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araina rinu

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Everything posted by araina rinu

  1. [color="#006400"][font="Tahoma"]another common one i believe would be zoisite from sailor moon... didnt help that in english they actually played him off as a woman.... x_x aaaand i cant figure out how to put a picture in off the computer.... sorry![/font][/color]
  2. [color="#006400"][font="Tahoma"]hearing others say that toonami then adult swim makes me laugh because thats exactly how it started for me as well!! heck i didnt even know i was watching anime i just loved cartoons lol it all began with sailor moon (/swoon) then pokemon and dbz, but finally one fateful night it was cowboy bebop on adult swim. i came in rather late into the series, and it was the episode where [spoiler]faye meets julia[/spoiler]. i was hooked and learned that it was an anime. in the beginning i only watched whatever was on tv, it was my only option, so it was the old adult swim lineup, cowboy bebop, gundam and gundam 0083, outlaw star, so i didnt have a particular type. now i favor almost anything, i mean i dont enjoy horror or zombie ones, but thats not exclusive to anime x_x and i dont think i would ever choose to watch just a romantic/soap opera type anime... i guess you could safely say there has to be action involved somewhere in it.[/font][/color]
  3. [color="#006400"][font="Tahoma"]i am only about 4 episodes into soul eater, and i find it quite amusing. i wonder if many people think of bleach due to the one scene that is so brief but shows a flaming skull eating something, in all fairness i exclaimed "what is this, bleach?!?!" almost immediately... but since that one brief moment i have never thought of bleach again when watching the show :) so far [spoiler]black star[/spoiler] is quite obnoxious, and the dubbed voice for soul (though a good voice) makes him sound a little old.... but i am looking forward to watching the rest =^-^=[/font][/color]
  4. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Tahoma]the starter wife isnt something i normally would watch, but i found myself drawn in. i thought it was amusing, and i liked the various plot lines, except [spoiler]lou's. oh im so sad he did what he did, but i knew as soon as i saw him drinking out of the bottle... *tear*[/spoiler] as far as the maid goes versus cricket, i didnt know who the maid was, i just knew i saw her get into the SUV once, and then i had to wait till further in the episode before i knew who she was. cricket to me makes me think of "rhode island" from miss congeniality... hmm should imdb that... hmm i guess i could be wrong, but i swear in the commercial she says "do you really like this man?" and sounds exactly like rhode island. i digress, i am kind of excited to watch the next couple of weeks, even though i have no interest in designer fashoin and the like. its like a movie, whats going to happen when the older lady confronts bambi? whats going on with shoshanna (i dislike this name greatly) what will happen with beach guy who doesnt know how to talk without putting his foot in his mouth? its fun ^_^ and i know its not going to go on forever, somehow thats reassuring.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Garamond]well as far as movies go i am pot committed to go see potc3, but i just want to see it so i can know how the story ends. im pretty much obsessed with hot fuzz though, i went and saw it in theaters, twice. im buying it as soon as it comes out. now 2007digitalboy and i are very opposite on the shaun of the dead movie v hot fuzz. i would have liked shaun of the dead if it wasnt zombies, as i am terribly afraid of them, but hot fuzz, well i looooove cops lol. as for the other summer movies im looking forward to bourne ultimatum for sure, the first two were very much up my alley, so im excited, uh plus matt damon is my kind of spy. (james you are unfaithful to me so im sorry) shrek three will most likely be a rented one as i saw the first two. i saw spiderman 3 on a bus ride (dont ask) and i liked black spiderman better then the regular one, but i wont expand... the movie was okay, as long as you just viewed it as the end of the series and didnt have a ton of hopes for it. transformers, potter, and oceans will rent, and might see DOA if a certain friend decides we have to see it in theaters with our other friends...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Garamond]ah OVAs... for a moment i think im saved from a terrible ending in tenjou tenge, and then *wham* i keep reading and my hopes are shattered. to be fair i would have to watch the whole series again, just so i could be madder when it ended terribly, however it might be worth it i think. all i know is i was so disappointed about the "ending" i started to write a fan fic... which i found years later and couldnt remember what was going on so i couldnt finish it./sigh p.s. all i know is ive seen worse, in fact i refused to watch much of one called "haunted junction" dont ask what its about, i blocked it from memory. [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]i still maintain almost the entire prefect blue movie was a giant holy!, espically when [SPOILER] you find out that mima isnt completely crazy and that her agent is trying to become her in a wierd obsessive creepy sort of way.[/SPOILER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=1]trying to pull in a few new ones... 1. Vicious- Cowboy Bebop- katanas, crows, and one bad*** name, he is definately evil until the end 2. Nakago- Fushigi Yuugi- one manipulative SOB, yeah just break everyones hearts 3. Alan Gabriel- Big O II- an obscene lust for killing andriods, and perhaps others too. hes smooth, a slick dresser, and crazy. 4. Gluttony- Full Metal Alchemist- most of the hommunculi would be good candidates, but this guy was the worst to me. the producers did their job inventing this guy, he was so whacked out. i actually couldnt wait for him to die in the series. that means he had to be particularly evil, since i hated him so much lol. lastly a little manga reference (since havent seen the series) 5. Muraki- Descendants of Darkness- manipulative, murderer, puppetmaster. not to mention hes a [SPOILER]bisexual vampire. this sort of thing is interesting when the other party does not return the feelings XD[/SPOILER] as far as i know hes not turning good anytime soon.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]when i first heard the word otaku it was described to me to not be a good thing. someone described it as so obsessed with anime etc. that the person is pretty much crazy. urban dictionary has a few definitions themselves that back me up [QUOTE]Otaku is extremely negative in meaning as it is used to refer to someone who stays at home all the time and doesn't have a life (no social life, no love life, etc) Usually an otaku person has nothing better to do with their life so they pass the time by watching anime, playing videogames, surfing the internet (otaku is also used to refer to a nerd/hacker/programmer). [/QUOTE] or [QUOTE] A Japanese word describing a person beyond the realm of fandom but into mania that is improperly used by American fans. [/QUOTE] which brings us back to the point of if these are definitions of an otaku why would one want to be called that, nevermind argue about who is MORE otaku -_- however i do see quincy and kakashi's points. most people see it the more common way of being defined as someone who simply likes anime, manga, etc. and it is probably easier to keep it that way. i tend to agree with quincy and kakashi more about the state of mind, it is far kinder. but there are negative definitions of the word otaku that you cant ignore either, especially if you call yourself an otaku, you never know what another person could interpret it as.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkGreen]i just checked out perfect blue recently. i would wholeheartedly have to agree that it was very creepy. it starts off making sence, but then you start questioning what is really happening about half way through. its a total mindblow, def not PG-13 lol. i particularly liked how you just did not know anything FOR SURE until the very end. in most movies (even non anime) you usually know for sure who the bad guy is, if not from the beginning, you know for a diecent amount of time, in this one you waited untill the end when you were starting to squirm in your seat. i would also have to say i liked the bebop movie, i am just a diehard fan of bebop though. its hard to resist spike. i espically liked some of the newer animation styles that appeared here and there. there is an espically nicely animated scene with faye in her spaceship [SPOILER]it is right when she is discovering its not the kid that stole the tanker truck, and right before the truck explodes *BLAM*. [/SPOILER][/COLOR]
  11. [SIZE=1]some ones that seem pretty unknown and how i felt about them... if i remember them lol [B]dual: parallel adventure[/B], mechs and um food (not off to a great start x_x) [B]tenamonya voyagers[/B], three random people thrown together for 6 episodes and left just as easily... [B]iria: zeriam the animation[/B], this one i really liked actually, it was short yes, but it was good, like an extended movie, iria had a hot outfit, she fought, and had to[SPOILER] kill a seemingly invinicble creature that creeped me out big time [/SPOILER] [B]starship girl yamamoto yohko[/B], i really wish there had been more than 6 episodes of this one too, it just sorta leaves you [SPOILER] hanging with an almost romantic moment between oppisite camps... [/SPOILER] [B]haunted junction[/B], oh geez i only watched a few episodes of this, and i couldnt bear it lol, no one is missing out here [B]assemble inserte[/B], what like two episodes? a girl who wants to be an idol but she has superhuman stregnth?? okay... thats all i remember [B]jubei-chan[/B], a quirky one but definately worth watching. she gets a mystical eyepatch and well you should watch for yourself on the rest. otherwise the quirks involve sketchy drawings of nonmain characters who actually say stuff like "it was so unimportant for us to be in the scene they didnt even draw us well" [B]knights of ramune[/B], oh man i honestly cant remember this one at all, but i know i have seen it, its written on my list -_-;;; [B]shemantic princess[/B], dagger says this one a lot, and ill just agree with her points on it lol, the only thing i didnt like was her hair, it was gigantic like izumi emi from tenjou tenge (just off balanced, couldnt get used to the look) however when she transforms, she looks sugoi sugoi!! [B]puni puni poemi[/B], oh man never ever watch this unless you are over 17. oh geez like a two episode spoof on all magical girl series. in order to transform she has to like rip the bones from a fish and it turns into her fish wand, oh man *shakes head* thats what i get for getting anime from a 25 year old guy..... [B]tenjou tenge[/B], i noticed that barely anyone posted on this one, but i really enjoyed it, should read my post there if you are so inclined, so i dont repeat myself. phew this has to be like the longest post for me ever, i need a breather to see if i can remember any more. [/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]tenjou tenge was definately an addicting one for my roomate and i. we watched the first six episodes back to back, and were like okay this is really good. she went home and returned with 7-24. my saturday night was from 800pm till 200 am, with no break, finishing the series. unexplicably we both really enjoyed the series but at the end still ended up saying, wait, what was the point again? the plot is fun but is rather confusing. they start you in the present for the first six episodes. episodes seven through like 20 all take place in the past. they have to make sence of what is going on now, by showing you what happened in the past, the past being two years ago. however in their revisitng of the past the [SPOILER] elder takayanagi is different so when you return to the present you say to yourself, this guy isnt to blame... so why is he NOW the bad guy?[/SPOILER] however this aside we both really liked it. fun animation style and plot, interesting charater interactions, and yes plenty of fan service. it's only let down is a rushed ending like that of NGE, its not an absolutely horrid ending, you will survive, but you wish there were more. hmm must be time for a fan fic fixing the end =^_^=[/SIZE]
  13. [COLOR=DarkGreen]another airport safe person/weapon would be toya from ayashi no ceres. [spoiler] all he has to do is like concentrate and a little dagger appears from his arm, and its a part of him... somehow [/spoiler] however im not sure if they would let edward from full metal alchemist on a plane but he cant help it [spoiler] his arm and leg are mechanical = very stong/dangerous... but i mean it IS his body... [/spoiler] i just wouldnt want to have to be the security guard making that call ^^; besides the gundams and EVAs there are also the megadeuces (Big O) and the arm slaves from full metal panic too. i guess i have a preference for the two latter ones since i have more actuvely watched those animes. they are cool because they arent tooooo advanced, i mean come on one is a relic from at least 40 years ago. i have to say i am a sucker for the smple bow and arrow that both kagome and kikyo use. and on related note i think sango's hiraikotsu (sp?) is pretty cool too, though it IS heavy and cumbersome... lastly i think the best weapon would be the ability to morph.. into people or things. i just dont particularly know of any animes like that... yet... but just imagine you could be anyone or anything at any time, it is just there when you need it. well i guess dopplegangers from naruto could count, those rock (but i cant comment on much else on naruto since i havent seen much >.
  14. [COLOR=DarkGreen]oh thankyou thankyou thankyou *bows at tenshi's feet* its soooo cool, very much exactly what i wanted!! now if i could only figure out how to put it into my sig..... ^-^[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]oh do i love comedians!! jim breuer, espically his pulp comics stand up, i laughed over the boogeyman skit sooo hard; dane cook and his outrageous and offbeat persona, and a group named stella. absolutely love stella, its three guys, and they play off one another sooooo well its hysterical, recommend ya'll catch it sometime![/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkGreen]i would like a banner and avatar please... i dont have much preference as to who appears on it, well i guess i do actually. im fond of tasuki. all characters are welcome. i wish i had a spiffy saying to add to it, somehting to do with fire like "when you play with fire....." something something something. if someone could manage one with tasuki that woudl be very cool, even one with all fushigi characters woudl be greatly appreciated. im sorry i dont have any pics to work with (not that i even know how to put them into a post anyway... id have to read up on that o_0) thanks very much to anyone who can help!! please and thankyou![/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkGreen]as for all the mentioned people; naraku (inuyasha), nuriko (fushigi yugi), and shinji (evangelion), i couldnt agree more. between mental instabilities, questionable gender, and selfishness who would want to date them, or have them meet the parents?? but what about kenshin? i mean now he is atone-ing (sp) for what he did, but could you honestly bring him hoem to the parents? " hi mom, dad. this is the hittokiri battousai, hes killed more people than he remembers, but hes okay now.." yeah that wouldnt go over so well ^-^ another would have to be nakago from fushigu yuugi. hes just plain evil, and a manipulator. he doesnt even try to ease tension between yui and miaka, he enforces yuis decisions, if not leads her to make them. wrong decisions, wrong choices, grrr. hotohori would be okay, hed be failthful, and caring, but hes a giant narcisisstic and that im sure woudl drive me over the edge in kare kano i dont think i could handle the model student arima either. he would be perfect to bring home, but perfection tends to get a little dull, and im not THAT smart, id constantly be in his shadow, looked down upon... not good x.x[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]i would absolutely love to cosplay!!! except.... ive never even been to a con... and would prolly be equally lazy or a perfectionist about the outfit. mainly because i would not want to look silly at all. but if i could pull outfit(s) together i would be 1)sango from inuyasha, though i think the skintight thing would be hard to pull together.... 2)dorothy from big o, simple style dress, the hardest part would be the ruffles, but i could wear it two days and add a blood red cape and become the evil android 3) yui from fushigi yugi in a summoning outfit would be cool too (but only if my roomate is miaka summoning ^_^) 4)school uniform girls: a) chidori kaname from full metal panic b) honda tohru from fruits basket c) yukino miyazawa from his and her circumstances d) yui and miaka can belong down here too, but their outifts are brown.... i like all these characters, and making a school girl uniform is probably easiest, since you can actually buy a pattern for those sorts of clothes. but oh man if i could pull together the money to go to a con and get stuff for a costume/accessories, you bet id go. it woudl be so much fun to pretend to be someone else. also to be around a LOT of other people who love anime just as much as you do. thats a rareity around me.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]hatori or ha-san is the doctor, and one of my favoritres i might add, his story is sooo sad, and why he wears his hair deliberately over an eye. he also never gets too worked up. hes had to deal with a lot, not to mention crazy friends such as ayame and shigure. hatsuharu is also quite a character with his split personality and ayame and his blatent love of himself ^_^ so funny... i really like the series, watched a fansub of it though, but it was still good quality. fun characters, fun plot, and fun to watch the transformations, hehe.[/COLOR]
  20. sadly the most recent movie i watched was a christmas special. (pre-emptive christmas attack) bill and opus the cat christmas special. one of those ones i have seen over and over and gradually understand more stuff. snide remarks are slipped past kids, its a good movie, keeps the adults entertained too. id give it a 8/10 for what it is hehe. but i may be partial. be interesting to see if anyone else even knows this movie....^-^
  21. Emme888 i think you should wait, you are only 15 and still have the chance to grow naturally. im 18 and still telling myself i can still grow naturally :p regardless it still comes down to being your decision, if it is what you want then okay. mind you this is just me speaking, but i am in the same boat as you, well i mean i am taller and weigh a bit more but still am the same size. so anyway do what you feel is right, but i agree with Cloricus about the car, save up money for that insted, its not like boobs can get you to your friends' houses or out with said friends. :D
  22. ah. all of the seasons have their strong points, the new life of spring, the foliage of fall (frolicking in leaves) but my favorites are summer and winter. summer provides me with the opportunity to swim everyday for as long as i want, and winter allows me to frolic in the snow skiing, or just playing like building forts. ahh winter is comming, cant wait to watch the snow fall, a truely entrancing sight. *smiles staring off into space*
  23. in ep 82 of inuyasha [spoiler] inuyasha is sitting outside her classroom window scratching himself and another student named Oyu starts to turn to look so kagome yells OSWARI!!! so inuyasha falls out of sight, but then the teacher walks over and goes "sit eh? then ill have Oyu stand." and the class laughs at her [/spoiler] okay so i thought it was friggin hilarious :D
  24. i was born in new hampshire and lived for five years there, then i moved to hawaii for a year, and then to connecticut where i still reside to this day. i like it here, country.
  25. [SIZE=1] i have three cats, well technically one isnt mine, thats bojo, an old black cat, he is the property of my younger sibings. i own a old calico long hair cat named violet (yes i named her, i was like 7) the last one is a skittish young boy cat named tito (no i didnt name this one, i adopted him) hes still young and is the most beaultiful grey color, his tail has rings that you can only see in certain light, so kawaii:D i also own a fish tank that um has fish in it, i never got really attached to them. my younger bro also has a gecko of some sort. so that sums up the pets in my house, unless younger siblings count, i mean it is entirely possible :p [/size]
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