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Everything posted by Doukeshi

  1. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]I love the concept art for this game. I appologise for the writing on the banner, it always seems that it becomes that less legible when I upload it. I've put one up without the text, so just choose whichever one you prefer. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22334&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22335&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22336&stc=1[/img][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Okay, this isn't going to be a terribly long post becuase I feel that most of my points have been addressed. Batman is not 'insane', that is to be made clear. As a person Bruce Wayne is far to rational, intelligent and dedicated to be insane. Insanity implies a certain irrationality and irresponsible behaviour that is not present within his mindset. Having said that, there must be a screw loose in there somewhere. I mean, of course he was damaged emotionally and mentally by the death of his parents and he feels the need to avenge their deaths and to protect the citizens of Gotham and probably the world from having to go through what he, as a child, had to go through. He didn't really need to do this by dressing up as a giant bat to strike fear into the criminal underworld though did he, lets be honest now. I feel that, as a case study for any psychologist, Bruce Wayne would be a lifetimes worth of work in itself. His obsessive and compulsive nature that drives him to the perfection of his own being and the control of those around him make him a very dangerous man. The fact that he believes that he 'owns' Gotham is an example of his possessive nature and I'm sure that Dick and Tim can tell you how controlling and stubborn he is (of course I know they're fictional characters). These are the factors that make him both an admirable and incomparable [i]hero[/i], but also something of a [i]sociopath[/i] its true. He is a hairsbreadth away from totally losing it and ending up in Arkham with everyone else, if the authorities could catch him of course, but then knowing him he would probably hand himself in, but I digress. I think that the only thing keeping the Bat from going totally psycho is the grounding influences that his 'family', namely Alfred, Tim, Dick and Selina, have on him. The nature of these relationships have been touched on before in previous comics, most recently I think in the 'Hush' saga. He has some tough walls to keep him back but I reckon that, pushed far enough, the Bat could be the worst enemy the DCU's ever seen. (what a story that would be) [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1][QUOTE=Semjaza Azazel] I'm probably going to pick up this Gotham Nights comic. I have stacks of older Batman comics and graphic novels... it would be nice to see what's going on currently. Is the regular Batman comic decent?[/QUOTE] I love the way they're showing Poison Ivy in this storyline for GK, it makes her seem so much more human than previous interpretations. It also links newer readers back to 'No Man's Land' which is an integral part of Gotham's history now. The regular Batman has been slightly lacking for a couple of months after the whole 'War Games' scenario, but with the introduction of 'The Red Hood' it seems that it could pick up. I haven't had a chance to see if the new issue has come in yet so I don't actually know who the Red Hood actually is but from the expression on Batman's face it doesn't look too good from his perspective. I'm still looking forward to the Allstars myself. That anticipation is going to keep me for a good while yet ^_~.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]I concur, I would hate to see this thing just disappear. I really want to see how it goes.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1][QUOTE=elfpirate][QUOTE=doukeshi03 [B]Adolf Hitler [/B] was not an evil man, he just did evil things. *Ahem*-- I'm sorry, but if Hitler wasn't evil, then "good" and "evil" do not exist... or, at least, good and evil no longer have any relavent meaning, because Hitler's deeds were evil, yes- but his deeds were determined by his will and his desires... and by who he was--EVIL. Is there a more prime example of evil than someone such as Adolph Hitler? I mean, have you ever seen evil incarnate itself more distinctly than was seen in Hitler? I think it's not only crazy to claim that he wasn't evil, but also disrespectful to the victims and families of the Holocaust. I think that if I could transport you through time and send you to the center of Dachau or Auscwitz (sorry 'bout the spelling) ,or any of the other camps,so you could see, smell, and hear the horrors of Hitler first-hand, you would see where I'm coming from on this. Hitler was evil- and I don't think anyone can sway me from that opinion. I'm deeply offended by the claim that he was not. [/QUOTE] Okay, I am in no way condoning what happened during WW2, nor during the Holocaust, it was a terrible thing. Saying, however, that this was all the product of one evil man is ill informed. Hitler had some very good ideas, and some not so good ones, true quite a few were products of deep seated predjudice. Auschwitz and the like were products of eager to please subordinates and consequences of mass numbers, predjududice and last ditch last ditch attempts to solve a problem that simply got out of hand. Evil to me conjures up the ideas of demons and things of an otherworldly nature. Just like God is the only one who can be truly good (and even that is debatable) so too is Satan the only one who is truly evil (again debatable). Hitler loved children and dogs, he created plans for the Volkswagen and Mercedes. Point, he got a bit carried away and his plans were, to a degree, manipulated by the overzealous. You can't say he's evil, I would argue that even to the victims of the holocaust themselves, I don't believe evil to be a tangible thing, its just a twisted sense of morality. You have to look at reasons for actions. Why does someone do horrendous acts of violence and abuse? They weren't born that way, and even if they were, there must be something mental that creates these impulses. To simply pidgeon-hole someone as evil, is just like calling someone crazy in the 19th and 18th centuries and locking them up for eternity and forgetting they even existed. Everything is a shade of grey, Evil and Good are just the product of fairytales and childrens books. Grow up. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]If you've read the Official Comic Thread in the Anthology it becomes obvious that I collect comics. I do also, however, collect cards. Not trading cards or anything like that, just your average playing cards, ya know with diamonds and hearts and things like that. I collect different versions of them like Simpsons playing cards or Harry Potter playing cards or playing cards depictiong different scenes of the Northumberland coastline. If I see a pack of cards that I don't have yet, I'll buy them, whether they be regular or unusual. I have a spiderman pack around here somewhere but they've gone missing somehow. I used to collect Tudor Mint Dragons when I was younger but I have gone off those for quite a few years now. I am also starting a Converse, Chuck Taylor, shoe collection but that is in its early stages so far.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1][QUOTE=Heaven's Cloud][color=indigo]I am sure everyone else will have a different opinion, but I wouldn?t buy any of the Batman comics right now. There are intriguing possibilities for characters but, at this point in the series, I wouldn?t bother to pick it up if I couldn?t read it for free occasionally at Borders. Out of all of them though, plain old Batman is the best. [/color][/QUOTE] Mur...I dunno about that. Of course it will be a little confusing if you dive into the bat-end at the minute what with all the changes and goings on, but I still think there's some exciting developments happening. Though, as I have said before, I'm still sticking with [b]Birds of Prey[/b] ^_~. What DC are also planning on doing is creating a sort of 'Allstars' section within the DCU, much like what Marvel has done with the 'Ultimates'. If you see concept art of whats going to be happening with Batman Allstars its looking pretty nifty (the art for the first issue will be done by Jim Lee, can't beat that I'm afraid heh). Its a 'return to the roots' sort of thing, with the defining essence of Batman and Robin being brought to the fore, with Dick Grayson returning as the original Robin, without the 60s cheese. If you check out the latest edition of [i]Previews[/i] there's some wonderful stuff to be looking forward to in the DCU. [quote name='Semjaza Azazel']How about other series then? All I am unwilling to bother with is pretty much just Superman.[/quote] Actually, I used to think that way too but I was recently attracted to the Man of Steel by the Jim Lee artwork in the current issues of [b]Superman[/b] (not the Adventures of, or anything like that) and what I found was gritty and dealt with a whole new side of Superman that I didn't think existed. He isn't just a big ol' boy scout in blue, if you actually read some of the recent stuff it's pretty good. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1][QUOTE=Heaven's Cloud][color=indigo] [spoiler] Speaking of Tim Drake, his character now has so much potential it is amazing. The successive deaths of Spoiler and his father really leave a grey cloud over what path Tim Drake will take, especially with the inevitable re-emergence of Jason Todd.[/spoiler][/color][/QUOTE] Very true, Batman is reliant on the family he has created around him in the superhero world. [spoiler]The moment when Bruce holds Tim and we see the flash back through the different points at which someone has had to say sorry for the death of a parent, it was heart wrenching. At which point we also get to see the caring side of Bruce that we are rarely privvy to[/spoiler] There is also some ambiguity over the whole 'Jason Todd' idea. it was initally brought forward as an idea in Hush [spoiler] though that was crushed when we found out it was clayface[/spoiler]. However, there have been a few clues here and there that leaves us wondering. Also, what with the appearance of this Red Mask character in the recent Batman issue #635, who knows.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1][QUOTE=Shy][size=1]I must admit that I only followed small bits and pieces of the War Games crossover, but from what I understand it had some major repurcussions for the Batman status quo. [spoiler]I firmly believe that Huntress is going to be out of Gotham soon as well; whether she moves to another city (Keystone could use a decent vigilante presence) or leaves in a body bad remains to be seen.[/spoiler] [/size][/QUOTE] Well, if they keep up with the [b]Birds of Prey[/b] plot and keep it in continuity with the rest of the DCU [spoiler]Huntress has already left, she left with Oracle.[/spoiler] I never really knew Spoiler very well. In fact, other than her stint as Robin I knew very little of her except her name. It's a shame really that she wasn't developed to her full potential, but I can see what you mean when you talk about cutting down on the bat-family, it was getting a bit too complex. As for Identity Crisis, boy was that a turnaround, though I don't really see what got Batman so angry in the first place. It makes you think though, there is a whole lot more going on that you don't even realise.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]There is no such thing as a [B]good[/B] person, neither is there such thing as an [B]evil [/B] person. There are no evil or good people just evil and good actions. Let me explain. We are people, just people. We are capable of anything, whether that be good evil, naughty, nice, boring...whatever. These are just the things we do, the actions we take. Sure they might form us into a person that is more likely to take specific choices i.e someone who does good things a lot will be more likely to do a good thing rather than someone who does bad things a lot. But this does not categorise people into the slots of [b][good][/b] and [b][evil][/b]. For example: [B]Mahatma Gandhi [/B] was not a good man, he just did a good thing. [B]Adolf Hitler [/B] was not an evil man, he just did evil things. Anyone is capable of good and bad. Someone you might think is a 'good man' is perfectly capable of doing bad things, just like a 'bad man' is capable of doing good things. Such things only determine the likelyhood of such events. Now doesn't that sound all mathematical children ^_~ [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Well, I sorted out all my comics yesterday into neat and tidy boxes and I found some issues I didn't even know I had. They all seem to be [B]Robin[/B] ones that I don't remember buying, I'm wondering now if I'm buying them in my sleep and my subconcious is trying to tell me something heh. I couldn't tell you the most recent ones I've bought since I'm busy sifting through the huge pile of stuff I bought from a dealer market I went to the other day. Boy was that fun, boxes and boxes of stuff you want but you know you can't afford, man. Anyway, these are the issues I primarily collect, that is, the ones I have on standing order: [b]Batman[/b] [i](ah, good old Bats)[/i] [b]Batman: Gotham Knights Birds of Prey Nightwing Superman/Batman Wonder Woman Catwoman[/b] [i](though I've only just started on that one)[/i] [b]Gambit[/b] I also have random [b]Batgirl[/b], [b]JLA[/b] and [b]Thundercats[/b] titles, cause I end up being attracted to the cover heh heh. I take a look at [b]Outsiders[/b] now and again but it doesn't really hold my attention much these days. I think its safe to say that [b]Birds of Prey[/b] is easily my favourite, I just love the interaction between Oracle and Black Canary, its great. I've only just started collecting Catwoman due to the [I]'War Games' [/I] story arc involving quite a few Gotham centered comic names (including Robin!) and also because I really like her new costume in comparison to the others. My hardcovers include [B]Batman[/B] titles such as [i]No Man's Land[/i] and [i] The Killing Joke[/i], but its mostly comprised of one offs and [b]Elseworld[/b] titles. I just love [b]Elseworld[/b] ones, normal characters stuck into different situations and scenarios. I think its great ^_^. Speaking of the [i]War Games[/i] story arc, what did you guys think of it? I thought there were some really powerful moments, though what with it being spread over so many different titles I kind of missed bits, which is annoying, so I'm trying to back track.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]I imagine it would be advisable to tape your hands to prevent injury, though I don't really have any practical experience. If you don't mind me asking what art do you study?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1][QUOTE=Shy][size=1] There's a fantastic tv drama waiting to be made in the pages "Gotham Central," it's just a shame that they ruined "Birds of Prey" and we'll never see a primtime series in the Batman universe. [/size][/QUOTE] I think it would be great to see a Gotham Central tv drama, how interesting would that be. Maybe not movies but there are some pretty interesting TV shows that can be developed from Gotham city. It is a pretty damn shame that they ruined Birds of Prey. If they had only stuck to the actual format and story they would have had a great show. If you watch the episode 'Sins of the Mother' you get a glimpse as to how it would have been with just Oracle and Black Canary, and later Huntress. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Wow, that's pretty powerful. I like the whole tear thing going on, it looks like blood to me but that could just be my twisted sense of perception heh. I really like this one its emotional and deep. It also kind of reminds me of that girl out of the Grudge, all creepy like ^_~ [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Let's see, nicknames aay... [U]Nashi[/U]: This has relevance to my online name and my Trowa obsession of 2000. Nanashi, meaning 'no name' and something Trowa sometimes goes by, shortened to Nashi, or Nashi-chan or even Na-chan to my annoyance lol. [U]Larry[/U]: Okay, my name is Lorna but my friends mother once refered to me as 'Larry' and my other friend Jamie (female) as 'James', Larry kinda stuck from then on and its something my close friends always refer to me as. [U] Squegg-nut[/U]: This one didn't really last long, only for about half a year. It involves a friend drawing a square on my face in permanent marker while I was asleep. [U]Big 'L'[/U]: This one I don't like, it makes me sound like a big butch bouncer (no offence to any big butch bouncers here ^_^). [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1][QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] Anyway, I'm all for awareness, but c'mon, it's too soon. I don't care if you live in Japan, Africa, or Juno: there are just some things that kids, regardless of mental state due to different cultures or times, should not know at young ages.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] Point. When I was a kid of, oh say 7, I had respect for my elders...well okay, maybe not, but I knew enough not to piss off the 'older' kids, ya know, teenagers. Anyway, I go about now and you get groups of these kids swearing and blinding at you with words I'd never even [i]heard[/i] of when I was that age, let alone said. Such audacity, it's weird. Kids getting pregnant at 13 and having sex even before then. I feel so old lol.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Where is everyone? I would have thought this an interesting enough RP to actually [i]post[/i] in, surely?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray][quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']Yeah, I am guessing there's just innocence behind it, but all I'm saying is that I'm surprised a kid would have that sticker in the first place. You wouldn't find it in a an everyday department store would you?[/COLOR][/quote] Actually, you probably would these days. Its an acceptable brand logo that's all over the place, on jewlery, t-shirts, hell I even saw a pair of socks with it on not long ago.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. here, hows this one [img]http://www.weaintcool.com/pictures/articles/finishmoves/headrip.jpg[/img]
  20. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1][quote name='kaisha']I was just talking about this on another board, No I dont think it was a good idea. I like the original versions so much better. I mean it ruined the songs, I think I might feel this way because I just hate rap.[/quote] Well, LP is pretty much comprised of rap so I don't get how you can say that. Anyway I really love this album, ever since I heard numb/encore. I think remixes and collaborations are great ideas, new ways to look at different songs in different ways. In other words, it's all good.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Curious choice of wording [i]pacifist[/i] or [i]warrior[/i]. Does the term warrior apply to everyone who enjoys violence over a peaceful way of sorting out problems? Does it include thugs who wander around in packs looking for a fight? I personally wouldn't describe these people as 'warriors' However, that wasn't the question. Can't you be both? Can't you be both a pacifist and a so-called 'warrior'? Prefering to take the peacful route but if pushed can turn violent? Anyway, I'm pretty much a pacifist. I like to take the non violent 'I'd prefer to leave without seeing my blood splattered on the pavement' appraoch. Of course there are some people in the world that don't listen to reason, be they drunk, high or just plain stupid. In that case sometimes getting your hands dirty, as it were, is the only option. It just so happens that I haven't been in the position to do that. Oh yeah, and Adahn, the best way of doing that would be not to have tipped ^_~. When I was in pizza hut one time with a large group of friends it took us ages to get seated even though a larger group than us got seated before us even though we were there first. In the end we had to split up to smaller tables. The waitress was pathetic, blatantly staring straight at us from across the room and not moving even though we needed refills and our plates cleared, she just walked past us one time. We decided not to tip. In fact, since the bill came to £13.76 I had to ask one of my friends from the other table for a penny just so I didn't go over by anything. It was small and petty but it was pretty satisfying ^_^. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Well, I've been out of highschool for a good...7 months now. I started University in september doing Archaeology and Ancient history. I've just finished the last exam for this semester and I'm getting prepared for the new modules starting next week. So far uni life has been pretty good. It took a bit of getting used to, let me tell you that. It's one hell of a different from the relative saftey and structure of highschool. I've met some really great people though, and I hope to go on to do my masters degree at the end of these three years and get some experience in the field over the summer too ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. here ya go [img]http://doukeshi03.250free.com/pilot2.jpg[/img]
  24. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]They've already done a flash movie...albeit ages age. Anyway, I just want them to stop making comic book movies for the next decade or so, give the genre a rest ya know jeez. There are only so many bad incarnations of my favourite characters that I can stand for the next ten years.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]"Hold still Laird! This will be a lot quicker and a lot less painful if you just hold still!" Asher Fenix of the tribe of Ulfcur grumbled in annoyance at the squirmings of his friend. Laird, who up until pretty recently had been involved in a three man hunting expedition, doing quite well one might add, but was now lying rigid upon a pallet in the healers tent of the tribal settlement. Laird gritted his teeth hard, his eyes shut tight as Asher tended to the gaping wound running the length of his thigh. "By Gaia's birth Asher...just close the damn thing already!" Wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand, Asher once again readied the heated needle and catgut, ignoring the other man's hiss of pain as he applied the stitches. Nimble hands worked smoothley and all the while Asher talk ceaslessley in an attempt to distract Laird from his predicament. "So tell me, oh hunter extraordinare, how exactly did you come to get gouged this badly by a Hillock Boar... with only one tusk?" Asher did not look up as he spoke, concentrating as he was upon the task at hand, though a small smirk wormed it's way upon his lips. Clenching his fists into the rough cloth covering the pallet Laird glared at his friend, his breathing heavey and strained. "He blind sided me, I told you before you pompous son of a..." Laird hissed as Asher tugged at one of the sutures, "...son of a...swamp toad! Sweet Jaseth!" Falling back Laird panted heavily, muttering curses under his breath. Rolling his eyes Asher cut the remaining line with his teeth and proceeded to bandage the wound thoroughly and tightly, bracing his patient's leg as he did so. "You'd think that with the spirit of Sleipnir in you some of that agility would be transferred into your human form. Alas you are still as clumsy as the first day Master Cobal patched you up when you were merely a boy." Finishing up Asher took Laird's hand and shifted up towards his friends head, resting his palm against the man's brow. A warm orange glow began to spread outwards from his hand, soothing Laird's pained moans. "Blind sided damnit..." Laird mumbled before drifting into an easy, natural sleep. Wiping his hands on the damp cloth beside his tools, Asher covered Laird with a soft blanket and rose to his feet. Suddenly he stilled for a moment becaming silent, his head cocked slightly to one side as if listening for something. "What can I do for you stranger?" Asher turned slowly as he said this, facing the sizable Draconian that now stood in the entrance way, arms folded across his broad chest. If the newcomer was surprised by Asher's seemingly clarevoyant knowledge of his arrival, he didn't show it. Glancing at the sleeping hunter upon the floor, the Draconian raised a questioning eyebrow, his azure gaze setting itself firmly upon the lithe healer. "Why did you not ease his pains before, when he suffered under you hands?" The soldier's voice was haughty as he spoke, though his condecending tones did little do faze Asher. Clearing his tools away, seperating those that needed cleaning into a small pile upon the floor, Asher spoke his reply in a soft voice, betraying little of the annoyance that he felt. "I do not have the power to ease such pain when instantly I cause more by my ministrations. I am not some narcotic designed to block the pain of living sir." Grabbing his cloak from where it lay discarded upon the floor, Asher slung it across his shoulders and turned to smirk at the confused look dawning on the Draconians features. "We are leaving are we not? That is why you are here." The Draconian frowned, his mouth opening slightly though no words fell from his lips. Regaining his composure finally, the warrior squared his shoulders and nodded his head curtly. "Yes, we leave for Memoria, but how do you know of this healer, for you are only a shifter, are you not?" Chuckling softly Asher grasped his spear and the small bag he had packed for the day he knew would arrive. Patting the large man on his ample shoulder he slipped past him, out into the light of day. "Be not disheartened Draconian. It is true I am only a shifter, but I was told in a dream by the spirits of my brethren that this day would come and you would arrive." Smiling slightly he beckoned his companion forward. "Surely you do not think yourselves the only race who can feel this disturbance in the nature of things?" Flaring his wings abruptly at such an accusation, the Draconian followed Asher out into the settlement, watching the youth bid farewell to his friends. He was peturbed to say the least by this deceptively young looking shifter, but he could feel that he was indeed one of the chosen, the Innocence. Approaching Asher the Draconian reached out to grasp the shifter's shoulder. Asher looked back from the farewells he was bidding his tearful mother, a slight wetness filming his own eyes. Nodding his head he reached out to hug his mother one last time before following the Draconian out of the village. Looking over his shoulder Asher smiled at the gathering group of tribes men and women who had come to see him off, surprised though they were by the seemingly short notice. Smiling encouragingly Asher waved to them, shouting back across the plain. "Goodbye friends, and tell Laird to watch out for those handicapped boars!" [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
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