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Everything posted by Cheaneulle

  1. I need to know how you spell/say wolf in Japanese. Its for my manga. Thank you!:)
  2. THANK YOU thank you I really apreciate it Xai!
  3. Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew the lyrics to a song Vash song it goes something like this, total slauter total slauter time to start the killing spree an ocean of blood. plz and thank you!
  4. Anime it has changed me. Trigun now I act so much like Rem that Rem is my nick name.(I even know the song and sing all the time.) Yu Yu hakusho and Inu yasha made me believe in demons spirit world(reikai) and the demon world(makai). But all the rest of them make me want to draw manga and turn it into an anime!
  5. Hey everyone i need some help naming my hamster kinda stupid huh? Anyway the hamsters i have names are Hiei Hamtaro and Kurama Jiro Suichii Minamono. As you can see I name them after anime characters. Well if you have any suggestions please tell me!
  6. Hey i've been watching flcl for about two weeks now and I just wanna know if anyone else thinks Naota is hott?!?
  7. What scares me is being alone in a room that is pitch black and nothing can be heard. 2. Some of my dreams scare me I don't know why even if they aren't scary and 3. DEATH
  8. I think 1 of the funniest moment was when Inu Yasha had to deciede(might have spelt wrong) between Kagome ang Kikyo and he said why cant he have both of them and Kagome heard him and she yelled sit! Secondly I thought it was funny when Kagome's mom walked up and was touching Inu Yasha's ears and her brother said me next!
  9. I think that #1 is Inu Yasha and Kagome 2. Milly and Woofwood 3.Vash and Maryl 4. Yusuke and Keiko 5. Inu Yasha and Kikyo 6. Kenshin and Kauru(didn't spell right)
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