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Everything posted by Doukeshi
[SIZE=1]American Dream? Excuse me while I choke on my coffee. Right-wing I may be, narrow minded, I think not. I understand that the US was based in immigration, and in a lot of cases immigration is welcome and encouraged. I'm not denying that. But when it gets to the stage that you don't know who is coming into your country, then you have a problem. Illegal immigration is exactly what allows underpayment in the first place. If the government doesn't even know you are in the country there is absolutely nothing stopping your employer from taking advantage of you. Immigration laws and restrictions are there for a reason. If you just let every Tom, Dick and Harry into the country there'd be chaos. I'm not being narrow minded, I'm being realistic.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I like to read sigs yeah. I especially like ones that link into eachothers, like that incident we had a while back with DW and Piro, it illustrates the community aspect of the boards. Take a lot of consideration when I make my sigs. Usually I have the Avatar and matching banner then a quote that relates to the banner in some way. It all has to match. My sig at the moment doesn't match the quote with the banner, but I still like it to be neat and stylish looking ^_~. Like Athena I don't like sigs that are full of random smilies, exclamation marks and writing noone understands.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Oh don't get me started on immigration man. If I had my way all borders would be locked down tight and aint noone getting in without a damn good reason. You had better have a job, means to get a job, family or you're just visiting, anything else you're just gonna have to live in France. Bloody spongers. Australia has the best way: [URL=http://www.visabureau.com/australia/default.aspx?s_cid=20005824]Australian Immigration[/URL] You have to be skilled in a particular proffession or have family before they even think about letting you live there. Obviously that has nothing to do with the immediate topic, I do appologise. On the subject. I have never liked striking as a way of getting what you want. All it does is annoy people, and alientate those striking from the rest of the public. What I don't get is this, however: [quote name='The Guardian']Over the past few weeks, unions and religious and Hispanic groups have mustered nationwide protest marches supporting a chance at U.S. citizenship for the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants. [/quote] Illegal immigrants, immigrants who shouldn't have been there in the first place. By all rights they should be turfed out the country, not made citizens. Thats like saying "Congratulations you made it across our borders without dying and without us noticing, here's your prize". [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Okay, Yin-Yang 101. The principles of [B]Yin-Yang[/B] thinking was developed in the early [B]Han dynasty[/B], so we're talking roughly about [B]200 BC [/B] here. The essentials are these: The universe is run by one [B]Ultimate or Tao[/B], this principle is then divided into two opposing ideas, opposite in each and every action i.e [B]Yin and Yang[/B]. All the opposites one therefore sees in the universe can thus be derived from one of the two opposing forces. [B]Yin and Yang[/B] work along side the [B]five material agents - wood, fire, earth, metal and water[/b], and all changes in the universe can be boiled down to the progress of these as they produce or overcome one another respectively. Under [B]Yang[/B] are the principles of [B]maleness, the sun, creation, heat, light, Heaven, dominance, and so on[/B], and under [B]Yin[/B] are the principles of [B]femaleness, the moon, completion, cold, darkness, material forms, submission, and so on[/B]. Each of these opposites produces the other, therefore for every action has an equal reaction, and thus eaach creates the need for the other. All opposites that one experiences?health and sickness, wealth and poverty, power and submission?can be explained in reference to the temporary dominance of one principle over the other. Since no one principle dominates eternally, that means that all conditions are subject to change into their opposites. [B]Everything is cyclical[/B]. Since one principle produces the other, [B]each state has the seeds of the other, opposite state within them[/B]. For example sickness contains the seeds of health, heat contains the seeds of cold etc. Even though an opposite may not be seen to be present, since one principle produces the other, no phenomenon is completely devoid of its opposite state. One is never really healthy since health contains the principle of its opposite, sickness. This is called [B]"presence in absence."[/B] In essence, the whole idea is one cannot exist without its opposite. In modern terms I suppose it can be refered to as without cold, heat cannot exist for without cold to experience one cannot know heat. There is also the idea that nothing is pure in form, which I personally adhere to. Noone can be purely bad for instance, for there is always the essence of good. Does that explain anything?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I think thats a little bit of a far fetched question there young un'. Its not about competition and its all a matter of opinion anyway.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Congrats Raiyuu! Excellent show. I didn't get trounced by half as much as I thought I would, well done ^_^. Wow, the game is now finished huh? Well Sandy it has been an amazing journey, and I for one would just like to thank you so much for the time and effort you have put into it. Let us hope there are many more to come ^_^. ....[I]Game Over![/I][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Lara smiled when she saw Ling's image appear upon the giant screen. Turning to her opponent she drew the young girl into a fierce embrace, laughing softly as Ling squeaked in surprise. Drawing back Lara placed her hands on Lings shoulders. [B]"Congratulations, you have earned this honour. There are absolutely no hard feelings."[/B] Stepping down from the stage Lara waved graciously at the cheering crowd, allowing Ling to take centre stage.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][QUOTE=Solo/Krystal ][COLOR=#503F86] [b]Is there anything you can attribute your successes to?[/b] and [b]If you could share your victory with anyone, who would it be?[/b] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B]"Would it be wrong of me to attribute my success to my outstanding skill and excellence in all areas?" [/B] Lara chuckled softly and shook her head [B]"Honestly I would like to thank my team mates in the Adventurers and the Heroines for my success. Without both my teams winning most of the challenges I would have no doubt been voted off near the very beginning. I was very lucky."[/B] Smiling whistfully Lara turned her attention to the second question. [B]"If I could share my victory with anyone it would probably have to be you Krystal. I think we worked well together, you and I, from the very beginning."[/B] [quote name='White/Mario][COLOR=Gray][b]If you could re-do one thing during the course of the game, what would it be and why?[/b][/COLOR'] [/quote] Lara grinned [B]"Probably not in the sense you're thinking, Mario, but I would love to do the Double Dash race again, just because it was so much fun. I must say for a plumber you really can drive."[/B] [quote name='SunfallE/Link][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][b]Out of all the participants, who do you think was the most creative with their posts, or rather who was the most memorable or outstanding in your mind?[/b][/COLOR'] [/quote] Lara frowned, and brought a finger to her chin, a small humming sound signalling her thought. [B]"An interesting question. I think the most memorable would probably be Shadow, simply for his utter surlyness yet competative spirit. More than once have I found his bitter arguments to be a little more than amusing."[/B] [B]"It was wonderful to compete with all of you, both as opponents and as team mates. I could not have asked for better teams nor for better challenges and I have enjoyed every single moment. Thank you."[/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Lara smiled warmly, recalling the experiences she had with Ling. "She deserves to win because Ling is thoroughly inexhaustable. With all the energy she possesses she gave everything to this game and still came out smiling. Entertaining, determined and eternally upbeat, she deserves to win because I can't think of anyone else more deserving." A small blush crept across the Tomb Raiders cheeks as she absorbed the sincerity of her comments. Clearing her throat with an embarassed motion Lara murmered something incoherent before waving the attention away.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Though I am loathe to self-promotion I should hope that my conduct throughout Game On speaks for itself. Vote away my fellow OBers, and may the best Survivor win! ^_^[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Well, what with OB:Survivor ending in a few short days, I shall need a new RP on which to focus my attention. This sounds like a wonderful idea, despite it being a rehash of an old one. Its very dystopian but not in a clichéd way. Plus with James behind the wheel what could go wrong. I do hope I get a chance to participate ^_^. P.S Where'd the theme come from? It sounds like Annie Lennox, very eerie. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Lara closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. To have gotten this far was an accomplishment in itself. There were several moments throughout the game were the Tomb Raider thought that her time had come and prehaps the fact that she had survived was a testament to the valiant efforts of her collective team mates. She stood now, contemplating the two from whom she must choose her last and final adversary. The choice was daunting. The urge to choose the stronger of the two as the one to be cast away was strong, with this she would have all the more advantage in the final test to come. To cast away the weaker one, however, would prove her all the more deserving should her victory emerge. She contemplated the two women she could call friends. Ling Xiaoyu, a boisterous character was prehaps the true heart of the game. Flush with team spirit and endless enthusiasm the girl poured every amount of effort into the task when to all others victory would be lost. She looked upon the girl as something of a little sister, amused and warmed by her antics in turn. Then there was Yuna, summoner, gunner, kight and much more. She was the first to show friendship to Lara when all this began. Lara was sure that, had they not been seperated into different teams from the start, they would have become firm friends. Lara chuckled and fingered one of the pistols at her side. They had not had the chance to face eachother in a friendly bout as had been suggested, and that Lara would regret. Raising her eyes, Lara locked her gaze with each woman in turn, a small, sad smile touching upon her lips. [B]"We have been comrades and adversaries in equal measure throughout this challenge,"[/B] Lara began. [B]"I for one am proud to have been a part of all this and am honoured to have met each and every single one of you." [/B] Walking towards them slowly, she stopped before Yuna. Raising a black clad hand Lara reached forward to caress the young summoners cheek, sweeping away a lone tear that tracked a silent course down the other woman's face. [B]"Though I have enjoyed our time together, Lady Yuna, I'm afraid I must ask you to leave." [/B] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Wow, has it really been half a year? Ya know, I remember the very first challenge, sitting at Uni trying to figure it out lol. A tough decison but I have chosen...[B]Raiyuu/Ling Xiaoyu[/B] to go on to the final vote. I am sorry Sakura, its been a blast. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]A small tear welled up in Lara's eye as she watched the fox disappear from the CPU. Out of all the contestants she had become closest to Krystal, whom had been her team mate since the beginning. It saddened Lara to see her go, knowing that they would probably never meet again. Composing herself slightly Lara looked around at the final competators. It seemed unlikely that these two would have made it to the finals along with herself, but here they were and their creativity and tenacity have proven them worthy of the position. Checking her pistols Lara cast a wan smile at her companions. [B]"Well ladies, this is it, the final three. May the best girl win, and by that I mean me."[/B] Chuckling at the unintentional rhyme, Lara licked her suddenly dry lips and waited for Mog to announce the next challenge.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Lara squared her shoulders and stood in front of yet another portal. This one led to a particular game by the name of Tetris. The name of the game gave nothing away as to its content as so, as Lara stepped once more into the swirling blue nexus, the sight that met her upon her exit made very little if any actual sense. A large grey expanse dominated her view. Standing on the floor of what appeared to be a very large grey room with an extremely high ceiling Lara could produce no assumptions as to what the game actually was. To her right a small screen suddenly appeared, the image that presented itself on the screen looked curiously like a set of four blocks stacked in an L, shape. Frowning Lara peered at the image, hoping that her intent gaze would somehow release the clue that was quite obviously eluding her. That clue quite literally came falling from the sky as the shape the image represented appeared above her and made its way to the floor in an odd jolting fashion. Hitching a breath Lara rolled out of the way before the shape came crashing down, or at least she expected the crashing. As it happened the shape came to a rest almost serenely upon the greyish floor, still and unmoving. Before Lara had time to contemplate such an obvious lapse in gravitational physics another shape, this time a cube began to sink slowly towards her. [b]?What the hell is this??[/b] The Tomb Raider exclaimed as she once again dodged the cubes descent as it came to rest beside the previous shape. Perhaps a better vantage point was required to solve this puzzle. The next shape to descend was a long vertical stack, slowly making its way down. Gripping the top of the L structure Lara hoisted herself up. Her footing was precarious at best on the narrow ledge and so Lara was forced to immediately somersault towards the moving stack. Gripping the top with strong fingers a small gasp escaped the Tomb Raiders lips as the shape suddenly lurched forwards, flattening out into a horizontal platform. Spreading herself out against the lowering ledge, Lara had yet another surprise in store when, as soon as the shape had rested against the floor a sharp sound pierced the air and the entire lower layer of blocks disappeared, dropping Lara to the ground with a small thud. Searching around with blinking eyes Lara?s confusion was painted upon her features. The blocks had simple vanished, not sunken into the ground, nor into the walls, just vanished into thin air. [b]?Perhaps this is the aim of the game.?[/b] Lara mused. She was unable to contemplate further, her thoughts interrupted by another odd shape. This one was set with two blocks one on top of the other, making the centre to the shape while another block was set on the right side of the top block and another at the left of the bottom block. Knowing now that a horizontal line needed to be created Lara leapt forward, using the remaining blocks from the cube as a stepping stone. Launching herself into the air Lara shouldered the shape causing it to edge slightly to the right, where it slotted in against the floor and remaining cube blocks. A small laugh of triumph was all she allowed herself as again she began directing the next shape that started to fall. With each passing shape, and each line that disappeared the descent became faster and faster. Before long Lara was unsteadily perched upon a tower at least six blocks in height. The blocks were falling at a rapid pace now, an no sooner had Lara successfully guided a piece into its place then she had to scramble upwards to once again catch the next block before it added itself to the ever growing tower. Her latest piece had given much needed relief as it filled the final gap among several lines, lowering the tower significantly. Distracted by this relief Lara was unprepared for the sudden arrival of another vertical stack. Unable to prevent its rapid descent Lara was knocked off balance as it flew past her. Losing her footing she toppled backwards into the steep hole that she had intended the stack for. The walls were steep and the slick 2D surface meant that scaling them was nigh on impossible. Lara cursed a blue streak at her predicament and blocks now left unsupervised piled themselves haphazardly in all directions. A sudden panic descended upon Lara as a square shadow darkened the opening to her pit. An L shaped block was falling fast and before Lara could do so much as yelp she was boxed in, trapped underneath a cascade of blocks. With no way out Lara folded her arms across her chest and leant back against the wall of her prison. She could clearly hear the blocks piling up around her. Though safe in these confines there was little she could do to prevent the inevitable. A loud wailing noise confirmed her fears and a blue portal engulfed her before the room was filled in with blocks. [b]?Crap.? Lara muttered as she found herself back in the CPU, ?That didn?t turn out as well as expected.?[/b][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]You're right on one point, doing something like that now shouldn't ruin the guys life, but it was still a pretty dumbass think to do. Shattered like glass man?! Someone could have gotten seriously hurt, and how's the teacher supposed to know something worse won't happen? I concur with the whole throwing stuff at cars Violet, especially snowballs, seriously I nearly swerved into oncoming traffic the last time some punk kid turfed an icy snowball at my windshield.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Excellent idea![/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Has everyone died or something? Come on.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Lara stepped up to the portal that would lead her to her new destination and a new game. Reaching the edge she hesitated, lifting her hand and running her fingers across the crackling blue surface. [B]"Once more into the breach..." [/B] Lara's voice was resolute, barely a whisper as she stepped forward and disappeared. Gasping as she exited the other side Lara shook her head to rid the dizzy feeling that permiated her brain. She rested a hand upon her head and grimaced. [B]"I'll never get used to that."[/B] The hazy effect lasted only a few seconds and soon Lara was able to clearly take stock of her surroundings. It appeared that the game she had chosen took place on a construction site. Girders hung, suspended in the air while several ladders were strung precariously between them. Lara's gaze travelled upwards across the girders, held slightly slanted horizontally, until her eyes settled upon a figure, perched high above her, a surprisingly bulky and hairy figure, but a figure nonetheless. Lara gasped as she realised what she was watching was in fact a giant gorilla, angry and mean. Beating its chest and stomping up and down, the beasts animal growls were drowned out only by the terrified screaming of a young woman. [b]?Help me! He?s gone wild, oh please someone help me!?[/b] As if to confirm the statement the gorilla gave a deafening roar and the girders beneath shook under the strain of his enormous weight. Lara checked for her weapons, relieved to find that they remained on her person through transit. The tomb raider grimaced as another ear piercing scream tore through the air, glaring up at the woman who was now weeping hysterically beside the gorilla. [b]?Bloody damsels in distress, can?t they do anything useful.?[/b] The steel ladder shook slightly as Lara grasped at the steps, ascending to the first platform. All she had to do was rescue the girl, it seemed rather straightforward, get to the top and shoot the gorilla? piece of cake. Musing on the best ways to incapacitate a raging ape Lara barely noticed the large barrel that suddenly came hurtling towards her across one of the girders. Alerted by its thunderous rolling Lara executed a sudden dive over the top of it as it shot past. Rolling to her feet Lara spun to watch it rumble to the edge of the metal walkway and then launch from the end, spiralling to the floor below with a mighty crash. Turning Lara just managed to avoid being struck by another cask by grasping a ladder overhead and swinging herself up and out of harms way. The great gorilla roared his displeasure at Lara?s efforts, battering his chest and flinging yet more barrels from his perch. The woman, for all her weeping, did nothing to even remotely attempt escape. Hunched next to the massive ape she simply sat, wailing and looking imploringly down at the tomb raider as she ducked and dodged the many barrels hurled her way. [I]As always, if you want something done?[/I] Lara left the old adage hanging, firing several shots at the next oncoming barrel, shattering it into splinters. The gunfire startled the ape, who momentarily ceased his assault to frown down at the puny woman with the loud weapons. Lara took immediate advantage of the gorilla?s confusion and quickly scaled several of the girders in her bid for the top. Grunting softly as she clambered up the ladders Lara glanced up at her destination, now only a single level away. [B]?What I wouldn?t give for a couple of biplanes.?[/B] Lara muttered, breathlessly. Reaching the top she whipped her pistols round and trained them on the hairy bulk before her. The gorilla merely roared and hefted another barrel above his head, fully intending to crack Lara?s skull open with it. Never hesitating Lara fired, a grim expression on her features. The gunshot illuminated the apes pained expression as it screamed and clutched at its now bloody shoulder. It dropped the barrel, which Lara nimbly avoided, and slumped to the ground, moaning pitifully as it pawed at the wound. Nodding in satisfaction Lara holstered her weapons and approached the girl, who by now had stopped crying and was staring at the ape with wide eyes. Lara held out her hand to the girl. [B]?Don?t worry, you?re safe now-?[/B] Lara was cut short as the younger girl suddenly stood, glaring fiercely in Lara?s direction. [B]?What have you done??[/B] Lara stopped, frowning at the unexpected question. The girl ran towards the gorilla, clutching his arm and dabbing at his shoulder with the hem of her dress. The ape, for his part, whimpered pitifully, putting on his best injured expression, clearly loving the attention. The girl turned to shoot another angry look at the bemused Lara. [B]?What did you think you were doing? Coming in here, pistols blazing! This isn?t one of those nasty, violent shoot ?em ups you know!? [/B] Lara opened her mouth to respond but closed it quickly when the girl beat her to it. [B]?Don?t say anything, you?ve done quite enough. I think you should just go before you hurt anyone else.? [/B] Lara frowned and scratched her head as the girl turned back to coo over the injured beast. Shrugging Lara headed towards the end of the platform and indicated to Mog that she was ready to leave. [B]?Some people??[/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Okay, no worries. I'll have DK and you can have Space Invaders. Things have been so busy lately that I haven't gotten round to writing my post yet anyway ^_~.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Okay, since we're all done with our first games I guess its time to rotate. I call [B]Space Invaders![/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Lara grasped at the suspended blue pills frantically as she wove through the maze. I was becoming increasingly difficult to find said pills to collect however, crossing the same paths many times in the hunt for the most precious treasure Lara could remember seeking. She had become distinctly single minded in her obsession now, and had narrowly avoided being caught by the 'ghosts', as she had dubbed them, on several occasions. It was true that during her time spent as a tomb raider Lara had been known to become stubbornly obsessive once she was on the trail of a treasure but this was purely ridiculous. Swirls of colour and haze flitted around her vision. Lara was having great difficulty concentrating, stumbling forward unable to pause even for a moment. The pills were getting scarcer by the moment and the passing ghosts grew ever closer. If she were able to think a single straight thought Lara might have devised an effective search pattern, covering every aspect of the maze. As if was she stumbled blindly onward. Turning a corner Lara pressed her hand firmly against the wall to her left in an attempt to steady her shaking limbs. Raising her tired head her blurred vision instantly focused on the lone capsule held invitingly not a few feet away. It looked slightly larger than the pills the woman had previously savoured, but such details were lost upon her as she lurched forwards. Lara, however, came to a sudden, grinding halt as a garish blue image appeared from the opening behind the pill. Rolling its beady eyes it advanced in a fluid motion. Lara stepped backwards warily but was again stopped as, from the corner of her clouded vision an unmissable yellow ghost appeared, blocking her escape. Time seemed to slow as Lara, caught between her two enemies pressed herself against the wall, her breath coming in harsh and panicked gasps. Pressing her shaking arms against the side of the maze lara pushed herself up into a standing position. Turning to face the blue apparition she swallowed thickly and stared into its mass, determined to face it head on. She could barely stand, the need for the pills and the sudden fear overwhelmed her. Lara was certain that here was where she was going to make her last stand and, unable to complete the challenge she would finally end her run on Game On. With this sullen acceptance, however, came a new voice, new and yet somehow familiar. [I][B]"Use the pill Lara..."[/B] [/I] The voice echoed in her mind and a blurred yellow image began to take form before her. The image was spherical in shape, with a large slice seemingly cut from it. Lara gasped as she recognised her former Blue Feather team mate. Pac-Man. Surrounded by a blueish glow, the yellow ball hovered in front of Lara, staring her down. [I][B]"Use the pill."[/B][/I] Pac-Man spoke again. the lingering tones of his spectral voice brought fresh energy to Lara's drained body. Bracing herself against the wall she lunged forward. Inches from the fatal embrace of the blue ghost Lara clasped her fingers around the large pill, bringing it immediatley to her mouth and swallowing. The result was equal parts instantaneous and unexpected. The advancing ghosts suddenly flashed a garish blue colour, reverting from meanacing spirits to cowardly phantoms in seconds. Now she was the hunter and from her they ran. Powered by the energy from the pill Lara surged forward, ripping through the ghost before her, reducing it to a set of eyes, which rolled precariously around the maze. Shooting down the winding paths Lara was able to grab the remaining pills all the while decimating any ghost that happened to cross her path. With the ingestion of the last pill the entire maze froze and a large [B]'Level Completed' [/B] appeared above her. Lara was automatically teleported back to the CPU, a drunken grin plastered on her face.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Don't worry Sandy, just because its a busy time of year doesn't mean we're going to let OB Survivor go down the pan ^_~. It just might take a little longer than expected.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B]"Alright then,"[/B] Lara nodded, eager to redeem her last poor performance in a new challenge. [B]"I'll start with Pac-Man."[/B] Mog fluttered up from his seat and gave a little spin. [B]"Ok, kupo! Its Game On!"[/B] With those words Lara was once again engulfed in a familiar flash of light as she disappeared from the CPU. Immediately Lara found herself materialized inside a tight square maze. All around her was solid black, apart from a vast amount of blue capsules and dark blue ceiling and floor. The maze was set up horizontally with no walls to speak of, apart from the black backdrop. Used to 2D atmospheres from previous challenges Lara was prepared for the odd perception that accompanied her situation. Without actually being able to see the rest of the maze she instinctively knew where each path was, and where they linked up; another trick of the 2D surroundings. The blue capsules were hanging, suspended in mid air by no force that Lara could immediately see. Walking carefully forward, unsure of how sturdy the floor of the maze was Lara reached out to pluck one of the pellets from the air. It came away with no resistance and as Lara held it between her fingers she felt a strange and overwhelming urge pass over her. Raising the capsule to her lips Lara popped it into her mouth and swallowed instantly. The feeling that accompanied the action was almost immediately euphoric. Lara gasped as a light shiver ran the length of her spine and a light, warming sensation tinged her skin. [b]?Oh that was nice.?[/b] Lara smiled appreciatively, already reaching forward for the next pill. Suddenly a flash of pink darted towards her from the left. Lara dropped to the floor, instantly flattening herself out against its surface. The thing flew overhead and past, turning another corner of the maze to the left. Lara knew that she should be worried about the attempted assailant but as soon as the figure had disappeared she felt her attention once again being drawn to the blue pills, still and inviting before her. Blind in her sudden obsession Lara rushed forward and grasped at the capsules, stuffing one after another in her mouth and swallowing. The effect was energizing and Lara built up speed as she followed the trail. Leaping one of the gaps of the horizontal maze, landing with a soft grunt Lara grinned in a way that could only be described as drunken. Her vision before her was tunnelled and all that she was focused on was the next dark blue treat. Intent upon her prize Lara was taken aback when the pellet morphed unexpectedly into a large orange mass; a mass with white beady eyes. Lara stumbled backwards in irrational fear brought on by the beings presence. Sweat beaded upon her forehead and her blood ran cold as the blob approached. Quickly regaining her footing Lara darted in the opposite direction from her pursuer, a small amount of clarity dawning upon her previously fuzzed mind. The orange ?ghost? was quickly joined by her pink friend from before and both made haste in following Lara as she wound through the square maze. Despite running for what she assumed to be her life Lara still managed to grab the blue pills the trailed before her and consumed them with hysteric fervour. Casting a quick glance over her shoulder Lara saw the ghosts where hot on her heels. Up ahead her path split into opposite directions, she could run forward no longer, she had to make a decision. Sensing the presence of a path directly above her position Lara bounded towards the end of her current road. Grasping the ledge of the ceiling above her she used the momentum from her sprint to swing herself forward and up. Completing a half circle Lara landed in a crouch on the path above and immediately took off running. The ghosts in their frenzied pursuit had apparently misjudged Lara?s direction and had headed off down the path in the opposite direction to Lara?s own. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Dangit Raiyuu! I wanted Tetris *grumbles* Okay then, I call...[B]Pac-Man [/B] [/SIZE]