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Everything posted by Doukeshi

  1. hmm, this is pretty interesting Name: Callum Shard Race: Human Age: 26 Description: Long, dark blonde hair almost always tied back, Dark brown leather pants and black leather boots, a white shirt with a white vest undernieth, several leather bracelets on his right wrist, silver rings on the fingers, most notably the large thumb ring with a black onyx center. A silver cross adorns his neck along with a brown leather choker. All this is topped off with a a long black duster. Only slightly mutated he has elongated canines and cat-like eyes. Equipment: Broad Rapier Code of ethics: Once a deeply religious man he has retained most of his faith even after the apocalypse. His deep sense of justice and 'good', however is marred by his mutations. Not only are there outward signs but inside he can feel the changes too. there is a lust he finds hard to contain, a lust for pain and fear that battles against him. He tries to fetter it but he is slowly losing the battle... Bio: Having salvaged words of the old gods from texts scattered in half destroyed buildings and crypts he had chosen to take up the mantle of bring the old words back to the people. Shunned by the majority for this he became a travelling priest, preaching to anyone who would listen. As time wore on however and exposure to the outside and those that dwelt among the ruins and toxic wastes began to take it's toll he felt changes slowly come upon him. Now drawn by some unseen source he still battles to preach the just and kind word of the gods, even though part of him feels otherwise. Starting powers: Enhanced sight, smell and hearing. Rare bloodlust, primarily around those in great pain.
  2. Name: Michael Hunter Age: 26 Personality: He's charming really, but comes off as kind of distant and sarcastic. He likes to be the voice of reason and trys to keep arguments to an orderly minimum, this might annoy others. He is intelligent and has a cultured tone, he is also religious, but not overly so. Appearence: Grey eyes and longish dark brown hair, 5,7 and lithe. Beaded necklace with wooden cross and similar bracelet. Wears a white or black shirt and dark grey jeans and black boots. He has glasses but chooses not to wear them unless he really needs to. He also has a tattoo on his shoulder of a raven sillouette in with spread wings. Bio: Michael is what you might call and apprentice lecturer. Constantly studying he shot through University and is now aiming for his professorship in Mythology and Anciet History. He enjoys Tai-Chi and rock climbing as his hobbies and also studies many poetical works also. He has been involved in an on/off relationship with a fellow colleauge which is currently off.
  3. Alright, here we go. Dislike as I do the Tok'ra, I think it will be very interesting to Rp one ^_~ NAME: Jerith Arkum TOK'RA NAME: Karthus RANK: Tok'ra liason between the Tok'ra high command and the SGC DESCRIPTION: Male. Jerith stands at 5,7 with long dark brown hair usually tied back in a pony tail. His eyes are a stormy grey in colour. He is dressed in the dark brown leather uniform of the tok'ra, though it is more suited to the soldiery duties he will be required to perform on the team. SHORT BIO: Jerith Arkum was originally an inhabitant of one of the many human colonized planets that form the stargate network. After an initial attack by one of the Goauld System Lords Jerith was injured. By sheer chance (and wonderful conicidence ^_~) the Tok'ra operative working within the System Lord's stronghold was also dying. Karthus, the Tok'ra blended with Jerith, returning them both to the Tok'ra homeworld. Karthus has had experience with the SGC before, though this was only minimal. He has replaced Salmek as the Tok'ra liason and now works with the SGC to protect Earth and the alliance
  4. Well, yet another thing we Brits a deprived of. We don't have the choice of getting a class ring. Though, I suppose that most of the people in my school wouldn't bother buying one. We aren't really big on school spirit over here.
  5. Seeing the she-elf's power wanning he smirked softly and let out a brief chuckle. Such foolishness from those of the pure heart. The battle raged around him as he picked his way throguh broken chairs and shards of glass in an attempt to make his exit. Feeling a sharp tug on the hem of his coat he looked down and sneered at the fallen human vainly trying to seek his aid. Pulling his coat away from the man's grasp. Nearing the doorway he grinned triumphantly and turned to look back over his shoulder at the demon's failing battle against the Draconian. Saluting the masses jauntily he turned back to make his exit, only to find his path firmly blocked by a large, horned demon that stood tall before him. It's massive arms were folded across it's enormous torso and Belial could feel it's hot breath was over him in a sickening wave as it leaned down to rumble in his face. "Well, well...I didn't say anyone could leave the battle early now did I mortal." It's grating voice boomed through the room, drowned only by the clamour of war that still carried on. Rolling his eyes Belial made a mock bow. "Oh, forgive me I did not realise," looking up at the deomn with stormy eyes Belial lashed forward with a gloved hand and grasped the beast by a blackened horn, pulling it's head down to his level in curious show of strength. The demon, surprised by this action struggled vainly against Belial's hand, crying out sharly as the lord twisted his neck to and odd and painful angle. Leaning in Belial spat harshly through clenched teeth. "Fool! There is more power festering in one of my nose hairs then there is in your entire, pathetic body!" Releasing the hulking demon he barged his way past out into the street and the setting of the sun.
  6. Awww, bless that is so sweet. I would think my banner had a good chance, if it wasn't for the grainy quality of the image I used. Shame really.
  7. Here's my contribution. I quite like it really ^_^. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=528817[/img]
  8. Knocking the head from another unfortunate skeleton's shoulders Jordan laughed heartily, dodging a glass that smashed on the far wall behind him. Swiping at a flailing sword he leapt onto the surface of a table that was still the right way up. "Haha, have that ye wretched hellions." Jordan thundered with theatrical enthusiasm. Skipping over a blade aimed to take his legs he booted the guilty pirate hard in the face, it's skeletal features holding a transfixed look of surprise as it sailed across the room like a party balloon. Taking time to strike a daring looking pose on the table, Jordan jumped slightly as several gunshots exploded in his general direction. Spinning to where the sounds came from he spotted the young lady who had served him before surrounded by no less than five grinning undead, their cutlasses held aloft. Feeling the need to be a hero come over him Jordan leaped from his perch, landing in a crouch a few meters from where Esmerelda stood. Charging forward he impaled one of the hoard on his rapier, shouldering his way through to the lady. "Fear not my lady, thou hast my sword to protect thee." Turning to the the mass that surrounded them Jordan lashed forward. "Draw thy sword! That, if my speech offend a noble heart, thy arm may do thee justice: here is mine.*" Standing in front of Esmerelda he lashed out with his sword, causing those in front to step back warily. Behind him he could not see the lady roll her eyes and look to the ceiling, flipping her pistol to hold it by the nozzle. Rapping Jordan hard on the head with the butt of her gun she stepped forward and brandished them both, firing shots into the crowd. Looking back at the dazed young man she smirked. "Don't ye be heroin' me laddy. Get back to yer preenin'" Jordan gave her an injured glance, rubbing his head where she had clobbered him. "Come not between the dragon and her wrath.**" he murmered softly before once more entering the fray. ---------------------------------------------------------- *King Lear - Act 5 Scene 3 **King Lear - Act 1 Scene 2 (slightly amended from [i]his[/i] to [i]her[/i])
  9. OOC: Okay, this is like the third bar fight I've had in as many weeks *sighs* lol ---------------------------------------- Jordan stared, wide eyed at the mass of skeleton pirates who entered the bar. Over turning tables in their attempts to get at the gangly youth they started trashing the bar. Startled customers either rushed for the tavern exit or unsheathed their swords and pistols. Pushing himself back from the table at which he sat he stumbled backwards and sought to unsheath his own weapon. The sound of gunfire filled the air, followed by the strangled cries of human and skeleton alike. Diving over an up turned chair, freed blade held firmly in his hand, he was barely able to avoid the dagger that came whistling past his head. Coming up on one knee he glared at the undead who had thrown it, pausing to tug at the lace that came out of the cuffs of his coat. "Careful in thy aim hellspawn, violence breeds violence and thou woudst not see me mad." The skeletal pirate guffawed loudly at his fanciful statement, drawing his marred and chipped cutlass with a flourish. "Arr, I'll run ye through and ye'll have yer fancy words on a tombstone!" Jordan chuckled softly at this and held his rapier at the ready in a classic fighting stance. It seemed that these ruthless creatures were after one person in particular, and not a very remarkable person at that. Still, it was and interesting event if nothing else. Not worth the insulting words he would use in a normal duel he advanced, rather thankful that fencing had been a promenant feature in his acting career.
  10. OOC: *huffs in indignance* I resent that reference to Belial hiding. He is one of the lords of hell and has no need to cower so childishly ^_~. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Belial had not survived so many millenia by being stupidly reckless. Retreating to the relative safety that the bar provided Belial crouched in a wary pose. Regarding the denziens that now surrounded the occupants of the tavern he frowned slightly, curious as to their arrival. Surely his Lord had not seen fit to impose on Belial's own personal hobby? Or maybe there was something bigger at stake. The arrival of the Angelic/Draconian/whatever he was, had startled him the white light emanating from the boy really quite bright. Shielding his eyes he, watched the young one attacking his foes. One of the Nephalim perhaps, certaintly not a full angel. This boy did not possess the persence and power of a full angel. The frown deepened as he watched the carnage, feeling no remorse for the dead or dying demons that littered the floor. Scrambling forward he dodged the flying blades and flailing limbs in an attempt to reach the door.
  11. Belial was torn whether to either clap or frown when the team of thugs started to turn on eachother. Granted it was a fight, and the sheer brutality of it was enough to keep him amused for at least the next, oh, ten minutes. The power this woman exuded, however, was...unsettling to say the least. He could feel the white magic emenating from both Tr'shiel and the elven woman, Iris. Dodging slightly as a glass bottle when flying overhead to smash against the already bloodstained wall he sighed absently, suddenly bored with the preceedings. Standing from his perch on the bartop he cracked his neck and fingers, tapping his metal covered toe on the wooden floor testingly. Nodding his approval he spread his arms wide, closing his eyes and bowing his head. Raising one foot he brought it down hard on the wooden floorboards, clasping his hands together as he did so. Murmering unintelligable words in a long forgotten language the ground began to shake, the beams and walls creaking under the vibration. He looked up to stare at the group of miscreants, his eyes glowing a fiendish red. Trying to keep their balance they shouted and cursed in a frightened manner, attempting to reach Belial but failing as the shaking grew more fierce. Shooting one of his hands forward a large ball of black fire collected in his outstretched hand. A small, feral smirk touched his lips as raised his hand, quickly striking it downward to bring the fireball slamming into the floor at the men's feet. The floor burst open, a gaping, flaming hole erupting around them. An unholy roar deafened the room. The men's screams were drowned out as they were pulled into the boiling maw. Clasping his hands once more, Belial bellowed a single word of command. The blazing hole closed as suddenly as it had come, leaving not a trace of it's presence, nor the presence of the men who had once stood there. Chuckling softly Belial dusted his hands, stepping back to lean nonchalantly against the bar, brushing his hair from his face briefly before winking at Tr'shiel.
  12. Jordan blinked at this woman who stood before him, completely overriding his attempts at polite decline. Running his fingers through his hair absently he he stood from his seat and stood in front of her. Making a sweeping bow he took her hand and placed a chaste kiss upon it. "Thou art truly wonderful for coming to mine aid, I am truly thankful." He watched as a small blush crept across the woman's cheeks. Waving her hand dismissivly in his direction she flustered momentarily. "Of course..urm...not a problem.." Jordan chuckled slightly and seated himself once more at his table, righting the bottle and candle that had tumbled off in the previous display of acrobatics. Indicating the try Esmerelda, grasped it and turned to leave. "I'll get you another drink sir, free of charge for your inconveinience." Nodding Jordan waved nonchalantly. "Thou art too kind my dear, far too kind."
  13. [b]SECTION A In the following section, please answer each statement with one of five answers: A) Strongly Agree B) Agree C) Somewhat Agree D) Disagree E) Strongly Disagree[/b] 1) [i]I find OtakuBoards rules easy to understand and follow.[/i] [b]A[/b] 2) [i]I feel that the staff at OtakuBoards understand their job and are capable of performing it appropriately.[/i] [b]A[/b] 3) [i]OtakuBoards is easy to navigate.[/i] [b]A[/b] 4) [i]OtakuBoards has a friendly atmosphere.[/i] [b]A[/b] [b]SECTION B[/b] [b]Please try to keep your answers relatively short in this section.[/b] 5) [i]How often do you visit OtakuBoards?[/i] [b]Everyday if I can, even if it's only to check my suscribed threads and such.[/b] 6) [i]Do you feel that the rules are too strict/not strict enough/fine as they are?[/i] [b]I think the rules are perfectly fine as they are.[/b] 7) [i]Should we continue to uncensor the creative writing areas on OtakuBoards?[/i] [b]I think so yes, it allows writers to express themselves more freely, if it's too explicit there should be warnings however.[/b] 8) [i]Would you rather a decentralized forum system on OB (more forums, less activity per forum) or a centralized forum system (less forums, more activity per forum)?[/i] [b]More centralized[/b] 9) [i]Would you like to see a closer integration of myOtaku and OtakuBoards?[/i] [b]Not really, I don't think it's necessary.[/b] 10) [i]Are you signed up to myOtaku.com?[/i] [b]Ya know...I don't think I am.[/b] 11) [i]If you are not signed up to myOtaku.com, do you plan to sign up in the near future?[/i] [b]Not really, there's nothing for me[/b] 12) [i]Do you read Announcements at OtakuBoards?[/i] [b]Indeed I do[/b] 13) [i]Which single Category (Category, as opposed to individual Forum) do you spend most of your time visiting?[/i] [b]Probably the Otaku Arena[/b] 14) [i]Do you think that OtakuBoards should offer an in-built chat system as part of our service? If we included a chat, would you use it?[/i] [b]I would use it yes, but it might encourage spammers[/b] 15) [i]If we offered an "OtakuBoards Wireless" service that would be accessible via Internet-capable cellphones, would you use it?[/i] [b]No[/b] 16) [i]When we offer a next generation version of OtakuBoards, should we continue to provide semi-regular community events in our Event Arena or a similar forum?[/i] [b]Yes[/b] 17) [i]If you could add one new Category (Category, not Forum) to OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/i] [b]Not a clue[/b] 18) [i]If you could remove one Category from OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/i] [b]Nothing, not if people use it[/b] 19) [i]If you could add anything to OtakuBoards (in terms of a new forum, a technical tool/feature, etc), what would it be?[/i] [b]To be able to edit the title of your thread without having to delete it.[/b] 20) [i]On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), how would you rate your experience at OtakuBoards since you registered?[/i] [b]10[/b]
  14. Jordan sat idly in a darkened corner of the Scum bar, his stylishly booted feet propped up on the crude wooden table before him. Whistling slightly to himself he leaned back in his chair, dozing softly as he listened to the bustle of the bar. This sure was more relaxing than learning lines or rehersing, which is what he would have been doing right now if he'd stayed on Plunder island. Smiling to himself he closed his eyes, nodding off to sleep. *THUD* A heavy jolt ran through the table, knocking Jordan's feet from their pirch. Unfortunately the only thing keeping him upright as he leant back was his feet, precariously pirched on the table. Opening his eyes in a comical expression Jordan tipped backwards, rolling heel over headout of the chair. Now sprawled on the wooden floor he blinked up at the cieling, a dazed expression visible on his face. A blurred shape wove in and out of his swirling vision a dull sound accompianing it's movements. Blinking rapidly Jordan turned his head in the direction of the shape only to see the face of a young gangly man staring at him rather worriedly. "Are you okay sir? Sorry, about that." The youth appologised profusely as he attempted to help Jordan to his feet. Accepting the boy's help Jordan quickly regained his composure and dusted himself off. "Why Sirrah, thou art a clumsy fool and if I weren't a better man I would have ye in a duel quicker than a grease coated chicken." Setting his chair upright he seated himself once more at his table, keeping an eye on the young man looking nervously towards him.
  15. Belial's eyes widened as he caught a glimpse of the she-elf raising the flute to her lips. Gasping slightly he clamped his hands over his ears and slid from the other side of the bar with the glasses and bottles. Closing his eyes tightly he attempted to block out the sound of the flute, minute sounds of pain escaping from his lips. He sat hunched on the floor under the bar, amongst shards of glass and unconcious bodies, a thin sheen of sweat appearing on his brow. Gasping heavily he released his hands from his ears the moment she stopped playing, relief evident across his features. How humiliating it was for a demonic lord of Hell to be reduced to a snivelling wretch by the puny magicks of an elf. Growling lowly to himself he grasped the wooden bar and hauled himself onto the it's surface once again, casting dark glances at Iris as he did so.
  16. A broad smile crossed Belial's lips as he turned to face the commotion. It seemed that something of interest was going to occur on this little expo after all. Hoisting himself up onto the bar he dangled his legs over the edge and rested his elbows on his knees. Looking on in barely concealed delight he watched the bar fight unfurl before him, blood spilt in anger and defense splattering the floor. Belial chuckled deeply as he watched, ducking slightly as a drunken figure was lauched over his head and into the collection of glasses and bottles behind him. Resisting the urge to clap his hands together in glee he merely smirked, running his hand over his face and resting it on his chin. Feeling a harsh grip on his shoulder he turned violently in time to see a large gap-toothed drunk grin at him, raising his fist to deliver a cruching blow. narrowing his gaze Belial snarled, dodging his head to the side and catching the fist as it shot past him. His grip was hard on the man's arm, crushing several bones making the man howl in pain. "You do not know with whom you deal mortal!" Belial hissed viciously. Growling lowly he lunged forward and latched onto the man's throat, sharp fangs suddenly apparent as he tore the flesh in one swift motion. Ripping the man's throat wide open in a mess of blood and gore Belial reveled in the doomed eyes of his victim. Letting the man fall to the floor, gurgling as his lifes blood pooled on the flagstones beneath him, Belial wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand serving one last glare to the man before returning his attention to the fight at hand.
  17. Belial held his grey eyed gaze with those who would whisper of him, causing many to shudder and make the sign against evil across their hearts. Foolish mortals did they not know that their gods cared not for them or their puny lives. Running his fingers through his dark hair he followed the group into the tavern lancing at it's name as he entered the door [i][b]The Raven's Pirch[/i][/b] it read, [i]how intreuging[/i] Belial thought. Entering into the common room several darkly clad figures looked up from their hushed conversations and raucous games of dice, casting wary eyes over his presence. Inclining his head in a nod he greeted these men, theives, murders, frauds and adulterers...his kin in the mortal realm. Recognising an evil in him more powerful than anything they themselves could uphold they bowed their heads inmuted respect before returning to their own pasttimes. Glancing at his companions he made his way to the "reception" area, grasping Aidians shoulder firmly, almost painfully as he passed. Making a wary birth of Iris he leant against the wooden bar, indicating for the man behind to see to them.
  18. Seated in the corner of a shady tavern Gabriel watched the occupants mingle with partial interest. His hand was clasped around a half filled glass of whiskey, swirling it's contents absently. His booted feet were crossed and propped up on the coarse wooden table before him, his rapier held across his lap. Taking a small sip of his drink he sighed and held his free hand at the back of his head, leaning back in his seat and closing his eyes. The door of the tavern slammed wide open, a chill wind swirling through the heated room. A shadowed figure leant in the door way, his chest heaving with panted breaths, a clenched fist held tightly to his chest. Stumbling forward he stopped himself roughly at the bar and ordered a souble shot of vodka. Grasping his drink harshly he pushed himself away from the barman, his other hand still clasped to his chest. His legs shaking and barely able to stand he made his way through the crowded common room staggering against tables and shoving through groups of people. Tripping on an upened chair he fell, sprawled across the floor. The hand that was held to his chest flew forward, the contents skittering across the rough floorboards as he lost his grip. A soft glow followed his lost item, which appeared to be a jewel or fragment of glass of some sort. His eyes widened as he saw what he had done and he scrambled after the jewel. Reaching out to close his hand over it he was stopped as the razor sharp point of sword slammed into the wood by his fingers. Gabriel looked down at the man from his perch at the table, his grey eyes curious as he reached down and plucked the glowing jewel from the floor. "No...no please!" The man's pleas were desperate as he struggled to rise from the floor, his ascent halted, just as before, by Gabriel's blade.
  19. Doukeshi

    Kevin Smith

    Nah I think that Smith said JaSBSB was going to be the last movie. I guess it's 'cause he was sick of only having something like 3 lines per movie lol. Although he did get quite a few during their short screen appearance in Chasing Amy.
  20. Name: Jordan "Shakespeare" Crane Age: 32 Gender: Male Home Island: Plunder Island Previous Job: Servant then Actor Position: Lookout Weapon: Two Ring Swept Hilt Rapier An elegant swept hilt rapier in a style that was one of the most popular at the beginning of the seventeenth century. This type of hilt has a simple clean line and the pommel has a slightly tapered barrel shape in profile but is keeled in the plane of the blade. The grip is bound in twisted steel wire. Personal Belongings: A small hip flask full of very strong rum, in case of emergencys. Description: 5,7 and lithely built perfect for clambering up and down a mast. He has long dark hair and a stubble like beard. His grey eyes are smokey and disturbing. He takes pride in his appearance and can sometimes come across as a fop. He is dressed in a white shirt with frilled cuffs that stick out of the black leather coat that he wears over the top of it. His pants are a simple dark grey that go down to his calves. he doesn't wear shoes on the ship but when he goes offshore he dones knee-high black boots with leather straps and buckles up the shin. History: Previously a servant to the great pirate family of Blood Island, Jordan was made redundant at the age of 15 when the tourist trade of the island dissipated and the family when bankrupt. Setting out in a small boat he found his way to the famously busy seaport of Plunder Island. Landing there he set out to make a name for himself. He found this easier said than done. Scrounging a living from chicken grease and swamp beasties he soon found himself wandering the lands of the Plunder Swamp with little or nothing in the way of work. Stumbling across the hut of the voodoo priestess she pointed him in the way of the town theatre, who were, coincidently, in need of a little assistance. Therefore, Jordan found his way there and soon came under the tuetelage of great actors. Learning the ways of the bard he was known as one of the greatest shakesperian actors of Plunder Island. But still he longed for more... Personality: Often quoting shakespeare randomly he earned the nickname "Shakespeare" from his fellow crew mates. He can be seen as haughty and foppish at times but is a very solid character with great trust in his friends. Sharp and quick witted he is deadly in a duel, though has only participated in staged ones.
  21. Doukeshi

    Kevin Smith

    I think you'll find it's Jason [i]Mewes[/i] that Plays Jay, Jason Lee is one of the reccuring actors, his most notable performance in Kevin Smith's movies being Banky Edwards.
  22. His gloved hands were clenched firmly in the pockets of his leather coat as he wandered along with the group. His dark hair hung about his face, casting dark shadows across his features. His booted feet crunched heavily into the dirt track they were following, heading towards the nearest road. Trees rose up about them on either side, furtive shadows watching them with malicious gazes. So...now he found himself with companions. Glancing around at those he travelled with he made a soft noise of exasperation. What a group they were indeed. Punting at a stone with his toe he watched it skitter across the mud and disappear into some long grass. Catching the wary gaze thrown his way by Aidian he grinned ferally, winking towards the draconian and waving slightly. Aidian turned away quickly, keeping his eyes on the road. He reminded Belial of the angels that he used to associate with so much and this interested him.
  23. --- He scrambled through the rubble and ruins of the sector slums, his aching feet puonding against the soot and grime covered floor. Fallen girders and crumbling walls of damaged buildings barred his path constantly. He looked wildly about himself, his golden eyes holding a deep sense of panic and fear as harsh foreign sounds echoed about the slum. Vaulting over a bent steel fence he slid through the dust and grit, catching his footing and stumbling forward. His lungs were burning, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he gazed upwards at the derelict hotel looming up through the dark, damp clouds. Glancing over his shoulder in a fearful motion he sprinted forward towards the building, flinging himself at the broad wooden door. Noting the locks and shutters that barred the windows he pounded wildly on the door, screaming his warning to anyone who would listen. "They're here! Goddamnit open the door! They're here....oh God!" --- Karen glanced towards the hallway, her attention momntarily taken from the locked door infront of her. The blue light that surrounded her fingers dimmed as a confused frown creased her forehead. Steph stepped forward to rest a hand on the other Angel's shoulder, concern also clear on her face. Karen glanced at her friend and nodded slightly. "I want you to guard this door and don't let anything out." Her voice was strong as she gave the order, clasping her friends hand as she did so. Steph nodded and took up her position in front of the locked door. Her orange eyes showed clear determination as she did so. Stepping forward, Karen quickly approached the balcony that overlooked the hotel foyer. Many of the other clan members had already awakened and were now milling about the room, their hushed murmers buzzing in a low hum. Seeing Karen's appearance a dark haired Angel stood forward and indicated as to whether he should open the door. Karen nodded her approval as the pounding sounds and muffeled yells grew in their intensity. The darker Angel held his hand up to the door and a soft purple light grew from his fingers to cover the entrance. The locks unhinged and the door swung open. Instantly, the ragged and forlon looking form of the man barreled into the room. Shrugging off any attempts to aid him he searched the room frantically until his golden eyes met with clear crystal blue. Karen escended the stairs quickly as the stranger stumbled forward, collapsing as he reached the bottom step. Kneeling before the fallen figure she reached out and placed her hand on his head in a soothing gesture. His breathign was harsh and his body shook from the effort, tearfilled gasps forming words. "They're here...have to...help..they're.." Karen soothed him softly. "Who's here? What's happening?" The Angel started and looked up at her in panic. Scrambling backwards he shoved his way through the crowd that had now gathered. "No!" He screamed fearfully "They're coming! They're here! You have to escape, run damnit!" Heading to the door he flung it wide open and dove for the exit. "Save yourselves! They're here...they..." his panicked screams were cut short as a spray of bullets tore through his body, his bloody and lifeless corpse propelled backwards through the door to collapse in a dead heap. Screams rose into the air as the purple eyed Angel slammed and locked the door as more bullets riddled the heavey exterior. Karen's eyes widened in shock as she saw the action Raising herself to her feet she desperatly attempted to call commands over the wild clamour. Seeing how vain her attempts were she called bright blue light into her palm and let loose a small flare to the high ceiling of the hall way. The blue sparks cause enough Angels to still for her to direct some sort of command. "Collect yourselves! Get the old and the children out of here and defend the exits! You're powerful magical beings, by Odin act like it!" A loud smash tore through the noise. Karen turned in time to see severalsmoke grenades being thrown through the glass and into the foyer. Smoke billowed into the room in thick clouds as masked soldiers barraged into the heavey door and through some of the shutterless windows. Weapons held ready they made a fearsome sight as they let loose into the crowd of assembled Angels.
  24. Raising a dark brow Belial silently examined the dirt under his fingernails, a bored expression veiling his face. Such boring life stories these beings had, what compelled them to tell complete strangers all of their lives bemused him. Glancing eskance at the entourage he sighed, finding them all staring at him expectantly. Shifting slightly he leant his back against the tree, his smokey grey eyes shifting like deep, dark pools. "You need not know who I am...and I doubt many of you would appreciate the knowledge even if I gave it to you." He smirked slightly at Aidian, scratching the back of his head absently as he spoke. Looking at Johanas he noded his head. "I know the creatures of which you speak, though such lowley creatures are beneath me." The boredom had not left his voice and he closed his eyes as he leant his head back against the trunk, folding his arms across his broad chest.
  25. Belial's fingers itched to take the elf before him, her aura hurting his eyes as he attempted to penerate her soul. Raisin his hand he ran his fingers through his dark hair in a nonchalant gesture, adjusting the hood of his grey tunic over his coat. Resting his hand on the broadsword at his side Belial looked at the draconian who had spoken towards him, his comment brash and disturbed. He approached Aidian slowly, his heavy booted feet crushing the grass as he walked. Inclinging his head slightly he raised a dark brow his lips curling in a slight smirk as he regarded the draconian before him. "A what, exactly to you think I am..." His eyes wandered to the wings upon the man's back, folded neatly across his shoulders a small chuckle escaping from between barely pated lips. Lifting his hand from his sword he trailed his fingers down Aidian's cheek only to find his wrist caught in a strong grip as the draconian stared at him with hard eyes. Belial smiled mirthlessly, "have I offended you noble sir?" there was a small hint of mocking in his quiet voice.
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