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Everything posted by Doukeshi

  1. Doukeshi

    The Libertine

    [SIZE=1]Yeah I went to see it last year sometime, so it was out in the UK. Its pretty lurid in some scenes but on the whole I found it to be quite entertaining. Johnny portrays Rochester in a sort of Lestat-esque manner, which is especially apparent in the beginning and ending monologues. I reccommend it.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]Now it was Ling's turn to be comforted by the remaining contestants as she sat, slumped on one of the floating chairs, head in her hands. Lara nodded towards Krystal and Yuna and the three of them stealthily made their way towards the moping individual. On a silent command the three swooped down upon Ling in a massive tri-hug. A small yelp was all that Ling was able to muster before she was smothered in the reassuring embraces of her former team-mates. Lara rubbed her knuckles across the girl's head in an affectionate gesture, grinning as she squirmed. [B]"Mmmph! Air! Please, air!"[/B] The three attackers disentangled themselves from Ling, who now sat disheveled and gasping. She glared at the now grinning culprits, her mussed hair hanging around her face, giving her a psuedo meanace. Lara winked at her as she leant upon Krystal's shoulder in a casual stance. [B]"Cheer up chick! That plumber's probably munching on mushrooms as we speak."[/B] Ling tried a half-hearted smile as she attempted to see the bright side of her predicament. [B]"Anyway, that's not important,"[/b] Lara continued [b]"what [i]is[/i] important is why everyone here got a decent treasure in the last challenge and all I got was a rubbish radio!"[/B][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]I like ideas number one and number two. I am more inclined to go with number one however, since I haven't really been watching the most recent SG-1 series nor have I been watching Atlantis. With a new sort of planet you have the choice of creating your own world and works etc and then you also have the choice of bringing in familiar characters at a later date.[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1][quote name='Sandy][B]Doukeshi's[/B'] posts were a bit unclear, even though the mood and the emotional charge in them was good. I just didn't know which games you were referring to, and it was some times hard to follow what Lara was doing.[/quote] Yeah, not my best performance I know. The game I was referring to was Silent Hill 2 just for the record ^_~[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][I]Prehaps this is what passes for a minotaur these days[/I] Lara thought as she backed up the hallway, away from the metal headed monster. The pyramid wearing creature didn't even bother to speed up as it approached her, keeping the same daunting pace, relentless and perpetual. The blood stains marring the things attire seemed almost black in the dim light, they were old and they were many. Lara was almost relieved that she could not see her enemy's face, fearing what further horrors might be revealed. Never had she wished for her guns more than at this very moment. Lara dared not to run, in fact she steadfastly refused. Having come this far in the challenge she would be damned if a dirty beast with an overgrown steak knife would prevent her from completing this challenge. For certain, she had faced dinosaurs, tigers, beings from myth and worse. Only now to be cowed by this sickening thing. Somewhere close by faint static could be heard but Lara ignored it, focusing only on the one obstacle barring her path. Looking up Lara analysed her surroundings. The roof of the passageway wasn't particularly low, on the contrary it seemed quite high, high enough for what she intended. The restriced width of the passage would be more of an advantage than a hinderance if she pulled it off. Setting her gaze Lara calmed her breathing, ignoring the nausea building up in her gut. Suddenly she surged forward, sprinting straight towards the creature and his wicked blade. Planting her feet firmly, Lara sprung up over the creature's head, using the metal pyramid for leverage. Narrowling missing the swinging blade, Lara landed in a crouch behind her adversary. She lashed out with a back kick to the creatures spine sending it stumbling forward. Due to the narrow space of the passageway the beast was having difficult manouvering itself around to once more pursue Lara. Yet still it made no noise. Taking full advantage of its momentary weakness Lara dashed down the hall, towards that which the creature was guarding. The blood was getting thicker the closer Lara got to the end, clinging to her boots like slime. The grinding noise had started up again and Lara shivered, feeling sick to her stomach. Lara skidded to halt at the end of the passage, almost losing her balance as the slick red substance shifted under her feet. The sound of static was more promenant here causing the tomb raider to wince as it pierced her hearing. Swallowing her disgust she planted her hand against the stained wall to steady herself and gazed upon the supposed treasure. There, lying upon a rotting old bookcase was a stained and bloody notebook. It was the only visible item that was not made of human remains. Reaching forward Lara grasped the item gingerly, fearing for its fragile state. Despite the humidity of its surroundings the pages were dry and crisp, though worn and stained with blood and other unmentionables. As she raised it from the shelf Lara caught a glimpse of something underneith it, orange and rectangular in size. The static sounds grew louder as she grasped it. Frowning Lara turning it over in her hands, it appeared to be a radio. Suddenly lara caught something move out of the corner of her eye and darted to the left, pushing herself up against the wall. The creature's blade came whistling by, crashing into the mouldy bookcase in a shower of splinters and dust. Lara briefly cursed herself for her lapse in concentration before ducking under the figure's weapon as he swung it for her head. Rolling across the floor Lara grasped for anything that could be considered a weapon. Moving blindly her fingers clasped around a sharp piece of the shattered bookcase and lunged forward in a desperate move. Not giving the creature another chance to bring his blade around Lara surged upwards, driving the wooden splinter under the metal encasing its head in the flesh of what she assumed was its neck. The sound of soft flesh splitting and Lara's panting breath echoed in the confines of the passage. Blood ran red from the beast's neck, casscading in a river down its already blood-stained front. The blade clattered to the floor, useless, closely followed by its owner, the rusted metal of its helmet cracking against the glass floor with a dull thud. Clutching the notebook tightly to her Lara spat upon the prone form maliciously. "Bastard." Static sputtering once again brought her attention to the discarded radio and Lara crouched to retrieve it from the puddle it had landed in. "Congratulations!" A tiny voice sounded from the small speaker and before Lara could reply a bright blue light engulfed her and she promptly vanished.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]I would just really like to appologise for my seeming lack of participation in this challenge, which will probably be my undoing. Extremely busy, blah blah, work etc etc... no good excuses really *hangs head in shame* It shall be finished, however. I will complete this challenge! [/SIZE]
  7. Doukeshi


    [SIZE=1]Has it ever been suggested that we should have a chat facility? If not here's my two cents. I think that having some kind of chat room would be a good way for members to interact in real time and really get to know one another. Now I know that messengers are available etc, but I'm not the kind of person who likes to talk one on one and I think a chat room would be really interesting. Of course, I don't know if you can implement it with the programmes you are using and whatnot, but I just thought I'd give it a shot.[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]Lara searched frantically for anything that that would light her way in the suffocating darkness. The slow, grating sounds of her pursuer grew progressively closer and Lara could practically feel the vibrations of its footsteps. Mentally cursing her bad luck Lara stumbled backwards, sliding against the slick walls in frantic desperation. It was just typical for the Tomb Raider to find herself stuck in such dark and threatening situations. Blind to her surroundings she had to rely on her remaining four senses and the picture they painted for Lara's stricken mind was gruesome indeed. Stumbling upon debris that littered the passage- way Lara searched blindly for anything that might illuminate her situation. Just had to find the secret passageway didn?t you Lara. Damned fool! Tripping backwards over a small boulder Lara suddenly found herself sprawled against the back wall of the passage. With the threat growing ever-closer Lara scrabbled against the slick glass, trying to find some purchase. Grasping at whatever she could find she unexpectedly found her fingers brushing against a square protrusion attached to the wall. Suddenly the entire passage was illuminated in a dazzling light and Lara shut her eyes tightly against it. The terrible grating noise, however, did not stop, unperturbed by the light. Blinking sporadically Lara clumsily rose to her feet and attempted to focus upon the newfound scene before her. It was worse than she had imagined. Blood was liberally spread across walls, pooling in thick puddles upon the floor. A trail of skittish footprints marked her route while smeared handprints patterned the walls. Mutilated corpses hung from the ceiling like ornaments, skewered on hooks or swinging by chains. Bones littered the narrow passageway, and Lara swallowed as she realised that, rather than tripping over a boulder as she had previously thought, a rust coloured human skull had caused her fall. Lara?s blood ran icy cold, however, as she stared at the source of the ominous noises. A giant figure loomed up before her, seemingly humanoid in appearance and covered in blood. Garbed in a sullied butchers apron the more freakish sight was the large pyramid type construction where the figure?s head would have been. Making no vocal noises the figure edged forward, the grating noise caused by a giant knife that he dragged behind him. Imposing, silent and distinctly inhuman it became immediately apparent that this being was the cause of the carnage that Lara was now a witness to.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Her footsteps echoed along the darkened glass passage way as Lara descended the last of the stairs. A chill breeze flowed through the confined space, raising goosebumps upon the exposed flesh of Lara's arms. A stale and putrid smell hung in the air like a cloud, dense and stagnant. The Tomb Raider wrinkled her nose in disgust. [B]"Phew. For someone with such a pretty taste in architecture, Mog certaintly has a long way to go in house cleaning."[/B] Lara muttered as she walked slowly down the black corridor. The darkness was all encompasing, solid almost in the deep underground. Not even the faintest glimmer of light shone to guide her way so ever footstep was carefully placed with sure gesture, lest she cross something unexpected. Keeping her hand trailing against the glass wall so as not to lose her way Lara stopped when the surface abruptly left her fingers, leaving her hand hovering in space. Frowning Lara took a step backwards, feeling once again for the wall that had eluded her. Her fingers, running through air for some time, eventually found the edge of the finely crafted glass. It seemed that the wall had turned sharply into a corner with little warning, leaving Lara out in the open of the junction. Following the corridor once again, Lara was once more hit with the fetid stench she had encountered before. She resisted the urge to gag at what stank horribly of something that could only be described as rotting meat. The tips of her fingers came into contact with a slick substance coating the wall and each footstep resulted in a wet crunching sound. Stopping yet again Lara raised her slick coated fingers to her noise, sniffing softly at the substance lingering there. Lara grimaced as she recognised the strong metallic scent. Blood, and fresh blood at that. Lara stood silent, the urge to flee back the way she came bubbling up in her chest. Any descision making was abruptly brought to a halt however when a low rumble echoed from the end of the passage way. Lara's breath caught in her throat as heavy thudding footfalls began to sound. The footsteps were accompanied by a loud grating noise, as if a large metal object were being dragged across the floor. Lara stepped back in growing panic as the noises grew progressivley closer. [/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]I would like to own a grungy comic store where I could be my own boss. It wouldn't have to be big, just a nice medium size to let folks have a bit of a wander and a browse. If anyone has ever see the movie 'Comic Book Villains' I'd want to have a store like Raymonds and I'd call it 'Funny Books' in honour ^_~.[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]"No weapons? What am I supposed to do without any weapons?" Lara grumbled as she made her way towards the main door of the castle. The glass panes that made up the walls glinted in the unnatural light, echoing the faint noises from within with an unnerving timbre. Raising her hand to open the large glass door that stood before her Lara suddenly stopped, her fingers inches from the translucent handle. Narrowing her gaze Lara took one step backwards, casting her eyes over the great expanse that stood before her. In her previous experience, it was often not a wise descision to use the front door. All manner of traps and triggers could await those foolish or proud enough to simply waltz in. Boulders, trap doors, spikes and blades, all these had been used against Lara in her quest for ancient treasures, and this case was no different. With that in mind Lara analysed the front of the castle, searching for any hint of a seperate entrance. A wry smile tugged at her lips as she spied a small switch sitting snugly at the base of one of the towers. The material it was crafted from made it almost invisible against the glass of the walls, but its shape was distinct to Lara's keen eye. A thin lever was held securely in a short, vertical slot and Lara, grasping it firmly, pulled it downwards with relative ease. An ominous clicking aound accompanied this motion. lara leapt backwards swiftly as the ground fell away in the place she was standing, revealing a worn staircase crafted, unsurprisingly, from glass. Glancing about carefully Lara shrugged her shoulders and started to descend, her footsteps echoing in the cavernous darkness.[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Seems everybody's gotta load of work recently. Must be the season. EDIT: I'll post tomorrow! I swear it![/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]Here's my contribution. I wasn't sure about the digital text so I made a version with the Papyrus/Serenity font just to give you the choice. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25199&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25200&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25201&stc=1[/img][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]I am, as ever, humbled by your work Delta. What a magnificently vibrant piece.[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]So when does it end? When everyone has found their treasure or are you sticking a deadline on this?[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]I think the last time I saw any of the Winter Olympics was when Torvill & Dean used to compete. Wow I miss those guys, talk about awesome skating.[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Well the join was a bit difficult due to the texture of Katana's background. I tried my best *shrugs*.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]A sensation made up of equal parts relief and sadness came over Lara as she watched Crash disappear from the CPU. Odd as it may seem she had come to respect the furball during their time spent as a team and later competing against one another. Looking over to Krystal Lara winced at the sense of guilt that consumed the fox. The older woman walked slowly over and placed a gentle hand upon a downy shoulder. Krystal looked up and attempted a small smile, the expression failing under Lara's sympathetic gaze. [B]"Its okay."[/B] Lara murmered softly, giving Krystal's shoudler a gentle squeeze. [B]"He won't hold it against you, and neither do we."[/B] Krystal sniffed softly before standing slightly straighter, nodding at the Tomb Raider. [B]"All's fair in love and war right?" [/B] Lara grinned and drew the fox into a sideways hug. [B]"That's right! So don't think I'm going to go soft on you, when I win the next challenge." [/B] Lara skipped backwards laughing as Krystal moved to elbow her in the ribs. Lara gave the fox a quick wink before moving up behind Mog, giving their host's tail quick tug. [B]"Not meaning to be impatient, but a new challenge wouldn't be unwelcome."[/B][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]It took me a while to figure out just what I was going to put in my image, taking the follow on into consideration and such. As it is I came up with [B][U][I][URL=http://doukeshi03.250free.com/WW.jpg]this[/URL][/I][/U][/B]. I know its simplistic but I think it looks pretty good. Matter of opinion I suppose ^_~.[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1][quote name='Rapture Ruckus][color=crimson'] Why not change the name of the boards to elvenwandboards.elf?[/color][/quote] My sentiments exactly![/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Heh, certaintley know how to make it difficult don't you katana ^_~[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]You know...I think that otakuboards.elf sounds like a fabulous idea and I don't know why it hasn't been brought up before. Of course if we changed the url we'd have to change the entire layout of the site, make it green instead of blue and change the main image to one of Glorfindel amidst the trees for example. Hell while we're at it, lets change the name all together, call it elfboards, it has a much niftier ring to it and would make it even easier to find for the elven comminuty. I also think that we should make the boards out of chocolate, so that anyone who desires can snack while they peruse the site.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]Okay cool, so if you want to do another piece all you have to do is sign up to the list again. Got it! ^_~[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]So, if noone else joins the list are we just going to keep rotating it. i.e After Ozy has done his it would go back to Retri then White again and so on and so forth? Just outta curiosity.[/SIZE]
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