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Everything posted by Doukeshi

  1. Doukeshi

    Kevin Smith

    Nah, I wouldn't say that Jay and Silent Bob was his funniest movie. Myself I think that Mallrats is probably the best. Chasing Amy just doesn't tie in with the rest of his movies. It has a completely different theme and working, strange to say the least. I think I must agree with you guys on the whole comic issue, especially on the Spiderman/Blackcat releases. That guy really needs to sort his work load out. I guess you either love his movies or hate his movies, they appeal to a certain sense of humour I guess.
  2. Belial quelled a sudden laugh as the banter of the two fighters reached him. Toothpicks indeed, what strange and amusing beings they were. Moving silently and fluidly behind the trees he kept his smokey eyes trained on the two, reaching his senses out to touch upon them and their anger. A slight wind picked up from the south, stirring his hair and coat as it did the leaves on the ancient trees. Dark whispers surrounded him, like spirits upon the wind, coiling and twining about his person. Raising his hand slightly he held out his fingers as if to grasp lightly at some tangible being. Sniffing the air like a beast he tasted the essence that grew about him, an acrid odour, like sulphur permiating his senses. A base rumble erupted from his chest, a low chuckle that, had it been so, would have shook the earth with it's sound. Exhaling a soft breath Belial started suddenly, a new presence reaching his thoughts. This one, this newcomer, spoke of purity and chastity, a white light shining in the darkest nights. Shuddering slightly Belial crept forward, his eyes now wary as they beheld this new soul.
  3. OOC: Ack I'm really sorry about my absence...I was in london for a time and then I completely forgot. ------------------------------------------------------ Belial trod the beaten path before him, his wanderings leading him away from the plains he had espied and deep within a darkened forest. The ancient trees whispered to him of forgotten things, many wary of his demonic presence the very leaves themselves shrinking away from his touch. A soft smirk tuged at the corner of his mouth as glanced up at the sky through the twined branches. Darkened clouds began to spread upon the breeze, a cold wind stirring the long strands of his hair as he strode purposfully through the trees. Resting a gloved hand upon a burly branch, Belial slowed to a halt as disturbed sounds clamoured near him. Inclining his head slightly Belial's smirk widened into a feral grin as the sounds of battle reached his ears. Following the warlike sounds he came to a small clearing, shaded by the bows of sturdy oaks. A soft chuckle escaped his lips, vibrating his chest as it rumbled. Stepping forward he peered into the clearing before him his dark eyes resting on the warring forms of two beings, one appearing to be an ogre of some kind. Resisting the urge to laugh out loud, Belial folded his arms and leant slightly against the trunk of an ancient oak behind him, it's whispered protests falling up deaf ears. Immensly amused Belial watched from the shadows, his grey eyes dancing with delight. he couldn't have planned this better himself so he decided to sit back and watch the fun unravel before him. ---------------------------------------------------------- I hope that makes up for it *grovels*
  4. Wisdom, knowledge...can someone be wise but know nothing? I don't think so and yet some of the most foolish and ignorant people in the world can be wise in their own way. Wasn't it King James I who was described as "the wisest fool in christendom". Wisdom comes with a certain amount of knowledge. It is knowing how to apply what you know and instead of simply learning for learning's sake it is the insight to use that learning for another purpous that is wise. With experience comes wisdom for I do not believe that we are born wise. We can know that a sharp object can harm us but it is wisdom that tells us that it is not a good idea to run it across our hand. We all possess a small amount of wisdom if anything, I believe it is called 'common sense'. Wisdom can be a great many things but it is how you perceive the world that tells you how to apply it. I am not so wise...are you?
  5. well I'm posting the one I want here as an attatchment
  6. thats not the one I put in Nate, the cloud one is the one i want judged
  7. That helps a lot, I was just too shy to ask heh. I'd like to be in it, I know I have bee already..but I don't know if batman'd fit..since I'm a girl and all. You could just do a brown haired girl with a clown mask since my first avatar was trowa ^_^. I'd like to be mentioned if you do a chapter in the adventure arena or in the banner request forum....pwease
  8. Discovering that Mika had retreated to the safety of her own room Karen saw it fit to alert the other members of the clan who were still awake to the death of the old man. There was much grieving but most were sure, as was the common belief among Angels, that it was the old man's time and that he was among friends and loved ones now. Retiring to to her own room Karen sought out quiet solitude. Lounging on her narrow bed she stared at the stained ceiling, her hands clasped behind her head in an attempt to relax. [i]"What do we have to fight with? Children, a few untrained Angels, halfbreeds..."[/i] her own words circled around in her head, tormenting her with their clarity. What were they expected to do? Angels were expected to hide in the sewers and the slums of cities and sectors, the worlds rats, swept under the preverbial carpet or exterminated like the rodents that Technoglobe viewed them as. Running her hand across her face Karen growled lightly under her breath. She was sick of being a rat, sick of being hunted and forced to live like insects. She had known another life, a life she had before she was known as an Angel. It all changed when her powers were outed at a young age and she was abandoned to the Angels. Time passed and all respectable Angels had sought the refuge of a good nights sleep. Sighing softly she closed her eyes and flicked the light switch across the room with a mental finger. Lying in the sudden darkness she attempted to banish the unwanted thoughts from her mind. Still in the silence a sudden noise broke through the darkness. Sitting bolt upright Karen cocked her head to the side and listened, soft footsteps padding across the cieling above her. Frowning slightly Karen moved from the bed. The room above was meant to be unoccupied...it had once belonged to a friend of hers, that friend was now gone. Creeping softly through the corridor she ascended the stairs with silent ease, standing before the door to which she heard the noises. Trying the handle she found it to be locked, just like she had left it. Hearing a panicked scuffle she backed away from the door, a blue light collecting around her fingers and in her palm. "Whoever's in there better have a good reason, because I'm coming in!"
  9. A dark pair of eyes glittered in the shadows as the coming sun dawned upon the world, casting it's life giving light upon those below. Peering out into the day Belial, the dark lord of arrogance chuckled, resting his chin on his fist as he perched upon the covered ledge that overlook the plains beyond him. [i]Another day and yet more work to do[/i] Belial grinned and ran his hand through long dark hair, looking up at the golden clouds with a mocking wink. All's fair in love and war as it were. Adjusting his coat and tunic he turned on his heel and headed towards the carved path that lead down the the earthen floor. OOC: Okay that's a little short and I will edit it I promise but on monday 'cause I have to leave for london now but I will be back. ^_^
  10. I like the music of Loreena McKennit, I love those haunting melodies and bardic tales that she spins in her songs. I really like Celtic pipes, even if they aren't songs I love the music. I have more of an excuse to like the music since I live about 1 hour away from the scottish border. I love the highlands, though I've never visited Ireland...I'd like to though. You're meant to feel medival tones in the Rohan music since the music is meant to reflect the people and the land of the Rohirrim is based around Nordic themes and music.
  11. [b]Name:[/b] Belial [b]Age:[/b] Infinitum [b]Species:[/b] Demon [b]Calling:[/b] Prince of Arrogance [b]Physical characteristics - [/b] [b]Height:[/b] 5,8 [b]Weight:[/b] [b]Eye/Hair/Skin:[/b] Grey/Black/White [b]Build:[/b] Muscular, toned and lean [b]Appearance:[/b] (use attatched image to get the basic idea of his facial appearance and build) Wears a worn, knee-length leather coat over a dark grey, hooded tunic. Fingerless studded gloves adorn his hands, and metal capped boots his feet. Wears soft black leather pants with metal kneecaps. A simple broad sword hangs at his waist. The whole effect is one of an unasuming traveller...to the ignorant. [b]Biography:[/b] Belial is one of the chosen amongst the hierarchy of Hell. Lord of Arrogance he has spent his infinite years praying on the souls of the mighty and the proud, delighting in their downfalls and the pain that he inflicts. Originally an angel under God, Belial was one of the first to follow Lucifer down the path of the Fallen, leading Satan's legions against the armies of the Lord. He has existed for thousands of centuries and walked the earth under many guises. His seductions have been many and have left several demonic children to torment and punish mankind as their father would see fit. Belial is worshipped by many but bares little concern to his would be acolytes, viewing them with amusment if little else. Far from indestructable, Belial's cunning and wit have been the main reasons why he has survived the long ages, watching the rise and fall of civilisations and marvelling the carnage that humankind wreaks upon itself. [b]Random fact:[/b] Belial loves the smell of jasmine
  12. That was a great chapter Solo, a very lifelike depiction of those n00bs I must agree ^_^. Keep up the good work because it's the most enjoyable thing I've read in a long long time.
  13. Karen stood impatiently in front of her friend, her arms folded across her chest in a defensive but imposing position. Tapping her foot gently on the carpeted floor she awaited Steph's answer. "Well?" The impatience in her voice hardly showed but Steph picked it up none the less. Hanging her head slightly Steph fiddled with her hands behind her back before looking up with guilty orange eyes. "I locked up, like I do every night..." she trailed off and Karen raised a blonde eyebrow in a sneaking suspicion. "And?" The voice was mildly accusing though coaxing it it's usage. Steph shifted her gaze to look towards the cieling momentarily. She looked almost like a nervous child recieving a scolding. "Well, they wouldn't shut up so I had to...float...a bit...just to get their attention you undertstand..." Steph's sentence trailed quieter as she neared the end uder the harsh gaze of the Angel leader. Clenching her teeth firmly and resting a hand on her forehead, Karen sighed, running her fingers down her face to rest lightly on her chin. Leaning back on the doorframe she gazed at her long time friend with clear crystal blue eyes. "Steph, you can't just do that," weary and spent Karen didn't really have the energy to berate Steph, even if the other Angel should have known better...at her age. "What if someone had seen you from the windows? Any one of the bums out here would do anything for a bit of hard cash..." Steph raised her hand to stop Karen, her jaw set. "We can take anything Technoglobe can throw at us, those Norms haven't got the guts to take on full blown Angels." Her orange eyes blazed as she spoke, the passion rising in her face. Stepping forward Karen grasped Steph's hand, resting her other hand on Stephs shoulder prtoectively. Shaking her head Karen silenced the other Angel. "But what of the Fallen Steph? In the state the clan is right now we couldn't stand a chance." Taking Steph's hand in her own karen lead her out onto the balcony where they could see some of the other Angels milling around. Many of the children were still playing about, using colourful balls of light and chasing eachother around the room. Sighing softly Karen indicated the mass. "What do we have to fight with? Children, a few untrained Angels, halfbreeds like myself." Karen shook her head, "It would be a slaughter." Turning back into the corridor she rested her hand in a comforting gesture on Steph's shoulder, squeezing slightly before retreating back to her room. Looking back over her shoulder she smiled, "Just be careful next time okay?"
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Artemis [/i] [B]I'm a big Scarlet Pimpernel fan. Did you know they made a musical out of it? They performed it in Wichita this summer. It was awesome!! Anyway, to get back on topic, the necro thing was a joke. I've got a question regarding Hamlet and Ophelia: Is there any evidence in the play that they've been sleeping together? The movie portrays it that way, but I thought that might simply be artistic license. (I'd rather not think that they'd been sleeping around.) If you've read "The Shakespeare Stealer" by Gary Blackwood, you want to think of Ophelia as rather innocent because you really get to know 2 (fictional)characters who portray her at the Globe theater. ~art~ :D [/B][/QUOTE] Hey I read that book, though it was many many moons ago ^_^. I think that, due to the general taboo of the time, they probably weren't sleeping together, or if they were it was on the extreme sly.
  15. Okay here's the final banner that I'm going to submit, this is my submission into the contest that I want judged. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=516915[/img]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiHorsewoman [/i] [B] Then I also wonder maybe if more homosexual marriages were allowed that the world's population would go down since there's so much over crowding. [/B][/QUOTE] How would that lower the population? Even if gay people weren't married they still wouldn't be able to have kids. There is also that artificial insemination thing these days so you don't even need to be in a relationship or hell, even have sex to have a kid anymore. Screws up the idea of the 'nuclear family' a bit there doesn't it.
  17. Okay I don't really know if this is allowed but I'll take a stab at it anyway. Which, out of these presented banners, do you guys think I should submit to the competition. Any constructive criticism is welcome, I'd really appreciate your oppinions. [img]http://doukeshi03.250free.com/batman2.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=518513[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=516915[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=514359[/img] [img]http://doukeshi03.250free.com/shounen-ai.jpg[/img] [img]http://doukeshi03.250free.com/foamy.jpg[/img] Again, any input is appreciated.
  18. Not wanting to sound like a broken record, voicing the opinions of others who have posted before me I feel myself inclined to agree. It is indeed like denying minority ethnic cultures the right to marry. It is illegal to verbally or in any other way abuse, hold prejudice against or descriminate against any minority, even gays. Therefore, how does the government get away with banning gay marriages? Denying a person that basic right simply because of their sexual orientation is just stupid really. I could understand if it was a ban on religious marriages (we all know what the catholic view on gays are ¬_¬), but I believe it is a ban on all state marriages is that correct? Foolish. Though I agree with James in the fact that the slow reformation of solitary state governments is indeed a step in the right direction. If America wants to prove itself to be a true pillar of freedom and power in the world then this needs to be resolved. There is no freedom in being denied marriage...whoever the hell you are.
  19. *dies laughing* I didn't know you were British solo ^_^. I used to watch teh Gladiators all the time, my favourite was cobra with his whole backflip kick thingy. I love the song, you should have that playing every time one of the mod's walks into a room *chuckles*.
  20. They first met in Episode #3 after their first confrontation in their Gundam's. Quatre steps out of his Gundam and states that they shouldn't be fighting each other and Trowa goes with him to Quatre's safehouse. In Gravitation OVA what is the song that Ryuichi and Shuichi sing together at the Tokyo Music Festival?
  21. interesting question but I think I'm going to have to go with Sarah on this one. I loved her album Mirrorball and her voice is wonderful. Dido I do like, especially Hunter and White Flag. But I think I'd prefer Sarah.
  22. OOC: Loving that post Arcadia, dark and cruel, it's great. Well done to the rest of you guys too. ----------------------------------------------- Karen sat on the edge of her bed, the shaking form of Mika clutched in her arms. Running a free hand over the girl's dark hair she hugged her tightly as Mika vented her sorrow. Unused to such emotional situations, Karen tried her best to sooth the distraught girl, serving as a stable source of comfort in this most painful of times. The girl had just lost her father and at this moment in time it was the mot painful thing in the world. One of the oldest members of the Clan, Mika's father was highly respected and would be sorely missed, not jut by the teenager sobbing in her arms, but by all the Angels of the Clan. Karen herself had never known the death of a parent, her mother having died when she was born. She didn't remember much about her father, but those memories that she could recall were tinted by the feelings of betrayal and pain that she felt for his name now. Mika was blessed for having had a father who loved her, who wasn't afraid of her and who didn't leave her stranded to fend for herself as a child. Dismissing her own selfish thoughts Karen focused on the child in her arms, tugging her closer. Murmering softly Karen pressed her fingers under Mika's chin and lifted her face so she could see her. Mika's eyes were red and swollen and dirty tear tracks stained her cheeks as she looked up mournfully into the kind eyes of the older Angel. Karen soothed her palm across the child's cheek, wipping away the remaining tears that clung to the skin. "It was his time," Karen spoke with kindness, her voice a soft and calming murmer, "He is with the Gods now and he is safe." Encircling her arms areounf Mika she held her close and rested her cheek on the child's dark hair. Mika sniffed and closed her eyes, resting her head on Karen's shoulder. "I know, but I wish he was here." A lone tear squeezed from between her clenched eyelids and slipped unbidden down her cheek. It dripped from her chin and stained the cloth of the other Angel's shirt in a single drop, spreading across the surface silently. Looking down at the girl Karen smiled sadly and squeezed Mika slightly in reassurance. "It's okay to cry, there is no punishment for those who lament the dead." Hearing thudding footsteps, Karen looked up from her charge and gazed across at the closed door. Raising her hand she motioned for the door to lock as the handle suddenly jerked in call for entrance. "Karen! You in here?" Stephs inquiring voice called from behind the door. Closing her eyes Karen moved herself slowly from Mika's embrace, moving quietly towards the door. Mika watched with tearfilled eyes, resting her head on the pillow and drawing her knees up against her chest in an attempt to comfort herself. Glancing back Karen unlocked the door and slid quickly out into the corridor. Closing the door quietly behind her Karen looked up at her friend, raising a blonde brow in a questioning expression. "Yes?"
  23. Actually it does, there is meant to be a wolf blended into the image, although I don't think you can see it all too well. Thanks, these are some of the first images I did, previous to my banner making. You can see where I started.
  24. ------------------------------------------------------ [i]From the diary of Rev. Caleb Mclaughlan: February 6th, 2179 Billowing clouds of sulpher rolled overhead as the chaotic skyscape thundered triumphant victory over those bellow. Black rain poured in sheets upon us, covering the ground with a slick oily sludge. Crys of dying men could be heard all around me but when I looked up I could see nothing through the choking fog that enveloped us. On my knees, defeated, I wept bitterly in the mud, tears rolling down a face scarred with the wounds of my cause. Clashes of steel and blasting explosions ripped through the air as I sought to gain purchase upon the uneven and shifting ground. Gazing upon my dead or dying comrades I choked back a single sob and fled, the sounds of the triumphant Corp. howling in my ears. Bullets tore the dirt at my feet as the corporations elite soldiers mowed down the few survivors who had surrendered themselves in false hope of mercy. There was to be no mercy, not now, not ever as we who fought so valiantly were crushed into the dust. Blinded by the silted rain I stumbled onward, desperate to flee the carnage behind me. Hidden by the smoke I thanked the Gods whom tonight so many had laid their lives for. This final, apocalyptic battle had ended. United under a single flag of freedom we marched, only to be slaughtered by the superior numbers and force of our enemy. maybe this was it, the End of Days that had been prophesied in so many ancient texts and holy stories throughout the ages. Prehaps the time of man was at an end and we were destined to destroy this world. As I fled the feild this was my only thought as I sought my salvation in the wilderness. As David once hid from Saul I gathered my strength. I did survive that day, though many of my brothers did not. For those who gave their lives for me, I wept. Only few of us remain now, those who, like me, ran from their death and found safety in the ruins of old towns and the solitude of dying forests. We are scattered and few, the people of the old ways, but we remain. As the world around us sprouts up in high towers an clear domes we remain ever vigilant for that which is our time. Divided and persecuted we still remain, for we know that a time will come. We know that our time will come and we shall once more return order and life to this world so hellish and dark. The sun, entrapt by these sulphurus clouds of hell, shall once more break through and light shall smile on our people, of this I am sure. We, the few, the blessed shall...[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------------ Karen looked up from the few scattered pages that she had salvaged a few days earlier. The final page was torn and stained, making further reading impossible. Seated, cross-legged on the floor she turned her eyes to the ancient clock that hung on the dirt streak wall opposite. 7.00, it was now officially night time, curfew would be exacted in a few hours, making travel above ground dangerous, if not downright stupid, especially for those labelled as criminals. "Like me..." Karen's voice was low and soft as she spoke out loud to herself. Placing the fragile pages back in their sturdy cover she rested what was left of the book upon the table that sat near her bed. Leavering herself from the floor she looked about her meager dwelling. The room was barely big enough to fit her bed, let alone the table and wardrobe that tok up most of the remaining space. Stretching her arms she turned the handle of her door and padded softly out into the corridor. The walls were lined with peeling wallpaper, the old carpet was holed and stained. The floorboards creeked ominously as she walked, echoing through the corridors. This was her home now, an old abandoned hotel that dwelt in the heart of the slumming district. A few of her kind lived here. Angels hiding from the world like she was. This was her family, her Clan and as the reached the balcony to look down over the common room she knew. She would die to protect them all. --------------------------------------------------- [b]OOC:[/b] Opening post kids, time to get started. Shall we? [b]Note For All Fallen:[/b] Could all Fallen characters please post in [color=red]red[/color] please. Just to make things easier. Oh and any questions you might have are to go to Arcadia, it makes things less confusing.
  25. The Wallabies are a good team no denying that but I don't think that they've been at their best this WC. Granted they've played well and I do think that we'll have a very good game on our hands. I don't think you can grade the performance against France as a marker for England's performance in the final. Both teams are going to be pulling out all the stops and with Wilkinson at his peak we're going to give the Aussies a run for your money. Personally I can't wait, it's payback time ^_~.
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