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Everything posted by Doukeshi

  1. Here's my shot, its been a while since I've made a banner for anyone other than myself. [img]http://doukeshi03.250free.com/ifrit.jpg[/img] [img]http://doukeshi03.250free.com/ifritbanner.jpg[/img]
  2. In my experience, girls usually go for older men, because they are closer to their maturity level apparently. I mean, most of my boyfriends and admirers have been older than I am. Because most girls mature faster than most guys it is safe to say that a girl will try to find a partner on her level...hence the older guy. However, I do know a girl who constantly dated 30 year old guys even though she was 16-18, in fact she is currently engaged to a guy who is almost twice her age. However, this is not always a bad thing. My father is roughly 15 years older than my mother, which means when she was 15 he was 30. That sounds like a major difference, but when you put it that she is now 53 and he is 68 it doesn't sound all that bad. I guess it depends on the guy. If he is a well meaning, decent bloke then all is good. if he is an arrogant user who is only out for one thing...well, you can guess the outcome of that.
  3. Doukeshi

    O Fortuna

    Name: Lucas Asheron Age: 32 Sex: Male Kingdom: Emanil Role in Kingdom: Blacksmith Description: Lucas is quite a large gentleman, as one would expect, broad and finely muscled through years of hard labour. His face is weathered and tanned due to his constant proximity to the heat from the many furnaces where he works. His hair is dark brown and is clipped neatly to just below his chin. A finely kept beard adorns his face, giving him the appearance of a common, hardworking man. Like most of the citizens of the city Lucas is dressed rather plainly. He wears a white shirt, usually stained with soot and scorch marks, underneath a short, tan tunic. He also wears hardwearing, dark leather pants, sturdy boots and a rough apron in the atmosphere of the smithy. Personality: Lucas is a reserved man, choosing mainly to keep to himself for most of the time. In social situations he prefers mainly to listen though he can interject his opinions if he has something to say. He cherishes his work and the products of his labour like he would his own children, taking great pride in their production and in their subsequent uses. Loyal and forgiving, Lucas can be a true friend, feeling depth of human emotion in others to a great extent, feeling the hurt of others deeply. He is a truly compassionate man and ever-present background figure. Background: Taken into the family smithy at the age of 14 Lucas has been working within the business all of his life. His mother having died giving birth to her fifth child, Lucas grew up as the third of five children, it was easy to pick up the trade, working alongside his two elder brothers and his father, making farming tools and kitchen utensils as well as finely crafted weaponry and artefacts or war. He has thrived within the glorious kingdom of Emanil and has even crafted weaponry for the Royal Guards, something of which he is very proud. Now, however, Lucas is the only one left to man the smithy, his brothers having left after news of several raids reached the ears of the people. They saw it as their duty to protect this kingdom and so left to join the royal forces. Lucas? father died of old age and possibly heartbreak soon after their departure, leaving only Lucas and his youngest sibling Elanna. Lucas now works hard within the smithy, vowing to look after Elanna and continue the family business?even though there is little of his family left to appreciate it.
  4. Pssht...they don't call us [i]Great[/i] Britiain for nothing you know. *chuckles* Oh well, enjoy your independence day, I guess its a good excuse to do nothing and make big flashy lights with rockets. *grumbles* what a waste of all that tea too...
  5. "Excuse me please. But I need to go to the 'little dictators' room"
  6. The manipulation of the image is really quite poorly done as well...having said that, so is the entire ad. I don't know whether it was done with permission or not, and if it was I think whoever authorized it is kicking themselves for letting it happen heh.
  7. A shadowed figure approached the great signs, which stood in grandure within the walls of the city. Garbed in a long cloak, the figure's features were shrouded in darkness as he gazed upon the messages written clearly upon each sign. Reaching forward he grazed his fingers across the ink of the sign indicating Rinario's advertisment, only to withdraw his touch suddenly, as if burned. Hesitating, the figure moved to study the sign of the Elders. Grasping his cloak he withdrew the hood away from his head, resting it upon his shoulders. His features were powerful and regal as he studyed the message before him, with a firm set jaw and strong, high cheekbones. He appeared to be slightly aged, though youthful at the same time, giving the man a paradoxical appearance. Dark brows were knitted tightly in concentration and he nodded in what appeared to be satisfaction. Taking hold of long wooden staff, which he had rested between the two signs he decided to make his way to the town hall, the meting place for what was known as the Elder's tournament. The spirits had told him of this place, and of what he must do. Not only for his own honour, but for the honour of the temple and the praise of the spirits must he venture to this ring and defeat all in fair combat. So it had be spoken, so it should be.
  8. Name: Elias Asher Age: 24 Race: Human Class: Ranger Religion: Description: Elias is supple and lithe in form of body, having lived most of his life as aranger outdoors and amongst the woods he bares a rugged countenance accentuated by tanned skin. Not a terribly tall man he is of average height, but finds that this comes to his advantage when concealing himself from persuers. He has long dark brown hair that is almost always tied back. His clothing comprises of dark brown leather pants and black leather boots and a grey hooded tunic with a white shirt underneath. The cuffs of his shirt are covered by tight leather bracers common among archers and he wears many silver rings on his fingers, most notably the large thumb ring with a black onyx center. All this is topped off with a supple, brown leather jacket he wears over the top Weapons: A sturdy long bow, carved to suit his weight perfectly and a plain but razor sharp short sword strapped to his side. Bio: I'll complete this when I return
  9. I think that Michael Jackson's music will be with us forever in the anthologies of history, much like Elvis and the Beatles. His music was so powerful, it appeals to everyone and I do mean everyone. Young, old, whether you like rap, metal, rock or pop you like Michael Jackson. That man had supreme talent no mistaking that. May favourite song at the moment is the one he did with Slash from Guns 'n' Roses..the title slips my mind briefly as I write this. I love the guitar solo in it and the passion in Mikes voice when he sings. Priceless stuff.
  10. Well...I think I can pull off the atmosphere you're going for, not a huge fan of horror flicks so I can probably give my character a realistic sense of fear heh. Lets give it a shot. Name: Kyle Arkum Age: 32 Sex: Male Appearance: Kyle has short, dark brown hair cut to his earlobes and stomy grey eyes. He is mostly clean shaven though he has a small goatee on his chin, something people have often referred to as 'a smudge'. He is 5 feet and 9 inches tall and lithe in build. He wears a white vest and shirt, a brown leather biker jacket, stonewash, bootcut jeans and black leather boots. He also wears a thick silver ring on his right hand middle finger with a sapphire embedded into it, he also has a silver thumb ring on his left hand. Background: Kyle grew up in the North of England until he was 20. Growing up in a small village Jerith had what could be called a happy childhood. Though he soon became consitricted within this samll village of two dimensional characters. Breaking from his family he felt a need to branch out on his own. The only way he felt he could do this was to move to an entirley different country. America it was. He has since lived in several different states, never quite finding the place to settle down, unable to resign himself to a life of petty problems and mundane tasks. He came to Ottawa on a whim and has since hear several harrowing stories that had made him think twice about staying in such a remote, forboding town. Kyle is a laid back character, though can get annoyed quite easily by the stupidity of others. He is not a learned man but he has the wisdom of one who has travelled and enough insight to see what others may not. He is neither stoic nor fearless and considers it sense and not cowardice to run from immediate danger, there is no manly pride, which keeps him from hiding under a table quaking like a small child. Having said that his charm and personal demeanour make him endearing to those who meet him and his loyalty and compasion is bestowed in great quantities to those he believes have earned them. Equipment: A crumpled packet of cigarettes and a plain, silver zippo lighter Miscellaneous: Kyle smokes heavily, something which he despises. He has tried to give up on several occasions but lacks the willpower to go through with it.
  11. ..the pound because he was finally sick of them. Arriving there he...
  12. ...discovered that, rather than eat the president he decided he would eat a sausage in a bun. Finding out this was called a 'hotdog' he...
  13. This wasn't quite what the pope meant when he said he wanted to become aquainted with Holy Rock
  14. That disallowed goal was not a foul. Terry and Campbell were clearly intent on the ball and no attention was spared to the keeper. The keeper was underneith the ball and could in no possible way catch it. You have to have your arms up when you jump and the keeper just got in the way. On another note...GREECE BEAT FRANCE!!!! Can you believe it!? Its a miracle, its amazing, its unheard of!
  15. Evan jogged down the corridor his gaze firmly on Caley as he watched her move away. Raising his hand he called out to her as he dodged through the thronging crowds of people. "Hey! Kiddo! Caley! Wait up!" He caught up with her as she stopped to look for the voice. Slowing to a stop he punched her lightly on the arm and ruffled her hair. "Hey there, I saw what happened to Hiro. She okay?" He question was sincere as he spoke. Stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans he began to walk quickly alongside Caley, watching her intently. Her answer was distracted as she made her way to the nurses office. "I don't know, that's what I'm trying to find out. Don't you have to pick up you little brother?" Evan shrugged nonchalantly. "He's a big boy, he can take care of himself." Evan chuckled as Caley rolled her eyes
  16. That ref was playing for portugal I swear it. I half expected the guy to don a portuguese shirt and score a goal himself. Some of those fowls were horrendous and that goal...I don't believe I've ever seen such a complete farce in all of my life. Having said that they other team played spectacularly and we had no control of the ball. Our defence was keeping it together just out of desperation more than anything and it was just inevitable they portugal was going to score. It then came down to penalties...and we know how oh-so-good England is at penalties *sighs*. You have to feel sorry for Vassel, they poor guy must be gutted. I hear that the goal incident has gone to UEFA..though I doubt anything is going to happen. Its just another almost win to add to the notches on our wooden spoon and as much as I hate to say it, there'll be rioting in the streets of lisbon tonight.
  17. [B]Name:[/B] Elias Asher [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Gems:[/B] Spirit Gem and Celestial Gem [B]Abilities: [I]Spirit [/I] -[/B] Seeker of Truth: A powerful truth spell that none can withstand Healing Light: Pretty much what it says on the tin Angelic Shield: A powerful barrier guided by inner strength [B][I]Celestial[/I] -[/B] Seraph's Spear: A charged energy bolt channled from the soul The Sword of Michael: Imbues weapon with the holy flame of God Righteous Thunder: A blast that spreads in a circumfrence of 15ft from the user [B]Oricinu:[/B] Madeen [B]Weapon: [I]Israfel[/I] -[/B] A simple ebony staff capped with silver [B]After merging with 1 Gem: [I]Jophiel [/I] -[/B] The ebony is now engraved with angelic runes [B]After merging with 2 Gems: [I]Uriel[/I] -[/B] The runes on the staff glow with an inner fire, the cap is now gold. [B]Class:[/B] Priest [B]Description:[/B] Blessed with great wisdom, Elias holds great depth in his stormy grey eyes. His features are solmn, with a firm set jaw and strong cheekbones. His dark brow knitted in thought, he exudes wisdom and control. Long dark hair flows down upon his shoulders, silver threads woven throughout giving him an aged appearance even though he remains youthful. Hhe is dressed in a tight fitting, tan shirt with only one sleeve that covers his left arm. A silver shoulder pad adorns the right shoulder, the straps buckling across the chest and under the left arm. His left arm is decorated with several silver bands that run from the upper arm to just below the wrist. Along with this he also wears loose fitting trousers a darker shade than his shirt. These pants cover the majority of his boots, leaving only silver capped toes to be seen. Tied around his waist is a long piece of white material, embroidered in silver, which falls to cover most of the lower half of his body, with a large slit at the side. As a priest his duty overtakes all personal frailties and as a priest he his compelled to be compasionate and protecting to all who are his wards. Favouring those of a scholarly nature he holds knowledge and wisdom above all other virtues. Is nature is one of solemn contemplation though not of contempt and he views others with the compassion and understanding that he knows they deserve. [B]Bio:[/B] Raised within a temple and devoting his life to heaven, Elias knew his path from the beginning. Trained in the none lethal art of staff fighting Elias was alway told that in the end it would be he who would uphold the honour and spirit of the temple. It had been long since for told of his part to play in the gemstone legacy and he knew that, should he fail in his retrieval of the gems, he and the world would plunge into darkness.
  18. Evan sat, reclining on the bleachers that overlooked the school playing field. His bag sat beside him and he stretched languidly, cracking his neck and knuckles. Movement down on the field caught his attention and he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees to watch the girl gym class file out from the changing rooms. He watched the girls warm up with curious grey eyes, his sharp gaze resting upon the small form of a girl he hadn't seen before. Raising a dark eyebrow he scratched the back of his head absently. [i]She must be new[/i], he mused to himself and he decided to to go down and get a closer look. He smirked to himself as he stood "Let's go say hi Evan." Grasping his bag he slung it over one shoulder and trotted down to the edge of the field. Standing at the side-line he whistled as Caley jogged past him. "Hey kiddo! How's that girl of yours? 'Cause you know I'm always ready to lend a hand!" He winked and clicked his tongue at her, smirking at her irritated expression. Watching her run over with an amused expression plastered over his features, he folded his arms across his chest and grinned. "What do you want Evan?" Her indignance was palpable. "Aww hey, you know I love you, I love both of you..hell I'd love all three of you if you'd give me the chance." Seeing an unreadable expression cross her face he waved his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay..I just wanted to know who that new girl was, completely innocent," he gave a three fingered saltue jauntily, "Scouts honour."
  19. This query came to me after watching Hellboy, a rather good movie I thought, but thats not the point. The point comes when, towards the end of the movie Hellboy is in the presence of Rasputin blah blah and he needs to say his true name to get out the locks which have his true name engraved on them. Now this brought a long standing question back to my mind. The idea that one can hold power over a person by knowing their name. It is something that I have often wondered, though I have found out little about it. Where does the idea of power within a name come from, and the idea that if you know a persons true name you hold power over them. I never really understood that, what power could a given name possibly hold. I wish to be enlightened. I was just curious if anyone could help me out with this
  20. Name: Evan Crane Age: 18 Gender: Male Elemental Key: Water Elemental Key: Keeper of Life Description: Shoulder length, dark brown hair and grey eyes. He is 5 feet and 9 inches tall and lithe in build. He wears a white vest, a brown leather biker jacket, stonewash, bootcut jeans and black leather boots. He wears a thick silver ring on his right hand middle finger with a sapphire embedded into it, he also has a silver thumb ring on his left hand. Bio: A highschool senior, Evan really doesn't consider himself to stick out much in a crowd. Of course he has his own friends but he finds it relatively easy to flit from social group to social group, fitting in where he can. His parents are divorced, not uncommon in today's society and he chooses to live with his mother and younger brother Peter who is a highschool freshman. A laid back kind of guy he is easy to get along with, though he can become somewhat annoying with his casual remarks and sarcastic humor.
  21. [QUOTE=Semjaza Azazel]Your genius is often unappreciated here, it seems. I'd just tell them. Your sexual preference is of no real consequence to them as it is.[/QUOTE] It doesn't take a genius to be sarcastic, and quite frankly such a pointless unhelpful post by anyone other than wrist cutter would not be tolerated on this board. I'm surprised at you for condoning it sem. As for the whole mask wearing, pretending to be straight thing, it only leads to a whole load of bottled up emotions, resentment and eventual pain for everyone concerned. Your parents may not want to hear the truth, but that's just what it is, the truth. It's something you can't escape and quite frankly, they're going to have to face it sooner or later.
  22. Name: Nicholas Holland Code Name: Zeal Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://naar.net/orphen/a.jpg[/img] Type: Energy Powers: He has the ability to absorb the 'life energy/carbon energy' from any object, the level of energy absorbed depending on the state of the object. This energy can then be transfered into many different states within Nick's body, as either strength, agility, healing etc or as powerful charges released from his hands. Strength: 4 Speed: 2 Intelligence: 3 Durability: 3 Energy: 5 Fighting Skills: 3 Personality: Seemingly self confident and charming. Likes to flirt tremendously and has a totally sarcastic sense of humour. Seems to be a nice person on the outside, but holds a darker secret within and is extremely guarded about himself. Stubborn and strong willed, he likes to go against whatever people tell him to do, though he does possess a certain sense of loyalty to those he deems worthy. Bio: From a very early age it was clear that Nick was different from the other children...very different. Brought up in a small community he was a normal child until, at the age of six, his father was taken from him by lung cancer. Pained greatly by the loss of his father a new power began to surface within him, something sinister and uncontrolable at such a young age. Everything he touched shriveled into dust, its energy sucked from its form and into Nick's body. He took every opportunity to use this power. Plants, rocks and even small animals fell to his curiosity. This sudden influx of energy caused an aging process upon the young boy, prompting long grey streaks to course through his hair. His remaining family and friends were horrified by this development and Nick was eventually confined within a mental hospital for troubled children, though even they did not know the extent of his power. Nick remained within this institute until the age of 19, held away from the outside world and any living contact unless it was behind a plastic barrier. An opportunity arose however and Nick was able to escape, spurred by the hopes that he could return to his family and the memories of his father. Persued by the police and agents of the facility it was clear that he could not return home, for fear of capture. Nick was thus forced to travel from place to place, never lingering and always on the run. Troubled immensley by his suddenly awakened powers, spurred by contact with the living world Nick tried desperatley to fit in. Nick was approached by the Timebroker and snapped up the proposition. The chance to meet people like himself was too much to pass up even though there was the possibility that he could be sent to a reality in which he was still at the facility confined from the living world he craves, secluded in the darkness forever.
  23. Okay dude... I know it'll be hard to break this kind of news to your parents, whether you think that they'll react badly or they'll be dissapointed or whatever. But in my experience, though I know that it some situations it may not be true, they only want what is best for you and what makes you happy. If you have loving and understanding parents then they will just have to deal with the fact that you are gay. The fact that your mother asked you such a question probably means that she suspects and does not fear the answer. She will probably be slightly uncomfortable for a short period of time but if she loves you she will work to help and understand you. That's my two cents...go for it kid ^_~
  24. Well, technically I'm not on holiday I'm on "study leave", which basically means I should be studying for my exams...but I'm not heh. I probably will when then time is upon me. Anyway, I'm going to Edinborough (that's the captial of scotland btw) for three days to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers, tomorrow, I will be going to Alton Towers (a theme park) for a weekend in July and I'm going to Leicester for Amecon in August. I have some other stuff here and there such as meals, picnics...family week at the caravan ¬_¬ etc. I'm also working and thinking about doing some voluntary work at a museum near mine, so it'll look good on my University papers. Sometimes I get depressed when I get bored, and sometimes when I remember last summer because I was on a big downer then for some reason, which I'm pretty much over now. The heat gets to me also. With most of the year being kinda wet and cold and such, the heat and humidity of the summer really makes me irritable and uncomfortable. Meh P.S Aye!!
  25. Well, since the summer is almost upon us, it might already be upon some of us, I'm just curious as to what other folks plan on doing during those long days with very little to do. I'm not to hyped about summer vacation really, dunno why, 'cause I mean I used to be but nowadays I just see the space for boredom and such. I know most people don't do much during the summer, but i'd just like to know, if anything what you guys do, or are hoping to do in the many weeks ahead ^_^.
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