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Everything posted by Doukeshi

  1. [SIZE=1]Wow, way to go Solo ^_~. Congrats on your marathon post heh.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]Here you go, I gave it a shot ^_~ [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25171&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25172&stc=1[/img][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Great image, but I must say I prefered the eyes in the original 'unfinished' drawing. The whole gradient shading of them seemed to me to give the image much more depth. On the whole though its a pretty good piece of work. Maybe you should have a go at colouring it ^_~[/SIZE]
  4. Doukeshi

    KKC's Art

    [SIZE=1]Hey this is pretty cool stuff ^_~. I'm impressed with your colouring, 'cause I can't colour an image digitally worth **** heh. It may not be the most clean cut bit of work but hey, practice makes perfect ^_~.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Cracking her knuckles in anticipation, Lara limbered up for the next challenge. Hand to hand combat was not really her style but beggars couldn't be choosers when it came down to battle. Closing her eyes and inhaling a slow breath lara indicated to Mog that she was ready with a swift nod of her head. In an instant she found herself transported to a vastly different environment from that of the CPU. Lara gazed about warily. It seemed that she now found herself in a large cavernous area. The sound of water dripping from the rocky ceiling was disconcerting, causing Lara to shiver unconciously. She stood upon a crumbling stone bridge that stretched the length of the cavern. Water moved sluggishly underneith the bridge, its depths unkown beneath its murky veneer. A tattered carpet was all that adorned the bridge and lara couldn't help but wonder if it had sometime been a part of some kind of wealthy house, now sunken below the ground. Any further musings were interuppted suddenly by a low hiss. Turning swiftly Lara frowned as she caught sight of a human figure approaching from the opposite end of the bridge. Or at least Lara thought it was human. What stood before her now, arms moving in a slightly hypnotic way was like something out of a Hellraiser movie or a particularly hardcore fetish convention. The man, for he looked male, was dressed in straps that bound his body, not including his arms. His mouth and eyes were also constricted, and in his hands he held two wicked looking katars, glinting in the torch light. Hearing a small fluttering noise Lara turned to glance at Mog, who had arrived to start the fight. [B]"Lara Croft, Tomb Raider!"[/B] Mog bellowed, in an uncharacteristically deep voice. [B]"Meet Voldo, Tomb Guardian!"[/B] A wry smile tugged at the woman's lips as she lightly shook her head. [B]"Funny you little furball, bloody hilarious."[/B] Mog did not respond. he simply puffed up his little chest and called out one word. [B]"FIGHT!"[/B] The creature named Voldo leapt forward as if spurred by some unseen force, an inhuman growl wrenching itself from his throat. Acting quickly Lara dove to the left, rolling as Voldo shot past, his katars digging into the carpet where she had been only moments before. Rolling to her feet Lara unclipped the knife she held in her boot, bringing it to bare before her. Turning on her heel Lara brought the blade up just in time to clash with the creatures own lashing weapons. Steel grated on steel as the tomb raider pushed forward with a surge of strength, driving Voldo back a few steps. Like a snake he swayed from side to side and it seemed that even blindness was no hinderance to him. Lara darted towards him, lashing out with a well aimed punch, her fingers gripped firmly round the hilt of her knife. Voldo rocked backwards on his heels, avoiding the jab and swung his arms horizontally before him. The strike would have beheaded Lara in an instant, had she been there. As it was the blades cut through thin air as she dropped to the floor, her leg extended in a sweeping kick that sent the man thudding to the ground. Lara flipped back to her feet, but had little time to compose herself as Voldo lifted himself up from his prostrated position into a crab-like manouver and scuttled towards her with great speed. [i]What the..?[/i] Aghast at what she saw Lara was unprepared as Voldo launched himself towards her, his blades slashing her torso. His weapons were wickedly sharp and Lara grunted loudly as hot pain lanced across her side. In retaliation Lara backhanded the creep savagely, sending him sprawling against the railing of the bridge. Clutching her injured waist Lara winced. Bright red blood ran rapidly downwards, seeping into the waistband of her shorts, staining it a dark crimson, and trickling down her leg. Gritting her teeth Lara tried to surpress the pain and darted quickly across from the seemingly dazed Voldo. Hoping to catch him unprepared Lara spun the knife in her grip, the blade pointing downwards and quickly brought it in a backhand manouver aimed straight for the man's uprotected back. The blade was stopped suddenly short and Lara cried out as the scissored katar bit into the flesh of her wrist. Somehow, Voldo had anticipated her move and had twisted in time to defend himself. A gurgling hiss greeted her as she wrenched her arm back, blood spraying her opponent across his face. If the strap had not been in the way Lara swore he would have tasted it. Flipping backwards in an agile move Lara caught Voldo under his chin with the heel of her boot. But as he stumbled backwards Lara, pain coursing through her side, collapsed to the floor, unable to complete the flip. Lara rolled onto her back but immediately rolled back again as a sharp blur spun past her. Looking up Lara gasped as she saw Voldo, bending himself into a wheel, spinning around for a second pass. Grimacing lara got to her feet in time to dive to the side once again as Voldo careened towards her. [B]"What [i]are[/i] you." [/B] She whispered, her voice tinted with fear. Without her guns it was infinately more difficult to fell her opponent. Lara was weakening and it seemed that Voldo had only just begun. The creature stalked forward, savouring its opponents vulnerability. Rising up Lara moved forward with all the speed she could muster. Avoiding the slashing blades that whistled past her head she moved in close against Voldo, wrapping her arms around his torso. From her close proximity Lara was able to deliver a ferocious headbutt, cracking her skull against his. Voldo thrashed violently against her grip. His flailing arms caused minor lacerations against her back but their awkward positioning was not enough for a deadly blow. Lara nailed him with another headbutt then, with a flash of inspiration, brought her knee up to deliver a crushing blow to Voldo's groin. Such a hit, at least, seemed to have some effect, and Voldo dropped to the floor with an agonised hiss, while Lara clung gamely on. Twisting round so she was at his back Lara positioned her grip into a full nelson, pinning his arms out to the sides. Pressing her knee firmly into the small of his back, Lara dug in sharply, eliciting a pained groan from her opponent. By the now the pair of them were stained with dried, rust coloured blood, admitedly most of it Lara's. The woman was panting heavily as she fought to contain the thrashings of the figure beneath her. [B]"Don't make me do it."[/B] She gasped from between clenched teeth. [B]"Don't you bloody well make me do it."[/B] Voldo ignored her pleas, his katars tearing at the carpet as he struggled wildly. Closing her eyes tightly Lara pulled backwards with all her strength, her knee a steady constant on the mans back. His incomprehensable garglings were silenced as a sickening crack echoed through the cavern, his spine breaking under the pressure. The figure in her arms hung limp as Lara rolled from ontop of him, lying breathless beside his prone form. [B] "I told him not to make me do it,"[/B] she whispered quietly. Her eyes were still closed as she heard his body burst into pixels. [/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]I have to fight Voldo?! That guy gives me the major creeps, I mean have you seen him fight? Its like trying to hit a ragdoll. Very interesting challenge though ^_~[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]You have been a pleasure to compete with Blayze and JJ. I am sorry to vote you off it was a truly very hard descision :(. You will be missed.[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]Wow, who'da thunk it, Plumber & Plunder take the chequered flag. You know this means I've teamed and won with everyone here, I'm sensing a pattern lol ^_~.[/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1][B]"You know, kupo! I thought you said you were a kupo driver, kupo!"[/B] Mog said, in a conversational tone, as he fished the Red Fire kart from over the edge of the track. [B]"Shut up."[/B] Lara grumbled, swatting at the moogle as he set them back down on the track. Mog ruffled his wings indignantly before floating off, again on the hunt for any unfortunate drivers. [B] "Thats the kupo thanks I get, kupo!"[/B] Not even bothering to reply Lara floored the accelerator, rocking the kart forward, ignoring Mario's startled cries as he held on. Zipping around the track they made for the jump, passing over it with ease. Lara let out a vindictive laugh as she saw Mog hauling Team Kickarse back from the abyss. [B]"That's-a karma for you-a"[/B] Mario piped up from the back. Lara grinned and hunched forward over the steering wheel, intent upon the item boxes up ahead. Crashing through them she hazarded a look behind to check up on their luck. [B]"So what did we get?" [/B] Mario shrugged as he held up a red shell. [B]"It's-a nothing special-a but it will do-a."[/B] [B]"You're bloody right it'll do, lets get them!"[/B] The race had really brought out Lara's competative streak. As the kart sped on they caught sight of the Bloom Coach up ahead. Seeing their relatively unprotected state Lara cheered. [B]"Let's see you dodge this one! Let'er rip Mario!"[/B] The plumber obliged and they were soon speeding past a very dizzy and rather annoyed looking pair of girls. Lara blew them a kiss as they went by.[/COLOR][/size] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]1. Team Furry Flurry[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]2. Team Plumber & Plunder[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]3. Team Oriental Beauty[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]4. Team Kickarse[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]I stuck mine on, right down to the very house most likely (or at least where my house would be on the street) We need more people in the UK dammnit![/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SeaGreen][B]"That,"[/B] Lara said curtly, [B]"was just rude."[/B] She and Mario had switched places and she once again found herself in the assault position. Furry Flurry were now racing ahead of the group, leaving the three remaining teams lagging behind. Mog had thankfully decided to rescue P&P first, leaving them with a slight advantage over the others. The little kart sped down the neon track, its engines whining as they strained to gain more speed. Mario bust through another item box, the shards splintering into the air and its precious treasure landing in Lara's outstretched hand. [B]"What-a did we get-a?"[/B] Queried the plumber, his attention focused upon the road, and the pole position. Lara squinted at the item in her hands, a small ball with a chain attatched to one side. She explained as much to Mario who practically beamed. Grasping her hand he quickly switched places. [B]"What is it?"[/B] Lara frowned. Mario grinned and grasped tight to the back of the seat. [B]"Better-a buckle up-a! This is-a going-a to be a bumpy-a ride!"[/B] Not daring to argue Lara safely secured her belt one handed, while steering the kart expertly. Mario threw the ball forwards and Lara gasped as it morphed into a larger ball with angry eyes and sharp teeth. The chain latched itself onto the front of the kart and with little warning the ball surged forward with a mighty roar. The kart jerked as it was pulled along at break-neck speed. They were quickly gaining on the DK Jumbo and Lara could have almost sworn that the ball gnashed its teeth in anticipation. It looked like Krystal was in the back as they approached. The fox let out a shocked yelp as with a great ripping and splintering of wood the ball chomped a gaping hole into the back of the kart, taking the back tires with it. Sparks flew as the back of the Jumbo dragged along the track, Krystal holding on for dear life as Crash struggled to control the kart. Lara winced as the Red Fire sped by, waving appologetically at her former team mates. 1. Team Plumber & Plunder[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]2. Team Furry Flurry[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]3. Team Oriental Beauty[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]4. Team Kickarse[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SeaGreen]Lara gripped the wheel of their kart tightly, gritting her teeth as they grinded wheels with the Oriental Beauty team. She heard Mario cursing softly in Italian behind her as the kart beside them was suddenly engulfed in a pink light, small hearts playing around the frame. [B] "Mario, what the hell are those?!"[/B] They didn't seem too threatening, but Lara didn't want to take any chances. [B]"It's-a protection shield-a!"[/B] The plumber said miserably. [B]"It-a means we can't-a hit them with anything-a."[/B] The plumber was looking whistfully at a red shell sitting in his hand and Lara swore as they turned a corner, their wheels still locked with the Bloom Coach. Sparks were flying and Lara was tempted just to whip out a pistol and shoot their tyres. Something told her that was against the rules, however. Yuna grinned slightly in Lara's direction, her eyes flicking to her partner in the back seat. [B]"Oh-a no-a!"[/B] Mario yelped as he saw what Raiyuu held in her hand. It was a green shell, and from this distance they couldn't miss. Coming up to a sharp corner Lara pushed down hard upon the accelerator. Yuna, as expected kept up the speed and Lara smirked inwardly. [I]Wrong move darling[/I] Not even looking back at Mario she yelled out against the noise of the engine.[B] "Hold on my mustached friend!" [/B] That was the only warning she gave as suddenly she wrenched the wheel to the side, forcing the Bloom Coach further to the edge of the track. [B]"Shield this!" [/B] Lara yelled as they turned the corner. With wide eyes, Yuna yelped as her tires lost their grip on the track in their precarious position and soon found themselves spiralling down into the black abyss, closely followed by a floating Mog. [B]"Wa-hoo!"[/B] Mario shouted, punching the air. Lara only chuckled and sped up.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]1. Team Kickarse[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]2. Team Furry Flurry[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]3. Team Plumber & Plunder[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]4. Team Oriental Beauty[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1][B]"Okay I've had just about enough of this."[/B] Lara growled in frustration as yet another banana peel popped up from an exploding box. Those things were next to useless and only seemed to work if one lost concentration. Lara dearly wished for a shell, no particular colour, any shell would do. [B]"Hey Mario, how bout something useful hmm?" [/B] The plumber turned round slightly in his seat so he could give the woman a quick sigh before putting his attention back on the road. [B]"I can't-a control-a what comes out-a of the boxes-a." [/B] He said sternly, for all the world like he was chastising a small child. [B]"Its-a totally random-a."[/B] Lara grumbled, hefting the latest banana skin in her hand. [B]"Doesn't seem so bloody random to me."[/B] Mario either didn't hear or chose to ignore her mutterings as he gripped the wheel, intent upon catching Team Kickarse who were close up ahead. Squinting against the glare of the road Lara threw the skin high over the top of the speeding kart. It landed far infront of Ada and Shadow's vehicle, sitting perfectly still, on the road. [B]"Damnit! They'll never hit tha-"[/B] Lara blinked as a spinning kart shot past them, an irate hedgehog standing in the back was yelling at the driver. [B]"I said look out for the peel!" "You did not!" "I did!" "I never heard."[/B] Mario let out a plumberly chuckle, [B]"Nice-a throwing-a!"[/B] Lara grinned and patted him on the head, crouching down as they sped into second place, slowly catching up with her two former team mates in Furry Flurry. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [SIZE=1] 1st Place: Team Furry Flurry 2nd Place: Team Plumber & Plunder 3rd Place: Team Kickarse 4th Place: Team Oriental Beauty[/SIZE]
  14. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1]Lara was just glad she wasn't driving. After the last challenge she would be happy never to sit behind the wheel of another car again. Having said that, what she was now sitting in wasn't hardly what you could call a car. Rolling her shoulders lara looked down at the small plumber in the drivers seat, his red capped head bobbing up and down excitedly. [B]"I-a can't wait-a! I'll be-a just-a like old-a times-a!"[/B] Lara could help but smile at his enthusiasm. It was strange to think that up until now they had been adversaries and would probably go back to being adversaries as soon as this challenge was over. [I]Unless we're voted out[/I] Lara thought morbidly. Shaking her head Lara decided to check her inventory. Looking around for items she frowned when she couldn't find any. [B]"So what is it I'm supposed to attack the other racers with again?"[/B] Mario looked back and winked his patented Super Mario wink. [B]"You-a throw-a shells, and banana peels-a and other-a things we find-a on the track-a!"[/B] Lara looked at the little plumber like he was crazy. [B]"Are you crazy!"[/b] She yelled, deciding to voice her thoughts[b] "Shells?"[/B] [B]"Thats-a right-a!"[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [SIZE=1]If you want to post something Solo, then I shall reply ^_^[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Sorry Sandy, there just doesn't seem to be much point in posting anything until the next challenge gets put up. [/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Voting is no big, life altering, innocence snatching event you know. Seriously, you don't think you know enough about politics now, you probably still won't when you [I]are[/I] old enough. Most of the time its about which candidate hasn't ****** up as much this year. P.S No I don't think 16/17 year olds should be allowed to vote, thats just crazy talk. Hell I think they should move it back up to 21[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]Here's my shot, I hope you like them. If there's a problem with the writing (as there usually is in my banners to be honest, its a weak point) let me know and I can change it ^_~. If you don't like them don't be afraid to say so.[/SIZE] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25092&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25093&stc=1[/img]
  19. [SIZE=1]So if your mom is quite enjoyable to be around why doesn't she say something to your dad about his behaviour?[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]Lara's team sped off in their recently comandeered vehicle. It was relatively easy to steal, they simply waited until a suitable car pulled up to a set of traffic lights then proceeded to pull the driver out and hop in. Simple. Unfortunatley this did seem to attract a bit of attention, not least from a group of gang bangers who thought the sight of an anthropomorphic fox and a chick in a space suit was too much to pass up. Therefore, their little side of the team found themselves speeding down the highway, Lara at the wheel, while being chased by a several gangsters on motorcycles. [B]"This day just keeps getting better and better."[/B] Lara muttered, pushing the accelerator to the floor. It seemed that Samus' armour was impervious to common bullets, a fact they discovered once she had leant out of the window to return fire. As it was Samus was now comfortably perched through the sunroof, sending volly after volly of charged blaster fire at their persuers. [B] "I hope hurting innocent bystanders doesn't get held against us!"[/B] Yelled Krystal as a stray shot sent a passing Volvo flipping across the pavement. Lara winced and made a sharp right, the back of the car moving in a wide arch, sideswiping a nearby lamp post. Lara cursed as she fought to right the car. [B]"Samus! Where to now?"[/B] She yelled, frantically dodging traffic as she pulled over two lanes. The armour clad bounty hunter slipped back down into the car. She tapped the side of her helmet to gain a holo schematic. [B]"Take a right at the next junction, then we should be right ontop of the rendeavouz point."[/B] [B]"Right."[/B] Lara nodded. [B]"Do me a favour, lose those gnats for me if you wouldn't mind." [/B] If Samus' visor hadn't been down Lara was sure she would have seen a grin. Hefting her arm cannon Samus once again opened the sunroof, sending a volley of bolts right in the path of the bikers. The shots were well place and their persuers were quickly dispatched. Taking the turn Lara looked back at her passengers. [B] "Looks like we made it folks!"[/B] A nervous look from Krystal however, told her otherwise. A large police barricade stood between them and the finish point. Words failed.[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]The school bus screeched as Lara cut a sharp corner, mounting the pavement momentarily and sending a dustbin flying out into the road. One of the persuing police cars locked into a spin as it tried to negotiate the turn but three more took its place as the yellow school bus roared down the street. [B]"Bloody coppers."[/B] Lara growled yanking the wheel into another tight turn. Her chaotic manouvers had the rest of the team careening to and fro in the seats behind her, occasional yelps and thumps accompanying the ever present noise of the sirens. [B]"Jeez Lara could you try to lighten it up a little!" [/B] The annoyed voice of Ling piped up from somewhere in the back. Lara simply laughed and pushed the accelerator down to the floor, the resulting boost sending the bus lurching forward. [B]"Hey, I got rid of those Diablos didn't I?"[/B] The question went unanswered as a large bump in the road sent a shudder running through the vehicle. The suspension groaned under the stress of Lara's hard driving and the police were slowly gaining ground. Seeing a steep plunge in the road ahead Lara called out to her team. [B] "Hold onto something guys we're going for a short flight!"[/B] [B]"WHAT?!"[/B] Conjoined cries filled the bus as Lara barrelled straight across the dip. The wheels left the ground and a cloud of dust billowed out behind as the bus made air. Coming back down with an almighty thud Lara slammed on the brakes once more, sending most of the Heroines shooting forward. Whipping the wheel round the tires skidded as the bus made a right turn in the road. Flashing blue lights shot over head as the lighter cop cars made the verge. Slamming on the accelerator Lara shot off down a small side street, not waiting for the cops to realise what had just happened. [B]"I said not to do that again!"[/B] Yuna whined, rubbing her neck as she got back into her seat. Lara looked back and grinned, [B] "All's fair in love an wa..."[/B] The bus came to a sudden and abrupt halt, sending Lara slamming forwards into the wheel. Smoke billowed out from the crumpled hood engulfing the windscreen. The owner of the white van that had the misfortune of crossing the bus climbed shakily from his seat. The sound of a voice muffled by the dispensed drivers air-bag dinted the stunned silence. [B]"Wha' the bloody 'ell?" [/B][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][CENTER][U][B]Sandy[/B][/U] He puts so much thought an effort into his RPs and is the creator of the long standing and much loved OB Survivor series. He is also not afraid to voice his opinions, whether they be welcome or not. Way to go Sandy! [U][B]The Art By Request Forum[/B][/U] It gives me something to do and is one of the easiest ways for me to exercise my creative muscle and make someone else happy as I do it. Its also a challenge to answer requests that I might not usually take up. [B][U]Chabichou's 'How do you pronounce your username?' Thread[/U][/B] This was one amazingly helpful thread, or if not helpful at least enlightening. I learned how to pronounce usernames I had been saying wrong for ages. It also tells you how different people pronounce different words, its really very insightful. [B][U]Solo Tremaine[/U][/B] Funny, witty and just a joy to read. Whether posting in an RP, writing or just generally posting about the place Solo amuses and entertains me every time. [U][B]The Customize Title Option[/B][/U] I love checking out what other users have as their title and trying to come up with something interesting of my own. Its just a nice little extra for OB users to enjoy ^_^. [U][B]Blayze's 'Who are you?' Thread[/B][/U] Boy did this clear up a whole lot of misunderstandings. I was finding out people who I thought were male were female and vice versa all over the place. It was really rather interesting to find out where people were from too. [U][B]James' ever changing avatar/banner collection[/B][/U] How many nifty avatars does that guy have?! [/CENTER][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]Don't be sorry Solo ^_~, we should be thankful for you.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1][QUOTE=Amelia][FONT=Arial] - Many games and movies that take place in fictitious worlds (i.e. Lord of the Rings) feature actors with British accents. .[/FONT][/QUOTE] Well LotR was written by a British guy...so it stands to reason ^_~. Though it seems odd to me that in a lot of Movies the bad guy/girl is always British. Thats not really an absurdity anyway...most of these just seem like annoyed bitching to me. Here's a good one though. CFC's from deoderant cans, soda cans and air conditioning units make a hole in the Ozone Layer. This hole causes global warming, making the earth hotter. With it getting hotter people are going to be using more deoderant, drinking more soda and using air conditioning. Kind of a viscious cycle don't you think ^_~.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Lara groaned inwardly as she watched the obviously unhinged young man at the kitchen table. Hamster deaths aside, it was clear that this gentleman had some major mental issues. Walking carefully around the seated form of Ed, Lara moved closer to the bloodstained plate. Peering intently at the crumbs and the spatters of blood Lara frowned and turned back to her colleuges. [B]"I think its safe to assume how our victim exited this world." [/B] Lara spoke softly but surely, indicating the plate and the slowly swinging door of the microwave. A small collective shudder ran through the group. [B]"But who would eat a hamster! Thats just disgusting!" [/B] Xiaoyu's high voice becoming impossibly higher as she voiced her abhorrence. Suddenly Ed, who had stilled from his rocking at the table, jumped up grasping the bloodstained plate with both hands. [B]"My beloved hamster!" [/B] he shrieked, a mad glint shining in his wide eyes. Hugging what remained of his pet close to his chest Ed began to mutter darkly. [B]"We can rebuild him, stronger, faster, more hamstery...we have the technology...oh yes."[/B] Grinning like the mad man he was, the youth tore out of the kitchen, ripping through the police tape as he went. Several of the Golden Lotuses dove out his path, unable to retrieve the evidence without losing body parts. [B]"Well there goes the evidence." [/B] Ada muttered, watching the retreating figure of Ed Edison as he shot off towards his fathers lab. [B]"Not all of it,"[/B] Krystal's quiet voice piped up from her position next to the microwave. [B]"Look at this." [/B] The Heroines gathered round the fox, looking closely at what she had discovered. A small piece of purple skin, mingled with bloody crumbs had attatched itself to the counter. Grinning Lara hugged Krystal tightly around the shoulders. [B]"Great job! I bet this is more than what the boys have got." [/B] The purple skin on the counter gave a small twitch. Lara simply stared and took a small step back.[B] "And on that note...lets get out of this room."[/B] Its safe to say such an opinion was held by the silent majority.[/SIZE]
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