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Everything posted by Epitome
[size=1]Just so you know Nassaja, you can go to the Blizzard Website, [url]www.blizzard.com[/url], and go to the store and download the game from there as long as you have a CD-Key. That's what I am trying to do because the only way you can download it from the website is if you have an official D2 and/or D2: LoD Key.[/size]
[size=1]As many of you know, Diablo III has launched their official site. I have been looking through it nonstop due to the fact that I am extremely excited for this game, even though its going to be quite a while before its release, let alone the release date revealed. Now, since I have been looking into this game so much, I had the strangest hankering to play D2, which is where my dilemma comes in. When we moved recently, my old D2 and D2: LOD CD's and CD-Keys got either misplaced or disposed of. Now, I'm not sure if this is against the rules of OB but I was wondering if anyone could possibly give me their D2 and D2: LOD keys or give me some information about whether or not Blizzard will replace them. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.[/size]
[size=1]Have to go with Knuckles' Girl. I couldn't stop laughing.[/size]
[size=1][color=#4863A0]YAY FOR ME!!! I found this and thought it was pretty funny. Let's see what you all come up with: [img]http://www.instablogsimages.com/images/2007/09/18/the-odd-couple_2263.jpg[/img][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=#4863A0]Don't look at it, smile, and don't make any sudden movements... Maybe it won't see us... or eat us for that matter.[/size][/color]
[quote name='CrimsonKnight'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]oh, ok. another question. can moderators check your pm's? [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=#4863A0][size=1]What are you guilty about? =][/size][/color]
[quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]That's the real reason they're called Packers ^_~ Hardy to the har.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [color=#4863A0][size=1]Hahahahaha! That one is just great.[/size][/color]
[color=#4863A0][size=1]"After the tackle, it seems as if he was giving Rex more than just a nice pat on the but saying "Nice Play!""[/size][/color]
[color=#4863A0][size=1]So, I bought one of these at Target today because I just bought a car and it only has a cassette player and no CD player. Basically it's an adapter that has an end you plug into your iPod headphone jack and then the other end is in the form of a cassette, and you put that into the actual player and it plays your iPod through the speakers in the car. Now for some reason, I can listen using this adapter for a while and then I get the "E 101" message where the radio station numbers and clock would be. Also, it keeps "skipping," for a lack of a better word. I'm not too sure whats wrong and I checked the Griffin website and came up with nothing. So, has anyone had any similar problems with this device and if so, did you find a way to fix them?[/size][/color]
[color=#4863A0][size=1]"So this is why I have always been so afraid of clowns..."[/size][/color]
[color=#4863A0][size=1]So today I have reached another milestone in my life. I finally bought my first car and I couldn't be more excited about it. Its a Pontiac Grand Am GT and I fell in love with it the first time I saw it. Now, I never believed I would ever be able to afford my own car. I was always so reliant on my parents for most of my life that I figured that I would never be able to provide for myself, and I finally have. It is quite a relieving feeling to be honest because I feel like I am finally starting to get some independence from my parents and I have wanted that for quite a long time. When I finally decided to buy it, it was an amazing feeling. I have never had a car to drive that was my own, and now I do. It was an exhilarating feeling being able to say "I'll take it," and not have to worry about my parents approving the decision or anyone else in my life. They did look at the car and said that I made a good choice for a first time car so it made the decision a little easier however. So what your experience buying a car for the first time?[/size][/color]
[color=#4863A0][size=1]I'm having trouble figuring out what this game is called and its been bugging me for quite a while. It was for the original NES and it was a boat game. I remember on the cover there was a sepent/dragon type thing on the front and there was the red boat in front of it. I used to play it all the time when I was younger and I wanted to play it recently but couldn't find it so I was possibly going to buy another copy. Anyone know the game?[/size][/color]
[quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="DarkGreen"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]o_O And here I thought you already were 15 since that's what it says in your profile.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=#4863A0][size=1]Oh, busted. lol. But seriously, everything everyone has said is completely true. No secrets, no gossip, and no teeny bopper relationships unless its an actual relationship.[/size][/color]
[quote name='Desbreko'][center][img]http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/1735/zeldasecretqd1.png[/img][/center][/QUOTE] [color=#4863A0][size=1]Heh, alrighty then. But now I want something special that I can keep secret. lol.[/size][/color]
[color=#4863A0][size=1]I was just reading through the "How do you become a moderator," post and I saw that Lady Asphyxia had a gold star next to her title of member. I was just curious as to what this meant.[/size][/color]
[quote name='Aberinkula'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]@ Ledzepplinrules, yes my name is after the TMV song, TMV is secks. But thanks for the advice so far... yeah get this, shes talking to us two again >_> These things solve themselves, huh?[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=#4863A0][size=1]Always does. Like I said, let things cool down, and then everything will be back to normal. I've had plenty of experiences like the one you have described. Try not to get too worked up about them.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=#4863A0]Heh, my doesn't this seem familiar? I remember those days. 8th grade, where I come from, is considered the "drama" stage. Everyone is starting to mature little by little, boyfriends and girlfriends might start to become somewhat serious, hormones are raging, cliques start to develop, and everyone blows everything way out of proportion. For me, 8th grade was when I started trying to get away from that drama, however it followed me all the way through high school. Now that I am in college, and I look back and think, why did I even really care? The truth is, eventually that situation will subside and a new one will arise. Thats just how it works. Drama comes and goes. There have been plenty of times where I thought some of my best friends in middle and high school were never going to talk to me ever again. I just let the situation cool down, and eventually, we started talking again. Some of those people I still talk to to this day. I would say don't even worry about it, but I know you are going too. ^_^ There is a lot of stubborness with people around your age as well. Its the hormones I think. But just try to get everyone in involved to talk about the situation and handle it as maturely as possible. Almost like an intervention. If they aren't willing to do that, then like I said before, just let the whole thing cool off. Don't keep talking to different people about the situation because from my experience it will only make it worse. Gossip feeds drama. So, I don't really know. But again, I wouldn't worry. I think alot of us have made it through plenty of those situations. We may have lost people as friends because of melo-dramatic situations such as this one, maybe not. But the worst thing that can come out of this is exactly that. There are plenty of people who I'm sure you'll meet through life that would love to be friends with you. So stick through it, try to straighten things out in the maturist way possible, and hope for the best. Good luck.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=#4863A0][b]He played russian roulette; He died He sat; He ate; He left Stop, drop and roll; It works[/b] Meh I don't think I'm too good at this.[/size][/color]
Writing Memoir: Walking Through The Gates of Heaven, but Hell
Epitome posted a topic in Creative Works
[color=#4863A0][size=1]When I entered rehab not too long ago, I decided to keep somewhat of a journal but in more of a memoir form so I figured I would share it with you guys. Hopefully get some feedback from you all. [b][u][i][Day 1][/i][/b][/u] I walked into those dreadful doors today at 8:00 AM. I didn't even know what to think or feel at the time. Part of was so pissed off at my parents. I thought to myself, "How could they do this to me? Putting me in this place full of alcoholics and drug addicts. I use drugs, but I'm not an addict. I can stop anytime I want too, they didn't have to go to this extent. This is such bull****." The other part of me was the not as insane part. I remember then sitting there thinking "They're doing what's best for you. They don't want to see you kill yourself through all your drug use." That was what was going to happen if I hadn't of been put in there. Deep down inside I knew that that place was exactly where I was supposed to be, whether I liked it or not. I had tried to stop using on my own, and it just didn't work out. I needed help with it. But part of me refused to accept that at that time. If I got my drugs on my own I should be able to stop on my own. That was my rationalization on why I shouldn't be even here. As I wait and wait in this small little reception area, I find myself falling asleep and just in a serious state of depression. My father had already left a good while ago and I was alone. I felt so very alone, even though I was in a place where I'd be surrounded by people with the same problem I did as well as counselors who could help me. People would stop as they were walking back and forth to make sure I was okay and I would just nod. I just wanted to get the **** out of there as soon as possible. After what seemed like forever, finally I start the admission process. I meet with four or five different people who literally ask me the same questions over and over. It got so repetitive I just wanted to murder the 4th and 5th interviewers because I was so fed up with answering the same questions. Why they couldn't have just made copies of the first set of questions after I answered them, I really don't know, but I did it anyways. I finally get done with all the interviewing and now all I have to do is wait for my room. It's lunch time now though, and another resident comes and escorts me to the dining area to eat. "The names Levi," he says to me. I really don't even give a response besides a head nod and mumble my name. I was miserable. As were walking to the dining area, Levi is explaining all these rules to me, which I am not paying attention to whatsoever. To be honest, I just wish he would have shut his mouth because I didn't want to hear what anyone had to say. No one mattered at that point. I was just trying to figure out how I was going to suffer through twenty eight long days of this ****. Eventually he stopped talking, and I got my food and tried to sit as isolated as possible. People tried to make conversation with me, but they gave up after realizing that I just was not having it. After lunch my room was ready. It was about 12:30 when I got up there and started settling in. I set up all my clothes, my clock, my toiletries, the whole nine yards. I look at the schedule that I was provided in this big red folder. I had to be at dinner at 4:30 and then in my first program at 5:15. By the time I was done unpacking, it had only taken about twenty minutes. I still had three hours to kill. I tried to nap. I couldn't. I tried calling some people. No one picked up the phone. I tried listening to music. I wasn't satisfied. I was completely isolated from the real world, and it seemed as if these three hours were more like three weeks in itself. I was on the verge of freaking out. I managed to start talking to another guy who was also admitted the day I was. He was a really nice guy in his thirties. We talk about how we managed to end up in that place and got to telling stories of our using and drinking and how it was affecting our lives. His name was Scott. He had gotten three DWI's in two months due to his alcoholism. I told him similar stories of how using all the drugs was just destroying everything without me even realizing it. I told him my parents forced me in here because it was either that or live on the street. We had a great conversation and got to know each other quite well in that short period of time. Next thing I knew, it was dinner time. I walked back down to the dining area to go get some grub and then make sure I was downstairs for the program at 5:15. I ate my dinner (not wanting too due to the fact that it was the most disgusting food ever, but I did), and went into the "Men's Lounge." I tried to relax for a few minutes but was so overly stressed out about this whole situation. I just couldn't. I walked downstairs to wait for my first program. Everyone was in the "Legree Room," waiting for the counselor to come in and start "Spirituality." Next thing I know, Kim is walking in. She was one of the counselors I liked more. She was very pretty, had a long face, with blonde hair and was always very nice about things. She began the program and I fell asleep within five or ten minutes. I needed it. It allowed me to escape from everything for that forty five minutes I was off in a dream somewhere. I woke up and the program was nearly over, but next was "Big Book Study." So, I waited for Kim to dismiss us and off I went to the Men's Lounge again, which is where it was being held. I walked into the lounge and saw a bunch of the clients just relaxing waiting once again for a counselor to enter the room. A couple minutes after the group was supposed to start, Rob walks in. He was a tall, african-american guy with big eyes and a very loud mouth. He was hilarious though, and always tried to make you laugh, and very successful at it as well. We read through the Big Book, talked about our experiences and how we could relate to what we read, and then I had on more program to go. I had almost made it through Day 1. The last thing I had on the schedule was an SOS Meeting. SOS is like AA and NA but without the twelve steps or a higher power. It also tends to be very unorganized at times and a lot of chaotic things happen in those meetings. SOS stands for "save our selves" and/or "secular organization for sobriety." I hated sitting in that room for an hour and a half listening to these people just rambling on and yelling at each other. It just made me angry, which lead me to somehow start feeling more depressed. I made it through the meeting and then it was around 9:30. I could finally have time to myself again and just go to bed. Before we go to bed we are allowed to have snack, so I head to the dining hall for one last quick bite to eat before I head to bed. I eat a bowl of cereal and head up to my room. When I get to my room, I throw on some sweat pants and say some prayers. Before AA found me I only prayed when I wanted something, and I just wanted some sleep so I could get through tomorrow and to feel a little better than I did today. So I climb into bed, and don't have too much trouble falling asleep. I roll around for a while but finally my eyes start getting real heavy. Before I close them for the last time I think to myself "One day down, twenty seven more to go. I made it through the first day." Suggestions and feedback would be nice. I'll continue with Day 2 soon.[/size][/color] -
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Epitome replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[color=#4863A0][size=1]I figured I would put up a photo. I just got a MacBook for graduation last year so I have a neat little effect going on with it. [IMG]http://img184.imageshack.us/img184/2830/photo1yl0.jpg[/IMG] So that's me. ^_^[/size][/color] -
[color=#4863A0][size=1]I'm back on my hip-hop/rap game again and currently I am listening to "Death March," by Jedi Mind Tricks. They are more underground than anything but they have almost lyrical flow and a unique way of rapping. They are very philosophical as well as religious and that is very much included in their rhymes and lyrics. It's a very different type of rap. All of the members are also very well educated making their verses put together very well as well as their rhymes amazing. In this particular song, my favorite line is absolutely amazing. It's as follows: [i]"I'll strangle you, use those same hands to give you the Heimlich, So you can live to suffer more punishment from my divine lips."[/i] Why that line sticks so much to me I don't know, but I just absolutely love it. They are a great group and have a different style to their genre which is always nice.[/size][/color]
[quote name='Aceburner'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I'm sorry. I know I'm breaking a promise with this, but... You're looking for "prescribed.":p[/FONT][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=#4863A0]*Smacks self in head* Doh. Yes, I did mean prescribed. lol. ^_^[/size][/color]
[quote name='Kenso'][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]I feel that something needs to be said about this comment. The term drugs encompasses an awful lot of things, including prescription anti-depressants and similar such medications. These are things that many people RELY on to get through circumstances. My father is on an anti-depressant right now, because he's emotionally crashing thanks to a work injury that has completely stopped most of the things he could do before it occurred. He doesn't want to be on it, but he needs it.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]So if someone finds that pot works for them (and may very well be cheaper, considering the costs of prescription drugs if you don't have insurance), then maybe the therapist that says they should continue using it, but be careful for all of the obvious reasons, is doing exactly what they should. Hell, the side effects of pot are a lot less dangerous than the side effects of a lot of antidepressants and other medications prescribed for 'mental issues'.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=#4863A0]Excuse me, illegal mind altering substances. Not medicine that can be subscribed legally by a doctor. And one more thing, back to what was said about using pot for cancer related issues. They now use a THC pill to help rid of nausea and up appetite for terminal disease. In some places they do still allow the smoking of it, but the amount of that is going down due to the fact that the pill is safer than smoking it. It doesn't get you high because it is ingested instead of smoked or cooked than eaten.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=#4863A0]I am currently still playing Mario Kart: Wii as well as Counter-Strike Source for the PC. I wish I could run it on my Mac however I don't have Bootcamp or any of that good stuff installed. MK:W I am working on the 150 CC races while playing in the WFC alot too. I don't really want to finish the whole game yet due to the fact that I like the anticipation of not knowing whats going to be unlocked next. Come to find out that winning WFC races also unlocks stuff, which to me is very cool. CS:S on the other hand is very repetitive. I am currently on a CAL team and am working at becoming one of the top 5 spots so no matter what I'll be able to scrim unless I am not playing at the time. It seems like I don't really concentrate on this too much anymore because MK:W is just so much more fun.[/size][/color]