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Everything posted by Doukeshi

  1. [SIZE=1][QUOTE=Solo Tremaine][COLOR=#503F86] I suppose this means we'll be two members down each for the next challenge?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Thats hardly fair though, if that was the case then we might as well vote two people off ourselves (not that I'm suggesting we do ^_~)[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]Alright! Hat trick! That was a close one alright, well done to the [COLOR=Green]Legends[/COLOR]. I'd like to ask one thing, however. When we are sent to these worlds, we all seem to assume that we are sent to seperate worlds per team, with no interaction between teams. Is that a correct assumtion or is there going to be some team interaction later on in the game?[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]I think that, whereas most of the team sees us as being in the mario bros. world (see fig. 1), KKC sees us as being in the super mario world (see fig. 2). Also I think we had made it to world 1-3 by that point anyway ^_~. I think I've pretty much just amalgamated the two into one world with aspects of each heh. [B]Fig.1 [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24881&stc=1[/img] Fig.2[/B] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24882&stc=1[/img] [/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]I was thinking about introducing the level where you are constantly beset by flying bullets. Oh boy do I hate those levels. I'm also running out of ideas as to how and where I can find mushrooms.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Lara jogged briskly in order to catch up with Krystal and Shadow, who had somehow inexplicably gotten ahead of them. Slowing to a stop she waved at the female fox, flashing a grin as she noticed their equal height. [B]"I see you've had some luck in the mushroom department then," [/B] Krystal smiled at Lara's returning enthusiasm and nodded brightly. [B]"Yes, though I'm curious to know how you ended up behing Shadow and I?" [/B] Krystal indicated to herself and the dark hedgehog, who was by now tapping his sneaker clad foot impatiently on the ground. Lara frowned and scratched her head, looking back the way she had came and then looking forward through the level. [B]"I have absolutely no idea. I'm trying not to think about it too much, its giving me a monster of a headache."[/B] Lara rubbed her forehead as if to illustrate her point. Shadow huffed and made fleeing motions with his arms. [B]"Yes, great, wonderful! Now could we please get going those mushrooms aren't going to pick themselves ladies!" [/B] Seeing no positive reaction from either of the girls Shadow threw his arms up in the air in an extravigantly annoyed gesture before speeding off. Lara hid her blossoming smile behind her hand as she watched the tempestuous hedgehog speed off into the distance. Tapping Krystal on the shoulder she urged her companion onwards. [B]"Come on, I promise I won't leave you alone with that maniac again." [/B] Stepping forward Lara failed to notice the snapping plant that resided in a hole in the ground before her. As it snapped at her foot Lara's entire body began to flash. Letting out a startled cry Lara fell backwards, lashing out at the plant with her free foot, disposing of it in a puff of smoke. Krystal dashed towards her companion, her staff ready to fend off any other enemies that happened to be nearby. [B]"Lara! Are you alright?" [/B] Blinking slowly Lara raised herself up into a sitting position, looking up in time to see a flashing mushroom decending slowly towards her. Reaching out she grabbed the mushroom, once again feeling the change that came from touching the exotic plant. "Yeah...I'm fine, but where did that mushroom come from?" Krystal shrugged before looking up in the direct the mushroom had fallen from. [B]"There!" [/B] Krystal shouted, pointing with her staff. Lara followed her line of sight, her eyes coming to rest on a now empty floating box, surrounded by a variety of numbers. [B]"I think it came from there when you were hit." [/B] Lara rubbed her head as she clambered to her feet. [B]"Well fancy that. All this time looking for mushrooms and there was one hanging right above my head the entire time."[/B][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]I keep getting confused as to which Mario game we're in. It seems my team keeps switching from Mario Bros. to Super Mario at will ^_~. Its all just merging into one bright mushroom flavoured world...wow this is crazier than the lemmings.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]I'm afraid I took a bit of a liberty with what Fox and Yoshi had been upto in my last post KKC, I hope you don't mind ^_^[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]Lara stood, looking a little bewildered as chaos erupted around her starting with the discovery of that little yellow dinosaur. [I]At least its not a t-rex[/I] Lara mused, grimacing as she remembered having to battle those creatures. As the others sped off towards the end of the level Lara took a more liesurely pace, taking all the blocks that crash in his enthusiasm had missed. Hopping from one platform to the next Lara shot at the many blocks that hung overhead causing them to pop open. As with many of the others most of the blocks contained coins and Lara was fast losing her patience. The beasts who dared to cross her path payed for this impatience with their 8-bit lives, vanishing in clouds of smoke and numbers. Raising her pistols Lara sent a barrage of bullets across the expanse of the terrain, knocking out coin-blocks and enemies a-like. One stray bullet hit a bright yellow box that before hand had been casually blinking at the 2D sun. The bullet caused the box to flip round and a great green vine sprouted alarmingly from it. Lara paused and stared at the vine, gazing up into the sky as the vine continued to grow. [B]"Great,"[/B] Lara sighed, [B]"There better not be a giant up there."[/B] Holstering her guns Lara grasped the thick vine and started to climb. Hours seemed to go by as she continued her ascent, though barely a few minutes had passed. Finally Lara reached her destination, a solid platform of clouds stretched out across the the sky, apparently hovering. Hazarding a glance back down to earth Lara gulped as she stepped out onto the platform. She breathed a sigh of relief, finding the clouds to be sturdy and began to walk towards its end. [I]What possible use could there be for such a platform?[/I] Lara wondered, seeing nothing but clouds and blue sky. Her question was soon answered as, out of the blue, a green figure with a red cape came hurtling towards her. Lara barely heard Fox's warning yells as he, Yoshi and Lara went tumbling across the cloud platform. In a tangle of limbs they skidded and rolled and the edged was coming towards them quickly. To add to the mix another mushroom shot out from behind the clouds, landing on Lara's chest as they shot by. Energised by the mushroom Lara grabbed onto the edge of the platform in time to prevent all three of them from crashing to the ground. Hanging precariously Lara glared down at Fox. [B]"Can't you control that thing?!"[/B] Fox looked up at her and shrugged. [B]"Hey you got a mushroom didn't you, plus it doesn't hurt when we fall remember."[/b] Fox laughed and with that he detached the cape Lara was hanging onto and proceeded to prove his point by free falling to the ground below. Lara pressed her head against a cloud and groaned. [B]"I want my third dimension back." [/B][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1][QUOTE=Hug Monster][COLOR=Purple]why yall gotta be -471/\/ on t3h 13375|>34< ? XD I don't see anything wrong with it. Also, j00 should know that there are MANY variations of l337 speak. Some people don't use numbers so much as they do lines. 1 /-\/\/\ +3|-| |33+ /\/\/-\5+312 !!! or ! 4/\/\ 73- 1337 /\/\4573? !!! Are both the same thing (I am the leet master!!!)[/COLOR][/QUOTE] We are -471/\/ on t3h 1337 5|>34
  10. [SIZE=1]Have you exhausted all methods? Now I'm not saying get all kinky and S&M here all I'm saying is maybe you need to spice it up a bit. Surprise your guy once in a while, with an impromptu love making session, or drop the hint that maybe he should also. Try it in different places or places with more risk. I've heard that the risk of getting caught makes it more passionate (never tried it myself though so I'm just going on hearsay with that one ^_~). Discuss your fantasies with eachother, then try acting them out if you haven't already done so...maybe it is time to get kinky lol ^_~. Of course, I'm glad to hear that sex isn't everything in your relationship. Its a very shallow relationship that is based soley around the act of sex.[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]Lara fired another shot as a flying brown critter dove down towards her. It seemed that the more dangerous inhabitants of this world were unused to facing foes with guns and Lara found it quite easy going dispatching anything that crossed her path. Finding mushrooms, on the other hand, proved not to be so easy. Having discovered in her previous encounter with one of the many yellow blocks that resided here that some contained the very mushrooms she wished to find, Lara had taken to hitting these blocks wherever possible. Most had only yeilded bright golden coins. Being the treasure hunter she was, however, Lara still stuffed these coins into the back-pack she had brought along. [I]I wonder what the auction value is for a 2D coin from a world of mushrooms...[/I] Lara thought absently. This being a linear world it wasn't long before they reached what seemed to be the end of the 'level'. A large stairway of bricks loomed up infront of them, obscuring the view beyond. [B]"Come on guys, looks like we have to move on to the next level!" [/B] Lara urged her fellow team mates on, pointing out what seemed to be a flag pole appearing over the top of the stairway. Taking two steps at a time, Lara bounded up towards the flag. As she neared the top a bright red and white mushroom rocked up, seemingly from a pocket in space. Startled, Lara lunged forward to grab the mushroom. As her fingers clasped the fungus she lost her precarious footing on the last step. Free falling into mid air Lara grasped the flag pole that stoofd fast before her in an attempt to control her decent. Spinning round the pole, she deposited herself ungracefully on the floor, an impromtu roll saving her dignity. Looking up, Lara realised that she had once again grown due to the mushroom. The flag, she also realised had been raised during her descent, sending a shower of fireworks bursting overhead. [B]"Hey nice light-show! Do it again!" [/B] Shadow called from his position ontop of the brick stairs. Lara growled at him and flipped him the finger before standing and dusting herself off. [/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]I once went through a period of saying btw rather than 'by the way' in regular speach. Its was purely accidental and rather embarassing to say the least. I think that typing in such a manner throughout a post just makes it look messy and incoherant. [/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]Lara looked up at her now taller team mates with a raised eyebrow. These mushrooms had very unusual properties. [B]"Well, we can't be having this now, can we."[/B] Lara murmured, not used to being shorter than her companions. [B] "Hows the weather down there!"[/B] Shadow grinned and waved down at her, causing Lara to scowl and turn away. Shooting him in the kneecaps wouldn't be very productive. Unholstering her pistols Lara stepped boldly forward, wary of the seemingly docile, yet provokable creatures that wandered about the 2D landscape. Lara squinted against the glare of the brightly coloured pixels as she leapt on top of a green pipe that sprouted inexplicably from the ground. Spotting a bouncing creature several yards away Lara crouched down upon the pipe in order to make herself less visable. Big mistake. A sudden wave of sound engulfed her as she was sucked down into the pipe with a yelp. Several seconds later Lara found herself deposited non too comfortably upon the hard ground of what looked to be a cave...a bright blue cave. Looking around she noticed five yellow blocks suspended in mid air, question marks adorning their surface. Frowning slightly, Lara looked around the cave with suspicion, her experience in such places not leaving her with a very comfortable feeling. Getting a short run up Lara leapt gracefully and landed atop one of the blocks, relieved to find that is was apparently sturdy. Bouncing lightly on top of it Lara's frown deepened, unable to figure out just what they were for. Shrugging Lara looked across to the next block and leapt again, hoping the next one would provide some clue. Unfortunately, Lara discovered, she had misjudged her leap by a small amount, leaving her slightly short of the block. Her eyes wide in surprise Lara reached out in the hope that she could grapple onto the block before falling the 10 feet or so back to the ground. Grasping the block with both hands she swung haphazardly underneith the block, hitting her head painfully underneith it as she tried to straighten up. Lara almost lost her precarious grip on the block as it gave a small shudder. Not able to see above her Lara was rather surprised to find a red and white mushroom falling slowly past her to the ground. Lara blinked, attempting to shaze the fuzziness from head. Looking down she saw that the mushroom was travelling slowly across the cavern floor, bouncing of either wall. Lara released her grip in the block and fell to the floor as gracefully as she could manage. Reaching out she grabbed the mushroom and an tingling vibration shot up her arm. Her headache immediately vanished as her body seemed to expand slightly, utalizing the growth effects of the mushroom. Lara straightened up to her now full height and grinned, rubbing her head where a large bruise would have been. [B]"An acceptable pain I feel."[/B] She said, before heading towards the pipe that rested at the other side of the cavern.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]So can you have other people in your post find a mushroom, or does it have to be you? For example if I post can I make, say, Crash find the mushroom for that post?[/SIZE]
  15. Doukeshi

    Aeon Flux?

    [SIZE=1]This movie doesn't really appeal to me. I haven't previously seen the animated series but judging by pictures I probably wouldn't have liked it anyway. I like Charlize Theron as an actress but as Generic said she just looks tired all the time in all the shots I've seen.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1][QUOTE=AzureWolf][COLOR=teal] Bisexuals come about when there is an excess of libido, or sexual drive. So a bisexual - according to this theory - isn't really attracted to both sexes, just that he has so much want for sex that he is willing to take what he can get, so to speak. [/QUOTE] I'm not too sure I agree with that theory Azure. I mean there is a whole lot of friction from both sides (straight and gay) when it comes to dealing with bisexuality. Bisexuality is always shown as just sluttish people who want it from everyone. Its like the ultimate defenition of promiscuity. What happens if you are genuinely attracted to boy men and women, equally? Why should you limit yourself to just one gender if you are attracted to both? Just 'cause you like both genders doesn't mean you are up for it from [I]anyone[/I]. Honestly, Hug, this isn't worth worrying about right now, you're still young and it'll just do your head in. I'm almost 20 and I still don't bloody know. If you meet someone you feel a bond with and you want to date, regardless of sex, and if they reciprocate your feelings then go for it. Boundaries aren't as rigid as they used to be ^_~.[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Lara frowned. [B]"You know, to be honest, I hadn't actually thought about that." [/B] Now that Lara did think about it she was rather hungry herself. Patting her stomach lightly she gave Krystal a rueful smile. [B]"It seems unlikely that we should have to hunt for our own food...surely.[/B]" Krystal shrugged and blushed again when her stomached growled even louder. [B]"I hope not, I don't think I could hold out that long." [/B] Lara chuckled at this response and made her way to the door, her bare feet moving silently across the wooden floorboards. [B]"I think I'll have a little scout around, see what I can fi..." [/B] Lara was abruptly cut off as a rather happy looking fox came bounding into the hut, a rather large grin plastered on his face. [B]"Krystal guess what!..Oh hey Lara." [/B] Fox acknowledged the woman's presence with an absent wave. Lara rolled her eyes and nodded in return. [B]"What Fox?" [/B] Krystal patiently regarded the excited animal/man before her. [B]"I was just sitting on the beach, cleaning my blaster then all of a sudden this huge spread just appears right out of thin air!" [/B] Fox waved his arms skyward to illustrate his point. [B]"Its all out there, I've never seen anything like it!"[/B] Lara perked up at the mention of food and wrenched the door open with one swift movement. [B]"Well why didn't you say so, lets eat!" [/B] Needing no further encouragement Fox sped out of the room, towards the apparent banquet. Chuckling softly, Lara nudged Krystal as the both made their way onto the sand. [B]"Excitable sort of chap isn't he?"[/B] Krystal smiled after Fox fondly. [B] "Not usually."[/B][/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]Lara watched the blue fox creep past and into her hut, a small frown creasing her brow. Standing up from her spot under the tree, Lara reached down to dust herself off then padded softly in the direction of Krystals hut. The sun was slowly going down beyond the horizon and a small chill hung in the air. Lara rubbed her arms in a brief movement before noticing something shining in the sand a little way in front of her. Approaching the small spying mirror that had been left in the sand Lara rolled her eyes and leant down to pick it up. Tutting at the apparent carelesness of leaving such a thing lying around Lara tucked it securely under her arm and continued on her path towards Krystal's hut. Slowing to a halt before the sturdy wooden door Lara hesitated before rapping her knuckles gently against its surface. [B]"Hey Krystal, its Lara. Mind if I come in?"[/B][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]The reason why people probably stay away from you when you get into your depressions is because noone likes to hang around with someone who is just going to make them feel crappy themselves. Also, people don't want to get their heads bitten of if they say something wrong around you. I'm not saying thats what happens, I'm just saying that's what might be happening. Why don't you make an effort of hanging round with these 'school friends' outside of school, get to know them better, try and have some fun. Noone likes to be around the bitchy moody kid in the corner, where's the fun in that. I know you're depressed or whatever but just sitting moping about it isn't going to do you or anyone any favours. Bad things happen to good people, whether they deserve it or not. If you think you deserve it then try to make up for it, change it, stop with all the damn self-pity that isn't getting you anywhere.[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]Enticed by Crash's idea Lara exited her hut clad in a black bikini and white sarong. Her hand moved discreetly under the thin material of her sarong Lara smiled briefly as she felt the reassuring grip of her knife strapped to her calf. Ever the adventurer. [I]Be prepared, as my father used to say[/I]. Feeling the warm sand beneath her bare feet Lara gave a content smile and sauntered across the beach. With a beach towel held securely under one arm Lara drifted past the remaining members of the group to lay the towel under the shade of a nearby tree. Positioning herself comfortably upon the towel Lara leant back against the tree, her hands clasped behind her head. Lara grinned as she watched the waves dancing across the horizon, safe in the knowledge that neither she, nor any of her team were to be evicted in the near future. [B]"Oh how I do love to win."[/B] She murmered, closing her eyes and sliding down to lie flat, protected from the glare of the sun by the tree's leafy shade.[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Well Shinji hasn't made an appearance in this challenge yet. Although we are using Pac-man as an amusing plot-device in his absence ^_~.[/SIZE]
  22. After most of the lemmings had been barricaded inside the alcove, any escape prevented by the large bulk of pac-man blocking the entrance. Lara took it upon herself to keep watch over the little creatures. Folding her arms across her chest she eyed one of the lemmings who was attempting to scrabble over the top of pac-man. Giving him a small prod in the forehead she sent him sprawling back ontop of the others with a strangled 'meep'. [B]"Now look here," [/B] Lara said sternley, for all the world like a commanding mother to her unruly children. [B]"Why are you so intent on ending yourselves? You have the whole world to live for."[/B] The lemming looked at her with innocent round eyes and shrugged before turning to his neighbour and swatting him across the head with a giggle. The other lemmings, thinking this hilariously good fun, joined in with the head bashing and suddenly the entire mass of lemmings in the hole were braining eachother about the head, fits of high pitched giggles echoing around the dungeon. Lara rested her head in her hands, a low moan escaping her lips. [B]"Of all the stupid, pointless creatures in all the..." [/B] Rambling diatribe was cut short by an airborne lemming that whizzed past her ear only to come to an abrupt halt as it smashed into the opposite wall. Turning to look over her shoulder Lara glared at Crash who was still rounding up lemmings to cram in the wall. [B]"Sorry," [/B] the bandicoot said with a rather sheepish look on his face, [B]"That one went a little wide."[/B] [COLOR=Blue][B][/B][/COLOR]
  23. [SIZE=1][quote name='Lrb][color=#333333']But it's okay, because Imi and ULX's posts cracked me up. So, hopefully together, we'll win. ^_^[/color][/quote] Yeah well we have Solo and there ain't no funnier guy on the boards, period ^_~.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Good to see we have some absentees backin the game ^_^. I was beginning to worry about you for a moment there Baron ^_~. I just can't get the hang of this comedy malarky. It seems odd somehow to put Lara in obviously comical situations unless someone else is the butt of the joke.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Lara grabbed a lone lemming by the scruff of its neck as it made its way obliviously towards certain doom. Letting out a startled yelp, the little creature kicked out its legs, thrashing in Lara's firm grip. [B]"Cut it out you little monster," [/B] Growled Lara as she shook it fiercly. The lemming cave a small chirp at the shake, its eyes rolling around making an erratic rattling sound. Grabbing another lemming that was attempting to free her gun from where she had replaced it in its holster she knocked it together with its partner, momentarily stunning the pair. [B]"We need some kind of container, a cage maybe!"[/B] Shadow looked across from where he stood, litterally dripping with rampant lemmings. [B]"Yeah great idea," [/B] The hedgehog replied sarcastically, [B]"but where on Mobius are you going to get a damn cage from huh?" [/B] Lara bit her lip and stopped herself from hurling the creatures in her hands at the abrasive Shadow, the little buggars would probably have enjoyed the short flight. Stuffing one of the lemmings into the back-pack she wore Lara bounded over towards a large group of lemmings headed her way. Hoisting the remaining lemming in her grasp Lara flung it forwards, much in the style of a professional bowler, watching in satisfaction as the group of lemmings tumbled backwards in a tangled heap. Pushing the lemmings further backwards towards a wall lara yelled out to fox, who himself was warding off a particularly crazed pack. [B]"Fox I need a hole in this wall, now!"[/b] Reaching back to unzip her bag Lara removed the lemming she had previously apprehended in order to reintroduce him back into the wild of the dungeon. Whipping him round Lara prepared to dump him with the rest of his troupe, only to grimace profanely as she discovered the large X's adoring the creatures eyes. The small creature had apparently suffocated within the confines of Lara's pack. Covering her eyes Lara let out a slow breath,[B] "For the love of Pete..." [/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue][B][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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