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'King Sephiroth

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Everything posted by 'King Sephiroth

  1. to nerdsy: i think 'n man was a COOLER nerd name
  2. no offence, but cheats are already all know here
  3. if you are reffering to me or final_flash, [COLOR=crimson]curse you[/COLOR]
  4. guess i'm a little late, but happy birth day
  5. it was a cool movie, i think i'll buy it
  6. ok, not sure but i think firemac means it is just a banner that needs detail, i do't think he means blurry by low quality it is fine ok
  7. haha you got yellow hair if the people above want a avatar that don't have one, open my proile, open edit options, and scroll down to avatar at the very bottom
  8. if yoour looking for ratings, #1 i'd rate it a 4 #2 a 7 #3,4,5 they'd get 10's
  9. thanks, i knew Wheree it was, just couldn't find it, they should have just kept the first otaku, i was sephiroth' if ya remember me, btw look at your megaman thread, i attatched a cool avitar
  10. you should have made this a poll, anyway...all but the 1st one i downloaded how do i quote check this gochan below
  11. if two people downloaded my sephiroth, why didn't they reply... here's another sephiroth
  12. n64, ps2 by the way, ya remember me, sephiroth' from old otaku
  13. how do i get a avitar by my name?
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