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Everything posted by Doukeshi

  1. [SIZE=1]so do you know the real culprit of the murder or are we just making this up as we go along?[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1][QUOTE=Sandy]But if what you say is the case for the next challenge, then... well, then it just sucks to be at the Heroes team... :/ [/QUOTE] Yeah, but we all knew that anyway ^_~.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]I think it was a bit draining to come up with quality posts over such a long period without much variety. I think we can therefore be forgiven for our laxness towards the end there B ^_~.[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1][QUOTE=Solo Tremaine][color=#503f86] But I am getting a little tired by the challenge now, I must say >.>; There are only so many ways you can think of to come across and catch Pokemon.[/color][/QUOTE] Well, if you read Diglet post, I think its safe to say I have given up on coming up with exciting ways of catching pokemon heh ^_~. I wonder if this would work: [B]Lara stopped by a river. A fish swam by. Throwing her pokeball Lara caught the fish and laughed. [I]Congrats you just caught a Goldeen[/I] chirped her pokedex. [I]"Woohoo"[/I] Lara said, then continued on her way.[/B][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Lara was vaugely aware of a large wet sensation spreading across her cheek. She tried to summon her strength and control as a heavy lethargy ate away at her fragile hold on consciousness. Her mind was fuzzy and she seemed to struggle an eternity with returning awareness before sounds around her slowly penetrated the fog in her mind. Heavily lidded eyes opened a fraction, though all she could see were dark shapes against an even darker backdrop. Her mouth was cotton dry, the wet sensation on her face coming from the dewy grass she found herself resting on. Lara shivered, though not from the cold, her skin was red hot to the touch and dry. Fever no doubt. Limply raising a feeble hand to her neck she grimaced as she probed the wound there, inflicted by the Gligar. Rolling on to her side Lara keened as a wave of nausea gripped her. Dry retches heaved from her stomach, though only a small amount of bile was expelled. [B]"Oh God.."[/B] Lara whimpered as her shoulders shook from the strain. A soft hand rested on her shoulder, rubbing lightly to sooth Lara's shaking form. [B]"Here." [/B] Krystal knelt down and offered Lara a small piece of something. It looked white and rather soft, Lara didn't quite know what to make of it. Seeing her friends confusion Krystal chuckled softly. [B]"Its okay. Eat it, it will make you feel better."[/B] Lara had no energy to argue with the fox and so tenderly took the white item, placing it in her mouth. Tasting oddly sweet Lara expected to start retching again but as soon as she swallowed a calming warmth spread from her stomach throughout her body. Energy spread through her tired limbs, the fever receeded and her bones no longer ached with every movement. It was as if a thick curtain had been lifted from her allowing the light back in. Sitting up Lara looked at her companion in astonishment. [B]"Where did you get this, its incredible."[/B] Krystal only smiled and pointed to the small pink pokemon sat beside her. [B] "Chansey!" [/B] The thing waved at her, a small blush creeping across its features. Lara leant over to thank the pokemon. With her movements she accidentally knocked her pack over. A single pokeball rolled out, connecting with a small brown hump in the grass. The ball immediately opened and a red flash lit the dark sky. [B]"What the-"[/B] Lara gaped. [B]CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE JUST CAPTURED DIGLET![/B] Lara and Krystal just stared at one another. Shaking her head Lara grasped the errant ball.[B] "I'll be damned..."[/B][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][QUOTE=Wraith][size=1]This challenge is exhausting. I've made at least three posts today, just to try and keep up with the Golden Lotuses. I was well behind them when I checked in on Boxing Day after a single-day absence, when they had added an extra two pages or something ridiculous to the challenge. I for one will be glad when this challenge is over. But we still have until Sunday!!! Aaaaaaa! My brain is melting! [/size][/QUOTE] Hear hear! I haven't posted as much as some people on both teams and I'm still sick. If I see another pokemon after this challenge it will be far too soon. I think the spurt we Lotuses put on was rather surprising, considering the lead you guys had to begin with. I'm greatly impressed with the tenacity of White, Wraith and Baron though. I mean, its practically only you guys holding your team up and you are still doing a great job. Kudos to you guys! ^_^ [/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Lara slowly awakened, and immediately wished that she hadn't. Pain laced every movement and her brain felt like it was made form cotton wool. Looking up with bleary eyes she found that, rather than being sprawled in a rocky cave, which was her last memory of conciousness, she was now surrounded by soft grass. Much more pleasant to lie on. Attempting to sit up Lara attracted the attention of a large red and white pokemon who nudged her carefully, concerned noises accompanying its motions. Lara attempted to swat the creature away, but her weak actions proved to be futile. Laying back in the grass Lara squinted against the dying sun. [B]"Kr-stl.." [/B] She mumbled softly, remembering the friend who had saved her. She saw the fox seated a few feet away, seemingly lost in her own tired world. Rolling over onto all fours Lara crawled slowly and painfully in Krystals direction. A small movement came from behind the fox and Lara squinted. Her fuzzy gaze saw only a swiftly moving pink blob creeping up behind the dozing fox. [B]"Look out.." [/B] Lara tried to warn Krystal but her tired voice was not enough to wake the fox. When asked later Lara would not be able to remember where she had gotten the pokeball, her pack still lying with the red and white dragon some several meters away. Hurling the pokeball it flew limply, only just conecting with the somewhat occupyed pokemon. The usual flash of red light accompanyed the disappearing pokemon and Lara huffed a small sigh before collapsing against the cool grass. [B]CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE CAPTURED CHANSEY![/B] Lara's forgotten pokedex chattered from her bag, bringing her back from her revery. [B]A gentle and kind-hearted pokemon that shares its nutritious eggs if it sees an injured pokemon[/B] [B]"Oh.."[/B] Lara murmered [B]"thats...useful..."[/B] before once again losing conciousness.[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]Making her way back down the side of the volcano Lara once again paused to gaze at the treasure she had found during her previous ascent. This time there was no guardian for her to capture so she easily dropped down onto the ledge, crouching in front of the pile. Inspecting the coins and such Lara discovered something else even more interesting. During the chaos of her last visit it seemed that Lara had failed to notice the large cave entrance slightly to the left of the treasure hoard. Moving closer Lara inspected the mouth with cautioun. [I]This better not lead to the top of this volcano[/I] Lara thought wryly. It would be just like her to discover and easier route to her destination [I]after[/I] said destination had been reached the hard way. Another thing Lara failed to notice was the small shadow creeping its way along the cliff face beside where Lara stood. Prehaps she might have heard the scraping of its claws agaisnt the rock or the sly hiss of its breathing. As it was Lara was suitably shocked when a tremendous shriek tore the air not meters from where she stood. Whirling to face what ever foe had presented itself Lara was immediately met with a face full of teeth, claws and leathery wings. The creature latched on to Lara's face, sending her stumbling backwards in the cave. Flailing, trying to find any purchace and to remove the thing firmly attatched to her face Lara was unable to stop herself from stumbling. Suddenly met with a steep decline she tumbled backwards, rolling down the rocky passageway. The end of the passageway, rather than ending her swift trip, opened up into a rather large hole in the cave floor, into which Lara promptly fell along with the bat-like creature. Lara met the ground with a sudden, painful thud. All the air was driven from her lungs and Lara gasped as she dazedly tried to suck in air through the thing on her face. Her pack had come off in the tumble and was now lying beside her. Lara scrambledfor a pokeball only to once again have the contents fly in all directions. falling to her knees she felt a sharp pain at the base of her neck. This was followed by an intense heat and Lara hissed as it started to spread down to the rest of her body. Grabbing at the pokemon on her face she triedly desperately to remove it, but was unable to budge its vice like grip. Her limbs felt like lead and Lara fell back against the cave wall, unable to remain standing. As a hazy cloud started to encroach her senses an intense flash of red light spread across her vision. When it faded the creature had vanished. [B]"Hey Lara, I guess this is yours."[/B] The small voice sounded very distant and Lara groggily turned her head to find its owner. [B]"Kr-stal?"[/B] Lara slurred slightly, falling heavily on her side. The last thing she saw before blissful unconciousness enveloped her was the soft features of her friend peering down at her, the concern evident on her face. [B]"Lara..." [/B] [/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Crouching on the ledge Lara rested, getting her breath back. Glancing askance at the hoarded shinies in the corner Lara licked her bottom lip. Tempting as such items were to the adventerous tomb raider, the extra weight from the gems and coins would not be a welcome addition as she scaled the rest of the volcano. [I]Prehaps on my way back down[/I] Lara mused Stretching out her tired limbs Lara stood and assessed her remaining trek. There was a short climb between her and the crater. There had been few tremors and the plume of smoke seemed to have lessened considerably since the beginning of her ascent. Lara hoped this was a good sign and began her climb once more. The incline was much steeper and lara found it increasingly harder to find hand and foots holds the closer she gre to the top. Prehaps the movement of lava from previous eruptions had something to do with it. Grappling with the edge of the summit Lara heaved herself up. Getting to her knees Lara crouched low, unsure of what she would find in this unknown place. Looking around she heaved a dissappointed sigh. The place was entirely empty. Sliding forward slightly Lara peered over the craters edge. What met her gaze was a bubbling mass of molten rock and hot lava, a low rumble echoing within the steep walls. Lara whistled lowly but, forgetting about the sulpherous air around her, fell back coughing as she tried to breath in, her eyes watering profusely. Trying to catch her breath Lara coughed violently upon the craters edge, wiping at her eyes to clear them. Blinking Lara's vision again became blocked by a large red and orange blot, swimming in and out of focus. Lara yelped and stumbled backwards, her hand brushing the edge of the precepace. The pokemon inclined its head and look at her with an inquisitive expression. [B]"Mag-mar?"[/B] Lara gritted her teeth and grabbed a pokeball, cursing Mog for such a crazy and annoying challenge. Hefting the ball she threw it with all the strength she could muster, however, due to her obscured vision the ball went wide, falling lamely on the rocky ledge beside the creature. Magmar frowned, looking from the pokeball to Lara and back again. A low growl rumbled from the creatures throat, an echoing tremor running through the volcano. Lara grimaced. [B]"Oh sh**"[/B] Lara yelled as the Magmar inhaled sharply and a strong yet of flame burst from its mouth towards her. Lara only just managed to avoid it by leaping ungracefully to the side, the flames scorching her bare right leg slighly. Hissing in pain Lara scrambled for the discarded ball, diving forward into a roll as another jet of flame shot over her head with a loud whooshing sound. [B]"Magmar! Magmaar!"[/B] The pokemon bellowed, obviously angered by Lara's evasive actions. Grasping at the ball Lara ducked again under the pokemons attacks, running in a crouch towards the edge furthest from the crater. Gripping the ball tightly she glared at the Magmar. [B]"I've had just about enough of pokemon."[/B] Lara growled before launching the ball once more. This time her aim was true and the magmar disappeared. Breathing heavily Lara retrieved the ball, wiping a hand over her grimy face. Walking slowly to the edge of the summit Lara took in a deep breath of clean air, looking out over the surrounding countryside.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]I think that this is getting to be an endurance test more than anything else...6 more days people![/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]Lara chuckled as she watched Crash sprint off back into the woods. He seemed to have grown quite competative in their time apart. Shouldering her pack Lara took off towards the tree-line of the forest. Coming to the forest's end Lara closed her eyes and heaved a great sigh of relief, finally to be out in the open, to see the sun. Opening her eyes in anticipation Lara looked up towards the sky...only to be met with a huge expanse of solid, imovable rock. A mountain. [I]Great[/I] She thought, gritting her teeth in annoyance. [I]What does a girl have to do for a little bit of sunshine around here?[/I] A low rumble met her silent question, a light tremor running through the ground. Lara crouched instinctively, steadying herself with one hand on the ground. A few loose rocks came tumbling town the rocky incline of the mountain and as Lara looked up towards the peak she could see a small plume of smoke rising from the top. [I]This day just keeps getting better and better[/I] As the tremor dissipated Lara straightened up and walked forwards slowly towards the base of what now appear to be a slightly active volcano. Toeing a rock she grumbled under her breath and started to climb. [B]-------------------------------One long climb later-----------------------[/B] Lara heaved herself up over the edge of the rock she was hanging from. Covered in grit and grime she was sweating and breathing heavily as she sat herself down upon the ledge. The ascent had been tiring to say the least, no thanks to several loose rocks and a particularly strong wind. Shuffling back Lara put out her hand to brace herself against the rocks. Her fingers brushed something smooth and metallic, making a clinking noise as it tapped against a rock. Raising an eyebrow in curiosity Lara turned her head, and her eyes shot open wide when she saw what it was. A large stash of gold and silver objects sat, hoarded in a corner of the ledge. Most was surrounded by twigs and leaves intertwined, but a few had gone stray across the stony platform. Reaching forward Lara took a piece, running her fingers over its smooth surface. It was odd to see such a hoard simply lying out in the open like this. Despite being a rather long way up it still didn't seem like a particularly safe place to keep it. Edging closer Lara was suddenly startled by a loud squawk and a bundle of black feathers came barreling across her view. [B]"Murk-row, murkrow!"[/B] A large, crow-like looking bird stood before her, glaring fiercely. Its feathers were pure black and a sort of rim encircled the plumage on its head. It stalked towards her, clacking its beak in a meanacing fashion. Smirking Lara reached into her bag of trusty, if not now slightly grubby, pokeballs. Taking one out she tossed it about in her hands. [B]"Look, I've just come from facing down a bear. I'm not afriad of you."[/B] Hefting the ball she threw it towards the advancing Murkrow, engulfing it in red light and capturing it securely within its confines. CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE CAPTURED A MURKROW! a muffled voice called from within her pack. Removing the small pokedex Lara chuckled. [B]"Oh yeah, I had forgotten about you."[/B][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1][B]"Help!?! Anyone?!?"[/B] Pocketing her latest acquisition, agreen reptile looking creature Lara looked up with a frown. She stood still and listened intently, hearing nothing but the light breeze through the leaves and the sounds of insects and birds. Shrugging Lara set off once more. [B]"Please! Help me!"[/B] The cry came again, even louder than the previous one and not so easy to ignore. Frowning Lara turned in the direction of the cry and started forward at a slow paced jog. [B]"Hello!?!"[/B] The cries were getting closer and as Lara ducked through the undergrowth of a particularly hefty bush she literally stumbled across a prone form lying tangled on the ground. Looking back Lara gave a sharp laugh as she recognised the unfortunate figure. [B]"Crash?" [/B] The bandicoot didn't even attempt to surpress his relief at seeing his former team-mate. [B]"Lara! This is great, help me out here would you?"[/B] Crouching down beside him Lara checked him out, a small smirk playing across her lips. It seemed that Crash had gotten himself into a little bother with some kind of spider and was thoroughly trapped in webbing. [B]"Now why should I do that hmm? I mean, with you stuck here that's one less opponent I have to worry about."[/B] Crash laughed at her comment, but it soon died when he saw the semi-serious look on her face. [B]"Aww come on Lara, you can't just leave me here."[/B] The pleading in Crash's eyes was almost too much to bare. [B]"Please, for old times sake?"[/B] Sighing Lara retrieved an ingeniously concealed knife from [I]somewhere[/I] on her person and swiftly cut the bonds holding her former team-mate. [B] "There, but you owe me one." [/B][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]Lara stood motionless, her eyes never leaving the giant bear that stood before her. Its teeth were bared in a grizzly snarl and its snorted breath clouded the air before it. Cocking the hammer on her pistol with a small click, Lara took a slow step back. Training the her weapon on the beast Lara reached into her backpack. Before she could grasp anything however, the bear lunged forward onto all four paws and charged towards her, its roar deafening to her ears. Lara squeezed the trigger, letting of two shots before she had to roll out of the way. The bullets missed their target and the bear skidded to a halt near a tree and started to turn around. Cursing Lara wrenched the pack from her shoulders and dumped the contents on the ground. Balls scattered everywhere. Lara grasped at the closest item to hand, a flare. Clenching her teeth Lara's head flew up as she heard the sound of thundering paws as the bear charged again. Lighting the flare Lara got to her feet. The coloured fire of the flare gave the bear an almost demonic visage and it seemed undeterred by the mere flame. Lara stood her ground as the animal bore down on her, gripping the flare and her pistol so hard her knuckles showed white. The bear reared up, ready to strike, its jaws open wide in a chilling roar. Lara bared her teeth in a feral smile. [B]"Okay Paddy, lets see how you like this!"[/B] She leapt forwards, narrowling missing the swipe of the beasts claws to jam the flare into its dripping maw. Flailing in pain and surprise the bear batted Lara away with its massive paws, sending her sprawling to the ground. Reaching behind her blindly Lara almost laughed as her fingers closed around one of her discarded pokeballs. Lobbing the ball forward it connected with the bear's back, causing it to open and egulf the pokemon and capture it. The bear vanished and the silence that followed was thundering, broken only by heavey panted breathing and two lowly uttered words. [B]"Bloody...hell..."[/B] [/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1][I]I wish I could contact the guys some how[/I] Lara wondered as she trudged carefully through the dense woodland. It would be useful to see how they were faring, since she herself did not seem to be doing so well. Stopping to rest against the trunk of a nearby tree, Lara sunk down onto her haunches. The forest was never ending it seemed. Prehaps it was not such a good idea for her to enter it afterall. Lara shrugged. [I]Whats done is done I suppose, best find a way out of here[/I] Lara was about to stand when she noticed a large brow ear peek out from behind the tree she was resting against. Frowning Lara peered round the side only to have whatever it was give a small 'meep' and skuttle round to the other side of the tree. Lara chuckled softly and decided to give chase, following the little creature round the tree. It was only small, but still quite spry and Lara found that keeping up with its nippy meanderings quite tiring. [B]"Okay, thats it." [/B] Lara leapt forward to grasp the little creatures leg nad both came crashing to the ground in an undignified heap. Sitting up, Lara pulled the creture towards her to get a better look. What she discovered was a pokemon who looked remarkably like a little teddy bear. A small crescent marked its forehead and it looked up at her with big black eyes, all the while licking its small forepaw continuously. Seeing Lara eyeing his paw the bear stopped mid lick and held it out to her in a sort of offering. Lara chuckled and patted its head. [B]"Sorry little guy but you have to come with me."[/B] Holding out another ball, Lara pressed the small button and the bear vanished in the red light. No sooner had Lara replaced the ball in her backpack, a huge, deafening roar ripped through forest, startling all the bird pokemon who dwelt in the treetops into flight. Standing, Lara swiftly drew her a pistol from its holster, looking frantically in all directions. She didn't have to wait long. Out of the undergrowth a towering bear-like pokemon came charging straight towards her. Rearing up on its hind legs it gave her a meanacing stare. Lara gulped[B] "Mother I presume?"[/B][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]Slightly more confident after her first capture Lara continued to make her way through the grasslands she now traversed. The tall grass brushed her knees, making it rather difficult to see any possible pokemon that might be hiding on the ground. Birds randomly flew overhead and strange animal noises could be heard echoing across the feilds. [I]I wonder if all the animals here are Pokemon[/I] Lara wondered as she gazed curiously about her. Thinking that she might have better luck at finding something if she headed towards a more enclosed environment Lara picked up the pace and headed in the direction of a wooded outcrop not too far from her position. [I]All manner of beasts live in trees[/I] was the reasoning behind this decision. Ducking under a low hanging branch as she entered the wood Lara braced herself against the trunk of a tree as she peered through the leafy terrain. The leaves on the low branches waved slightly in the breeze blinking at her in the dim light. Blinking? Lara took a double take and moved closer to one of the leaves that was apparently staring at her with half lidded eyes. [B]"What in the world." [/B] Upon closer inspection the thing appeared to be some sort of insect, or possibly a cacoon that closely resembled a withered leaf. Shrugging Lara reached into her pack and removed another ball. The red light shone again and the pokemon disappeared. [B]"Easy money."[/B] A small rumble from her backpack attracted her attention. Looking inside she retrieved a small device, portraying an image of the pokemon she had just captured. [B]YOU HAVE CAPTURED A KAKUNA![/B] Flicking backwards on the device she saw that she also had an alert for the previous pokemon, or 'Bulbasaur' that she had captured. Shrugging lightly and nodding in appreciation Lara replaced the item back in her bag and set off once again deeper into the woodland.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1][B]"Safari?"[/B] Lara looked about their new surroundings in bewilderment. Unlike traditional parks this one seemed to incorporate all manner of habitats in which these 'Pokemon' could survive. Hefting one of the balls that had been handed out to each team at the beginning of the challenge Lara gave it a confused look. She failed to see how such a small contraption could catch anything, unless of course these beasts that they were to find were tiny in proportion. [B]"Best get moving then." [/B] She muttered. Turning to the rest of her team she gave them a wave. "I think it would be best if we all split up for this one." The rest of the Heroines nodded, this did seem to be the most logical solution. Yuna grinned [B]"Good hunting!"[/B] Lara smiled and headed out into the park, her backpack a comfortable and reasurring weight on her shoulders. Despite not need to hurt any of these creatures Lara still had her pistols strapped securely at her hips. There was no telling what she could run into out here. As if to prove her point she suddenly heard a small groaning sound coming from the tall grass through which she was currently wading. Stopping stock still Lara strained to hear the sound again and was rewarded by yet another groan coming this time from just in front of her. Peering down Lara pushed the grass aside and was met with one of the strangest creatures she had seen in a long time. It appeared to be a small tortoise like creature with a plant bulb sitting squarely on its back in place of a shell. [B]"Bulba-Bulbasaur!"[/B] The creature gave out an excited cry, though it sounded more like a breathy moan. Crouching down on her haunches Lara held a Pokeball before her, pointing it at what was obviously a Pokemon. Nothing happened. Shaking it slightly Lara tried again. Still nothing happened. The bulbasaur cocked its head and gave her a quizzical look, as if to say [I]some kind of trainer you are[/I]. Scowling at the creature Lara held the ball out again. [B]"A little help?"[/B] Not expecting anything from the creature Lara was a little taken aback when the Bulbasaur lumbered forward and headbutted the small button in the centre of the ball. Instantly the ball flew open and a red light engulfed the pokemon vapourising it and returning it to the inside of the ball. Shutting it with a click Lara inspected the ball with a curious gaze. [B] "Well I'll be damned." [/B] [/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Hmm, I guess we'll just have to steal some of yours then, seeing as you have plenty to spare ^_~.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1][quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1]Obviously the [COLOR=SlateGray][B]Iron Fists[/B][/COLOR'] will win this one![/size][/quote] Oh dear, we aren't going down that road are we? Trust the heroes to lower the tone :p[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]*tuts* You really should read all the evidence before making a judgement ^_~[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1][QUOTE=Lrb][color=#333333] She. She is thus the seventh. Anyways. I was [i]very[/i] surprised that the Golden Lotuses won. I hadn't felt so strongly the team I was in would win a challenge before. I [i]really[/i] thought the Iron Fists used their characters skills more effectively in the challenge. [/color][/QUOTE] You're kidding right? Powers aside, not only did we post almost twice as much as you guys, but we also spun some kind of order and "plot" into the challenge. Powers were used constantly, Samus' morph ball, Yuna's multiple spheres, Krystal's Staff and Ling's Power up moves to name but a few. I'm not normally so advocate but we clearly deserved to win this one.[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Ada and Lara sprinted towards the crypt, their only perceived refuge. Both turned at regular intervals to dispatch any number of zombies who were lumbering after them. Reaching into her dress Ada once again withdrew a grenade, [B]"Watch out!" [/B] She yelled before lobbing the explosive towards the crowd, dragging them both out of harms way before a giant explosion ripped across the cemetary, undead limbs and viscera spraying the tombs with grey matter. Lara dared not look back as she put on an extra burst of speed in an attempt to crest the hill upon which the great stone tomb rested. [B]"Come on!" [/B] Lara panted[B] "We're almost there!" [/B] Reaching the stone entrance Lara cried out when they suddenly discovered they doors had been blocked up with great wooden pews. Battering at the obstructions with desperate fists Lara swore fiercely. Thudding at the pew with the butt of her weapon Lara almost missed the cautious face that popped up betten the wooden splinters. Lara yelped in surprise, stumbling back a few paces, causing Ada to give her a strange look. [B]"Whats the matter with you?" [/B] Ada peered around Lara's shoulder only to step back in surprise herself when a pair of wary eyes blinked back at her. [B]"Are you guys dead?" [/B] Ling Xiayou's pretty voice drifted out from behind the barricades. Lara smirked and leaned forward. [B]"No Ling, we aren't dead."[/B] [B]"How do I know that?"[/B] A loud gunshot pierced the air outside the crypt and a dead zombie corpse fell against the pews, the left side of its face hanging from its neck by a small piece of gristle. Lara smirked and blew on her pistol. [B]"Thats how."[/B] Ling just gawped and began pulling at the pews blocking the entrance. [/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]The sounds of gunfire echoed throughout the graveyard, spitting flashes of fire ignited the leering, gaunt faces of the undead surrounding them. The stench of death permiated the air, choking the very breath of the two women who now stood back to back, spraying bullets into the stumbling crowd. Sweat beaded on Lara's forehead, trailing in thin rivulets down her face and chest and soaking her shirt. Clammy hands gripped her pistols firmly, the comforting weight the only reassurance in the living knightmare she appeared to be stuck in. Whipping around Lara split the skull of an advancing zombie with a well placed bullet, spraying dead flesh across her companion. Breathing heavily Lara glanced over her shoulder, letting out a short laugh. [B]"I could do this all day!" [/B] As if to emphasise her point Lara let off a couple of well placed shots taking two zombies out at the knees. Her laugh was cut short however when the fallen zombies lurched forward, pulling themselves along the ground with their hands and gnashing teeth. Ada growled, fitting another clip into her weapon. "[B]Aim for the head and only the head!"[/B] Lara grimaced and dispatched the two disabled dead, swinging her pistols in a horizontal arch, mowing down a line of the mob only to find them replaced by several more. Lara shot her an appologetic look. [B]"Okay, we need another plan!" [/B] Lara gasped and pistol whipped a zombie who had managed to get close enough to grab at her arm. [B]"There's just too many to hold off." [/B] [B]"You're f***ing telling me!"[/B] Lara could feel her heart thundering in her chest as she searched frantically for an escape. As the mist thinned slightly she caught a glimps of a building perched high atop of a hill, central to the cemetary. Lara pointed with one of her pistols, yelling towards her companion. [B]"There! On the hill!" [/B] She watched as Ada glanced briefly where indicated. [B]"If we get there, we can hold them off until Mog gets us the hell out of here!"[/B] [B]"That rat has a sick sense of humour."[/B] Ada spat, but nodded in agreement with the plan. Taking out the latest row of zombies, Lara reached behind her into her back pack and grasped one if the cylindrical objects she found there. Wrenching it out she struck it harshly on a nearby tombstone and the end instantly flared to life with coloured fire. Grinning Lara hefted the flare in front of her, praying that the zombies were not too dumb to ignore it. It seemed a high power smiled upon the pair as a large group of the undead corpses stopped suddenly, gawping slack jawed at the burning flare. Lara laughed triumphantly and grasped Ada by the hand, pulling her backwards even as the other woman let off another spurt of bullets in their wake. The crowd of zombies stumbled away from the burning light, allowing a small gap to appear in their ranks. The two women took full advantage sprinting towards the cover of a smaller crypt. Ada murmered in amusement at the zombies antics. [B]"Fire bad, gotta love that undead mentality."[/B] Lara just winked at her and grinned.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]Umm, what are the actually conditions for a victory in this game Sandy? Is it about skill of writing and team work etc?[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Lara smiled as she listened to Yuna's introduction. Most of what the girl was saying Lara already knew, owing to her lengthy conversation with Yuna back at the CPU. It seemed to be such a long time ago when they all first arrived, uncertain and excited to the CPU, the beginning of their adventures here. She did hope that the boys wouldn't get into too much trouble without her and Krystal to act as the sense of the group. Their new surroundings were, on the other hand, much nicer than their previous home. There appeared to be a few more ameanities and not nearly as much sand. Having spent much time exploring Chinese temples and the like, Lara felt at ease in this new environment. Nodding as Yuna returned to her seated position, Lara stood in order to introduce herself. Clearing her throat she gave a little bow to the assembled team. [B]"Lara Croft, freelance archaeologist and tomb raider at your service."[/B] Feeling any further digression to be unecessary, Lara promptly sat back down and smiled innocently.[B] "Next?" [/B] [/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]These are pretty good teams I must say. I can't wait for the next challenge ^_^[/SIZE]
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