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I thought I recognised those names..Warhammer it is. Name: Marcus von Arklan Age: I don't think even Marcus remebers Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: Not a terribly tall man, standing at 5,6 with long unkempt hair of dark brown and thick stubble that mars his striking features. Dressed in the garb of an Imperial captain, dark red shirt with balooned sleeves worn underneith a thick velvet tunic of dark blue, hung down to just below his waist. A soft brown leather jerkin is worn over both. Brown leather pants cover his legs and shin high boots, black leather with velvet folded tops studed with silver cover his feet. These fine garments, however, are now faded and torn. The soles of his boots are filled with holes, his sleeves are torn asunder and the heavey rapier he carries at his side rusted and nicked. The whole ensemble is covered by a ragged cloak of sack cloth in an attempt to blend into the surroundings. War band/Solo: Solo, the war band he intitally travelled with was salughtered by skaven mercenaries Starting Quarter: North-West Biography: Once captain of the 32nd regiment of the Imperial Guard, Marcus' squad was given a mission to scout into the horrid realm of Mordheim to gain intel on the Shadowlord for the Emperor. Marcus was adored by his men, a great leader. They would have marched to the ends of the earth if only he had given the word. Deep in the darkened hells of Mordheim they looked to him for guidance, something which, eventually he could not provide. Cornered in the former Merchant quarter, his entire regiment was cut down by a large band of venomous skaven mercenaries. Every last man lay dead upon the fetid earth, Marcus himself discarded for dead by those loathsome rats. Left alone within the city Marcus hid from roaving bands and deadly spectres, attempting to keep himself alive in the hell hole. Unable to find his way out, every turn causing him to travel deeper into the city, he gave up trying and succumbed to a life forever tainted by the dark sky's of Mordheim. Weaponry: Blunted rapier, belted at his side. Thin stilleto blade hidden in his boot. Small chain he keeps wrapped around his left hand.
NAME: Rane Futhark GENDER: Female AGE: 24 APPEREANCE: roughly 5,7 in height she is slimly build and lithe. She has shoulder length, dark red hair, almost burgundy in shade and her eyes are green like emeralds. She is dressed in a tight fitting, tan shirt with only one sleeve that covers her left arm. A silver shoulder pad adorns the right shoulder, the straps buckling across the chest and under the left arm. Her left arm is decorated with several silver bands that run from the upper arm to just below the wrist. She wears a fingerless brown leather glove upon her right hand. Along with this she also wears loose fitting trousers a darker shade than her shirt. These pants cover the majority of her boots, leaving only silver capped toes to be seen. Tied around her waist is a long piece of white material, embroidered in silver, which falls to cover most of the lower half of her body, with a large slit at the side. HOMELAND/TOWN: Queendom of Mertonia/Miraclion BIOGRAPHY: Part of the Elite Guard of Mertonia, Rane is very aware of her past circumstances. Raised in one of the smaller villiages that make up Mertonia Rane was taken by her ailing father into the capital city. It was his wish that she should make something mroe of herself than a simple villager and bade her seek teutalige with one of the mage schools. Residing in the city for many months she heard nothnig of her father until the time when a messenger sought her out and gave news that the old man had not returned from his journay homeward. Distraught by this news she took his dying wish and took to her studies with relish. After many years of hard study and learning she was suddenly dismissed from the school due to an incident involving another student at the age of 16. Due to the politics concerning her dismissal she was unable to plea her case, she was, however, granted sympathy by [b]Sir Armus[/b], lord of the Templar Knights who say her potential and given a place within the Temple as a trainee. Further time passed, during which she became close to [b]Sir Armus[/b], whom she became to see as a surrogate father, doting on his kindness. At was at this time that she was approached by him one night with news of a mission he would have her undertake. As one of his trusted students he gave her the task of watching his son [b]Gale[/b], for whom he could no longer protect from the world. Less conspicuous than a fully fledged Templar Knight he felt that a student would fair well with the task. Fearing that great danger was nearing for his son he bade her keep the knowledge of her position secret, and that she leave at once to go about her mission. ALIGNMENT: Order JOB: Knight ABILITIES: A1: Sword Magic - The ability to channel magics such as Ice and Fire into ones weapon or the weapon of ally so as to deal increased and status damage. A2: Mental Break - Lowers targets magical defense S: Agility - Improved speed and evasion WEAPON: Rapier "Fey's Prayer" - Thin and quick, the blade is effective in close combat situations, primarily used for fencing. It deals limited ice damage to target. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Renier gazed longingly at the young girl who stood before him, he could feel the blood the pumped heavily through her veins, the sound of her heart deafening upon his preternatural ears. Stepping closer he reached out with a tender hand, trailing his fingers across the soft flesh of her cheek. The heat from her skin warmed his cold, dead fingers. Cupping her cheek in his hand he tilted her head back slightly, baring her throat to his roving eyes. Reaching out with his free hand he brushed her hair away from her neck, capturing the thin strands between his fingers. Leaning forward he inhaled the scent of her, the scent of life tinged with something...a bit darker. Of course she was in service to a necromancer, that was to be expected. "You cannot die you say?" He murmered softly, humming low in his throat. He expected no answer as the girl stared blankly at the wall over his shoulder, emotionless to his advances. Trailing his tongue across two razor sharp inscisors he chuckled softly and leant in. His moment was broken as the large doors to the chambers opened wide with an echoing creak. Startled Renier looked up from the girl his eyes trained on the figures who entered, headed by the lady herself. "I appologise for the intrusion Ambassador, a small disturbance required my attention." Renier backup up from the girl and bowed respectfuly.
I work for £3.40 an hour at a discount clothing and homeware store in England, called Matalan. It's rubbish pay and boring work but I stay because I love the people I work with. It's my first job and I have worked there for 1 year and about 5 months. Ya know, when you enter retail you come to realise just how much you hate the entire human race. You also realise how incompetant and inconsiderate quite a few people are, it's amazing really. It's a very interesting place to observe people really, while they're shopping. You also get to see how they treat others and how they percive you. How a person treats staff is very telling.
Umm "Knowledge is power, power corrupts, study hard, be evil" is my personal favourite "Change is inevitable, except from vending machines" is another "My other car is a decepticon" gotta love those transformers and a one we all can relate to "Embrace the chocolate side of the force"
Renier raised an eyebrow, inclining his head slightly as he absorbed her proposal. The great necromancer Lady Arciela had challenged him to a duel, a spar of sorts. It was an intreuging proposition and one he did not consider lightly. Of course there were the diplomatic benefits of this encounter, for if he accepted then their interaction may spur easier negotiations between their two houses. On the other hand, he himself was quite willing to agree on the grounds that it too had been many years since he had felt himself adequetly(sp?) challenged. He was part of a peaceful house that prefered talk over action, of course. Though, the apprehension he felt at being offered this by one of such an infamous nature could not be ignored. Resting his hands deep into the expansive sleeves of his Ambassadorial robe he bowed regally towards the lady, a faint smile playing about his lips. "I would be honoured to accept your request my lady." Reaching forward he took her graceful hand in his own and brushed his lips across the skin in a delicate gesture. A broad smile stretched across Ciel's face. "Excellent, I shall have my servants escort you to my chambers when you are ready." Her voice purred it's appreciation and she inclined her head to him in recognition before sweeping through the door of the board room, leaving a crowd of murmering officials in her wake. Renier shot annoyed glances at the diplomats who scurried away under the intensity of his gaze. For certain this would be an interesting encounter. One, it would seem, not soon fotgotten.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Strangely, the woman who plays Hyacinth is apparently a rather respected actress around those parts. I've seen her in several movies and she's always done an excellent job. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes indeed, she was also in an older TV detective series called 'Hetty Wainthrop Investigates' which also starred one of the hobbits...billy boyd I think it was, though I could be wrong. I was never particularly fond of 'Keeping up Appearances' I really love our comedy, though I enjoy US comedies too, such as MASH and Frasier. Blackadder II remains my favourite Blackadder and the Vicar of Dibley is great primarily because I love Dawn French.
OOC: I have no idea Harlequinn, maybe it's because of your magnetic personality ^_~. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kerrick sat in his cabin quietly sharpening the blade of his sword, the whetstone gliding effortlessly across the sharpened steel. Hearing the commotion above deck he raised a single eyebrow, replacing his sword back within it's sheath. Rising from his position upon his bed Kerrick tentatively opened his door and made his way above deck, his sheathed sword held within his hand. Running his fingers across the laquered wood he ascended the stairs and reached the place where such tumult was occuring. Reaching the deck Kerrick frowned in confusion, it seemed that there was noone to be seen. Enraged shouts suddenly reached his ears from further below the deck, the other side to his own cabin. Treading swiftly forward Kerrick descended once more and listened for which cabin it might be. Upon hearing the cries of the elf-maiden he rushed towards the dragon's cabin, his sword unsheathed. "Miss, what troubles you? Where is Lord Aris?" Through tear stained eyes Serenity looked up at him, her face blotched from crying. She did not answer him but merely pointed at the door of the dragon's cabin. Nodding Kerrick grasped the handle and opened the door. The sight that met his eyes was a curious one. Taka was hugging the form of master Aris to her while the dragon looked on increduosly. Kerrick's eyes widened as he saw the pallid features of Aris. "What goes on here? What has befallen Lord Aris?" His voice shook as he spoke.
[color=purple]Jerith curled his lip in a snarl as he watched the giant crystal bird enter the room, it's cry ringing in his ears. Reaching into his sleeve Jerith swiftly removed a concealed blade, his other weapons previously removed from his person upon capture. It was impossible for him to leave this place without the flute, he was as good as dead if he came bacl to Lodovicco empty handed. "You can try to kill me young one...but I will have that flute, attatched to you hand if need be." Letting out a harsh yell Jerith launched himself towards the girl, only to be intercepted by the large bird, it's talons raking across his back. Crying out in fiery pain Jerith whirled and struck out with his blade, the fine steel merely scoring a thin line across the crystal that made up the bird. Scrambling to his feet Jerith rolled under the searching claws dodging nimbly the bird's attacks. Breathing heavily glanced wildly about the room. Spotting a small, stone-like paperweight resting one a shelf upon the wall he sprinted towards it, hearing the birds shrill sqwarks at it attemepted to latch onto him. Grasping the stone he curled his fingers around it securley turning on his heel to face the monstrosity. "Batter up." Jerith smirked as he pitched the stone forward. It whistled through the air and struck the bird directly in one of it's sapphire eyes, cracking it deftly down the center. The bird lurched forward it's agonising crys echoing around the room. Seeing his moment Jerith rushed forward, swinging himself up and latching onto the birds back, securing his arms around it's crystaline neck. Here he hung as the bird bucked wildly.[/color]
Renier Raised his hands to lull the hushed murmers and whispers that followed his command. Gazing over the collection of diplomats and ministers he raised an eyebrow and cleared his throat. "Fellow ministers, visiting friends has a decision been made upon the issue at hand that can appease both sides?" Glancing around the dark faces he waited for a reply to be made. A crimson robed and stern faced drow stood from his chair, his hands clasped before him. "Lord Amabassador, it seems that there has been some confusion as to our terms. We require further land and access to the city, the reasons have been made clear and we are willing to provide compensation and sufficient payment for this expansion." The diplomat spoke with a level voice his face impassive as a Cal'Sakmeht minister rose to his feet, his face flustered as he spoke quickly to Renier. "My Lord what the Kai'Belborun minister proposes is in direct violation of the treaty signed with Vas'Naurnae it..." The ministers rambles were cut short by a slight from Renier effectively silencing the man (for lack of a better word). "My dear Sancion, surely an agreement can be reached that can please all sides. I am aware that the territory in which our friends propose the expansion merely runs alongside Vas'Naurnae land and in no way breaches the contract." At this announcement a second Kai'Belborun delegate stood replacing the first who had now seated himself. The second diplomat wore a deep frown as he bowed his head to Renier. His confusion made it clear that this was news. "We hd not been made aware of this arrangement." His tone was firm as he spoke. "The Vas'Naurnae are savage and warlike, the danger is too great, we cannot risk such close interaction!" Sighing in slight irritation, licking a sharp inscisor as his gaze flitted around the room. "It seems that an agreement cannot be reached at this time...if it please the delegation we shall resume this meeting at a later time." Bowing his head in respect Renier stepped away from his chair and folded his arms behind his back as his assistant pushed the chair against the table. Murmering could be heard from the ministers who filed from the board room, clearly dissatisfied with the proceedings.
[color=purple]Jerith mentally sighed once again, growing continually irritated at his current condition. He couldn't move, he couldn't speak and he was quite sure that those do-gooders had ran off and left him stuck here like a trussed up turkey. His attempts at moving had produced nothing, not even a budge and he had all but given up. Attempting once more he focused on his arm, trying with all his might to even move slightly. A strange glow caught his attention, something he could see out of the corner of his eye. He tried to shift his gaze to gain a better look at the strange light but he was unable to conjure up the energy. The light grew in its intensity and he would have squinted if he could. As he strained against his magical bonds he found that no longer was he restrained with such strength and was now able to move his arm slightly. His lips curved partially in a strained smile as he worked on reaching out and breaking his paralysis. The glowing light became stronger the harder he focused and suddenly a blinding flash brightened the room. Closing his eyes in an instinctive motion Jerith fell forward with a painful thud. leaping to his feet with a rush of energy Jerith grasped at his natural bars shaking at the sturdy branches with all his might. "Hey! Elemental scum! You better hide, 'cause when I get out of here you're all dead meat! Ya' hear me!?" Shaking and tearing at his restraining cage Jerith lashed out in feutile rage, heavy breaths heaving from his chest. In his sudden freedom Jerith was all too unaware of the soft glow that seeped from the metal band he wore upon his wrist, warming with an almost unearthly pulse.[/color]
Renier sighed in exhasperation, his features blank as boredome slowly began to set in. Trailing his fingers across the surface of the large ebony table before him he crossed his legs and leant back in his oversized chair, relaxing in the cusioned velvet. Sat at the table were various Drow from his own clan, Cal'Sakmeht and the clan with which they were negotiating, the Kai'Belborun. The discussions over trading rights and temple access was becoming increasingly tedious, having gradually slowded to a grinding halt over the several hours in which they had been hole up in the stuffy, airless board room. [i]Board room, more like bored room...[/i] Renier thought as he watched the minor ministers squabble over trade agreements and compansations, neither gaining any real ground. Tugging at his collar lethargically, he closed his eyes and tilted his head against the back of his chair. The buzzing sound of sparring diplomats had some sort of lulling effect upon the vampire, sending him into a light doze. "Ambassador..." A small voice broke through his sleepy haze. "Ambassador..." Opening one eye Renier, glanced at the Drow diplomat who now leant over to talk with him in hushed tones. "Yes Hjiandri, what do you require?" Renier murmered softly, opening both eyes and sitting up in his chair to devote his attention to the younger female. "My Lord," She spoke with respect and uncertainty as she glanced across at the argument taking place, both parties oblivious to their absence from discussion. "It seems that the Kai'Belborun are becoming more forward in their demands. They wish to control a larger portion of the city, so as to expand the schools of magic that already stand there." Renier rolled his eyes and rested his elbows ungraciously upon the table. "We are here to negotiate for exactly that, have they not yet reached a feasible agreement?" Hjiandri shook her head. "It seems that the ministers believe any further expansion by the Kai'Belborun as disruptive to the Cal'Sekhmet treaty signed with the clan of Vas'Naurnae, and are unwilling to endanger said agreement." "But surely any expansion could be contained in the area merely surrounding the Schools, infringing on neither Vas'Naurnae, nor important Cal'Sekhmet territory?" Renier frowned as he heard this, petty minor ministers squabbling over insignificant details seemed a little out of place for the normally orderly school of diplomats. Hjiandri shrugged lightly. "Maybe it needs you to tell them that my Lord." Renier sighed once again and ran his fingers through his hair, smoothing it back from it's ruffled state. As high ambassador he was merely required to preside over such trivial matters, but now and then a firm hand needed to be given in the confusion sometimes provided by overzealous, fresh-faced minors. "Very well, command their attention Hjiandri." A loud ringing sounded through the board room, silencing the heated discussions, causing both parties to look over towards the Ambassador. "Fellows! Please, let me speak with you!"
Kerrick grasped his rapier tight in his fist, the keen blade glittering in the sunlight. They were only a day away from the island and already they were going to be subject to the violence of the outside world. Gritting his teeth he prayed for the gods to smile upon him and lept into the fray. "Master, get below deck where it's safe" The Smith yelled towards Aris. The boy just growled in reply, severing the head of one of the pirates with a single swipe. The clash of blades could be heard, mingled with the pained cries of wounded men. A feral roar tore the air as the large shadow of the half-dragon decended upon the deck, scattering those below him. Smirking slightly at the beasts effect upon the pirates Kerrick lashed forward himself, skwereing the man before him and pushing him from the deck, a distant splash testement to the man's fate. A fiery pain seeped into Kerricks shoulder suddenly. Grimacing he turned sharply raising his sword in time to block the deadly path of a pirates blade. The Sea dog grinned down at him with yellow, furred teeth, grime smearing his face. "Come on then Islander, ye can't beat the likes 'o the crew 'o the 'Burnt Rose'!" Kicking Kerrick in the stomach the pirate roared and raised his sword to end the smith's life. His yell of triumph was cut short with a wet gargle, a sharp throwing star sprouting from his throat. Falling forward the dead pirate fell to the deck at Kerrick's feet. Lucking up Kerrick nodded to the figure of Serenity who winked at him from across the deck before lashing out once more. Kerick exhaled a soft sigh and picked up his sword.
Name: Renier Di Valle Age: 3214 Species: Vampire Rank: High Ambassador Clan: Cal'Sakmeht Appearance: [img]http://images.nintendo.com/nintendo/contents/gamepage/gamecontent/images/s/soulcalibur2_gcn_raphael.jpg[/img] Bio: Renier stumbled into the Underdark one fateful evening. During his life Renier was born into a High class family of the Human kingdom of Gaia. Of noble birth his family were well respected as diplomats, keeping friends with many of the houses and royal family lines. Upon this night Renier was travelling between his home and the royal palace where his parents resided. His entourage was extensive, but even the troup of bodyguards he kept by his side were not enough to save him from the most savage of attacks. His entire company was wiped from the face of Gaia by a roaming clan of feral vampires. Blood spattered the moonlit grass as the screams of dying mean tore the night air. Crawling, half dead from the battleground, Renier found himself deep within a tunnel of caverns, with no recollection of how he had ventured there. He could feel the curse of the vampire spreading it's venom through his veins, twisting his body into it's undead visage. Found by members of the Cal'Sakmeht clan Renier was spared death by chance, pitied by the leader of the house. Learning of his talents in diplomacy the Cal'Sakmeht welcomed Renier into their fold, rising to become one of the High ambassadors in dealing with other houses in spite of his affliction.
[color=purple]Jerith sat, unmoving on the floor of the room, his face impassive as he stared at the wall in front of him. How stupid he was to get caught, and now he was trapped, like an animal by these freaks and their pets. He could imagine the look on Lodovicco's face now when he heard the news that his favourite little pupil had been taken out by a group of Magic weilders. If he had the power of movement he would have growled. Looks like the flute was precious after all, maybe Lodovicco had a plan after all. Of course now that it was lost Lodovicco would want nothing more to do with him, he'd be lucky if a bounty wasn't placed on his head. Of course that would mean nothing if these elementalist freaks snuffed his life out right here. Looking around at his surroundings Jerith made a mental sneer at the cage of branches and vines. Just give him his gun and all this loving nature crap would be sawdust on the floor. God how he hated magic.[/color]
[color=purple]Rolling his eyes Jerith clenched his teeth and stored the precious flute in a compartment within his jacket. Glaring at the intruder he sneered contemptably. Lodovicco would not be pleased if he returned empty handed. Not pleased at all. "I don't have time for you." Reaching behind him Jerith withdrew the sword sheathed at his back and lunged forward, at a disadvantage in the gloom. The ringing sound of clashing steel echoed throughout the hall as blade met staff. Lashing out with a clenched fist Jerith caught the man hard across the cheek sending him reeling back. Using his advantage Jerith sought to evade his opponent, making his way to the exit. Sprinting swiftly forward he suddenly found himself airborne as a lithe foot caught him as he passed, tripping him forward. Falling heavily to the ground Jerith let out a cry as the flute came loose from his jacket and went skittering across the floor. Attempting to get to his feet his eyes widened as he saw the fighter kneel down and grasp the flute, standing back and watching jerith scramble to his feet. "It's mine now theif!" The hero's voice was bold as he shouted. Letting out a strangled cry Jerith unholstered his 9mm pistol and leveled it at the man. The air suddenly grew chill. "Then I'll have to prise it from your cold dead hands, pretty boy!"[/color]
Name:Kerrick Smithson Age:29 Race:Human Eyes: Stormy Grey Hair:Shoulder length dark brown hair with a few bangs cut in but nothing terribly fancy. It's usually tied back with a simple leather strap. Armor: He wears a studded steel shoulder guard on his right shoulder and a steel gauntlet on his left arm that reaches up to his elbow (allowing for movement of course). He also wears plated steel shin guards that extend over his boots and end just below his knees. Weapons: Broad rapier [img]http://www.games-online.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/ex-rapier.jpg[/img] Powers: Luck, a defined aura of luck that tends to follow him around Personality:He's charming really, but comes off as kind of distant and sarcastic. He likes to be the voice of reason and trys to keep arguments to an orderly minimum, this might annoy others. He is intelligent and has a cultured tone, he is also tremendously religious, although it's harldy odd for the culture. Biography: Orignially a blacksmith on the island, he has extensive knowledge of the creation and care of tools and weapons, though the weapons were used only in training and decoration. The trade of blacksmith was passed down from father to son, his own son training under his teutelage to be a fine craftsman. His craft dictated that he know how to use the weapons he makes and therefore he has trained in the use of several types of sword, pole arm, mace and axe, but favours the balance and grip of the broad rapier, his pride and joy. Upon hearing of the plight that had engulfed the island he took up his sword and entrusted the duties as blacksmith to his teenage son. Bidding farewell to his son, wife and baby daughter he now seeks to do his duty for his island nation, to protect his family and his way of life. Appearance: Wears a worn, leather jacket over a dark grey, hooded tunic under which he wears a simple white vest. His trousers are made from supple leather and a sash hangs about his waist, his rapier hanging from a belt looped through his pants. Fingerless studded gloves adorn his hands, and metal capped boots his feet. Kinship to the chosen one: Assigned protector, chosen by the islands leaders from many young men for his loyal service to the people and his proven worth. He holds the boy in high regard, and his loyalty his above all else.
[color=purple]Reaching the temple Jerith hoisted himself into a nearby tree, his presence only signalled by the soft rustle of the occasional leaf as he made his way through the branches. Reaching a particularly high hanging branch he grasped it solidly and levered himself onto the roof of the temple over which the branch grew. Dropping silently to the tiled roof he crouched low, glancing warily around him in the failing light. Lying flat he traversed the rooftop on his belly, dragging himself forward with his elbows and knees. Reaching the skylight to the temple he reached into the satchel that hung from his belt, removing a thin blade and wire. Inserting the blade he looped the thin wire into the hole of the window lock. Hearing a small click he flicked the blade forwards, unhooking the latch and opening the skylight. Glancing around himself oncemore he leant over the edge of the window and peered forward. The room was dark, the only light that shone was from the prayer candles and torch lit near the alter. Grasping the frame of the window he fell forward, hitting the floor with a roll. Coming to his feet he looked up sharply, intent on making sure that noone stirred. Satisfied with his entrance he padded forward quietly, the gloves that covered his hands making the skin itch. Searching in the gloom he spotted the altar that dominated the front of the hall. A large golden Nightingale perch ontop of it, it's sapphire eyes glinting in the lamp light. Held in it's beak was a silvery looking device. Upon closer inspection he determined that it was a musical instrument of some kind, a flute if he was not mistaken. frowning he looked about the hall again. Surely this was not what his master had sent him to retrieve...a mere flute? Shrugging slightly he reached forward, for he had learned long ago not to question his Lodovicco, or the clients he held in so high regard. Grasping the flute he slowly withdrew it from the bird's golden beak, a faint grinding sound permeating the air as the two metals slid across one another.[/color]
Overall Member of the Year: Semjaza Azazel Male Otaku of the Year: Syk3 Female Otaku of the Year: Queen Asuka Staff Member of the Year: James Funniest Member of the Year: wrist-cutter Most Opinionated Otaku of the Year: Poison Tongue Most Likely to Be Here in Two Years: James Best Newbie: Arcadia Best Oldie: Shy Most Likely to Become a Staff Member: AzureWolf Most Improved Member of the Year: Vicky Favorite Banned Member: Taylor Hewitt Thread of the Year: The ?Deal With This Member? Thread Silliest Thread of the Year: Charles can I be a mod for?? Random Awards Avatar Award (Best Avatars Overall): Charles Signature Award (Best Signatures Overall): Charles Best Location (Best Specific Location): Drix D?Zanith Best Otaku Couple: The Harlequin/Ravenstorture Best Looking Otaku: Babygirl, Juuthena, James Otaku Clique of the Year: OtakuBoards Yaoi/Shounen-Ai Club Best MyOtaku: Charles Otaku Writers Poet Laureate: Mitch Writer of the Year: Solo Tremaine Orginal Story of the Year: OB: Enter the Net Role-Player of the Year: Raiha Brawler of the Year: Harlequin Best RP of the Year: Black Horizon Social Otakus Otaku Social Member: ChibiHorsewoman Entertainment Otaku: Manic Otaku Anime Otaku of the Year: Maladusted .hack//SIGN Member of the Year: AzureWolf Dragonball Guru of the Year: Burori Digipeep of the Year: Leh Gundam Member of the Year: Hitokori Zero Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year: Deathbug Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member: Dagger IX1 Otaku Gamers Otaku Gamer of the Year: Shimaru Nintendo ?Mario? Award: James Sony Award: Dan X-Box Award: PoisonTongue PC Gamer of the Year: Cloricus Otaku Artists Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.): Syk3 Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.): Queen Asuka Best Spriter: Dragonballzman Series Otaku Series Otaku Member of the Year: Desbreko Square/Enix Member of the Year: Zidargh PokéPlaque (Pokemon): Lady Katana The Triforce Award: Desbreko
Yeah well, there's no point to your meaningless life or my pathetic existence. You're going to die eventually so let's just do it now and save time. Who's with me!
Recreational drug use has been around for a very long time. Take the Native American's for instance who used to smoke substances to help them transcend to the spiritual plane. This kind of usage has been seen through history where it has been used to encourage visions and premonitions suchas the Oracle at Delphi and oriental opium. Berserkers also used drugs to get themselves into a frenzy before battle, hell LSD has been blamed for the fits those girls suffered in Salem that caused the witch trials. It's only now that we are aware their scientific effects that we so highly fear it. Of course I'm not saying we should go into a high octain drug orgy, I'm just saying that it doesn't matter if it's legal or not, people are still going to get high. It's just another part of humany stupidity I'm afraid folks and no amount of education or discovery is going to change that.
[color=purple]Jerith growled lightly under his breath as he perched upon the roof of an apartment building. A soft wind picked up and buffeted him slightly, his long blonde hair dancing about his face on the breeze. Running a hand across his face he leant on one of his knees and stared out across the city. Twisting the silver ring that adorned his thumb he sighed heavily as he remembered the conversation he had with his mentor earlier in the day. [i]"Ah Jerith my boy! I trust you slept well?" Kyle Lodovicco, leader of the Mercenaries Guild greeted the man who strode down the stairs of the headquarters building. Bowing to the older man Jerith smirked nodding. "All the more with the haul brought in last night Sir." Chuckling Lodovicco clapped Jerith on the shoulder and guided him to a seat. "I have another mission for you boy...a big 'un. This un's special so pay attention." Jerith leant forward attentivley, a small from creasing his forehead. Lodovicco stood and cross the room to pour himself a glass of brandy, offering it to the other man. When Jerith shook his head Lodovicco shrugged and drank it himself, pouring another before sitting once more. "A client of ours has specified of a job they'd like done. It requires someone of your...particular talents." Jerith smiled slightly at the complement but didn't interrupt his speaking mentor. "You've heard of the Nightingale Temple that resides within our fair city? Well our client wishes for you to procure a certain object from it. It's not difficult to find, you'll find it upon the altar according to our intel." Lodovicco sipped his brandy breifly before looking once mroe at Jerith with an expectant look. "So...do I have your cooperation?" Jerith's frown deepend. The Nightingale Temple? He shuddered slightly as he thought of the place. Elementalists dwelt there, magic users. Gritting his teeth he looked up at his master, who knew how much he hated and fear magic. "Well?" His masters tone grew more impationed, the look in his eyes suggesting that refusal was not an option. Bowing his head Jerith stood and knelt before Lodovicco, taking his hand and kissing the gold crest upon his finger. "I will do as you command sir and honour the guild with my success. Lodovicco rested his hand upon Jerith's head, urging him to rise. "Good my boy, you shall leave as soon as you are ready." With a wave of his hand he dismissed Jerith who strode from the room, bowing briefly at the door before closing it, leaving his master alone.[/i] Staring across the street at the Temple, Jerith sighed again. His master could be harsh, but he believed that whatever Lodovicco decided was for the best. Jumping down to the fires escape Jerith latched onto the iron ladders and decended to the ground, glancing about for any passers by. Nodding his satisfaction he made his way towards the temple making sure to remain under cover.[/color]
Name: Jerith Arkum Age: 29 Gender: Male Item: iron wrist band that he procured on a job Personality: Extremely self confident and charming. Likes to flirt tremendously and has a totally sarcastic sense of humour. Seems to be a nice person on the outside, but, like the moon, holds a darker secret within. Stubborn and strong willed, he likes to go against whatever people tell him to do, though he does possess a certain sense of loyalty to those he deems worthy. Physical Appearance: Long, dark blonde hair almost always tied back, Dark brown leather pants and black leather boots, a white shirt with a white vest underneith. He wears several leather bracelets on his right wrist, silver rings on the fingers, most notably the large thumb ring with a black onyx center. The iron wrist band adorns his left wrist. A silver cross adorns his neck along with a brown leather choker. All this is topped off with a supple, brown leather jacket he wears over the top. History: What is there to tell. He was born, he grew up and much like the rest of the population took up a profession that has keep him from starving in the festering dung hole he called home. To do this he went under the teutilage of the notoreous Kyle Loddovico, trainer of assassins and theives, leader of the city's mercenaries guild. Thus Jerith has spent most of his life on the wrong side of the law, stealing, killing, kidnapping...you name it. He holds a extreme dislike for magic, he fears it and will automatically dislike anyone who weilds it. Partners: He has no partners, he works alone. Important Possessions: The 9mm hand gun he keeps by his side and the steel long sword that he carries slung across his back. Element: N/A Placement: Realist
Yeah I play M:TG when I can. I think it's a really interesting game and is far more viable than Pokemon or Yugioh or whatever. I especially like the intricate art work and little passages they put onto the cards. It's one of the reasons why the Trokien High Guard is one of my favourites. I think it's safe to say that I favour white/plains above all.
Well, I have a few friends who smoke Weed, I've tried it myself though I don't particularly feel the need to do so again. A few of the are high achievers, a few aren't and a few are average. It's like drinking alcohol really, or smoking tobacco. I don't think that Marijuana can cause much harm and really isn't all that terrible. It's when you start using the hard stuff like heroine and cocaine, that's when the real trouble starts. A couple of my friends have the mentality that you should try most things at least once, unless it's harmful to others. I don't really see a problem with that.