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Everything posted by Kojin

  1. Name: Xaiver Hellsin Age: 42 Gender: male Affiliation (good/evil): evil Power: Lavamancy(the ability to cause magma the ground to surface and attack his opponents, as well as control it) Weapon (if applicable)*: a whip made from the lava he brings up from the earth Occupation (if applicable): Lavamancer Appearance: Bald, tall, and skinny. he is clean shaven with red eyes and albino skin. he has many tattoos over his body. he wears black robes with a blue undershirt and pants. Bio:little to nothing about his past, or why he ventured out into the world is known outside of the Lavamancers guild, what is known however is that he was born into the Lavamancers society and has been raised to use his abilities with lethal percision, it is rumored that his talents cover everything from simple fireblasts to create wurms of titanic sizes. some of his most well known exploits involve the burning of entire cities to the ground and turning the stone mansion of a well known noble to a heap of molten rock. his true intentions are mostly unknown however the single survivor of one of his attacks (now deceaced due to burns in excess of 3rd degree on over 98% of his body) said that he wanted to "reduce to world to ash" before his death.
  2. [I]As he reached the top of the hill and let out an exausted sigh as he leaned onto his staff, looked down onto the village below him[/I] Zeek: man...I never want to see...another hill...or mountain...as long as I live...hmmm...I wonder if that town has anything worth my while there... [I]after he stopped to rest on the hill for some time he got up and headed to the town below him[/I]
  3. a recent Zone of the Enders bing has spawned sevral ZOE banners/ ther drawings, heres the first of the banner bunch
  4. heres a lil pic I did of Anubis' head from Zone of the Enders. I did a few of these but the profile shot looked the best.
  5. [B]Name[/B]: Zeek Duranglass [B]Age[/B]: 31 [B]Appearance[/B]: black hair, white eyes, a gray/blue cloak that reaches to the ground. average build [B]Bio[/B]: he has spent most of his life practicing the art of spell manipulation(counterspells,redirection, etc...) as result he can use maipulate spells more effectivy than most people he wants to improve his skills and he thinks that by defeating the recently freed mages or defeating their emies he can do so. [B]Occupation[/B]: Mage (good or bad, it's all relevant) [B]Spells[/B]:Counterspell-stops a single spell an opponent casts Thought Cloud-prevents an opponent from casting spells for a limited amount of time Redirect-changes the target of some low-medium level spell [B]Weapons[/B]: a large staff with a bone crecent on on top, and a heavy book that seems to have no apparat purpose other than to his his enemys
  6. the're both exelent, I lke 'em both however...the first one just seems to be a bit..."off"...i can't quite figure out what it is but something is bugging me about it...hmmm...as for the second one, it looks great. First one: 8/10, can't figure out what looks a bit wrong... Second one: 10/10, very nice. dun change a thing.
  7. [B]OOC: howdy all, I joined this through a PM to Scorpio, if you don't belive me ask him. I'll do my best to explain my chaacter in the first few posts, if you want the joining form thing (name,age, etc...) PM me and i'll be happy to give it to ya.[/B] [B]IC:[/B] He stood outide the gates of the Xaiver Intsitute holding his duffel bag and wearing a pair of black slacks with a white dress shirt, his skin is bale, hair is dark, and eyes a wine red. his name was Jake Barlow and he had faintly heard the explosion from within the Danger room although at the tme he was unsure what had happened. he decided he could find out later and he dissappeared in a cloud of smoke. a few seconds later he reappeared in a similar cloud of smoke inside the main enterance of the institute, his mutant ability was teleportation and he hoped this was the Xaiver Institute...otherwise he could be in a bit of trouble. He could not see anybody in the general vecinity so he decided to wander the halls for a while looking for Professor Xaiver's office, if he happened to meet somebody than he could ask them where he was, and if he didn't he would find it eventualy...hopefully.
  8. yay or nay...see it's like blurred....yeah...also I have my responses ready ahead of time if you don't like it: I NEVER said I was good at making banners... if you do like it: thanks
  9. well...this is in the wrong topic list...but otherwise get the flippin' game, it's well worth the price...good luck finding i though
  10. ZOE is a good game...but I prefer the sequel, it's much better
  11. Quatre...not really sure why...I've though about all the piolots I could think of and Quatre just seems to be the best choice for a partnr in my opinion.
  12. just wnna know you opinions... *Image and text are from the "Up in Smoke" trigun galley
  13. well I can't get the improved version to load past the glasses...but the un-improved version gets a [B]cool[/B] rating in my book
  14. hmmm...well it appears as though I'd be the only teleporter in the Otaku Friends/Otaku League/Whatever it would be called...anyway...my complete superpower resume is... Superpower: Teleportation What would you do with your power? um...teleport would you be good or evil? good...but I'd probally be evil at first would you join up with the group of people with their super powers? No... I wouldn't JOIN them...but I would still help them and eat their food...
  15. back on topic: Heavyarms is my favorite gundam,it has more weapory than it needs, although you can never have to much ammo if your primary weapons are gatling guns, machine guns, and rockets. and I think the fact that it lacks a beam saber is nice because it sets it apart from the rest of the Gundams --- PEACE!
  16. I don't...but I don't get TechTV...and thats probally the reason why
  17. 1) If you could have any super power, what would it be? Teleportation 2) What would you do with your powers? um...teleport 3) Would you use it to do good, or evil? good i guess, mainly because teleportation is a fairly un-evil power...but I guess yu ould rob a few banks or somthing
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