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Everything posted by Doukeshi
Okay for any of you OBers from England, I just have an annoucement to make. We've finally found a sport that we, as a nation, are good at! England has made it into the Rugby World Cup Finals!! Oh yes, we are to be playing Australia next week, it should prove to be an interesting showdown ^_~. So what do you guys think of this, or just your general thoughts on Rugby anyway. Always open to opinions.
Oh wow, I really like this, the bit with the writing at the beginning was really cool. I'm curious as to where this is going and how it's going to develop but the beginning read's really well. ^_^ You might want to expand on it in the next chapter with character development and introductions to the reader, but all in all a very good start. BTW: as ever your dialogue is excellent
It is truly, truly sweet and so very inspiring. Just check out who I represent in mal's lil club heh. Though shuichi irritates the hell out of me [spoiler]what was with the dog suit in the final episode anyway, I mean seriously if you're going to stop someone from commiting suicide surely there would have ben a more appropriate way[/spoiler] *takes a deep breath*. Anyway...I haven't read the manga, though I'd like to.
I believe question of madness is debated to no end within Hamlet, Hamlet even questions his own sanity with regards to this subject. I myself am not particularly knowledgable about Hamlet since it's one of the plays that i find less appealing. Ask me about Lear or Othello, even Macbeth, now there's something to get your teeth into.
In keeping with my expansion into other forms of image manipulation I would like to post the images that I created for use in my many profiles in yahoo chat rp. [img]http://doukeshi03.250free.com/Sanguis.jpg[/img] This profile was based on a character from Angel Sanctuary...I forget his name. [img]http://doukeshi03.250free.com/Corvus.jpg[/img] Also using an Angel Sanctuary character, Kira I think you can start to see a trend in the particular style that I have employed. [img]http://doukeshi03.250free.com/Marcus.jpg[/img] Using Yuki from Gravitiation this time, shying away from the animal theme but still, starstruck, as it where ^_~.
Hey dude, it's nice to see you back with the good stuff, you're right that chibi thing didn't really sit right. Anyway, I think you need to increase the trnasparency of the naruto guys or something because the block of solid colour there jarrs slightly against the CG of the rest of the banner. maybe it would work better if you put the same glowy thing that's around Kirika around the Naruto image. It just needs to be more balanced. Other than that I think it's looks great...far more fitting. Your avatars are brilliant however. I especially love you're profile pic, very good..funny even.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Artemis [/i] [B]How many of you here like Shakespeare? We're reading Hamlet in my English class, and I like it a lot. We've started watching a movie with it. They have Professor Lockhart from HP2 playing Hamlet. He's FANTASTIC!! The only weird thing is that the setting seems like turn-of-the-century Russia rather than 12th-13th Century Denmark... :therock: Of all the plays I've read thusfar, I think it's my fave. (Macbeth and Othello are really good, too.) I hated Romeo and Juliet (or maybe I just hated Romeo...he was a pathetic excuse for a man...Mercutio was the only good character :laugh: ) Anyway, if anyone has any Shakespearean plays they'd like to comment on...please...comment! ~art~ [/B][/QUOTE] Kenneth Branagh, yes he's one of Britian's great shakespearean actors in my opinion. I particularly like his performance as Iago in the recent reworking of 'Othello'. I have to say Iago is may most favourite character out of all the plays that I have read, Edgar from 'King Lear' coming a close second. I think that my most favourite play has to be either Hacbeth or Othello. Macbeth is just great as the villian of the piece, the fight scene between him and macduff is excelent. I find that most shakespearean heroines, not including Viola and Rosalinde, are so totally and infuriatingly annoying. Ophelia was just a pain as was Desdemona...*sighs*. Of course you have to look into this in the historical context of the play, where women were expected to be subserviant to me, quiet polite etc, but seriously Cordelia in Lear deserved everything she got. BTW: Mel Gibson does do really well as the Mad Dane, it's a nice movie.
Okay, the sign-ups are closed this RP has started and is now situated in the Adventure Forum!
Well, I think I'll post this one as an example, though I really quite like the banner I have in my sig at the moment.
gravitation is a wonderful anime, I love it. The relationship between Yuki and Shuichi is so very heartwarming and tear jerking at the same time. Such brilliantly developed characters with an interesting double plot-line. It's a wonder how anyone can not get hooked on this show. The ending of gravitation [spoiler]Yuki lays to rest his demons about the murder of his teacher and betrayer. He learns to love someone, that someone is shuichi. The singers career is taking off and he has managed to save Yuki's life.[/spoiler] That's that.
okay, I appreciate your comments, though I thought the central image was defined enough. No matter though. I've created a 1x2 one also...see what you think.
I'll take part, though I think it would be better if you specified a single genre of banner that all contestants had to make. Making it fairer and easier to judge ^_~.
Well, sick of posting my banners and such up here, I thought I'd post a few images I have concoted. Obviously the images are not my own but the compilation and subsequent manipulations are all my own work ^_~. What do you guys think then?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by rttocs77 [/i] [B]Cutting...Eww...That's a major sign that there just [i]might[/i] be something wrong. It's just plain stupid. Don't do it. Oh, it's also illegal, but I have never heard of anyone going to jail for it, jus the funny farm. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh how very subtle ¬_¬. Anyway, I suppose it's a question of what causes you to harm yourself, what urges you to do it. Is it the addiction to the pain? Because in that case it's sort of like adrenaline junkies...in fact I think it is. Maybe you should talk to a doctor about it, or if you have, a phsyciatrist. Bah, i don't know what I'm talking about.
Why does everyone thing Valo is so beautiful, seriously I don't think that the guy is all that good looking. I quite like their music, favourite song being Funeral of Hearts. Thier cover of Don't Fear the Reaper was a bit too slow for my liking, but hey what can you do.
No it's okay..I'm thinking about getting started on monday at the very latest. I've been discussing this with someone and I'm just waiting for their confirmation about joining. I don't think I'll be needing anymore people.
Heh, that would never happen at my school. Of course police don't really have guns where I live so it would be pretty rare for armed police to come bursting into the corridors. Anyway, it would make school a little bit more interesting heh. It is a bit strong just for a bit of grass though I mean seriously, if you wanted weed you could go out and get no problem without even being near school. Hell I know loads of people who could get it for me if I wanted it.
Alright then, here's an easy one...my question is... How many aliases has Mick Foley had and what are their names?
Ah pure yayness!! I got a mention, you have no idea how ecstatic tht made me. Anyway, I think i have to concur with Leh, getting beaten up by Raiha is not a good thing *chuckles*. Anyway, I really like where this is going so far. The cookie thing had me killing myself with laughter "Ah....cookies." Oh the hilarity. I look forward to seeing how you deal with the Adventure Arena that should prove to be very interesting. Congrats
Heh, maybe it's like AFI. I thought the lead singer of AFI was a girl when I first heard them...come to think of it I thought that of Wheatus too. Maybe it's just me and I'm dumb. Ah well.
*coughs* no way is The Undertaker 25...he's 41, he's been around since 1989 and was born in 1962. Woah, 25 *shakes head*. Well let's see, if Undertaker is 41 and Kane is 36 then Undertake is 5 years older than Kane. Tah dah! Am I right?
I find that very few comments are posted on poetry or fanfiction threads anyway. If someone is wanting to read fanfiction then they will search through the threads to find what they are looking for. However, I think that a division would be a good thing in that forum. Even if it's between a forum for actual discussion and a forum for your own personal works of poetry or fiction.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowKitty [/i] [B]On another note, I spotted a Teen Titans comic book @ Borders the other day and it's weird 'cuz in da comix they have more characters. Maybe next season they'll have these unsung heroes appear. [/B][/QUOTE] Of course they have more characters. Have you ever watched the animated series of the Justice League, they have only seven characters whereas the really Justice League of the comics is made up of so many DC characters it isn't even funny (Side Note: Green Arrow should be shot). I'm not really a big fan of the Teen Titan series, I suppsoe the only reason I sometimes watch it is because it has dear Tim Drake jiving along as Robin (who I think does a better Robin than even Dick Grayson to tell you the truth). All well and good as a tv series I suppose. I find it too cartoony though...if I can say that about a cartoon. I know what I mean.
Bish that is a wonderful sign up, the perfect example of what I'm looking for, very well done. Excellent sign up also Tasrai, I just need examples of your rping skills from both of you. It's good to see such a level of detail among people so far, I'm impressed.
My guy's neither, he's just out for himself really.