen in an RPG would have to be Squall, but then he liked rinoa in the end... its just a thought (note: I am not a homosexual, nor am i a homophobe)
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