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Everything posted by Doukeshi
Trekking weakly and uncertainly through the debris of the once beautiful village, Kurian tried vainly to cast the burning image of his dead friend from his mind. Syft, the man he had hoped to find alive was neither discovered alive nor dead by the distraught wanderer and Kurian could only hope that he had escaped safely. Stumbling upon shifting rocks and fallen beams he wiped the sweat from his brow, noting with a wince a small laceration there that he had no noticed before. Leaning against a half demolished wall Kurian took in several ragged gasps, the energy required for continuing his search draining from his body like water through a seive. Raising his eyes to the golden horizon Kurian heard the muffled sound of voices somewhere close by. Praying to whichever deity would listen at the time that these were friendly voices Kurian took to his feet once more and walked painfully towards the lingering sounds. Searching his way through rubble and debris, attempting to block away the sight and smell of death all around Kurian finally came across the ragged and dirty figure of a man, a small dragon his companion. Kurian's brows shot upward as he recognised the man from the inn in which he had fallen unconcious. Gripping the hilt of his sword with blood caked fingers he drew it slowly from it's sheath, the very movement causing his muscles to scream in protest. Glowering at the small dragon Kurian shuffled forwards, resting his free hand against the building by his side, his only aid to keep him from dropping to the floor. He vainly hoped that he did not look as beaten and weak as he felt but he knew that was unlikely. Raising his sword with difficulty Kurian levelled it towards Kanaye, the edge gleaming in the sunlight. "Friend or foe dragon lover!" Kurian's voice was ragged but firm as he spoke, his jaw set and his gaze hard.
Oh wow, it's like watching Mighty Morphin Power Rangers all those years ago *claps*. I love it. The mere image of a ModZord and the Mega Zord bring tears of joy to my eyes. If only such thigns existed *chuckles*. Much fun.
Kurian awoke suddenly, hacking coughs wracking his weakened body. Spitting the remaining coppery blood from his mouth he braced his hands against the cold stone floor and attempted to raise himself to his feet. A loud groan escaped from his lips as he felt the pressure along his ribs and through his injured shoulder, but fighting back the pain he managed to steady himself into a crouch. Wiping a grimy hand across his sweat soaked brow, Kurian took a deep breath and stood up, an almost immediate wave of dizzyness accompanying this movement. Leaning back against the ruined table Kurian tried to steady himself, closing his eyes in an attempt to stave off a sudden bout of nausea. Swallowing thickly Kurian opened his eyes and took stock of his surroundings. Still in the desolate tavern there were notable signs of damage by fire and other such destructive forces. There lay no bodies but Kurian was sure that if he stepped outside he would be immediatly met with a scene of carnage. Stepping forward he limped towards the door, grasping and sheathing his sword from the floor on which it lay. Holding onto the doorframe he peered through the shattered door, the atmosphere thick with smoke assaulting his senses. Coughing abruptly Kurian walked out into the street, what he feared he might see all to apparent upon the blood soaked streets. Stumbling about the ground littered with bodies, smoking and charred. Tripping over a more rotund corpse Kurian cried out sharply as he braced himself against his injured leg to prevent himself from falling. Lances of fiery pain shot through his leg, his nerves ablaze. Gritting his teeth and hold back another pained cry Kurian turned to inspect the body over which he had stumbled. Peering closer at its blistered features Kurian gave a sob of anguish as he recognised the face of the unfortunate victim. It was that of Matthias the friendly grocer. Eyes open, staring at the sky the body lay, scarred and burned, almost unrecognisable through the black and bloody flesh. Stumbling backwards Kurian made haste away from the smouldering body of his friend and out into the town center. It seemed that most of the raiders had left the scene, though he could hear the fierce roars of those still in the vicinity. Coming upon the what was left of Matthias, Kurian was suddenly made aware of another whom he had lost in the chaos. "Syft.." he murmered, the concern clear upon his face. Starting forward in haste Kurian called out the name of his friend frantically, searching the streets and scattered corpses that lay there. "Syft! God damnit answer me!" Kurian choked back a sob as his searching grew more frantic. He knew there was a reason he hated dragon scum, and his hatred was made all too real in the scene bfore him now.
[B]Name:[/B] Amara [B] Age:[/B] 32 [B]Hair:[/B] Shoulder-length, dark brown with white streaks [B]Eyes:[/B] Stormy grey [B]Race:[/B] Amazon [B]Job:[/B] Fighter [B]Occupation:[/B] Captain of the Guards of the Temple of Artemis [B]Weapon: [/B] [I][B]Primary Weapon:[/B][/I] Ebony Bo-Staff capped with silver and scored with silver engravings recounting the stories of Artemis. [I][B]Secondary Weapon:[/B][/I] Broad sword held in a sheath upon her belt hanging at the her side. Simple steel, the hilt bound in leather. [B]Abilities:[/B] As an elite in the warrior race of Amazons she posesses the natural abilities of a human, coupled with the rigouros training of her people. Trained under harsh condidtions from birth she now excells as one of the greatest warriors in her tribe. Hightened speed, strength and stamina she can run for miles without even breaking a sweat. She can fight with great stength and technique, employing lithe, acrobatic skill and prowess. Not only the body of a wariior she as has the mind of one and analyizes each situation like an army general, seeking out strategy and adavntage in every battle scene or problem. [B]Appearance:[/B] See Attatchment. A few adjustments to the image, more of a top if you know what I mean and darker hair. [B]Personality:[/B] Focused on whatever task she is given, possibly to the point of obsession. Is terribly loyal to whatever cause she has devoted herself to and follows the honourable ways of the Amazons. This doesn't mean, however, that she is unsociable, though her stoic and reserved demeanour means that some people feel somewhat intimidated by her. [B]Biography:[/B] Born and brought up under the teutelage of the Amazons, Amara quickly began to show a great potential for the warrior lifestyle. Adept at most techniques of weapon and hand Amara surpassed all other students and was thus taken as an appretice by the great temple of Artemis, which stood watch over the city. Young ones taken here by the priests were trained as keepers and protectors of the temple and the Amazon way of life. In the event of a war should the temple itself be taken all hope would be lost and it was thus the guards duty to safeguard the temple at all costs, spawing some of the fiercest warriors in all of Amazonia. Not only was it the job of these elite warriors to be guardians of the temple but often it was also necessary to deploy these warriors upon the battlefield, striking fear into the hearts of the enemy. Amara herself, taught in the ways of Artemis by the priests and trained to the peak of physical prowess by the guards and trainers. Rising through the ranks, by no means an easy task, Amara was finally assigned the position of Captain, once held by the most respected and missed Amazon, Hipolyte, who had fallen in battle not three days before. Though intially unwilling to take up such a position of responsibility Amara finally relented. With her new status comes new pressure and responsibility and it is now the job of Amara to safeguard not only the temple but also the rift of Valen that the Amazons are so desperate to close.
Doukeshi smiled wryly as she watched the other girls get off the bus and move down the carpet to greet Gavynn. Nervous in her own way she tryed not to let it show as she approached him at the door. Raising her hand she offered it to him in greeting and smiled broadly. "My name is Doukeshi and its nice to finally meet the mysterious Otaku Bachelor. I hope for this experience to be interesting for the both of us. Nodding slightly to him she walked past, following the other girls. Looking back over her shoulder she smiled and waved slightly before returning her attention to the situation at hand.
Kurian started forward as the figure and the small dragon ran from his position without so much as looking up at him. Attempting to rush towards them Kurian stumbled forward, his injuries screaming in protest. Clutching at his shoulder Kurian braced himself against the bar of the inn, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "Okay, maybe no chasing right now." Raising his fingers from the oozing wound at his should Kurian grimaced as he caught sight of a red substance glistening in the lamplight. His booted feet crunching upon the shards of glass that coated the floor, Kurian slide down against the wooden surface of the bar. Seating himself ungracefully upon the floor he rested his head agaisnt the hard surface behind him, black spots dancing across his vision. Gazing down Kurian noticed several deep lascerations scoring his left leg, the pain once dulled by adreneline now making its presence known in fiery irons of agony. Clenching his teeth Kurian let out a small cry of pain, slipping to the side to rest his head against the floor. Coughing slightly Kurian's fogged gaze registered the spattering of blood that marked the surface near his mouth and he tasted the coppery tang upon his lips. Groaning softly Kurian closed his eyes.
Admirable qualities, qualities in people that you admire and applaud. I was at work today and I found out something about one of my colleagues. As well as working where I work during the week, which, truthfully, doesn't pay all that well, she has a job at a hotel that she works on weekends. She works until 2am then gets up at 10am the to star all over again. She also works in a burger van on saturdays. All this on top of school during the week. This is in aid of saving for a holiday she wants so much to go on. Despite the fact that she is most likely overworking herself I find this determination and motivation to work for something very admirable. I admire people that work hard, even when those around them to not. I admire people who are so nice to everyone they meet, even though some people may not deserve it. I admire those who, even though it is none of their business stand up for the weaker among us, the selfless and the determined. What qualities do you admire in people, what do you applaud in those around you?
Springing across the scorched ground Kurian breathlessly sought to avoid being toasted as several dragons and their riders attempted to cook his goose, literally and metaphorically speaking. Weaving through crowds of still screaming villagers Kurian dove, ungracefully, into a nearby side alley, hoping vainly that the shadows would conceal him. Clutching at his wounded shoulder, his breathing heavey he pressed himself against the wall of one of the buildings, the sounds of carnage tearing through the air. His sabre felt leaden in his hand and he fought to remain standing, spots swimming before his eyes. "Kurian my friend, you're out of shape." His voice was a soft murmer as he chided himself on his lack of fitness. Looking up suddenly, desperate reflexes were all that saved him from a quite and painful end. Raising his sword, foul smelling blood sprayed down upon him as he caught a raging dragon in the roof of its mouth. Any closer and he would have been lunch, he could smell its rancid breath and see its fearsome silver eyes. Rearing back the dragon gave a furious and pained roar, flinging the rider desperetly trying to calm it clean into the air. Coming down the beast sought to wreak its revenge upon the knight but Kurian, having retreved his sword, had already escaped into the square once again. Sprinting through the narrow streets Kurian look feverishly over his shoulder, the maddened dragon in plain sight behind him. Skidding to a halt round the corner of one of the buildings Kurian readied his blade. He let out a long sigh and a final quip. "Gonna go down fighting, just like papa said!" Hearing the dragon bearing down upon him Kurian lept forward driving his sword into the chest of the beast. Clawing at its tormentor the dragon clutched at Kurian frantically as the man dodged the razor sharp claws. Latching onto his injured shoulder Kurian howled in pain as the dragon flung him into the air. Feeling the wind whip past him he was soon halted by the flimsy glass of the inn window, the painful impact stopping his descent. Shards of glass shattered all around him as Kurian rolled across the floor. Coming to a stop he attempted to catch his breath in short painful gasps, looking up to catch a glimpse of the monster outside in what appeared to be its death throes. Managing to get to his feet Kurian propped himself up against and oaken table, the one he was sat at not 24 hours before. Raising his sword, still clasped in his hand Kurian gazed around the room, his eyes resting upon a hunched figure close by, the distinct shape of a small dragon very apparent. "Fine day isn't it friend?" Kurian winked as he leveled his sword at the figure. ...................................... OOC: Thats you Matarael
I'm not sure whether this would go here, Art by Request or Suggestions or whatever so I'm putting it here. If I am wrong in doing so please move it. I was wondering. In order to create a skin for a forum, since I am sick of looking at the same one day in day out, how would I go about doing so. Is there a specific programme I need or some special way I need to start making forum skins. I really don't know what I'm doing, so any real help would be appreciated. If I am foolish in my endeavours you can also tell me that too.
Well I guess slang is divided into two categories really, no, maybe three. [b]Generation[/b] [b]Social Group[/b] [b]Area[/b] Every generation has their own slang terms as we all know, 70s slang and 80s slang, even 90s slang seems so dated to the people growing now, in a new generation. Although some of these terms can still be used, some slang terms last decades, even centuries. Some words, which were originally slang terms many hundreds of years ago have been made into actual words that are present in the dictionary today. Every social group has their own slang terms, in-jokes and style of speech. This is usually developed from the things the group is interested in or the movies they watch etc. For example one group of people I hang out with use slang terms found in Keven Smith movies, usually said by Jay. My other group tends to use Japanese words quite frequently instead of English, such as Gomen ne instead of sorry. Other groups, such as Gangs or work groups or whatever have slang because of the social norms they are exposed to. Areas have their own slang terms. From area's in citys to differing countries. I myself come from the North of England, Newcastle to be exact where, by the rest of the nation, we are known as Geordies. We have our own way of speaking and the broadest of us are unintelligable to the rest of the country. This would be the same in Australia, differing states in America, Scotland, regional dialects in France, Germany etc etc. It all depends on the place in which you grow up. [i][b]Here endeth the lesson[/b][/i]
Kurian unsheathed the blade that hung by his side, brandishing the naked steel in his fist. His dark eyes darted between the fearsome raiders and the villagers, most of whom ran screaming from the sight of the ferocious dragons and their masters. Growling deep in his throat Kurian launched himself towards the nearest black clad raider, the wicked edge of his blade cutting deep at the exposed flesh of the distracted man. The man screamed in bloody pain, his cries cut off by Kurian's second strike which severed his head from his neck. Seeing the carnage the dragons wrecked upon the village and its inhabitants Kurian couldn't help but notice the tattered remnants of the festival pennants, celebrating the very monsters whom now threatened the people's very lives. [i]Dragons[/i] Kurian spat mentally, [i]nothing but trouble and pain[/i]. Lashing out with his deadly blade Kurian cut a swathe through hordes of angry men, the sounds of clashing steel and anguished screams echoing through the blood soaked streets. Feeling a sharp pain in his left shoulder Kurian wheeled upon his foot ripping out the arrow that had impaled itself within his arm, a stream of blood splattering the dusty ground. Bringing his uninjured arm forward Kurian flung his sword in a deadly arch, the blade wheeling and embedding itself within the raider archers chest. With a wet gurgle the man fell backwards, the sword still protruding from his chest like a deadly standard. Setting his heel against the dead man's chest Kurian wrenched his sword from the body, spitting upon the pallid remains. Raiders were felled under Kurian's heavey blows but the knight paid little attention to the purple clad men. His eyes were set upon the raging dragons, those fetid reptiles who torched the buildings with their firey breath. They would taste the cold steel of his blade and know the oblivion of death by his hand. This was his vow.
Name: Jonathon 'Jon' Morgan Gender: Male Age: 32 Occupation: Black Smith
Kurian glanced at Syft, raising a blonde eyebrow in curiosity. "Ooookay, that had to have been the weirdest introduction I've ever seen." His friend merely stared in the direction the woman had left, not bothering to answer Kurians wry comment. Reaching out he took the glass of wine into his hands and sipped it slightly, never taking his gaze from the door. Kurian frowned at the young man's strange behaviour, glancing from side to side as if something suspicious were going to happen. Waving his hand in from of Syft's face Kurian clicked his fingers in an annoying manner, attempting to get the boy's attention. Turning to face Kurian Syft gave his friend an irritated look, indicating that Kurian's method's had been successful. "What?" Syft's voice betrayed the small level of annoyance that he felt at being interrupted from his reverie. Kurian merely rolled his eyes and took a deep draught from his ale before replying. "Who exactly was that woman? I Know you know...so don't try and shrug me off with all your weird cryptic crap okay." Kurian folded his arms across his chest, defying Syft to argue. Syft merely raised his eyebrow further upon his brow, if that was even possible and looked back to his wine. "Weird cryptic crap? Surely you think I'm better than that?" Is reply was met with a derogatory snort as Kurian glared at him in a manner that suggested Syft had not answered his question. Sighing Syft rolled his eyes and took another sip of wine. "Fine, she is of an ancient line of dragon tamers, thought long dead. I am merely interested in the dagger she carries. Nothing more can be said." Kurian gulped the last of his ale before placing the tankard noisly upon the wooden surface of the table. Wiping the back of his hand across his mouth he waved in Syft's direction with a flimsy gesture. "Exactly what I mean, weird cryptic crap."
Kurian grasped Syft firmly by the arm, practically dragging towards the only decent bar Kurian had found in this village. If there was one thing he missed in Fenrith, the city from which he came, was the multitude of good bars where one could get suitably and mortally drunk. This was a moot point at the moment, however, and Kurian made the best of what he was given, and what he was given just happened to be a homely rustic inn that served the best damn ale he had ever tasted. Pushing open the door Kurian grinned at the tender and shoved Syft into a nearby seat, calling over a serving girl to take their order. Laughing he pulled the girl into his lap, a small sound of surprise escaping from her lips. "Well hello there Anne, fancy seeing you here." Kurian grinned as he spoke, chuckling as Anne, the serving girl, rolled her eyes in exhasperation. "Kurian Argonath you know fine well that I work here and you've gotten me into enough trouble already." Pulling free from his grasp Anne placed her hands on her hips and glanced across at Kurian's silent friend. Syft shifted nervously nodding his head in greeting. "Good day miss, would it be possible to request a drink?" Anne smiled and shot a glance at Kurian who was know lounging back in his chair languidly. "It's nice to see some people have manners around here. What are you doing associating with a scoundrel like him good sir?" Kurian raised his hands in mock indignation, a fake expression plastered across his face. Clutching his chest Kurian cried out. "Scoundrel?! Why madame you wound me with your barbs!" Anne simple rolled her eyes again and picked up a slate from a nearby table scratching several notes on it. "What can I get you gentlemen then?" The two men gave her the orders, one Ale and one glass of house wine and Anne headed off to the bar. This was not before Kurian had given her a firm slap across her rear as she left causing the girl to yelp and glare at him. Chuckling Kurian leant back, glancing over to his friend who was looking at him with a disapproving expression. "What?" Kurian looked innocently at Syft. Syft shook his head and folded his arms across his chest. "You are such a pig."
Kurian finished hanging the decorations across the roof, descending down the ladders and stepping back onto firm earth. Turning to his friend Matthias he bowed in mock respect and indicated the job he had done. "I trust it is to your satisfaction my leige." The young man chuckled as Matthias took a swipe at him with his cane, grumbling good naturdely as he inspected Kurian's work. "Aye I expect it'll do for now, just don't give up your day job." The old shopkeeper winked at Kurian before slowly shuffling back into his store, the bell above the door ringing slightly as the door was opened then closed again. Laughing quietly to himself Kurian shook his head at the old man in amusement and wandered back out into the street, his thumbs hooked upon his belt once more. Looking up at the blue skys he inhaled the cool air and listened absently to the bustling of the village. Unaware of the hurrying figure closing in on him Kurian had no time in which to prepare for the collision that then occured. Colliding with the black clad figure Kurian found himself sprawled upon the dusty path. Shaking his head and blinking rapidly Kurian shifted himself onto his back and looked up at the man who he had hit. The sun glared at his back and Kurian was unable to make out a face. A hand extended from the figure and Kurian grasped it readily, hauled to his feet with remarkable strength. Clearing his sight Kurian took stock of the man and grinned. "Syft my friend!"
I considered that and maybe it is a fear of getting into a longterm relationship, though it only happens when I start to see someone. I could think its a perfectly good idea at the time and then the next day it's like a smack in the face.
Well yeah, I know its a relationship thread, oh the horror. However I feel that this is important for me and I need a little help. Okay, first off, whenever I go out with a guy or start dating him or whatever I get such a horrible feeling. Its like deep anxiety clenching my body and it makes me feel horrible. I can be a few days into seeing the guy and I have to break it off 'cause I can't cope. I'm not just talking first date jitters or whatever, this is curl up on your bed and cry kinda anxiety. I just want to know if anyone has ever felt like me or if I'm a lost cause.
Kurian wandered around the bustling village, his thumbs hooked absently through his belt. His gaze wandered around as he watched the people prepare for the festival flying their flags and hanging their beads all in celebration of dragons. Kurian shook his head and perched himself upon an upturned bucket that sat outside the town grocers. Resting his chin upon his hand and his elbow upon his knee he continued to watch. He found it difficult to understand why these people were celebrating. There was no such talk of this festival within his city, an association with dragons other than raid prevention was forbidden. Dragons were evil, it was that simple. Yet these simple people, and much of the villages and cities in this area he was told, were laughing and joking in praise of these creatures. He himself had been severly injured by a flock of these beasts as his troup attempted to cull their frequent raiding. It was only by chance of being found by one of the village women that he was even alive today. Rubbing his hand across his face he sighed loudly, his confusion written clearly across his face. The sound of a door opening behind him caught Kurian's attention and he turned in time to see the grocer Matthias Tull, a short elderly man, exit his store with a bundle of streamers and banners clutched in his arms. "Ah Kurian my boy!" The man bellowed in a jovial voice, waddling over to Kurian with a shuffling gait. Kurian waved lightly at Matthias, smiling at the man who had befriended him upon his arrival to the village. Rising from his seated position Kurian moved to take the bundle from the aging man chuckling as he watched Matthias straighten his apron. "I don't suppose you'd mind giving me a hand with these here decorations, the festival's tomorrow you know." "Aye I know." Kurian dumped his load at the base of the building and set a pair of nearby ladders against the wall. Looking over at the grocer Kurian winked playfully as he took one end of a banner in his hand a started to scale the ladder. "Just like you to make a youngster do your work for you Matt." It was the old man's turn to chuckle as he handed Kurian another banner. "I wouldn't call you a youngster Kurian, and I'm not exactly in the best of shape for climbing over buildings." Looking up Matthias grinned as a large shadow drifted across the sky. "Look son! We're blessed by the presence of a rider, it's good luck for the feast!" Looking up sharply Kurian frowned and twisted his lips in a wry expression. "Yuh..." Dragon riders. How could those people work with such beasts, they'd probably as soon as eat their owners rather than obey. Snorting roughly Kurian continued to pin the decorations up, ignoring the cheers of the milling villagers as the dragon passed overhead.
I have a new banner..though I'll have to load it up on here since my site seems to not let me show some of them for some reason.
Well on here I guess I have a few good buddies and those I hang around with in the Adventure Forum other than that I don't think I'm noticed all that much. Though I did get birthday wishes from Solo and Arcadia..I'm quite chuffed about that. In real life I kind of blend in everywhere, all different groups other than the trendies (which is like the high class, cheer leadery type people). I have some good friends and loads of people who know me, though I'm nowhere near the most popular by a long shot.
Name: Doukeshi03 Gender: Female Age: 18 Appearance: I think we'll go with a picture on this one Why?: Well it sounds like a larf and DW still owes me for that Bard Lords rp he never did start ¬_¬. Heh heh, naw, I look forward to our meetings.
Name: Kurian Argonath Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Human Class: Knight Weapon: Broad Sabre Partner: Malajusted (Syft) Personality: Extremely self confident and charming. Likes to flirt tremendously and has a totally sarcastic sense of humour. Seems to be a nice person on the outside, but holds a darker secret within. Stubborn and strong willed, he likes to go against whatever people tell him to do, though he does possess a certain sense of loyalty to those he deems worthy. Appearance:[img]http://www.fefusion.com/images/characters/loyd.jpg[/img] History: Born into a noble house within the large city of Fenrith, neighbour to High Haven, Kurian was raised in dignity and when he came of age he went into the service of an honoured knight ashis page and later squire. Excelling in his duties it wasn't long until he was ready and on his 19th birthday Kurian became a Knight of the Burning Sun. Trained in many weapons and techniques Kurian soon began accompaning the more experieced knights on their patrols. Because of the fierce dragon raids that were occuring with renewed frequency the Order of the Burning Sun viewed all dragons with suspicion and as such, no dragons were allowed to enter the city. It was on one such patrol that Kurian and his band clashed with a roving clan of wild dragons, baying for blood. The fighting was fierce and bloody and many good men died that day. With strength born of desperation the remaining members of the band forced the dragons to take to the skies in retreat, leaving their injured comrades behind. Their mounts nothing more than bloody carcases and their numbers more than halved, the knights stumbled into the wilderness in an attempt to find their way home. Injured and delerious Kurian became separated from his fellows, collapsing near a stream as he sought to quench his thirst. Here he was found by several villagers collecting water who took him and looked after him in their village. It is here he remains, amongst the dragons he has learned to hate and must now learn to trust.
I 'd have to say that the best is most likely Fruscante (sp?) and you're right, Navarro obviously didn't want to be there and is much better in Janes Addiction. My favourite is either blood sugar, or californication. I love their vids though.
Hello there. Obviously the Chilis are a very popular band who have been making music for a long time. In June they will be coming to the UK to play two gigs, one in Edinborough and one in Manchester, I was just wondering if anyone will be going to these. Also what is your opinion of the chilis? What is your favourite album or guitarist? All discussion is welcome.
I love people who post the images they want *hugs* Just choose which one you like best, I would have used the better known linkin park font in the first one but it wouldn't download properly, sorry.