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Everything posted by Doukeshi
I ain't deciding, but speculating's fun...it's like making up a story
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]*brings out the religious flamers attack dogs* I'm ready. Anyways, [b][color=red]MY BELIEF[/color][/b] (and for crying out loud, you can't debate personal belief) is pretty much what Agatio said. When you die, you either go to heaven or hell. Not based on what you did in your life, but on who you believe in. [/the personal belief of GinnyLyn] [/B][/QUOTE] So, you go to heaven or hell depending on who you believe in? But what happens if you're wrong. What happens that if, after all this time, the god/s you believed in weren't real and you're going to hell for that...it's slightly unfair don't you think?
well yeah, of course you can't be sure...but people have speculated for centuries. Surely you wonder what is going to happen when you die. I mean seriously, what happens if there is nothing? You can even comprehend there being nothing...not existing, not feeling. That scares me. Sure you can live your life the best you can and not worry about it. I don't worry about it, if I did that then maybe I'd join a church or something. But you gotta wonder
A soft growl escaped his throat. The arrogance of the fallen ones was uncontestable, it was the sin that had cast the strongest of them down, the sin of pride for which Lucifer was guilty. How dare they feel remorse for what they are doing, they had no such right. Sere might be the angel of death but he was the third general to the Lord, under Gabriel and Michael himself. He himself should be feared. He who weilded the fiery sword, he who guarded Eden. Casting his stormy eyes skyward he watched as more and more fell to earth to continue the battle for heaven, and subsequently the fate of the land on which he stood now. He repressed the urge to unfurl his great wings and take to the skys, wishing to observe still. He would not fight unless directly challenged, the holy army could handle themselves for now. He could hear Gabriel's mighty horn echo across the mountain, the sound like wind could be heard across the space of a continent. Closing his eyes he clasped his hands and prayed for his brothers.
Well, I know that this is probably an over discussed topic and will probably get nothing nowhere other than in a huge circle but it always seems to be an interesting topic. Here's what I believe... I believe that when you die, there's either gonna be a large black nothingness, no conciousness or anything and that scares the bejesus out of me. Then there's the other one. We are reincarnated, in another life. However I don't believe in all of this Karma whatever you do in this life is punished in the next...no. What you come back as is pure chance, but there's always some small part of you, your soul if you wish that goes with you...that effects who you are. It won't effect your actions completely, I mean you could be a murderer in one life and a nun in another. I'm just saying that there are going to be similarities. There is no such thing as cosmic justice. If you do something bad, you either get punished by the authorities or you don't get punished at all, anything else is just a conicidence. What does everyone else think. Heaven? Hell? Valhalla...I'm open to suggestions.
Uriel looked askance at the two talking in hushed tones not far from where he stood. Fights were already raging down below his position, clashes between light and dark sending cataclysmic sounds of battle high into the air. Reaching into his coat he fingred the hilt of his sword, the same sword that barred the gates of Eden after Adam's expulsion. Turning towards the two he raised a hand and pointed defiantly. "You, Sere! What do you care for the end of war!" Sweeping an arm to indicate the battle raging below them he glared at them once more, stormy grey eyes swirling like the black clouds. "Do you net revel in the chaos you see before you? Is this not what you wished of your post?" He didn't give her time to reply before he turned his back, closing his eyes against the pain he knew was to come.
A tall figure stood gazing upon majestic mountain, snow melting slowly upon it's peak. In his human form for the moment, Uriel ran his hand through long dark hair before exhaling a soft sigh from between barely parted lips. His mind was troubled, and not with such minor thoughts. A war had started, like so many before it and he had no way of foreseeing how this would end. Even though he was entrusted with the lords prophecy this had no determinable outcome, neither sides could tell. A soft wind picked up, stirring the black trench that swayed against his legs, thin wisps of dark hair blew about his features. Stormy grey eyes studied the land before him, though really not seeing it, his mind was clouded with heavey thoughts. There had been no such rebellion since the time of Lucifer and he feared that this would end just as well. He shook his head. "No good can come of this," he murmured softly, "No good at all."
lets get this show on the road
one seems to think that the light side seems rather out numbered...and there seems to be a whole load of swizterlands out there (that is to say neutral)
I don't know...whenever serendity starts it I guess
Name: Uriel - Fire of God Type of Angel: Archangel of Prophecy Light or Dark: Light Weapon: Sword of Thunderous Fire (katana) Age: 30 (in human form) Sex: Male AppearanceHuman) Dark Grey shirt. Long Dark hair, grey eyes, long black trench, knee high boots covered by jeans, beaded necklace and bracelet. AppearanceAngel) Ivory White wings. Silver armour on torso with gilded gold trim and long pleated white skirt covering flowing white trousers. Bare feet. long dark hair. Stormy grey eyes. Bio: Uriel, know as the fire of god, is one of the seven archangels under the service of the lord. Archangel of prophecy, salvation and inspiration he is the patron of thunder and one of the generals of the holy army. Unlike Michael however, he prefers to fight this war alone, without the army behind him.
Name Shurin Sansai Age: 26 Gender: Male Element: Water Direction: West Weapon: Twin long daggers Description 5,9 shoulder length dark brown hair, lithe, grey eyes
OOC: *bows head in a moment of silence for all the wonderful posts lost in this tragic event* Oh well...best start again with a good un. --------------------------------------- A shadowed figure stood high up on the balcony overlooking the senate, arms crossed over his broad chest as he scanned the crowd, listening intently to Jean's argument to the senator. A small smirk crept upon his lips as he shook his head despairingly. "I knew 'dis wasn't gonna go smoothly" The Cajun murmered to himself. Sighing he straightened himself up from his leaning position against the far wall and approached the large glass window with a slow stride. His long brown coat swayed against his denim clad legs as he came to a halt in front of the window. Resting a gloved hand against the smooth glass he bowed his head, glowing red eyes hidden behind dark shades. The smirk spread across his face as he spotted the six mutants standing before jean. "Well now, ain't dis an interestin' sight..non?" The question was more to himself than to others around him, but the odd glance was still spared his way for the man who was talking to himself in the corner. He fingered the deck of cards stashed in his coat pocket thoughtfully. "Can't wait to see what happens next..."
at the risk of being disliked for correcting...since I'm only trying to be helpful and you can find it anywhere if you just look on google. Colussus' name is Piotr Nikoleivitch Rasputin (try saying that fast when ur drunk)
*chuckles* Victor Creed, that's Sabretooth's name...just for reference. And he had a son with Mystique, Graydon Creed.
Heh, shuichi lost his voice because shuichi is a melodrmamtic fdrama queen. I reserve all rights to put down shuu-chan, after all..he puts up with Yuki ne? Gravi is the best anime ever, Yuki is just the coolest and I think I'll just put in a shameless plug for my fic 'Nothing to Say' on [url]www.fanfiction.net.[/url] Have fun. P.S hey hey Bishie
*laughs* Nah, Baka's not evil...merely misguided I was just curious...I thought you said you only wanted X1 and X2 characters in this rp? Gambit's not in X2, unless of course you're counting that little mention on the computer screen. Don't stop using Gambit because of this...cos Gambits a briliant chara, I was just wondering. ^_~
OOC: Hi Ohkami. Well in the comics rogue doesn't have a specified name...she's just well 'rogue'. In the movies however she is known as Marie D'Ancanto. Hope that helps, I trust Gambit and Rogue will get to know eachother lol
Name: Remy Le Beau X Name: Gambit Mutant Ability: Charging kinetic energy into static objects (such as playing cards) resulting in them exploding upon contact with other objects. Children (if any): None Good or bad: Good