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Everything posted by Doukeshi

  1. Name: Sir Lance-"Sorry I stole your Queen"quite-a-bit Age: 27 Weapon: His devastating allure to the opposite sex (and possibly the same if you like that sort of thing ^_~) Oh yeah he also has a broad sword. Appearance: (seriously do my characters ever look any different?) Long dark hair always tied back, thin goatee beard and grey eyes. Medium build at about 5ft 7. He wears chainmail, like most knights with the tabard over the top. Bio: Lance-quite-a-bit, or Lance for the sake of shortness, is known throughout the land as the lady charmer, wife wooer and queen stealer all need to watch out for. As a young boy he was always in the haystacks helping the local girls "find their needles" as it were. As he grew older, his taste broadened and he set out with his trusty squire in search of new maidens. Having only managed to avoid death for herasy by fleeing many countries he has now foundhimself here, in the Otaku Kingdom. As he journeyed from castle to castle, searching for new wives to steal he heard word of a great adventure/quest/thing to find the holy Otakubot. Intreuged he endeavoured to seek out this strange King Shinny and join him on this quest, for he had heard tales of "virtuous" women seeking aid and saw it has his duty to help them. If he managed to find the Otakubot along the way then so be it. Kings were always very generous with their rewards afterall ^_~.
  2. Name: Marcus Belial Age: 31 Home Country: Scotland Appearance: Long, dark blonde hair almost always tied back, Dark brown leather pants and black leather boots, a white shirt with a white vest underneith. He wears several leather bracelets on his right wrist, silver rings on the fingers, most notably the large thumb ring with a black onyx center. A silver cross adorns his neck along with a brown leather choker. All this is topped off with a supple, brown leather jacket he wears over the top. Demeanor: Extremely self confident and charming. Likes to flirt tremendously and has a totally sarcastic sense of humour. Seems to be a nice person on the outside, but, like the moon, holds a darker secret within. Stubborn and strong willed, he likes to go against whatever people tell him to do, though he does possess a certain sense of loyalty to those he deems worthy. What I'm Bringing: A satchel containing several items of lock picking equipment, a compass a hunting knife and a clean set of underwear ^_~ Purpose of Traveling: Originally part of an elite SAS squad before the great war Marc was contacted by an unknown source emploring him of his assistance in guiding the young troup that is heading off to "save the world".
  3. Callum sat upon the edge of the cliff face that looked out across the plains. The storm that had raged so violently the night before had ceased, leaving only a faint trace of cooling mist lingering in the air. Clasping his hands before him Callum bowed his head, several locks of dirty blonde hair falling loose to frame his face. Murmering softly he looked out towards the rising sun, his words echoing lines of prayer long forgotten by society but seared upon his memory like a fiery brand. [i]" May the kingdom of justice prevail! May the believers be united in love! May the hearts of the believers be humble, high their wisdom, and may they be guided in their wisdom by the Lord. O Khalsa, say "Wahiguru, Glory be to God!" . . . Entrust unto the Lord what thou wishest to be accomplished. The Lord will bring all matters to fulfilment: Know this as truth evidenced by Himself. from the Sanhedrin."[/i] Finishing his soft whispers he made the sign against evil across his chest and raised himself to his feet. Bowing respectfully to the sun he made his way down from the outcrop on which he stood. Turning a bend just outside the mouth of the cave he came across the man he had found residing in the cave the previous night. Raising an eyebrow he could now see his full form. Daro, he recalled, was horribly mutated he could see now, a victim of these fetid wastes. A wave of pity went out to this man but he concealed his expression for fear of upsetting Daro's pride. Nodding lightly he walked past, entering the cave and seating himself next to the shadow elf. Looking across at her he feels a familiar sensation boil up within him. He could smell the blood coursing through her veins, even see it upon her face and he was hard pressed to contain the violent images that raised their heads. There were outward signs of this failing, his teeth and eyes primarily, like those of a wild cat. Shifting slightly he surpressed the urges that the gods had saw fit to curse him with and attempted to make small conversation with the woman. "Since we did not receive a formal introduction when I arrived I do believe it is necessary here." Extending his hand he clasped it with hers. "My name is Callum, and I thankyou for your care."
  4. Can you vote for yourself? Because it seems to be a rather "off" thing to do if you don't mind me saying.
  5. Name: Jerith Arkum Age: 29 Race: Human Class: Theif/Fighter Weapons: Short bow, a dirk with elven runes engraved upon the blade. The dirk was "given" to him as a "gift" from the elven community of the Troglinar Forest. Affiliation: Moon Personality: Extremely self confident and charming. Likes to flirt tremendously and has a totally sarcastic sense of humour. Seems to be a nice person on the outside, but, like the moon, holds a darker secret within. Stubborn and strong willed, he likes to go against whatever people tell him to do, though he does possess a certain sense of loyalty to those he deems worthy. Description: Long, dark blonde hair almost always tied back, Dark brown leather pants and black leather boots, a white shirt with a white vest underneith. He wears several leather bracelets on his right wrist, silver rings on the fingers, most notably the large thumb ring with a black onyx center. A silver cross adorns his neck along with a brown leather choker. All this is topped off with a supple, brown leather jacket he wears over the top. All of his theiving equipment, such as lock picks and satchels etc are kept in a handy utility belt that he has slung about his waist Bio: What is there to tell. He was born, he grew up and much like the rest of the population took up a profession that has keep him from starving in a dug out hole under a tree. His parents, well they're still alive somwhere in the forest and he likes to visit on holidays purely for his mothers cooking you understand. Born in the forest he has lived his life in the community, occasionaly venturing out to hone his skills in the various cities of Azeroth. He'd like to thing of himself as a master of his chose skill because of this.
  6. [b][u]General Awards[/b][/u] [strike][b]Overall Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Male Otaku of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Female Otaku of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b]Staff Member of the Year:[/b] James [size=1]Honorable Mention: Semjaza Azazel[/size] [b]Funniest Member:[/b]Charles [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size]Malajusted [b]Most Opinionated Otaku:[/b] Poisontongue [size=1]Honorable Mention: Harry[/size] [b]Member most likely to be here in two years:[/b] Raiha [size=1]Honorable Mention: Deedlit[/size] [b]Best Newbie:[/b] Arcadia [size=1]Honorable Mention:Hellsfire[/size] [strike][b]Best Oldie:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Most likely to become a Staff Member:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b]Favourite Banned Member:[/b] Taylor Hewitt [size=1]Honorable Mention: Dayday[/size] [b]Most improved Member of the Year:[/b] Vicky [strike][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Thread of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Silliest Thread of the Year[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike [b][u]Random Awards[/u][/b] [b]Avatar Award:[/b] Charles [strike][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b]Signature Award: (Best Signatures Overall)[/b] Malajusted [strike][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Best Location: (Best Specific Location)[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b]Best Otaku Couple:[/b] The Harlequinn & Ravenstorture [size=1]Honorable Mention: Piromunkie & Queen Asuka[/size] [strike][b]Best looking Otaku:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b]Otaku clique of the Year:[/b] Otakuboards Yaoi/Shounen-ai Club (maladjusted) [size=1]Honorable Mention: The Intelligent lifeforms of otakuboards thus far (Drix D'Zanth) [/size] [strike[b]Best MyOtaku:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b][u]Otaku Writers[/u][/b] [b]Poet Laureate:[/b] Heaven's Cloud [size=1]Honorable Mention: Raiha[/size] [b]Writer of the Year:[/b] Mitch [size=1]Honorable Mention: Solo Tremaine[/size] [b]Orginal Story of the Year:[/b] OtakuBoards: Enter the Net (Solo Tremaine) [strike][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b]Role-Player of the Year:[/b] Arcadia [size=1]Honorable Mention: Bobba Fett[/size] [b]Brawler of the Year (sparring):[/b] The Harlequin [size=1]Honorable Mention: Raiha[/size] [b]Role-Playing Game of the Year:[/b] Final Fantastic Survivor (Sage) [size=1]Honorable Mention: Kill Adam (James)[/size] [b][u]Social Otakus[/u][/b] [strike][b]Otaku Social member of the year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Entertainment Otaku of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b][u]Anime Otakus[/u][/b] [strike][b]Otaku of the Year: (Best Anime member overall)[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b].hack//SIGN Member of the Year:[/b] Azurewolf [size=1]Honorable Mention: Black Phoenix[/size] [strike][b]DragonBall Guru:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b]Digipeep of the Year: Leh[/b] [strike][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Gundam Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b][u]Otaku Gamers[/u][/b] [strike][b]Gamer of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Nintendo "Mario" Award:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]The Sony Award:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Xbox Gamer of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]PC Gamer of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b][u]Otaku Artists[/u][/b] [b]Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.):[/b] Azurewolf [size=1]Honorable Mention: Keiko (purely for effort)[/size] [b]Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.):[/b] GinnyLyn [size=1]Honorable Mention: malajusted[/size] [strike][b]Best Spriter:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b][u]Series Otakus[/u][/b] [strike][b]Series Otaku Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Square/Enix Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]PokéPlaque (Pokemon):[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b]The Triforce Award (Zelda):[/b] Desbreko [size=1]Honorable Mention:OlgatheDwarf[/size]
  7. Pulling the collar of his long black coat up about his neck, Callum trudged his way silently across the great wasteland that now covered the earth. Large, broken rocks lay scattered upon the fetid and soiled ground. A dark rumbling rolled across the grey sky, it's clouds a sickly yellow and brown blocking the purest rays of light that sought to give life to the barren land. It stank of death and pain this world. It spoke of broken dreams and shattered hearts, of lives devoid of hope and faith that sought nothing more than survival in this unforgiving plain of existance. Clutching a tattered book of self made inscriptions and salvaged pages to his chest Callum bowed his head against the raging wind intent on seeking shelter in the maddening storm. Flying debris tore at his face, his long blonde hair flying wildly behind him, whipping about his neck and shoulders. The earth was mutating in this violent time, and so was he. He could feel the churning inside him, like a demon intent on his downfall. Roaring against the wind he pushed forward. Peering through the mist he caught sight of a darkened cave, a place of rest and solitude against the storm. Struggling onward he reached the gave, his chest heaving great gasps of poisoned air as he clutched at the scarred rocks, clambering towards the cave. Reaching inside he fell to his knees, the strain from the great winds gone and his strength failing. Cowered on the floor he gulped in air, shaking slightly at the energy it required. Stilling for a moment he sniffed at the stilling winds, the distincitve odour of humanity reaching his senses. Looking up from the gravelled floor he sought out a shadowed form in the darkness, his grey eyes wide and bloodshot. "Who..who resides here..?"
  8. Well, it wasn't really an attack on you Sem...it was more of a vent on the entire non-conformist attitude as a whole so I'm sorry if I offended you.
  9. Well, I'm throwin a party. Knowing my luck noone will turn up and I'll be left to get slashed all on my lonesome.
  10. Anyone can write poetry. Most of it isn't necessarily [i]good[/i] poetry, but it's poetry all the same. I prefer poem's with rythmn and rhyme schemes, it helps the "music" flow.
  11. Meh, not all novels have to be works of genius, where's the fun in that. Anyway, I've read all of her works, well aparet from the circle or magic spin-offs those don't really appeal. I can't wait until 'Trickster's Choice' comes out in the UK, though this will be late in 2004. I love those books and like Dagger said they are fun to read, though she does have a point they do tend to be read mostly by middle-school girls. Which is where I found them incidently ^_^
  12. Doukeshi


    Gladiator has some really good, dramatic themes on it. Try looking for a compelation CD with lots of movie themes on it. I have one and it is great, it'll also give you an idea of what kind of soundtracks to buy ^_~
  13. Yes well, we're all shallow in our own special ways. Don't tell me you've never walked down the street, seen somebody and gone "What the hell is he/she wearing/doing"? Like that, I mean people laugh at you for not conforming, well you laugh at them for doing the opposite. You're just the same whether you like it or not.
  14. Doukeshi


    Name: Bradley Crawford Age: 27 Special Ability: Precognative (see into the future guy) Weapon: Gun and fists Ethniticity: American, white caucasian Description: [url=http://www.tuaposse.com/schwarz/pics/pic18.jpg] Crawford's the guy on the left[/url]
  15. Michael glanced at the pistol held in his hand before shrugging lightly and securing it safely in the waistband of his trousers. He had no intention of using it of course, but if the worst came to the worst he would be sure to protect himself. He wasn't going to die a martyr. Watching Miyuki walk after Ruben into the building he stuffed his hands nonchalantly into his pockets and strolled after them, following the remaining body of contestants into the foyer. Looking up at the high ceiling and gothic decor he raised an eyebrow, noticing the heavey drapes and barred windows. "How quaint..." he murmered softly, blowing a few strands of hair from his face as the danced wildly about his vision. Raising his voice he addressed the collective around him. "Well, ladies and gents I guess we'd best make ourselves comfortable 'cause it doesn't seem like our host is gonna make this easy." Grasping his bag he slung it over his shoulder and ascended the stairs, shaking his head slightly as he exhaled a soft breath.
  16. Here are some more of my banners. Tell me what you think am I improving or is it all going downhill? [img]http://doukeshi03.250free.com/stargate.jpg[/img] [img]http://doukeshi03.250free.com/lamentation.jpg[/img] [img]http://doukeshi03.250free.com/joey.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=534461[/img] [img]http://doukeshi03.250free.com/foamy.jpg[/img] [img]http://doukeshi03.250free.com/dorian.jpg[/img] [img]http://doukeshi03.250free.com/Vash.jpg[/img]
  17. Well, lets see... I want to be a shop assisstant at a crappy clothes store. Oh wait I have fulfilled my dream go me ¬_¬. On a serious note I plan to go to university to study Ancient History & Archaeology. After that I plan to either become a professor in said subject, go onto a museum and work my way up in there or...hell I don't know maybe become a high school history teacher *shrugs*. Most likely I'll end up stacking shelves for a living.
  18. Michael smirked slightly and extended his hand out towards Miyuki, raising his eyebrow at her suggestion. "Well now miss, I think things are going to get extremley interesting around here." Taking her hand in his he brushed his lips lightly across the skin. Bowing slightly he slipped beside her, leaning against the the wrought iron bars of the gate. Smiling across at Miyuki he slipped his arm across her shoulders and looked up at the house. "Well, I look forward to see how entertaining you can be Mr..?" Miyuki looked at him quizzically, a small smile playing across her lips. "Michael...and the pleasure's all mine" Michael grinned and ran his fingers through his long glossy hair. Maybe this place didn't seem so bad after all. He guessed they were waiting for the host to let them in, after all it wasn't ncie just to drop in unananounced.
  19. Michael opened the door of the taxi and looked up in awe at the large mansion that rose up before him. Seeing the large forboding windows and gothic walls stare at him with archaic eyes he bowed his head and crossed himself breifly before stepping out of the vehicle. Turning to the driver he handed him his money for the trip from the airport, adding an extensive tip to the tab. As the cab drove off Michael hefted his bag over his shoulder and made his way to, what he could only guess as being the other contestants. He didn't even know what he was getting himself into joining this competition. Sighing he shook his head and made his way forward. "Greetings folks, looks like we're all going to be roomies for a while." Michael smiled brightly and nodded to each of the contestants.
  20. [i]Prisoner?! Of all the indignaces, they should be the prisoners not us we...[/i] Jerith's mental rant was silenced by the calming words of his symbiote. [i]Hush Jerith we must cooperate with the Tauri, it is in the best interests of both of our worlds.[/i] The relationship jerith had with Karthus was a bit of a paradox among the Tok'ra. Normally it would be the symbiote who was arrogant and forward, here it was the host. Karthus tutted silently at his partner and regained control over the host body. [i] I shall remain in control during this assignment, I believe it would be in *our* best interests for survival.[/i] Karthus himself was, however, curious as to how a Tok'ra could act as a prisoner, the Jaffa guards would easily sense him as a symbiote. [i]I trust these Tauri know what they are doing[/i] Jerith muttered softly. The pyramid loomed up before them and Karthus tried his best to look like a humble, subdued prisoner as he was led up towards the entrance.
  21. Jerith unlocked the catch on his zat, a small hiss of release signalling it's readiness for use. Glancing about at the rest of the team he grumbled quietly to himself. [i]Tell me again why we have to do this Karthus?[/i] The good natured chuckle that followed seemed to indicate that the symbiote, Karthus, had more of a light hearted nature than his host, which was rare even among the Tok'ra. [i]Fear not my friend as incompetant as they may seem, humans have proven themselves to be remarkably versatile and surprising.[/i] Sighing Jerith shook his head and stepped through the wromhole. What greeted him was a barrage of weapons fire, small explosions pockmarking the ground around him. Slinging himself to the left n time to avoid a well placed blast Jerith let loose a small volley of zat charges before taking cover behind the DHD. [i]You were saying...[/i]
  22. I concurr. These 'religious' holidays are more of a time for folks to relax and enjoy one anothers company other than anything else. I myself simply enjoy being with my family and have fun as my friends get so overly excited, well, most of them anyway. It's just a ncie time if you ask me.
  23. Things were not going to plan. Not at all. Belial cursed to himself as he retreated from the scene of the battle. Loathe as he was to send a servant to do his bidding it was probably the best course of action. He had little want to get involved in a fight with the Draconian, there were other times for such things. Pulling the collar of his coat up about his face he made his way back towards the forest where their first encounter had been. He would watch this curious party, for there was something far more interesting than he had originally anticipated happening. Someone had sent those demon's forth, for he had not called them. Glancing skyward he rolled his eyes and shook his head. Prehaps there was a divine twist to this little game, and things would become far more complicated for it.
  24. Jerith stood from his seat the moment the general walked into the briefing room. Raising an eyebrow he watched the new officer who walked in behind the general. [i]I believe that this is our new commanding officer Karthus[/i] Jerith thought to his symbiote, his mind clearly comveying his opinion of this man, even though his expression did not. A mild chuckle sounded in his head as Karthus responded to his comment. [i]Appearances can be decieving Jerith, you know that.[/i] Jerith snorted mentally, deciding to introduce himself to the Colonel. Clasping his hands loosely behind his back he inclined his head in a nod of greeting. "I am Jerith, my symbiote is Karthus and we will be the liason for the Tok'ra and Earth on your team." Seeing Scapefield's incredulous look Jerith blinked slightly and sighed, letting Karthus take control of his body. The dual tone of his voice sounded through the room. "The High Council believe that it is in both our people's best interests if Jerith an I are stationed indefinetly at the SGC and I for one agree." Seating himself at the table once more Karthus clasped his hands before him and rested them on the table
  25. I love them all, but snatch is my favourite "What you got a gun for tommy?" "protection" "Who from 'ze Germans'?" *laughs* Oh it's great I love Jason Statham he's just a brilliant actor he truly is. Vinnie Jones had made the transition from footballing hard man to movie hard man flawlessly. He's just great. "It's been emotional"
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