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'King Sephiroth

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Everything posted by 'King Sephiroth

  1. yes that worked, but a more advanced way is to make each letter two-three different colors[COLOR=teal]
  2. yes, a true journalist never reveals his sources, as a true magician never reveals his secrets. To me thou art no journalist.
  3. [COLOR=teal]mn[COLOR=orange]rkjh[COLOR=burlywood]hkjlh[COLOR=skyblue]
  4. me to[COLOR=teal][COLOR=skyblue][COLOR=darkred][COLOR=indigo][COLOR=sienna]
  5. rainbow effect, and also i have seen like dark green, green,light green...and other mix-colered combinations
  6. i've noticed people have multy colereed words, how do you do that?
  7. i think it may be one of the gayest presents i've seen, your nan was probly high.....not just high, extremely stoned like this :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :confused: :confused: :laugh:
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by slasher [/i] [B]:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: A N64 IS NO DISAPOINTMENT!!!!!LOSER!I HAVE ONE AND IT ROCKS!:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] in case you don't know, ya just called safer the mod a looset...big mistake
  9. and when you said "what???now i'm confused:rolleyes: " why'd you roll your eyes
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pretty Sammy [/i] [B]what? I'm confused now :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] i just wanted to post some pics, and i didn't have anything to say so i typed (...) i did that twice, but the pic didn't show so two of my posts were pointless because they just said (...) so they were deleted
  11. well first , i'd ditchyour friendship with them, and make new friends of course, and he's your ex, you shouldn't give a ****k about him,....i suggest going out with killermon77
  12. to the mod who deleted my two posts that said ... it was an accident, i wanted to post theese new pics, but they didn,t work and i't just showed ... sorry
  13. hey darker, whats your e-mail adress????:tasty: :confused:
  14. :flaming: change your freakin name and i'll consider
  15. band aid's stupid, make it cool like assasin band_aid, or the assasin band_aid and capitalize it as proper nouns
  16. i don't have my own site, so i have to use an attachment, they can only be a certain size, or else they don't fit:devil: :devil:
  17. your allowed to post pics, anyway, to galaxy girl, when you click my homer pic, after the picture shows up you right click it and then click save picture as...and you have just downloaded it, i have more but they wont fit. if you want to download, when you post go to where you see a browse button, click it and find a picture of yours, it might be to big though under the smilies, under options, to the right of ATTACH FILE:laugh: :laugh: :devil: :wigout: :cross: :tasty:
  18. well, every one likes it, i like it, they think you drew it, but ya didn't, i drew that same thing and put it on my friends site, you just gave it touch-ups man
  19. :flaming: :wigout: :mad: :mad: :wigout: :flaming: well, if any one ownes a website, go in the search bar and type simpsons, or simpsons pictures, and click family album, could you post them here on your site, they wont fit for n attachment
  20. be ready for some simpson pics, please don't reply till i say i,'m done thank ya'z, if you download, tell what ya downloaded and what you thought of it
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