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Everything posted by Doukeshi
[quote name='Dan L']this doesn't necessarily have to apply to everyone, but it certainly seems to apply to a lot. (And as I said, there are some genuine depressed people- often the ones who keep quiet about it to most people)[/quote] Very true, it is often those who keep this emotion bottled up who endure the most pain. I agree with you, some teenagers thrive off the 'angsty' side of life, though it has come to my attention more that society values the peppy and optimistic, shunning those of a more demure and gloomy nature. That being said however, this is not a discussion about the merits of modern teenage culture. Depression or emotional problems can develop without any outward catalyst to provoke them. Some people often feel guilty because they, unlike others who show symptoms of depression, do not neccessarily have a "reason" to be this way. This would mostly likely only fuel such depression. Depression is not something you can help..nor something you can just ignore in the hopes that it will go away. Talking to loved ones, seeing a doctor, engaging in vibrant social activities, all these help on the path to recovery. ....I'll stop sounding like a BUPA advert now...
Okay dude, I'm giving it a shot. I have a little something you might want to take a look at. It's a head shot of matt, since its the only thing I've coloured so far. What do you think, likes dislikes? I know its a bit messy, but I'm afriad I'm absolutely no good at tidying the edges. Sorry. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20292&stc=1[/img]
[QUOTE=Dan L]I never thought teenagers did so much of the hiding it away, in fact they often openly claim "I'm depressed" for some stupid reason or another (don't get me wrong, there are some genuinely depressed teenagers too..)- hence everybody knows teenagers are often like that :p.. Sometimes I reckon the worst thing that happened to teenagers was the discovery, or rather hyping-up of "depression" and "emotional problems". It somehow became cool or normal to be that way.[/QUOTE] I don't think its cool or normal to be that way at all. Sometimes you feel anything but normal or cool and at times it's really quite excrutiating. If you do feel down, lonely, lacking in energy etc, I don't think its something you should just pass off as "a normal teenage thing", even if it is a normal teenage thing you shouldn't have to feel that way. It is totally possible to feel depressed without any plausible stimulant, it happens to a lot of people. .
That is one seriously ****** up batmobile (see attatchments). I wonder what possessed the makers of this movie to divert themselves so much from a tried and tested design. It looks like a tank... One can only hope that it doesn't recieve too much screen time. I also agree with Sciros on the Neeson Wantanbe role reversale, however, I am still waiting to see what else they are going to do. Just so long as I don't have to look at Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl anymore. [QUOTE]Originally posted by [b]ScirosDarkblade[/b] [i]They, at this point, forgot about Talia (who is a very important part of the whole Batman/Ra's al Ghul dynamic).[/i][/QUOTE] Oh and BTW Sciros they haven't forgotten about Talia...she's being played by Katie Holmes, or so I've heard.
Okay I have two versions here, ones slightly animated, the other one isnt..take your pick [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20273&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20274&stc=1[/img]
Here's my shot..enjoy. Oh yeah..the grey text didn't show up too well, so I kinda reverted to black, sorry bout that. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20269&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20270&stc=1[/img]
[QUOTE]Originally Posted by[b] Semjaza Azazel[/b][i] Thanks for this contribution to the discussion. I find it hard to believe that anyone involved in this was jumping around, flailing their arms about as they posted. It's an opinion about a super hero movie's impact in a thread about super hero movies. Unexpected, I guess[/i][/QUOTE] I appreciate your sarcasm ¬_¬, and not for a moment did I imagine anyone flailing their arms in barely repressed outrage, I was merely trying to add some humor to the tensions. Maybe it was inappropriate and I appologise. However... Getting away from this Halle Berry die-atribe. What are people's opinions on Christian Bale as Batman? After the last two shams of movies involving George Clooney and Val Kilmer, I personally think that Christian Bale has the dark brooding character to pull this off. Admittedly when it first came out that it would be Bale I was quite taken aback, and couldn't really see Bale donning the cape and cowl, now however, I'm really looking forward to it. After watching him in 'American Psycho' I find it easy to imagine how he can pull off both the dark mysterious 'Dark Knight' and his alter ego, the playboy Bruce Wayne.
What does religion have to do with where i work?
Doukeshi replied to Zudo's topic in General Discussion
What does it say under his user name guys? Seriously. Anyway, I'm with the others on legal action here. If it was a serious enough job and I'm assuming it was 'cause you were up for promotion and all, then you probably have a case. However, its still your word against his I suppose...do you have what he said in writing? -
Jeez guys she's just an actress, calm down. Maybe someone should switch to decaf hm?
don't ask me, ask gendou. I personally don't mind
My brand new shoes are white and red, With fine, smooth laces and rubber soles. I took them out of their cardboard box And held them in my hands like a child. They smell like fresh leather and polish And shine so bright like the sun, Firm and hard I need to break them in And show them the ways of the world. No dirt or soil marks these shoes, They have not yet touched the earth. I wish I could only keep them that way But what use are they then? I place them next to granddads shoes, Inside the cupboard under the stairs, His are worn, not like mine at all And the laces are nearly snapped in two. There are holes in the thin soles you can see through And the leather is cracked and wrinkled, The tongue hangs down like a tired dog Too old to move, asleep on a chair Mine smell like leather and crisp wrapping paper, His smell like sweat and old threadbare socks, They?re dusty and haven?t been worn in a while, ?Mum said we should throw them out.
I found this picture randomly and I thought it was pretty funny. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20262&stc=1[/img]
Aww, give Cap a break. He's Marvel's answer to Superman, he's gotta be all patriotic and boy scouty. I also think that Wristcutter has the best idea for a really interesting (if not obvious) propaganda film. Bless Cap's little star-spangled socks
Lucas carried Elanna into the small living quarters of the smithy, smoothing her hair and whispering reassurances in her ear. Setting her down at the worn kitchen table he wrapped her in a blanket and proceeded to heat up a pan of water. Still sniffing Elanna looked up at Lucas emploringly. "Are you mad at me?" her eyes began to fill with unshed tears once more as she watched her brother move around the kitchen. Looking back at her with a warm gaze, Lucas moved to kneel before her, taking her smaller hand in his. Brushing her hair away from her face he rubbed away the tears that now stained her cheek. "Now now...I ain't mad, I was just scared for ye. Ye gave me quite a shock young lady Asheron, an' I'm sure if Pa were still around he would have tanned yer hide." He chuckled softly at the panicked look she gave him at this news. "Don't worry though, I ain't Pa an' rather than give ye a goot smack, I'll just torture ye with tea...speaking of which," Lucas turned towards the stove at the sound of bubbling water and stood to see to the pan. Taking two well worn mugs from the cabinet he gathered together the strainer and several handfulls of tea leaves, pouring the boiling water through the leaves and into the mug. Stirring in the strength he added a few drops of honey for sweetness and placed the steaming mug before his young sister. "There ye go, now drink up." Sipping at his own tea, Lucas took a seat at the table an rested his head upon his palm. He watched the girl before him with a stark sense of relief, terrified of the prospect that she might have gotten hurt, the only family he had left.
Nice...very nice. I'm liking the whole sun-from-over-the-hills thing, it fits in with your personality ^_~ I also like the symplistic approach you've taken to your banner. Frankly a wonderful, picturesque image such as the one you've used shouldn't be spoiled with too much text. Well done
[B]Name:[/B] Marcus Belial [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B][b] [U][url=http://www.ovd-sama.de/manga/m/kira2_an.jpg]Click Here[/url][/b][/U] [B]Glyph:[/B] Malice [B] Glyph Appearance:[/B] [b][U][url=http://www.euroloup.com/images/rune.jpg] And Here[/url][/b][/U] [B]Glyph Appearance Location:[/B] On the back of his neck, just between the shoulder blades. [B]Personality:[/B] Easy to anger and able to hold grudges for an intermanable amount of time. He is confident to the point of arrogance and holds little regard for his fellow man, unless he believes they have something of value to him. [B]Bio:[/B] A theif and a con artist, Marcus would do anything for a quick buck. Approached by the syndicate during one of his many stays in the local prison for theft and GBH he was persuaded to take part in a "harmless" medical experiment. Sufficed to say it was a little more than harmless. [B]Weapon:[/B] A steel tipped bull-whip and a blade strapped to his right wrist. [B]Majik/Special Attack:[/B] Seriously, these things never get used. Burning Rage: A fiery force attack that consumes the subject in an agonising flame. Torment of the Soul: A constricting whip attack. [B]Transformation:[/B] Horns, face twisted in malice, claws...ya know the deal. [B]Transfromation Weapon:[/B] Steel coil that reacts as though it were a living being [B]Nightmare Attack: [/B] Flaming Brand: The coil becomes alive with writihing flames...nice
I'm not trying to outdo Sem, so don't think I am..I just thought I'd give it a shot. Here's my banner [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20246&stc=1[/img] [Note: The runes on either side of the banner spell 'Annie'] And here's the Avatar [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20247&stc=1[/img] If you're sure you don't want them matching ^_~
Request Aqua Teen Hunger Force banner please
Doukeshi replied to Ryoko T.D.C.'s topic in Creative Works
Here's a banner I made. I couldn't find a pic of a decent athf logo, nore could I find a pic of this Carle guy...so I've just done my best with the resources I have been able to find. Enjoy [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20245[/img] -
Here we go, I hope its to your liking, I focused more on Sora than totally KH. Hope you like it. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20244[/img]
[QUOTE=Manic]note: I'm gonna have to shrink my font to "1" for this one... [size=1] [b]DC[/b] While Marvel has been capitalizing on the movie front, DC has dominated the animated series medium for a few years, now. Since Marvel's late-90s bankrucy, the only series they've made is X-Men Evolution and a CG Spider-Man that MTV cancelled. DC doesn't have many movies on their roster, but with the right writers (ie. people who don't write Superman's comic books), we could be looking at some decent movies. Here's some of my preferences... [b]Black Canary/Birds of Prey:[/b] Put a woman on a motorcycle and watch her kick some butt. Throw in a nice sound effect for her canary-cry, and we may have something. Meanwhile, the identity of Oracle could remain a mystery throughout most of the movie. [b]Flash:[/b] Barry Allen, specifically. Wally's backstory is too complicated for one movie (Barry accidentally re-creating the same accident that made him the Flash around young Wally... oops). Barry had a decent personal life, so he's definitely movie-worthy. [b]Joker:[/b] That's right. Imagine a movie about the Joker and Harley, with almost no trace of Batman. It could be a movie about dishonor among criminals, and the Joker has to get back at someone who double-crossed him. It would be freaking hilarious.[/size][/QUOTE] I like how you think Manic, seriously these are some great ideas. A Joker movie! What a movie! They should seriously consider that one. I am also glad someone else has got the right idea for a Birds of Prey movie, the fact that Oracle could remain a mystery for most of the movie could really bring out the character. I like it.
Well, I am really looking forward to '[i]Batman Begins[/i]', a wonderful return to the old gothic days before they found UV paint and George Clooney. Catwoman, however, I'm just going to watch to see how truly crap it really is...*shudders*. I am also interested in what is going to happen in X3. As you said they are probably going to focus on the whole Phoenix saga thing, though I doubt they'll bring in any outside influences such as the Shi'ar, too complex. I want to see Gambit in it, though my sources tell me that he is only going to make a cameo a la Beast in X2. Shame really. Daredevil did not "suck", though I don't think that it was good enough for a sequel, though 'Elektra' is is in the pipeline isn't it? I guess we'll just have to wait and see on that one. On other DC characters: They probably are going to make a Wonderwoman movie, or is that a definite? I only think that would work if they made a justice league movie or something similar. There is already a 'Flash' movie out there. I only know this because I came across a video of it in my local Blockbusters sale bin, quite a freaky find I can tell you. The one I would most like to see isn't actually a movie, and it has already been tried. 'Birds of Brey' a Batman DC spinoff comic. This has already been made into a shortlived TV series as you may know, though it bore little resemblance to the actually comics, the only recognisable character being Barbara Gordon. I would like someone to give it another shot as a TV series, but to keep it closer to the original comics, I believe that would make a better series than anything they could manipulate. I don't really want to see anymore Super hero movies. I think that franchise has been done to death, lets see something original...or at least give this idea a couple of decades breathing space huh.
Women's washrooms at school (not perverted)
Doukeshi replied to Burori's topic in General Discussion
I tried not to go into the toilets at school, I value my lungs. There was nothing really very interesting written on the doors and walls anyway, usually [i]'Becka luvz Maller 4eva'[/i] or other such pathetic nonsense. Exam desks make good reading though lol. -
Lucas exited the tavern upon hearing the rucus developing outside. He had intended upon ignoring the drunkards, prefering to stay within the confines of his shop, content at sta.tying out of the way. This had changed however when he had heard the voice of his young sister, Elanna from amongst the group. Grasping the ahmmer placed upon his workbench he leant against the doorframe of the smithy door and peered out into the street. Damn her and her sense of justice, he knew that one day she would become a law enforcer or something, she was her mothers daughter, as much as her brothers who had left to defend their country. Shaking his head he stepped out into the street, clutching the handle of the hammer with a white knuckled fist. Circling the group he appraoched from behind, his gaze set firmly upon his sibling. Grey eyes were hard as he looked upon with a worried expression. Suddenly he heard Elanna cry out as she was shoved backwards, sending her sprawling upon the dirt by the large brute. Bared teeth and a snarl replaced the expression of worry as Lucas surged forward, anger blazing within his eyes. Lashing out with the hammer he slammed into the mans shoulder, sending him crashing to the ground with an anguished roar of pain. Spinning on his heel he faced the others in the group, baring his teeth in a feral expression of fury. "You! You would harm a young girl outside her own home? You drunken fools!" Overcoming their initial shock at seeing one of their own floored by the raging smithy the men advanced upon Lucas, laughing darkly at the man who stood so defiantly before them. "Lookit here," one of the slurred, stumbling forward in an intoxicated stupor, "this guy finks e's a hero." The others laughed at this and advanced further. Adjusting his grip upon his weapon, Lucas lunged foward crushing a skull with a brutal blow. Muscleds and sinews rippled as he fought delivering mighty blows to the inexperienced and uncorodinated men. A bled from several shallow wounds inflicted by a few lucky knives but in the end it was Lucas who previaled as the drunkards left scurrying away, leaving their wounded behind. Breathing heavily Lucas laid a final kick at one of the groaning figures before turning back to tend to his sister. She sat,upon the step outside the smithy door, her hands clasped tightly about her knees. Crouching before Elanna he held out his grimy hand, touching her face in a tender caress. Taking her into his embrace he shushed her lightly as she sobbed into his arms. "I'm..sorry..Lucas," Her sniffs and hiccups marred her voice as she spoke softly, "I was only..trying to help." Gathering her upon into his arms he took her inside, holding her against his strong chest as he closed the door to the world outside.
insomnia breeds inspiration I guess. I hope you like my attempt [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20065&stc=1[/img]
Hello all. This is a thread that I will be devoting to my artwork. Not to my many banners and manipulations that some of you, I'm sure, have seen, but to the art and illustrations that I have created with my own two hands. First of all I would like to introduce you to Kurian, my pensive friend seated here: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20032&stc=1[/img] Comments and creative criticism are always welcome.