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Everything posted by Doukeshi

  1. [SIZE=1]I think its time we moved on with the game ^_~[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]I too thought that the movie could have been longer. Everything seemed to be happening rather too quickly for my liking. The scene where [spoiler]Peter kills Maugrim the wolf[/spoiler] was terribly short and it made it seem like [spoiler]Peter killed him by accident rather than actually fighting him.[/spoiler] Having grown up with the BBC adaptation of the books I couldn't help but compare the two and as such I found many good points and some not so good. I really loved the movies portrayal of Lucy, she is much less annoying than she is in the BBC. I was also impressed with the actor playing Peter. I absolutely adored the beavers, but the scene in the lodge is something I thought could have also benefited from a bit of length. I still really enjoyed the movie and I believe it will be something that will appeal greatly to younger viewers slightly more than adults. [/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1][B]Superhero Name:[/B] Warp [B]Real Name:[/B] Nicholas Holland [B]Current Occupation:[/B] Writer of Fiction [B] Place of Birth[/B]: Paris [B]Marital Status:[/B] Divorced [B]Height:[/B] 5,9 [B]Weight:[/B] 14 stone or 195lbs [b]Eye Colour:[/b] Grey [B]Hair Colour: [/B] Dark chesnut brown [B] Hair Length:[/B] comes down to just between his shoulder blades [B]Clothing:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24958&stc=1] [U]Everyday[/U][/URL] Nick will dress quite smartly most of the time, a suit and tie being his favourite outfit to go out and about in. The cane seen in the image actually holds a thin blade, of the type often used by gentlemen in the 19th century. Nick's hero outfit is a combination of both [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24959&stc=1][U]this[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24960&stc=1][U]this[/U][/URL]. The uniform is as you see it in the first image with the red cross replaced by a white 'w' as shown in the form os a 'z' in the second image. The 'w' button-like insignia is also visible on his chest. Nick prefers the all encompasing hood as it lessens the likelyhood of anyone recognising him in the field. The cane he uses in his civilan persona is strapped to his back so he can use the sword within when he's out heroing. [B]Personality:[/B] Charming and intelligent, Nick is dedicated to his cause. His moods never really stay static for long and he is very open to others opinions and arguments. As such it can be said that Nick is easily swayed and manipulated should someone have the will to, though a master of manipulation himself he is well aware of the tricks of others and is by no means gullable in nature. Such a changing nature can also often make him seem insestive to others. [B] Character History:[/B] Nick spent most of his early life blissfully absent of any special or remarkable talents and as such enjoyed a rather uneventful childhood in the city of Paris, France. There he lived with his English father, a colonel in the British army and his French mother, a writer for the local Parisian newspaper. As an only child Nick was adored by his parents and attended the finest schools in the city, excelling in the study of literature and the arts, though rather lacking somewhat in the areas relating to mathematics and science. Nick was a rather late starter by mutant standers. His latent mutant ability really only manifested itself in his late teens when Nick was involved in a rather horrific train crash. In summary the train, carrying Nick and his mother from Paris to Versailles de-railed, sending the thrid and fourth passenger cars tumbling from the track. Trapped under a large section of debris Nick was only able to free himself and his unconcious mother using an unexpected power to melt a hole in the side of the carriage and escape. Nick himself remembers little of the incident, other than a feeling of tremendous heat rushing through his body. Reports of the accident describe only a minority of the passengers surviving and not even Nick escaped unscathed. Suffering a severly fractured leg he was required to use a cane for a long period even after the cast was removed. Nowadays he merely uses the cane out of comfort, despite the fact he no longer requires to do so. Scared by his newley developed powers, as most mutants often are, Nick hid them from his parents and indeed much of the outside world. Feeling at odds with the surroundings of his home Nick soon left France to study literature at Harvard University in Boston. Once in America he began hearing stories of men and women baring super-human powers acting as vigilanties against crime. Inspired by such actions Nick soon discovered a new purpose for his previously ignored powers and began creeping out at night to patrol the streets. Having at last found his vocation Nick threw himself into this new persona, training himself in several forms of combat, including fencing for which he found he had a natural flair. His academic work suffered as a result of this and he soon found himself expelled from his University. Undeterred, Nick began writing of his heroic exploits in the guise of fiction novels. The recieving moderate acclaim, it is enough to keep him housed and clothed and he finds that life as a writer offers few distractions from his life as a fighter of crime. Though married for a short time to a journalist Nick found that the responsibilites of such a life put too much of a strain on his life as a vigilantie and vice versa. Nick will not speak of it often, not because it pains him but because he does not see it as anything worth mentioning. [B]Superhuman Powers: [/B] Object manipulation, turning gass to solid, solid to liquid etc. For exampleh he can change an object such as a ball into a liquid form...but once he makes it solid again it won't return to its previous shape, it won't be a ball anymore. To change something back to it's original form, or there abouts he would have to change into a plyable substance and physically mould it himself. This power does not change the actual temperature of the object however. Source of Powers: Benevolent mutation. [B] Special Skills:[/B] Nick has some skill in fencing, hence the blade. [B]Weapons/Gadgets:[/B] only the sword [B]EDIT of EDIT: Thanks kenshinbabe ^_~ you're a lifesaver[/SIZE][/B]
  4. [SIZE=1]Lara laughed out loud at Shadow's antics, holding her drink aloft in the toast. Despite being slightly saddened by Pac-man's departure Lara was enjoying her final night together with her team. Looking around at the rest of the group she grinned. [B]"Well I hope you are all ready to square off against the best 'cause you'll have to play pretty hard to beat me."[/B] Lara pointed a thub at her chest and winked. Fox ruffed his fur up comically in an attempt to make himelf look more rugged. Unfortunately all he succeeded in doing was making his hair even fluffier than it had previously been. Nevertheless Fox stood and struck the most heroic looking pose he could manage. [B] "Oh yeah?" [/B] Fox challenged as he puffed out his chest. [B]"We'll see about that Ms Croft and you'll be singing a different tune when you're eating my dust." [/B] [B]"Like this?"[/B] A large cloud of sand suddenly engulfed the fox who promptly fell to the ground gagging. Gales of laughter followed from the rest of the Adventurers and Fox sat up to glare at Crash. [B]"Not funny."[/B] Crash merely chuckled at Fox's indignance and leant back, downing the contents of his drink. Lara ran her fingers through her bangs and chuckled. Leaning over to Krystal she lay her hand reassuringly on the female fox's shoulder. [B]"If we're together against these guys they better get used to seeing [I]our[/I] dust."[/B] Krystal smiled up at her companion and nodded. The 'guys' in question were too busy tustling in the sand to notice the two girls conniving behind them. [B] "Poor delusioned men."[/B] Lara nodded in mock-solmness at Krystals comment. [B]"You gotta love em."[/B][/SIZE]
  5. Well, I have two designs here, I may do more, I haven't decided. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24954&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24955&stc=1[/img]
  6. [SIZE=1]Hey, I thought that Wraith and Shinji were exempt from being nominated in this round 'cause they didn't participate. Or was that just a false assumption on my part?[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]How many banners are we allowed to submit? Can we make serveral different ones or is it limited to one banner per entrant?[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1][QUOTE=The Newfie][COLOR=SeaGreen]Perhaps the most beloved of the Beatles, perhaps the greatest song writer in history, perhaps the most caring, peace-loving man to ever live, John Lennon was one of the most beloved people to ever live. He gave us the timeless classic 'Imagine', he was the driving force behind the bands that revolutionized the world of music. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Caring, peace-loving my butt. The amount of anger and jealousy that man felt was phenominal. He wasn't perfect and serene, he was a regular bloke with one hell of an ego. Its not a good thing he died sure, but it isn't the travesty that everyone makes it out to be, he wasn't Ghandi for crying out loud.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Imi is right kid. You don't need all this self pity crap it gets you abso-fricken-lutely nowhere. Talking only does so much, after that its time to get up off your arse and do something productive. Thats right, get up off your arse and do something about it. Crying and whinging about it ain't helping anyone, especially you. So you feel like crap, you feel down, like the world hates you etc etc. Wallowing in it is just going to increase it. A hell of a lot of people feel this way, a [I]hell[/I] of a lot and to be perfectly honest it gets a bit tiresome. Change your life kid, the only one who can do it is you, one step at a time.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]Aww man, now we have to vote? Oh well, I guess we could avoid it for any longer could we *sigh*. Well done to the [COLOR=Red]Bravers[/COLOR], good job guys.[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1][B]"Right...well,"[/B] Lara spoke tenatively as the team moved with cautious steps through the great hall, [B]"we're in now. Nice team based plan you had there Crash." [/B] Looking askance at the theif Lara smirked as she saw the reddish blush creep upon his cheeks. [B]"Sorry...got kind of carried away there."[/B] Lara chuckled and patted Crash on the back. The inside of the castle was much like its outward countenance, dark and disturbing, a fiery glow emanating from the many torches that adorned the walls. Lava pits were spaced along the halls at regular intervals, making Lara curious as to how one could live in a castle such as this in any sort of comfort. The pits were easy enough to jump across, more strange was the apparent absence of any kind of foe to bar their path. "[B]thisemph usa iddle hoo esszey ifn ooh'skn meh."[/B] A series of rasied eyebrows and blank looks met Fox's muffled comment. Sighing the knight lifted up his iron face plate and cleared his throat.[B] "I said, this seems a little too easy if...oww!" [/B] Fox yelped as a large bone bounced off his nose, raising a hefty lump on his snout. Picking up the offending object Fox cast a confused look at the rest of the group. A skeletal chuckle echoed round the hall, followed by a harsh scrapping sound as the perp made its escape. [B]"It went thatta way!" [/B] Crash yelled, sprinting off down a narrow corridor after the foe. [B]"Get back here ya little snot!" [/B] Lara attempted to grab the theif before he took off, managing only to lightly graze his hood with her fingers, unable to get a purchase. [B]"Crash get back here! Aww hell not again."[/B] Lara, feeling she had little choice, chased after the over eager theif, barely able to see him in the gloom of the castle lights. Putting on an extra burst of speed the Hunter drew up behind Crash. Reaching forward Lara grabbed a fistful of the back of his shirt. "I said stop damnit!" Lara yanked backwards forcefully, pulling Crash to the floor with a startled cry. Sprawling on the floor, a loud boom filled the hallway, sending a thick cloud of dust up into the air. Coughing, Crash glared at the Hunter. "Damn Lara, I almost had him!" Lara blinked, staring past the theif. [B]"Yeah? Well, that guy almost had you."[/B] Turning to look over his shoulder Crash gaped at what Lara was staring at. A large slab of rock sat on the ground, inches from where they lay. A slab of rock that was now leering at them with a pebble filled grin. A large red studded door lay beyond the rocky barrier, glowing meanacingly in the dim light. Crash gulped, smiling nervously at the still grinning rock. [B] "Erm...reckon thats where Bowser lives?" [/B] [/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1][B]"Fuck!"[/B] Seeing the iron clad Fox drop suddenly through the cracked planks Lara dove forward grabbing at the straps holding on his chest plate. The weight of the knight jerked her off her feet, her already unsteady purchase now non existant has she fell face forward on the bridge. Fox's piercing yells only further antagonised the situation as Lara hung gamely on to him, the boards of the bridge creaking loudly in -protest. The only thing preventing Lara and Fox from an almost certain death at the bottom of the chasm was a few rickety steps and an already fraying hand rope that lara had entwined her foot through. Gritting her teeth against the pain in her arms Lara tried hefting Fox back up onto the bridge only to immediatley desist under the creaking protests of the swaying bridge. [B]"Damnit Fox McCloud, how much do you weigh!" [/B] Fox looked up at Lara, unbridled panic clear in his wide white eyes. Any comment on the knights part was suddenly cut off as an ominous splintering sound pierced the air. Lara tensed, her breath caught in her throat. Barely having time to bellow out a hasty curse before she too found herself swinging in mid air, her sudden descent halted by Crash as he lunged for her booted foot. Crash cryed out as his arms wrenched, the strain of holding up Lara [I]and [/I] Fox being almost too much. Lara looked down at the panic stricken knight, wincing as the sun glinted off his armour into her eyes. [B]"Fox you have to lose that armour, its dead weight!" [/B] Lara yelled, all to aware of how close to being dead weight themselves they all were at this very moment. Fox nodded frantically and began fumbling with the buckles on his boots and grieves. Crash grunted above them, attempting to wrap his feet more firmly around the rope supports. [B]"Krystal we could do with a hand here, do something!"[/B][/SIZE]
  13. Here we go, I hope you like it ^_^ [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24922&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24923&stc=1[/img]
  14. [SIZE=1]Lara dusted herself off and clambered up onto the road, grimacing as she glanced over the flaming wreckage of the carriage. Turning back to her companions she frowned. [B]"Is it worth me asking what the hell that was?" [/B] A series of shrugs met her query and one by one the Adventurers made their way up onto the road beside Lara, accompanied by Lara's mutters of [I]"bloody fantasy games[/I][I]".[/I] The road was lined on one side by a thick forest, whoes depths, in true fantastic fashion were deep dark and foreboding. On the other side lay the hazardous mountain plateau from which they had just descended. Heaving a sigh of resignation Lara began walking slowly towards the tree-line. [B]"Wait!" [/B] Krystal waved her hands at the others as they turned to follow Lara. Glancing back over her shoulder Lara raised an eyebrow. [B]"What is it? This is the only way we can go." [/B] Lara indicated the forest with a wave of her gloved hand. Krystal shook her head frantically. [B]"No, look here. Its a sign post!" [/B] They all looked in the direction Krystal was indicating. There indeed, haphazardly situated on the side of the road, stood a worn, yet mostly legible sign-post, with arrows detailing destinations. Blinking in surprise Lara made her way over to the sign, squinting as she rubbed her hand of the grimy surface. [I][B]North ---> The Bottomless Pit of Everlasting Pain via Northern Darkwood East ---> The Frigid Steppes of Perpetual Monotony South ---> Lake Viscera via Ruin City West ---> Bowsers Evil Lair via Western Darkwood and the Pungent Swamps[/B][/I] Lara snorted slightly as she read the inscriptions. [B]"You know...somehow I get the feeling we should be heading west." [/B] Fox looked at her askance, hefting his sword up over his shoulder. [B]"You don't say. Though I must admit the Pungent Swamps do sound rather lovely don't they."[/B] At this Krystal laughed, flicking Fox's nose as she walked past. [B]"I don't know, I hear Lake Viscera is lovely this time of year." "No no, the night spots in Ruin City are second to none..."[/B] Several more jokes of similar ilk followed before Lara halted the proceedings with an exhasperated shout. [B]"People, as much as I would like to discuss our future holiday plans here I do think that we have a princess to rescue and a dragon to slay."[/B] Fox looked sheepish as he scuffed the dirst with an iron clad foot. [B]"Right..."[/B] [B]"It says here the route to Bowsers castle lies West...through the forest. So that is where we are headed."[/B] And with that Lara strode forward towards the tree-line once more, scouting in front while Krystal and Crash came up behind, with Fox taking the rear, his iron suit clanking noisily as he walked.[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]Seeing that all the members of the [COLOR=Blue]Adventurers[/COLOR] were finally ready, the CPU immediatley teleported them to their destination, a blinding flash of light engulfing them. When the light had dissapaited the four stood silently still, wary at their new surroundings. They appeared to have been transported to what seemed to be a dusty plateau, giving a grand view of the land they needed to traverse. The sky was unclouded and blue and the bright sunlight shone clear across the hills, valleys and forests that stretched far out across the horizon. It looked idyllic indeed with a simple, cursory glance. Upon further inspection, however, it seemed that the glorious nature was overcast by a large, shadowy mountain, which loomed in the distance. A light breeze picked up across the plateau, sending swirls of dust dancing in the air. It also served to rustle the Adventurers clothes and hair in a heroic and daring fashion. Lara tugged at her green tunic and looked across at the large mountain that dominated the skyline. [B] "Well isn't this cliché." [/B] She murmered, hefting her bow across her shoulder. Glancing about her team she gave an affectionate smile. What a motley crew they made. Still, this was to be their last adventure together as Adventurers and that meant something to her, even if it didn't mean anything to anyone else. [I]Well, if its cliché Mog wants, its cliche he's gonna get.[/I] [B]"Okay guys. It looks like that"[/B] She pointed in the direction of the mountain, [B]"is to be our destination."[/B] She stood on the edge of the cliff and struck her most heroic and daring pose. [B]"We are Adventurers and this is what we do everyday! Are we going to let some weedy Legends or punk Bravers beat us to the punch?!"[/B] A chorus of [I]'hell no' [/I] and [I]'no way's [/I] echoed out across the valley. Lara grinned and shook her fist, the fire of adrenaline coursing through her veins. [B]"Well then!" [/B] Lara yelled in exhilaration, [B]"Lets go rescue that princess!" [/B] [/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Des has a good point, since this is based on creativity and imagination, prehaps a deadline isn't the best way to go. [/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][QUOTE=Satoru]HAHAHA I live in Newcastle Too!! Wierd...well not IN Newcastle but one of the surrounding little towns by the coast, Whitley Bay. [/QUOTE] Yeah I'm not technically Newcastle either, I live in Cramlington which is a bout 7-10 miles out. Its easier to say I live in Newcastle though, saves a lot of hassle ^_~. P.S Imi, a lot of people tend to think I'm a guy online too heh.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]I think it would be useful to put the deadline for this challenge back to thursday...possibly even friday if that is possible since it does require a lot of communication between the teams.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]Hey there troops ^_~ The name's Lorna and I'm a 19 year old girly from Newcastle Upon Tyne in England, (I'm 20 in February though). I am currently doing my second year at Newcastle University doing a BA Hons degree in Ancient History. I am triplet so I have a 19 year old brother and a 19 year old sister but I am the middle one and I live with my parents. Anything else you wanna know, just ask! ^_~[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]I was quite surprised by the decision to vote off ULX. I guess we won't have the pleasure of Squishy's antics anymore :([/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]It'll take more than a day for you to find out if the meds are doing anything. Usually it takes up to three weeks for any side effects to manifest and wear off. What is she taking if you don't mind me asking?[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]Lara grimaced as she watched the rest of her team dig into the fish, opting herself to take one of the fruits that had been part of their banquet before the challenge. Taking a large bite, Lara coughed as juiced squirted from the over ripe fruit, running down her chin and onto the sand. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, Lara peered at the food accusingly. [B]"What kind of fruit is this anyway?" [/B] Lara asked, as much to everyone as to noone. Crash looked up from his position, lying back on the sand. [B]"Oh that, its Wumpa fruit," [/B] The bandicoot said cheerily, a large grin plastered onto his face.[B] "The island where I live is pretty much the only place where it grows and its absolutely de-freaking-licious!" [/B] Stuffing the last of the fish into his mouth, Crash made a grab for the fruit, falling back with several of the spherical, apple-looking things in his hands. Raising an incredulous eyebrow, Lara glanced back at her fruit, which was now dripping all over the sand in front of her. Lara shrugged and bit into it again, it really wasn't all that bad. Looking around at the rest of her team, minus Krystal who had gone straight to her hut as far as Lara knew, she let out a melancholy sigh, a sad smile tinging her lips. Fox cocked his head to one side, alerted by her sigh. [B]"Hey Lara, whats up? Don't like the fruit, 'cause there's some great paté kinda stuff over here?"[/B] Lara smiled at Fox's concern and shook her head. [B]"No Fox, the fruit is fine thankyou. I was just thinking about how we are all going to be split up after the next challenge...then prehaps we will have to compete against eachother."[/B] Lara brought her knees up to her chin. This team had won three challenges in a row so far, competing against eachother rather than working together would be a challenge.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1][QUOTE=Solo Tremaine aka Krystal]On the shelf next to her bed, the mirror the team had won caught her eye. They still hadn't used it yet... [/QUOTE] Thats because we keep forgetting to take it with us. Lets make sure someone grabs it next time lol[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1][quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1]I'm in Australia, Shinji is in New Zealand. Solo is in England [?]. As far as I know, Doukeshi, KKC and Wraith are Americans. Time zones don't make much of a difference. If people visit regularly [wherein lies the problem'] then you can win that sort of challenge. It in no way stops you from posting often.[/size][/quote] Nope, I'm in England also, quite the multicultural team eh ^_~. I agree with your point though[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]I know people like your girlfriend Fox and the best thing you can do, if nothing else, is to let her know that you care about her and listen to her. Ain't nothing worse than thinking noone cares about you when you're feeling all pent up like that. I know you feel helpless but if you are doing that then you are helping her. What is the specific cause of the anxiety attacks? If there is one. Prehaps, as sakura said, taking her away from the cause of her problem, if only for a short time, would be a good thing, to rest and take her mind off it.[/SIZE]
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