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Everything posted by animegmr01

  1. I'm obsessed with it as well. Not the dub which makes me SICK!!!!!!!!!! I deal with it though and even the dub is AWFUL! it is still one of my favorites.
  2. I bought vol. 1 of Love hina and I just had to say that the dubbed version is TERRIBLE. The number one mistake is giving kitsume and kaolla southern accents. I've watched the fansubbed version and I was curious about what the english voices were like. And naru's english accent isn't any better. They should have gotten Lina from zoids to do Naru. That's the least that they could have done. Whay are your thoughts?
  3. This is to Black_pheonix. I beat Skeith with Blackrose and Mistral. I gave them both 20 ressurects each and the rest was a peice of cake. As for the pardise dragon, I used Blackrose and Mia. I bought 60 ressurects and stayed in the back like you then I data drained him. Now I'm going to get the next one in couple of days.
  4. I was wondering if anyone who has beaten the game has gotten both of the rare twin blades: Bom-ba ye Hyukkadendrain I just wanted to ask because I got the Bom-ba-ye after data draining a Mu Guardian and then beat the boss in [Hideous Someones Giant]. Now I have bothe of them. Has this happened to anyone else.
  5. Tsukasa(.hack//sign), both of us are stressed out and we keep to ourselves a lot.
  6. It is definatley part of the series. The only example you need is the ghost girl that sends the messages that you can't make heads or tails of.
  7. I have the game and I am about half way through it. I am hoping to beat it before my birthday so I can get the sepual with whatever money I get. Oh yeah, the game is one of the most addictive games that I have ever played. I highly recommend it.
  8. I just finished watching the series along with the specials and the sequal OVA series which in my opinion is an awsome way to end the Love Hina saga.
  9. I've seen all but the last episode on techtv. I was pisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssed when I missed the last episode. now it is just a few days until they start showing it again.
  10. Is anyone watching the anime on techtv? They are showing Gate Keepers 21, Boogiepop Phantom, and Soultaker over the summer. I can't wait because I hanen't seen any of those series yet.
  11. I really just got into it about a year and a half ago, but I've watched anime sice pokemon came out. I know a lot about anime already but not nearly as much as the others on the bourd. But pokemon technnically got me into anime. But what really got me into it was Evangelion.
  12. I just watched the last episodes of Rahxephon and I just had to tell someone how good it was. It is an awsome series with an awsome ending. They made a movie for it too. It's not out here yet but i want it.
  13. I meant to post on another thread. I thought that episode was awsome. Sorry, I'm new to these forums.
  14. I'm downloading it right now. I seen the first 3 episodes so far and I highly recommend it. The animation quality is amazing. I've been asking myself how long it took the to make the series.
  15. I watched the whole series on techtv. It was an almost perfect balance of action, drama, and comedy.
  16. Mine is Tabris because I thought he was cool. Then Zeruel because that was one of the best fights between eva and angel.
  17. They are definately not alike. You shouldn't even say something like that.
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