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Everything posted by Doukeshi
I don't know if this is the kind of thing you are looking for, but I kinda like it. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23485&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23486&stc=1[/img]
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]I'm from the UK so the legal drinking age is 18...though most people start by the time they're 14 heh. I only turned 18 last year and I've been drinking well before that, its not much fun when you're legal anyways, although I'll admit, it does make it easier to get into pubs and clubs ^_~. I don't drink as much as I used to. When I was younger I was going through the 'getting drunk is fun' stage. I used to go out to a lot of house parties and get drunk and stuff. I remember new years eve 2002-03 I was drunk by 8.00pm I threw up in the sink several times and in the toilet once. I did something which really impressed my friends, I swayed a bit, straightened, put my drink on the counter, then collapsed. Quite funny to watch so I'm told. Apparently I fell asleep in the bathtub (no there wasn't water in it). They were goo times ^_^. Nowadays I don't get drunk very often, I now have enough sense to know that the hangover isn't worth the drunkeness. Sure I go out for drinks, I'm at the pub every monday. I'll drink Taboo and lemonade (even though I was told today that you have to stop drinking Taboo by the age of 13 "its the law" lol), Bacardi and Coke, Archers Schnaps and Coke or lemonade, Tia Maria and Coke, Southern Comfort and Coke, Budweiser, Fosters, WKD, Scotch whiskey though apparently I'm banned from that because of some xmas escapades last year heh. Among my friends I am something of a lightweight, so if I'm among a group of lightweights whom I'm not normally with I have a tendency to try and show off, which usually gets me into trouble (see the xmas comment above ^_~). I actually think that was the last time I was drunk too. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Turael treaded the tarmacked road that stretched out straight infront of him. Signposts had stated that this lead to a village and he was eager to see what had become of mankind in his absence. As an angel he still retained most of his powers and so, after viewing several passerbys, mostly in strange mechanical vehicles or two wheeled self-propelled devices, Turael was able to conjure up a glamour to render himself unsuspicious to the normal human eye. The land had much changed during his time in limbo, as even a cursory glance could tell. The land was not as lush and un-tamed as his brief time in the hinter-land known later as Gaul had shown him. During his trek he had only spied the minimal amount of creatures, mostly small birds and rabbits, the odd mouse or two. It seemed that the human expansion into the natural world repelled other creatures not human in appearance. Buildings soon began cropping up on alongside the road, and several smaller roads branched off into a web of yet more buildings and signposts. It appeared Turael was now in an inhabited area. The mere size of the place surprised Turael. For, even though he knew this was not the largest of villages, the very number and state of the closely packed buildings rose up around the individual. Unlike the wooden huts of the early dwellings, these were crafted from stone and metal. Materials he had never laid his immortal eyes upon surrounded him as hundreds of people passed him by, intent on their daily lives. Contraptions for everything and nothing, everything was so loud even to him. Walking along the pavement engrossed in what he saw, Turael was suddenly pulled from his reverie by a dark shadow streaking across his path. Turning sharply he stared back after the thing as it shot into a darkened space between two of the stone buildings. [i]He will not be pleased....[/i] The whispering voice made Turaels blood run cold. Turning he sprinted down the alleyway, intent on seeking the make of the voice. [i]The gateway lies open. He will not be pleased...[/i] Turael looked about himself wildly seek the shadow whom he knew was the barer of those words. The voice was taunting, almost lyrical, surrounding him in the shadows. Breathing hard Turael struck his fist upon the wall. "Reveal yourself demon, show thy cursed visage to me!" His bellow echoed through the stone-walled alley. A startled cat leapt from its hiding place beneath a dumpster, to quickley make its exit over the chain-linked fence at the other end. Glaring after the cat, Turael whirled sharply as he felt an ice cold touch upon his cheek. Peering into the darkness of the shadows Turael growled as a figure began to manifest itself. The lithe, so obviously female form stepped out from the shadows that concealed it. Long ebony hair framed pointed features and the simple outfit of jeans and a black, open-necked blouse did nothing to conceal the dark, evil aura coming from her in waves. Raising an eyebrow the demon stalked forward, eye to eye with Turael she laughed in depreciation. "Strong words angelic, but I think you will find it is you who are cursed, not I." Her soft voice was quiet, like a whisper and yet roared through Turaels ears like that of a lion. Turael shot out his hand and wrapped his fingers around the throat of the demon in one deft moment, a look of disgust plain on his features. "Do not forget your place she-demon. I may be out of favour with the Almighty but [i]you[/i] are even lower than that." His words spat venom as he released her with a shove, but his actions only caused her to laugh more. "Prehaps, then again prehaps not. Even the Almighty does not forgive so lightly the second time round..." The demon sunk once more in the all consuming darkness, leaving Turael alone to ponder her words, words he surely knew not to be true... [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Yeah, its a lot more difficult to create good looking banners with photos I find. Much easier with drawn images or animations.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]I always get paranoid that there's someone trying to break into the house. If I keep hearing persistant noises I have to get up and investigate them. My dog is pretty good at alerting us to when there's been a noise or if there is something in the garden but if it came down to actual protection he would probably be the first one out of the door. I'm surprised the guy came round to your window after being scared off from the door (unless it was a different guy). Usually they'll go for when they know noone is in the house too, of course that isn't certain. Hell, what do I know I'm a law abiding citizen I don't know squat about robbing a house.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
I know Momo already made you one but I wanted to give it a try too, you don't have to use it. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23442&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23443&stc=1[/img]
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Out of the many Gambit banners I have made over the years, I do believe that this one is my favourite. I had to scan my own copy of the issue to get a bigger picture, I hope you don't mind that it is bigger than your original. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23426&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23427&stc=1[/img][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Okay This is from the ep where Bart goes on a squishy bender and ends up joining the cub scouts. Homer, having just dropped his peanut is searching for it under the couch. [b]Homer:[/b] Ewww, squishy. Oww, pointy. Uh oh, moving. Aha! Aww, twenty dollars...but I wanted a peanut. In the episode where Bleeding Gums Murphy dies [b]Homer:[/b] Aww its okay honey. Remember the time when the cat died. We were all sad, but we got a new cat. So, we can all feel sad right now, or we can go to the pound and get a new jazz man. and just a few random ones. [b]Homer:[/b] O spiteful one! Show me who to smite and they shall be smoten! [b]Homer:[/b] Lisa, vampires are make-believe, like elves, gremlins, and eskimos . [b]Grandpa Simpson:[/b] When you get to be my age death is everywhere. Look Death! [b]Lisa:[/b] That's the lamp grandpa [b]Grandpa Simpson:[/b] Death! [b]Lisa:[/b] Thats the dog grandpa. [b]Grandpa Simpson:[/b] Death! [b]Lisa:[/b] Thats the lamp again grandpa. and finally one of my favourites. [b]Homer:[/b] (singing) Oh Mindy. You came and you gave without flaking, but I sent you Ben Gay. Oh Andy You kissed me and stopped me from something..." [b]Lisa:[/b]It sounds like you're infatuated with a girl named Mindy...or a boy named Andy. [b]Homer:[/b] Actually I'm auditioning for a small part in a broadway musical, its not much but its a start. [b]Homer's Brain:[/b] Bravo...(slow claps)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Request new ban ban for my sig sig plz plz? (pic included)
Doukeshi replied to Ryoko T.D.C.'s topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Okay, I took a little bit of artistic license with this but not as much as I could have ^_~. The banner looked a bit cluttered when I added the name so I left that out, I hope you don't mind. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23417&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23418&stc=1[/img][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Turael sighed softly and shook his head. Lust for revenge thickened the air around him and he could sense it upon the very breath of the others. Shaking his head the angel tucked his coat tightly around himself and tread the marble pathway towards the Keeper Aelio. Doubts meandered their way across his mind and he hesitated, looking back up at the magnificent gates of heaven with a gaze tinged with regret. Prehaps if revenge was all these young ones sought then they deserved to be in a place far worse than Limbo. Recalling the despair that emanated from their prison Turael shuddered and his resolve strengthened. If the others wanted revenge than so be it, he could not be held responsible for the actions of others Stepping forward Turael raised his hand in greeting. "Hail Aelio, Keeper of the gates of Limbo." Aelio blinked at him and raised his own hand in a similar gesture. "Hail angel Turael, I am surprised to see one such as you aligning himself with this rag-tag crew." The faint repremand in Aelio's voice did nothing to phase Turael as he inclined his head in respect. "Maybe if the Lord sees fit to treat me as a renegade, then prehaps it is time I started to act like one." Aelio frowned and considered this for a moment, casting his gaze over the once mighty Angelic. "Prehaps, though truly you risk worse punishment if He finds out of this insurrection." Shaking his head lightly Aelio held up his hand as Turael moved to speak. "Enough of this banter Turael, where is it that you desire to go?" Turael had considered this as he waited for his turn with the Gate Keeper. Hell had appeal to him, he still retained much of his Heavenly sensabilities and the thoughts of cavorting with the demons and devils in those foul and forbidden depths made his skin crawl. To reneter heaven was unwise, though his soul yearned to once more rejoin his bretheren in the eternal kingdom. Earth, of course, would have changed beyond his recognition. Millenia had passed since he had last set foot there, that time had long since passed into the realms of dusty tomes and forgotten relics Prehaps it would be good to revisit his old posting and see how mankind had developed without the guiding hands of he and his fellow Grigori. Sensing the growing impatience of the others gathered behind him Turael nodded and confirmed his decision. "Earth Aelio, take me to the forested lands of the western hills." Aelio nodded and swept his hand before Turael. A blinding flash enveloped the angel and as his eyes cleared he saw that he was indeed upon the earth, an earth so unlike he remembered it. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1][QUOTE=AzureWolf][COLOR=blue]I... can't believe what I'm hearing. "Incest is wrong, but who are we to stop it from happening?!" Let's talk about social contract for a moment. Every society (something in which every person - especially if you can read this - is in) has a social contract. To say that one has no responsibility by this contract and can also willingly bring into it an irregular person is ludicrous. You are potentially creating a life that will more than likely suffer. I don't see how you CAN'T make that illegal. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well technically that's like saying you shouldn't allow people with recessive mental or disability genes to reproduce. Also, we're not just talking about reproduction here, essentially its all about the sex, that's what people don't like. In your own home, you can pretty much do what you want as long as it isn't harming another individual. This is different from you saying people can walk around naked and we can't stop them etc, because that is effecting the community, its harming other people in sense (although this is debatable) Therefore you can have sex with your sister if she consents to it, its crazy, weird, creepy and ay other word you can think of to that effect, but not illegal. I personally don't think anyone should do it, but to make it illegal would encroach on your private rights. (ya know, I'm saying this but I'm not even sure it is legal in the UK. Also I think it [I]should[/I] be illegal but I am looking at the subject from a rational point of view.)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]I know. We're going to put a chip in every human being in the world, a chip that records the genetic code of everyone you have sex with. If it registers that someone you are having sex with has a similar genetic code to you then [I]fzzzt[/I], little electric shock. Of course that may not be a deterrent, I mean some people get off on some crazy stuff soooo, it also sends a little alert to the local police station, so you can expect PC Plod to come knocking any time now ^_~. Hows that for police action.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
What deep thought or quote do you think of regularly?
Doukeshi replied to Kyoko Makashiro's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]I see you didn't quote me in that one Raid3r, other than the anti-cereal box one. Does that mean something I said has a grain of truth in it? Maybe when you have an opposing view you should not pose it in such a hostile manner because when someone is attacked they will retaliate as you have seen here. Of course, others here could have acted more maturely in their responses.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1][QUOTE=Gavin] [SIZE=1]Well actually most of Europe's royal families are related to one another, in World War One for instance, the German Kaiser and Russian Tsar were grandchildren or grandnephews of the Queen of England [Who's family is in fact German in descent]. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] Yeah they were King George's cousins and if you look at Pictures of our Monarch and Tsar Nikolas the similarity is remarkable, as if they were twins not cousins. I also believe that the affliction the Tsar's son suffered from was linked to genetic weakening due to inbreeding (of course this could just be sensationalism)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Hey woah, I have nothing against Ireland being a whole country again nor do I have anything against Scotland and Wales having their own Parliaments (I was always for Britain being a continent rather than a nation anyway ^_~) and I do realise that Britain is based on Empire and conquest but that comes at a time when forced expansion and conquest were prefectly acceptable part of foreign policy, as it had been for centuries previously. For some reason everyone hates powerful countries, and now that we aren't a power in the world hostility from the other British nations really isn't required. This can all be sorted in a civilized manner without resorting to blowing everyone to **** ¬_¬. In other news, I am allowed to be proud of my country for what it is and with Labour in power thats not really something I can be.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]The images are really rather squashed. What program did you use to make them? I think the text on the Avi needs to be less intrusive also.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]does the 'how they meet' part of the sign up actually have to be in RP format rather than just general details? I assumed that the meeting would take place within the actual RP.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Okay, maybe incest shouldn't be illegal, like James said, who are we to police peoples bedrooms, however I do believe that it should be actively discouraged. This isn't just because I find it disturbing mind you ( 'cause I do) it can also be very degridational to society on a whole. I mean island populations can become rife with mental and physical problems due to inbreeding. Genes become 'watered down' if you will and the pool becomes stagnant. This is why people who own domesticated animals, particularly farmers, try to get fresh blood into their cycle whenever possible, to prevent the production of 'retards' as Gentle so gently put it (no pun intended). You don't want more mentally or physically disabled people in society. To attempt to increase such a level is just foolishness. I seriously doubt you would like some kind of disability because of your continuously recycled genes. Its not bigotted or racist, its common sense. Eventually we're going to have to get some fresh genes from outside earth, because even in a confined breeding environment as big as earth we will still become degraded. It'll take millions and millions of years (assuming the human race survives that long) but we will need to do it. This is what evolution is about people ^_~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
What deep thought or quote do you think of regularly?
Doukeshi replied to Kyoko Makashiro's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Okay ye of the anti-cereal box squad ¬_¬. Surely it isn't were the quotes came from, merely the inspiration they inspire in you in your everyday life. Maybe that's why they're printed on cereal boxes in the first place (not that I've seen any mind you but maybe i just eat different cereal to you). This isn't a competition of "oh my quote is more valid and wise than yours". If you find something from an obscure and unread place and prize that above all others then maybe you are viewing things from a slightly superficial, elitist perspective and this itself undermines the simplicity and meaning of words that can mean a great many things to a great many people. I myself take my inspiration from my mother, whom when I most needed it picked me up and sent back out into the world with these simple, innocent and yet wholly effective words that mean a great deal to me. [B]"You only have to live up to yourself. Noone can make you do anything that you don't want to do."[/B] Now you can say it sounds like it comes from the side of a cereal box or whatever and that its an obvious and empty sentiment thats thrown around like so many empty promises and droning mantras but to me, in my head, it sums up everything that I want my life to be. That is the point of it all. You can find it from a newspaper or a book on ancient philosophy. You can find it on a candy wrapper and you could even pick it up from some bum on the street but in the end its what it means to you and how you use it that matters. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to read some cereal boxes. (I betcha said what you did for the flames huh? How'd ya like the heat now?)[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]I also hope you were joking about the Veritas comment *shudders at the thought of Kilroy-Silk running the country* True there are some conservative ideals that are a bit hard lined such as N. Ireland remaining British and many things that others consider to be racist and bigotted. However, noone is inflexible and I believe that a stronger leadership and government provided by Mr Howard will give Britain the backbone it needs. We have become far too weak and dependant on other nations for our policy and we are far too concerned with how other races and nationalities will view us in our own country. You have to be willing to step on a few toes to get things done and Labour just aren't willing to do that. This isn't even about the whole Iraq thing either, the failings of Labour are much bigger than Tony Blair and his conflicted cabinet.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Turael [B]Affiliation:[/B] Angel [B]Age:[/B] Even he does not remember [B]Appearence:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23331&stc=1]Before his fall from grace[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23332&stc=1]And After (but with wings)[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] The his exile should make him bitter but still, even after his fall from grace Turael remains devoted to the Lord and his ways. He seeks to observe the virtues of his former life even to the point of exasperation to his disillusioned comrades. Wise and truthful Turael attempts to disconnect himself from the workings of the fallen and the demons who reside within Limbo. Not quite in hell he still believes that through his confession and atonement he can still return to that which was once his home. Since cowardliness is a sin he draws great inner strength making him able to face his fears and will not back down from a challenge, particularly from the 'lower beings' he feels have betrayed their holy order. Favouring those of a scholarly nature he holds knowledge and wisdom above all other virtues, his nature is one of solemn contemplation though not of contempt. Still, he is compasionate and charitable and will not make war without good cause, whatever the treasure. [B]Weapon:[/B] A simple ebony spear, topped with a silver blade. A gift from the Archangel Israfel before Turael's decent. Etched with silver angelic runes the spear glows with an inner fire, exuding a warm glow to all around. [B]Reason for Being Placed in Limbo:[/B] Turael was originally part of a venerable choir known to all as the Grigori, or the watchers. Unto them the task was given to watch over mankind and guide and teach them in the ways of the Lord. The Grigori, however, became enamoured with their charges and did teach unto them the ways of alchemy and science, things forbidden to mankind. Others became lustful and took on human form to copulate with the daughters of men, bearing forth hybrid offspring known as Nephilim. The Lord was wrathful at this betrayal and send destruction down upon mankind in the form of the Great Flood to destroy the unnatural offspring. The Grigori were imprisoned within the seventh layer of heaven until the day of judgement, stripped of their wings and the gifts that God had bestowed upon them. Though, in his anger, the Lord was also merciful. To those few Grigori who had abstained from the sins of the flesh he granted respite. Turael was one such angel. They were to keep their wings and angelic gifts but remained exiled from the kingdom of heaven, forever to reside within Limbo as punishment for their misguided acts. The Meet: Wracked by his guilt at betraying the Father, Turael remains seperated from the mass of angels and demons that populate Limbo. Observing contemplative solitude he hopes to atone for his sins and return to heaven. His whereabouts are exposed to Wyatt after he hears a group of demons talking about the lamenting angel who wanders the wastelands. At first he refuses Wyatt's offer, but knowing that maybe if he can escape Limbo there could be a chance of returning to heaven he gives in. How much more can one soul be damned?[/SIZE][/COLOR] NOTE: All images are copyrighted to Devon Cady-Lee. All rights reserved. A most wonderful artist and I encourage you to go view his work here at [URL=http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/art/d/e/devonc/devonc.html]Elfwood.com[/URL]
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Okay, I know its pretty much only a day away and I guess a thread should have been started sooner. To all you Brits out there (and I guess the rest of ya can join in too ^_~) What do you think the odds are of Labour been voted in for another consecutive five years and pretty much assuring that Mr Blair will be in power for as long, if not longer than Margaret Thatcher. I myself shall be voting Conservative, even though my friend insists that Michael Howard is as shady as they come. Strict control of imigration, discipline in schools, the manditory cleaner hospitals policy and a focus on the "forgotten majority" everyday hard working Britains who are extorted everyday by Labour. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Okay, I gave it a shot and I've come up with an idea that is a bit different from what I believe you were thinking of. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23271&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23272&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23273&stc=1[/img]
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
Doukeshi replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1][QUOTE=Lucid][size=1][color=gray]I'm probably not going to be very good at this, but I'll give it a shot anyways... [b]Lunai[/b] Both your avatar and sig image say delicate to me, with a hidden / quiet sadness that adds to the beauty of the images. The quote beneath the sig emphasizes that sadness, along with a need...a need to what, I don't know. Like I said, not very good at this :animeswea To sum it up, a tragic beauty. [/color][/size][/QUOTE] I think I made those ^_^. Okay [b]Lucid[/b], Your sig says to me that you are serious and determined person. "I won't let this world exist without me" though attatched to Kuja, the object of your sig, also says that you feel part of the world and like to exist in it and be part of things. The tone of your sig is dark and moody, which suggests that you are prone to deep thought and scenes that convey deep emotion.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
hows this for you ^_^ [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23240&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23241&stc=1[/img]