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Shoji frowned and curled his lip at the man who had deemed himself their 'leader'. He did not like the tone of the man's voice, nor the language he chose to use with it. His arrogance was palpable and it seemed that he had little tolerance for others and any possible flaws that they might have. Hardly qualities of a leader. Folding his arms across his chest Shoji was about to voice such opinion when he was suddenly interrupted by a blinding flash of light overhead. They were rpesented with a mighty form, a shining giant of a man dressed in traditional Japanese armour, holding a terrible looking spear. Recognising the deity immediatley he felt little surprise when their 'leader' muttered in annoyance. "Agh... Him again... Bishamon." Shoji was stunned by the disrespect this individual seemingly showed one of the most powerful deities of Japanese Shinto religion. Seeing that most of the others in his group made no motion towards the god, Shoji knelt quickly, his head bowed and arms stretched forward in an imploring gesture. "My Lord. We are but humble servants in your infinate presence. I implore of you, with what honourable message do you bestow us, we who are unworthy of your grace." As a servant and patron of the demon hunting God Fudo, Shoji was awed by the presence of Fudo's powerful master. Bowing his head he waited silently and with patience for Bishamon's reply.
OOC: I take it that the guy in the trench with the whispy brown hair is moi. ---------------------------------------------------- Shoji raised a dark eyebrow as he felt a light touch rest upon his shoulder. Glancing askance at the young woman who now stood beside him he gave a small smirk. She seemed to be quite the charmer and very forward in her ways. He was amazed at how she could remain focused on obtaining men even in a situation such as this. Turning to face her he inclined his head slightly and gave a nod of greeting. "My name is Nakagawa Shoji, mistress Suzuki, not..cutie. It is a pleasure to meet you, though I fear the circumstances are less than favourable." Suzuki gave a small chuckle, flicking her hair in, what he assumed was, a suductive manner. "Oh I don't know," Her voice was a soft purr as she neared him, resting her hands on his shoulder once more, "It's quite cosy in here, don't you think?" Frowning and shaking his head Shoji, who until the most recent interruption, had been praying for their release, pulled away, resuming his position of prayer upon the cell floor, eyes closed and hands clasped. "I think that our energies are best spent on our freedom mistress Suzuki, maybe we can continue our...conversation at a later date in time."
I suppose the 'cult of celebrity' really develops from entertainment on a whole. You see these people constantly because they are on our TV screens and our radios 24/7. They are known by millions all over the world and it is because of this that they are celebrity. ordinary people would be celebrities if they were known by the masses. Celebrity chef's par example, the guys on C.O.P.S even. Because they are viewed by and influence the masses through media they essentially become celebrity. I suppose even the guy on Thane Direct Shopping Channel is a celebrity to a certain degree to those who watch him. Thus I come to my second point. Celebritys are often categorised by the media they use. For instance, the historian Alan Bullock could be a celebrity to those who respect him and red his books and papers etc. he is well known by those in his chose field and so is a celebrity to them. Celebs are just people we don't know, but see almost every day of our lives. It is because we don't know them, that we can view them as such. I don't think that it is such an apalling thing. Maybe a footballer or actor getting paid more for making a movie or playing a game, than a fireman saving a baby's life is sad, but then again people pay to see these people..they don't pay to see a fireman rescue a baby. "It's good work if you can get it" and i guess we need people to admire and fawn over, I guess in the same way peasants in the middle ges fawned over the exploits of the knights and brave soldiers in the many wars that spattered the globe. The only reason its gotten so out of hand is because now we have the means with which to broadcast these people much more effectively. If that made any sense....
Name: Nakagawa Shoji Age: 32 Gender: Male Appearance: See Attatchment (yes yes yes, it's Tsuzuki from Yami) Reincarnation of: The Monk Origin: Nara, Japan Personality: His training and teutalige in the Shinto ways have made him a very tolerant individual. Since cowardliness is a sin he draws great inner strength making him able to face his fears. He does not anger easily and is generally good natured in his manner. Charming and insightful he is a true comrade. Bio: Shoji has spent much of his life with his Shinto teachers at the great Shinto temple in Nara. His masters, having sensed his destiny early in his young life, sought to tutor the boy in the ways of Fudo, the fighter of demons. Shoji is therefore highly trained in the arts necessary for him to vanquish the oni which corrupt this world. Though sheltered from the outside world for much of his life, Shoji respected his masters and was greatful to them for the life he had been given. reaching the age of 21 his masters thought that it would be beneficial to Shoji to send him out on a pilgrimage into mainstream Japan, to prepare him for his destiny. He found that the outside world was nothing like the world he had lived within the confines of the temple. Disturbed by this world, Shoji was suddenly aware of the task that was laid before him. With so much pain and anger in the world for oni to feed on, he would need much aid to vanquish their strength. Taking up residence in a small city within the city of Kyoto, Shoji made it his task to study mankind and provide aid to those who needed it from day to day. This was how he lived his life until the day came when failed. Crouched by the dying body of the misfortunate victim of a knifing, Shoji was arrested by police, fearing he was the assailant. Providing no resistance Shoji was led away, regret painfully marking his soul. He now sits, meditating within the confines of a prison cell, asking Fudo for forgivness and praying for the strength to defeat the weakness within him.
Abso-blummen-lutely marvelous. Solo my man, if we all could write such as you this world we live in would be a much more entertaining place. I doff my feathered hat to you and await the next "real chapter" with much glee and anticipation.
[QUOTE=SpaceCowboy156]the holiday i giit off every week in the us(its just now getting out) is skip school day. pretty much i tell my mom i go to school anddony,(relly exciting i know) i hang with my friends who selibrate and we might go to the park and light a trashcan on fire :flaming: and we dont do much harm :rolleyes: and we :babble: & :laugh: its a fun holiday :devil:[/QUOTE] Yeah dude, that's real entertaining ¬_¬. Anyway, on the idea of birthdays and celebrating it on a saints day or whatever. I think that we should do like the hobbits do, on your birthday, you give everyone else presents. It saves a lot of hassle all year round, kinda like christmas only less expensive ^_^. We have rememberance sunday...I guess that's kinda the same as Veterans day in the US. Lots of poppies and sermons and stuff. When I was in scouts I used to have to go to the sermons and hold a really big flag. How fun.
[QUOTE=ScirosDarkblade]I try to be like Batman. Yeah, that's right. Batman. I don't give a damn about my relationships, and I try to be awesome at everything I do. One day I will fight my fear of heights and become a real caped crus... err... nevermind. Actually I'm more like Nightwing. Yeah, Nightwing. I have more of his body frame, and I'm more "normal" than Bats (no kidding...). Really, Batman is my fav character. And when other people say "WWJD" I usually say "What would Batman do?" and it ends up being a pretty good choice. Also I pray to Batman whenever I have to get past completely upgraded Park Place/Boardwalk. One of my buddies says that Batman is my Jesus Christ but I tell him that JC is his Batman and that usually shuts him up.[/QUOTE] Well of course, have you ever heard the song 'Kelly's Heroes' by Black Grape? Says right there in the lyrics: [b]"Jesus was a black man! Jesus was Batman!"[/b] Can't argue with that in my opinion. The first character I was ever associated with would have been Trowa from Gundam Wing, but since then I just adopt characters from several of the shows I watch, or read or whatever. I really admire Oracle (Barbara Gordon) rom the DC universe, overcoming all adversity to become one of the most powerful and helpful informants and general controller of the DC universe.
Renier ducked under the haphazard swing of one of the golems, grasping the stoney fist as it shot past his head. Putting full force behind his action Renier twisted the limb harshly, a spray of fine gravel an a heavy thud testement to his succes at wrenching the hand from the rest of the arm. Bracing himself against the stunned creature Renier launched himself gracefully into the air, landing in a crouch behind the advancing line of moving statues. A deep scratch that marred his unblemished cheek faded rapidly, the only evidence of any past injury the several rips prominent across his fine clothing. Wiping a fine trace of bloody sweat from his brow he exhaled an uneeded breath. There would be no change of deterring these forces without aid, preferably from the unmoving giant behind him. Flinging his head back Renier was momentarily caught off guard as a dark blur shot past his field of vision, scattering golems in its wake. His blonde brows knitted in confusion, Renier glanced to where Uthegiliel had rested, only to find the space now occupied by shattered remnants of stone. Turning his head to watch the fray Renier was stunned to find Uthegiliel now dealing out substantial punishment to those who did not heed his demands. Standing straight, Renier backed away from the carnage. Skirting around the fallen puppets and shattered golems he renturned to Ciel's side, his gaze to held, fascinated, upon the scene before him. "It looks like our friend has awoken..."
Renier stared frantically about the room, melting and cracking under the strain of its transformation. Golems of stone and rock, magma and soil rose upwards and stood menacingly before them. Looking wildly towards the inanimate Uthegiliel hunched within a far corner, Renier knew he was unreachable. Stepping backwards he grasped at Ciel's arm as she too stood motionless. Leaning close to her ear he could taste the hightened emotion radiating from her in waves as he spoke to her in a low whisper. "My lady, surely there is something you can do?" He spoke with a frantic gesture towards the moving mountains of stone creeping slowly towards their position, mindless figures like the very puppets she comanded. Turning to look at him sharply she raised an eyebrow in a slightly scolding expression. "Mr. Ambassador, Renier...I control those who are dead, bodies that were previously alive." Glancing at the threat she flicked a stray strand of hair from her vision with an irritated motion. "I cannot influence that which was not alive in the first place." Sighing softly Renier searched for a means of escape, but the doorways were blocked by pillars of stone, the walls crumbling into something unrecognisable. "Then we shall have to think of something else to save our skins, won't we?" Lunging forward Renier ducked under the lumbering grasp of a golem, stones and grit showering the floor with its movements. Dodging crushing blows and immovable boulders he attempted to make his way to Uthegiliel, desperetly hoping for some sort of divine inspiration.
The scarecrow will be making an appearance but not as the main villan. Seeing Michael Cain as Alfred has to be worth something, I think I'd pay my money just to see that.
I really, honestly can't stand the artwork in LOTDK, and I don't think I can say why, I just don't think that batman is portrayed very well in it. The more recent ones particularly, I bought them but are now trying to get rid of them if anyone is interested ^_~. As you can see by my banner and avi I am really into Hush at the moment, Jim Lee is a marvelous artist and if anyone has seen any of his work on the x-men series you can defenitly see an improvement when transfered into the DC universe. When you were previously talking about Robin or Nightwing taking over the mantle of the Bat I don't think its something that Nightwing couldn't do, I mean he's done it once already when Batman left Gotham for a while, I forget exactly when. He may do that just so he can move back to Gotham to be closer to Babs *nudge nudge wink wink* Though with the whole blockbuster fiasco at the moment its difficult to say. On the subject of the movie, I was wondering what people thought of Christian Bale being cast as Batman. Is he really how people envisage Bruce Wayne? And on another point I am really happy about Ra's being given a chance at moviedom. He is such a brilliant arch enemy, away from the previous nemesis of joker (between you and me I think joker's past his prime a bit)
Kurian turned on his heel and look over at the scorched and charred remains of what had once been his home away from home. He had come to love the people who dwelt there and he had no way to know how many had escaped the raiders wrath. He knew that one of his friends lay defiled in the mud, how many more shared that fate. He snorted his disgust and turned back to Kanaye, sorrow in his eyes. "If I am so wrong then how could that atrocity happen, how could all those people be slaughtered in blood and flames?" It was a rhetorical question and Kurian needed no answer. Putting on speed he trudged away from his companion. He needed to get back to Fenrith, or at least somwhere that would recognise the pain and fear that these people had experienced and would take the correct action.
Kurian chuckled slightly and look skywards, darkened clouds clshing together a sure wraning for a storm. Maybe the rain would wash away the blood. "Me, hell I'm a hero!" At the first nudge of interest Kurian launched into the story of his fall. He told of how he grew up in the great city of Fenrith. As a knight he would ride out nightly to defend the city against wild dragons and raiders who sought to destroy them all. Being injured in the battle filed and found by one of the vilagers made him indebted to this small community and seeing it reduced to so much rubble almost broke his heart. "As a drifter I suppose you don't know much about community." Kurian gazed at his compainion, seein Kanaye gaze thoughtfully down at the dusty path. Feeling he'd struck a nerve with that comment Kurian moved on. "As a Knight in Fenrith we were always taught to hate dragons, dangerous, savage reptiles would would as soon as eat you than look at you." Kurian scowled in the direction of the small dragon who returned his gaze with a sort of innocent inclanation. "Beasts" Coming to the edge of the ruined village Kurian looked out across the vast plains, marked with scorches and the carcasses of dragons. "Beasts"
Name: Uriel - [i]Fire of God[/i] (as always) Age: Who can really say Speices: Archangel Gender: Male Appearance: One of the wisest among angels , Uriel holds great depth in his stormy grey eyes. His features are solmn, with a firm set jaw bearing a neatly trimmed beard, and strong cheekbones. His dark brow knitted in thought, he exudes wisdom and control. Long dark hair flows down upon his shoulders, silver threads woven throughout giving him an aged appearance even though he remains forever youthful. A jeweled band adorns his forehead, making him appear regal to most who would look upon him. Uriel wears a brilliant silver chain-mail jerkin with gilded gold trim. A long pleated white skirt covers flowing white trousers in the style of the Arabs, his feet are bare. His feathered wings, ivory white in colour, unfurl into a proud and intimidating wingspan, shining in the golden sunlight. Personality: As an angel his duty overtakes all personal frailties and as an angel he his compelled to be compasionate and protecting to all who are his wards. Favouring those of a scholarly nature Uriel holds knowledge and wisdom above all other virtues. The great harmonizer of substance, Uriel keeps the Universal Law of Order and Harmony, both within and between each body. Uriel is the great harmonizer and balancer of substance. Weapons/Abilities: A flaming sabre, alight with holy blue fire Bio: As one of the first and oldest of the angelic choirs Uriel has watched over the earth from its birth, being entrusted to guard the gates of Eden after Adam and Eve were cast out lest humanity seek to re-enter. He is known throughout all of Heaven for his sharp eyes, sharp mind, and his objective manner in implementing his superior's will. When the Last Judgment comes, he will break the adamantine gates in Hell so that all waiting souls may come forth to be judged, even the ancient beings and monsters imprisoned since the elder days. Patron of wisdom and knowledge, Uriel has witnessed the discord and choas that the brothers' conflict has caused, both in the mortal world and in the realms eternal. It was he who decended to the realm of the fates to speak with the eldest upon her decision to interfear with the affairs of the demonic siblings and it was he who implored her to restore the balance, though she would not. Discouraged slightly by this and the wanton actions of Fate Uriel then sought out the elusive Marcu, now angelic in form and dweller of heaven. Michael himself, general of the heavenly armies, raged against the demonic incursion into the heavenly kingdom, not since Lucifer himself had such an atrocity occured said he. Appropriate though it was that the son of Satan should return to the sate that his father once held, Uriel sadly agreed with his comrade and was ready to complete his wishes. This did not occur however, with something one on the mortal plain would call 'divine intervention', Uriel was struck with the boy's plight upon meeting with Marcus. In what Michael would later call a moment of weakness on Uriels part, the archangel agreed to help Marcus with his mission, his crusade as it were. Donning his armor and holding alfot his flaming sword once more he has taken up Marcus' cause, in defense of not only heaven, but all the worlds the creator holds so dear.
Renier bowed respectfully as she chose her weapon, eyeing the glaive in an appraising manner as the lady tested its weight. The use of a such a long weapon would prove to be a great disadvantage for him, her reach almost double that of an ordinary weapon. Watching her grimly he reached to his side with his right hand and unsheathed his broad rapier from its holder clasped to his belt. Flicking the blade forward with a calculated twisting of his wrist he pressed the tip to the floor and made a sweeping, flabouyant bow. "It would be my honour, lady, to become locked in combat with one such as you." He looked up to see her response, finding amusement playing across her features. A slight sparkle lit his eyes as he stepped back, twirling his blade playfully within his grip. Trailing his tongue over a sharpened incisor he smirked in her direction, flicking flaxen hair over his shoulder with a light gesture. This would indeed be an interesting battle, one he was not so sure that he could win. Hopefully the duel would remain all she promised, a friendly spar and nothing else. He had learned, however, through his many years of unlife that necromancers, even beautiful and charming ones such as she were not to be trusted. This creature toyed with the dead and made puppets of mortal souls, such an individual was not to be taken lightly. Brandishing his blade before him he assumed an automatic fencers stance, sword held forward with his left arm held behind his back. Touching the blade lightly to his forhead in a saluting gesture towards Ciel he turned his gaze to the giant in the corner and winked. "I hope the festivities are to your liking sir." With this final comment, he lunged forward.
Kurian stood stiffly from his leaning spot, indicating gruffly towards his new companion. He was in no mood for pleasantries. "It isn't safe here, for anyone...we have to leave." Glancing at the small dragon by the man's side he tried hard not to let his distaste for the creature show too overtly on his features. Stumbling forward, Kurian grunted as he exerted the energy necessary for his movements, pain shooting up his damaged limbs. Attempting to surpress this pain he glanced back over his shoulder, attempting to see if Kanaye was following him.They needed to get out of this shredded village and seek help...or sanctuary at the very least. As survivors they were targets and there were likely to be more raiders on their way to search for any remaining witnesses. Clenching his teeth he thought of his home city and prayed that there had not bee a similar attack made there. The knights would put up a fight of course, but who could withstand a full scale attack made by those fiery beasts. He silently cursed the small dragon who rode with Kanaye and could little understand the man's reason for keeping the reptile with him. If it had been he he would have left it where it lay, or snuffed out it's miserable life. Either way he would not be coddling it at this moment, while licking his own festering wounds. Picking his way through the rubble and debris of the damaged streets he mumbled back towards his companion in an attempt to make conversation. "So what's your deal fella, how'd you get into this mess?"
The only reason than any nuclear weapons would go off if one was detonated would be in retaliation. For instance, during the Cold War, if the US was to send a nuclear bomb to the USSR then the USSR would retaliate with a nuke of their own, thus starting a wonderful nuclear war out of which not very many people would survive. However, on the topic of terror attacks. If you live in England technically you should be used to it by now. I mean, the IRA have been attacking and bombing us for years. So technically, its nothing new.
Lunging forward with surprising speed given his current condition Kurian grasped hold of the unsuspecting raiders wrist and and twisted the arm with full force. The crack of the bone and the raiders piercing screams could be heard through the streets. Ramming his elbow into the raiders chest he smashed the back of his fist against the man's face, effectively breaking his nose. Having dropped the knife as shards of nerve searing pain ripped through his arm there was little the raider could do but whimper as Kurian let him slump to his knees. Kneeling stiffly down himself Kurian retrieved the knife carefully from the muddy street, a look of distain crossing his features as he held it between his thumb and forefinger like a soiled hankerchief. Flinging the chipped and dull blade far from the raiders grasp Kurian muttered scornfully as he kicked the sobbing raider in the back. "Amatures." The beaten raider rocked mournfully, clutching his shattered wrist and spasming painfully with each wracking cough. Shaking visibly himself, Kurian returned to his propped position against one of the crumbling houses. "Nice aim you've got there." His appreciation was directed towards Kanaye's skilled shot at disarming the raider, saving Kurian's life. Kanaye looked at his companion, slightly disturbed by the display of physical violence he had just witnessed. "Thanks"
Ah, thanks for that. I never know where to put things these days what with this new fangled version 7 and all. Anyway, so is there something special that needs to be done to images or is it just a question of doctoring the image with an eraser or a paint brush?
I was just wondering if anyone would be able to help me with something. I want to know if anyone can help me with tidying up an ink drawing I have scanned into my computer. It looks fine as it is I guess but the edges and such are a little rough. I just wanted to know if someone can help me, using photoshop or paint shop pro or something.
I can try..but for some reason no matter how clear it is on my pc as soon as I upload it it goes all fuzzy. But I'll give it a shot
Here you go, now I don't know if this is exactly what you wanted. This is Lady Shiva an assassin in the DC universe.
Amara guffawed loudly as she watched the young male topple the overzealous Tarjarian with a trick worthy of the most sneaky of practical jokers. Almost choking on her drink in the process she had sat back to watch the sergent banter with the monk with a wide an amused smile. Of course she had been doing this most of the night, greatly amused by the monk's antics around her soliders. Watching Mikhail leave the tavern with his usual sardonic wit Amara toasted the gentleman's back and downed what little remained in her glass. Standing from her position, seated upon a bar stool not far from the door, she stretched languidly and nodded her thanks to the bartender who bowed her head graciously in return. The tavern was almost completely vacated by now, the only occupants that of the staff and a few 'regular' customers who had to be persuaded quite forcefully to leave. Tarjarian still sat at one of the empty tables finishing the remnants of her drink while gazing, unseeingly into space. Amara stood before the table, her arms folded across her chest, and raised an eyebrow in amusement as she watched the young officer. "Interesting way of showing your authority, being toppled by a male." The amusement in Amara's voice tainted the repremand, but Tarjarian flushed in embarassment none the less. Standing hastily from her chair she saluted the captian breifly, stuttering a response. "I-I appologise ma'am..uh..Amara..captain..uh..I can explain.." Waving her hand nonchalantly, Amara cut off Tarjarian's stumbling appology. The sergent looked mutely at the wooden floor, almost like a child who had disappointed their mother. Walking around the table Amara embraced Tarjarian in a shoulder hug, chuckling slightly as she coddled her friend. "Think nothing of it, I've seen his type and strong they are. Maybe we could learn a thing or two from this strange male in our midst." Clapping Tarjarian on the shoulder she made for the door, leaving the sergent staring after her in a most bewildered fashion. Amara could almost hear her thoughts. [I]Learn? From a male?[/I] The idea was almost too absurd, even to her own ears, however, just because a warrior is a man does not mean that they are worthless. Leaving the tavern Amara cast her eyes over the darkened night hoping to catch a glimpse of the man known as Mikhail. Truly a more interesting character she had never come across...well unless you counted that Reth child. Chuckling at the memory she walked out into the brisk night air, stopping only to turn and gaze up at the temple of marble, glowing in the moonlight that stood watch over the city. Placing her hand over her heart she bowed in respect and prayer to She that would watch over them all.
Kurian turned slowly to glare at the savaged raider who now stood in their path. Obviously beaten and bloodied the raider had a gleaming look of desperation written across his face. In his manic state Kurian was uncertain of the threat this man posed. The leveled crossbow, however, should be considered as a deadly threat, weilded by a dying man or not. "You are in no position to be making threats raider scum" Kurian spat venomously. The raider turned his gaze to the injured young man, a bitter smile twisting his lips. "Would you wish to die little man, it seems you're halfway there already care for me to finish the job?" The crossbow the man was holding soon founds itself aimed at Kurian's chest, the young warrior only able to stand weakly and watch the raider through hooded lids. Raising himself from his crouched position, Kurian straightened himself to full height and stood as proudly as he could muster before his enemy, the sword shaking in his hand the only indication of the strength and energy such a task required. "Kill me then coward," Kurian growled and thrust his sword into the debris at his feet spreading his arms wide and baring his chest, " I'm unarmed, I'll make it easy for you. The raider smirked and aimed.
Don't worry I don't think you've "provoked any unwanted emotions" here, just the way people like to argue I guess heh. I don't think its easy to decipher what gender a person is just by the way they type, what a foolish thing to say. I am constantly being mistaken for a guy when I'm actually female and I've been around here for about a year now.