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Everything posted by Epitome

  1. [size=1]Well being the sophomore that I am... this will be my second Homecoming and I am mad excited. I have a very nice and very beautiful date that I will be going with and she is great. Although ours isnt until October Id thought Id start this early so people could post about it. So... are you going to your homecoming... are you taking a date... just talk about it. And hopefully this will last long enough to post after it to tell how it was... ^_^[/size]
  2. [size=1]I have been trying to figure this out for some time now and I cant seem to figure out what I am supposed to do... Can anyone lend me a hand?[/size]
  3. [size=1]I have an iPod and I wouldnt give it away for all the money in the world... Okay nevermind but thats not the point. Its great. Its 20 GBs and holds alot of songs. It even has some games on it... ^_^ But I love it, and I wouldnt want anything else.[/size]
  4. [QUOTE=James][color=#707875]It's 100% ridiculous. The person who created this thread said that we see someone drowning in a lake with their friend standing by. Then we see someone who has wrecked their bike and is lying in the middle of the road, with their friend standing by. Now, if I'm driving a car and a truck hits me, you could say that it has the same eventual outcome as too much smoking (ie: death). But can you draw a proper analogy between the two? No. Why? Because smoking is a choice. Nobody is taking the cigarette and forcing the smoker to inhale. A car accident, or falling into a lake is completely different. In both of those cases, we can presume that the individual didn't [i]deliberately[/i] wreck their bike or jump into a lake and drown themselves. So there is a clear qualitative difference between the two. They aren't comparable; particularly in the way that the ad is portraying them. Secondly, based on what I've seen here, the ad is putting the focus on the smoker's friend; would [i]you[/i] help your friend if they were dying? That's the message. There are two problems with this message. One is what I've mentioned already -- the failed attempt to draw a comparison between an accident and a deliberate act. So, the focus is not being put on the smoker. It's being put on the people surrounding the smoker. If a member of my family somkes, it is [i]not[/i] my responsibility to stop them. Yes, I can help them if they ask and yes, I can encourage them to seek assistance. But stopping someone from smoking isn't the same as pulling someone out of a lake. There are clear differences. As I said above, a smoker has to seek help. A smoker is an addict. And a smoker has made a choice to smoke. Only the smoker is able to get themselves out of that situation. By all means, if they ask for help, they can get it from those around them -- obviously in that situation you'd be neglectful not to help. But nevertheless, the comparisons that are being drawn by the ad are totally pointless.[/color][/QUOTE] [size=1]Yes, you are right to a certain extent. But what they are doing isnt trying to make a comparison, they are trying to show you what drugs and smoking can do. They are saying to the the viewer, if you have a friend that smokes, or has a problem with drugs, they are asking would you help them if you knew that they were. Same situation in the lake when the girl is drowning, and when the kid crashes the bike. They are asking, would you help a friend in trouble. So really, its not ridiculous at all. Here let me put it this way: You and a friend are fishing. He falls in... he cant swim, would you jump in and save him. You have a friend who smokes, you know he has a problem. Would you help him quit because of risks of cancer??? Its all the same. Except for the portion where you are right. They did not delibratley fall into the lake and smoking is a choice, but what they are asking once again is, would you help someone who has a problem with smoking.[/size]
  5. [size=1]Not trying to get anyone upset or anything, but if you think the TRUTH commercials or even the Anti-Drug ones are, then you dont understand why the put those on the tele. Im glad the continuously keep pushing on this for a couple of reasons: Number 1: Me, when I see those commercials I see how much drugs and cigarettes can do to you. I know that I will try them, but when I see those commercials it makes me not want too. And I will have a f***ed up future if I do that stuff. 2nd Reason: My Grandmother and Grandfather have bother died from Lung Cancer that they got from cigarettes. And I would hate to see someone in my family have to die from them again. When she died that sealed the deal that I would maybe try a cigarette, but if I did, once would be the only time I would. And I would NEVER do it after that. Last Reason: My brother smokes... He started around 16 and now he has been recently diagnosed with cancer as well. Since then, he has stopped smoking and has been fighting it out. The doctors think he may be able to make it through the fight, but we are not sure. Hopefully he will. So this is why the TRUTH commercials and all these anti-drug commercials arent "over the top." EDIT: [quote]I agree. Drawing a comparison between someone smoking and being hit by a car is pretty ridiculous. If that's all the commercial is doing (and I haven't seen it, I've only read the initial post in this thread), then such analogies don't even work to begin with.[/quote] Personally, I dont think its ridiculous at all. It has the same outcomes as cigarettes and drugs, especially if your driving under the influence of drugs. But smoking and getting in a car crash have the same possible outcomes. Just think about it. If you get in a car srash, at my age at least (15-16), your parents will be pissed and ground you and make you pay off the damage, or possible death. If you smoke at my age, and you get caught, parents ground you and make you stay in the house and do stuff around the house all day or possible death. So its really not ridiculous in my views.[/size]
  6. [size=1]Since HL2 has been the talk of the town, at least where I live, I thought that I would make a banner and avatar set. So, here they are, I made them really plain because I thought it looked better. I try added a BG and added some effects but it just didnt look right. So, let me know what you think.[/size]
  7. [size=1]Has anyone heard of this Irish band. I just heard some of their songs not too long ago and they are awesome. Some of my favorites now are Irish Pub Song and Drunken Lullabies. So has anyone else heard of them.?[/size]
  8. [size=1]We may think that they make us do everything, but what if they didnt? What if when you're finally out on your own and your sitting around the house/apartment and the dishwasher needs to be ran, you need to clean the place up, and take out the trash, and since you've never done any of this because all you do is sit around your parents house, NOTHING would never get done. And since your lazy *** never did anything, you wouldnt want to do it anyway because you never had any enforcement to make you do it. And as DeathBug said, they do so much for us, and in return, we do so little for them. So they are getting the raw end of the deal, so be happy.[/size]
  9. [QUOTE=vicky][SIZE=1][B]I'd say I'm pretty much an Outcast... I might have some friends, but believe me, not many of the stick beside me. I always feel like the odd one out. Hell, because of school I've quit somethings I like because I hate what people think of me. I always fell different from everyone else, because I like somethings they don't. What's wrong if you like Writing so much you can't wait to do a Writing Exam? I feel like an Outcast becauses like certain "Animes" and I write a "Certain" genre of fanfiction, but I don't do that anymore. I won't even put some stories on the Internet anymore. I try not to get involved with people who are way different then me. I'm different because of the way I act, the things I do, but the way things are going in my school I might end up like everyone; a clone! I don't think anyone but a few people even like me, though I don't really care that much. I just care about being an Outcast to most people because of what I do and what they don't do. Comics, Anime, Writing, Drawing, Games and other things are something I want to do, but I can't do anything like that most of the time because it makes me feel like a total outcast...[/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]Okay so you're an outcast. And who cares what people think, dont quit doing things you enjoy only because people think differently of you. When I was in 8th grade (2 years ago) no one skated in my school. Everyone thought I was retarded and stupid because I would bring in my board every Friday and use the benches and curbs to skate on (the school was so awesome.) So anyway, I never sat with anyone, and just kept to myself. I literally talked to maybe 2-3 people that year. Until one day, a group of kids came to my table on Friday during lunch and asked if I wanted to skate with them later. So I agreed and after that, skating was the hugest thing at the school. We would skate at the school on Fridays, and we would get the hugest crowds to come watch, it was awesome... Until one of my friends got hurt so we couldnt skate there anymore because the school was afraid of lawsuit. But the moral, dont give up on things because of what people think. And I know Im only 15, or at least going to be 15, but I know well enough that whether you are an "outcast" or part of the "incrowd" it wont make a difference when you have a job at any place. So, dont lose sleep over things such as this.[/size]
  10. [size=1]2 Things and its all Im saying: 1. I couldnt give 2 s***s about what people think 2. "Incrowd" and "Outcast" mean nothing in the real world.[/size]
  11. [FONT=Verdana][size=1]I would have to say... *thinks* "The Reason" by Hoobastank. It just shows how I feel when me and a girl are in a fight or even my mom/dad and me are in a fight. It just makes me feel like I have a reason to keep going and trying to change for the better.[/FONT][/size]
  12. Epitome


    [size=1]This was the most hilarious movie I have seen since Old School. It was great. Ben Stiller, the guy from Old School who is in it (can't think of his name -_-), were great together. For those of you who do not know what its about... Its about a man named White Goodman (Ben Stiller) and another guy named Peter Laflurre(sp?). They are both gym owners but Whites gym, Global Gym, is a huge success and Peter's, Average Joe, is a huge dump. So White plans on buying out the gym and is able to do so if Peter doesnt come up with the money to pay he mortgage rent. So Peter has an idea to play in a dodgeball tournament that has a grand prize of $50,000, the amount he needs. So, Peter and White duke it out in the tournament and... well I cant tell you the rest. But for those of you who have seen the movie, what did you think? My brother thought it was so stupid. He had no appreciation for the movie... He just doesnt understand that type of humor. My Favorite Quote of the Movie: [spoiler]Cotton: It looks as if the Average Joes are going to have to forfit Other Announcer: Yeah its a bold tactic lets see how it works out for em'.[/spoiler][/size]
  13. [size=1]I was fairly disappointed with the turnout on the text. Its hard to see and some places and it was kind of hard to fit it all in but I managed. So take a look...[/size]
  14. [size=1]I decided to start theis thread because... I FINALLY GOT MY NEW GUITAR!!!! Yeah, I am a little excited but its so nice. Its an Ovation acoustic/electric and it plays nice. So basically, who else plays... And if theres anyway I could here or see some made up peices, that would be great. Ill post some of mine up later.[/size]
  15. Epitome

    Fall Out Boy

    [size=1]Has anyone besides me and a few other people heard of this band. They are really kick *** and have great music. They are a rock band and are making their way up the ranks to get to the top of the charts. A song favorite of mine is Grand Theft Autumn. Its a punk/alternative rock song and it has a nice beat. So has anyone heard the song or any song of the band?[/size]
  16. [size=1]Well, on my way to Ft. Lauderdale (I am here now), I decided to pick up a EGM Magazine to read on the plane, and while browsing through, I saw this game, and to me it looked phenomenal. Its basically before the One Ring has been destroyed and you play a different type of "fellowship" trying to help defeat Sauron and Sarumon and the orc horde that they have created. It is more of a Final Fantasy type battle style and its more of a FF RPG as well. Now Im not too sure on when it is supposed to release but I am truly looking forward to it. Also, you have a party like FF. You can select to be Evil, or Good, and you make characters to help you on your journey. So basically, you can be anywhere from a dwarven miner, to a Uruk-Hai(sp?) that is just looking to feed on some "man-flesh." So overall, the game looks pretty amazing and I am looking forward to getting it soon. So have any of you seen anything about the game and are you also looking forward to getting it?[/size]
  17. [size=1]I play baseball. Its fun but I didnt like it a whole lot this year because Im only a freshman and I didnt get alot of playing time, because most of the kids on my team are sophomores or juniors, but I had a good time. Im out of school now but it was fun while it lasted. I played short stop, left field and second. I got to play a little catcher as well and threw out 18 guys stealing... thats quite an accomplishment for me. But yea, baseball is my sport.[/size]
  18. [size=1]Definatley Raven. Just the way she is always so calm about everything and never worries. Also, her abilities are just crazy. And if I had to choose another, it wouyld have to be Beast Boy because of the way he can like, just change into any animal. Which is pretty awesome if you ask me. So yea, those two.[/size]
  19. [size=1]I wasnt sure if I should put this here or in the Lounge but I thought here would be best... Lately I have been getting into alot of the Marvel stuff with all the movies coming out (I.E. The Punisher, Spider Man 2). And after getting a better understanding of all the story lines of the movies already out or coming out, I think I would have enjoyed them more if I knew the main backgrounds and other adventures. So this brings me to the point of the thread: Do you enjoy Marvel Comics, Heroes, Games, etc. and do you think they should come out with another movie based on one of the comics/heroes and why? Personally, if they were going to come out with a new Marvel movie, I would definatley want it to be one of the two: Captain America and the Falcon and/or the Fantastic Four. Captain America and the Falcon because they represent my and other peoples counrty, the USA. And with all the war and hardships going on right now, I think we could all use a boost sometimes, and when you see Captain America wearing that suit, it makes the US look strong, and makes you feel proud. I would want to see a Fantastic Four movie as well only because, I mean, c'mon, its the Fantastic Four. I mean to me that is pretty much enough said. And this is really sad that I dont know all the names yet, but, you got the the liquid shapeshifter, a huge rock, a guy that turns on fire, and a girl that basically just kicks ***. So, which comic would you like to be made into a movie, and which movies have you enjoyed or look forward to seeing? Also, which comics do you like, if you do in fact like them?[/size]
  20. [QUOTE=BlueYoshi][COLOR=Teal]I only had the chance to play the game for a short while really, but so far I?m under the impression that it's just another typical 'Wild West' implementation? Rockstar have adapted the western physique quite well though, they haven't made any short cuts in its development seeing as you [I]are[/I] in the third person mode, giving them the chance to show off more of the surroundings as well as Red himself. It's hard to bring realistic visuals of the Wild West to game play along with the reference of many other Cowboy related films; after all, it was a ruthless era and was hard for many of the inhabitants, so the whole idea of sheriffs and bandits support that fact. Given this, I think Red's character fits in well enough as it generally shows a lone wolf attitude, he takes place in quick draws, rides horses, has a heavy arsenal--but, it's all been done before (think Clint Eastwood, lol). I?d definitely find it more interesting to see the opposite of that, and how it would respond to the type of situations Red would face in his world. Not too much on game play to add on I'm afraid, seems basic and quite unpolished in some parts. Despite the story line and whatnot, RDR is still just a shoot 'em up, I'd prefer the likes of Hitman to it any day of the week.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [size=1]I do agree on the shoot em' up stuff and some of your views like a basic "Wild West" game. But when you get further into the game it gets alot better. You have more story line and you arent just the "Clint Eastwood" of the game. But other than that, I have to say that you are basically right. But I still think that is a fun game to play, especially when in a duel.[/size]
  21. [size=1]Here it is. I was kind of disappointed with the way it turned out. I thought the text would look alot better in that spot but it didnt turn out. Tell me what you think.[/size]
  22. [size=1]This game just came out recently. Its made by Rockstar and its an Old West game with duels, showdowns, and such. The main story line is this: You play as a man named Red. You start off in his childhood when his parents are killed in a raid of bandits. He eventually becomes a "bounty hunter" and thats where you really start. Personally I have loved the game. I rented it first and I plan to go out and buy it in the near future. So for those of you who have played it, what did you all think?[/size]
  23. Epitome

    Van Helsing

    [size=1]I did end up seeing the movie, and I was very impressed. It looked a little shaggy in the previews, but great story line, and great acting as well made it come together. One point that I disliked is that [spoiler]Kate Beckinsale dies at the end. It just makes no sense to make the hot one die.[/spoiler] But besides that, a great movie.[/size]
  24. [size=1]I was playing Legend of Dragoon yesterday and I thought I would make a banner for it. It didnt turn out as well as I had hoped so, just tell me what you think.[/size]
  25. Epitome

    Man of Fire

    [size=1]This movie looks great. Denzel Washington stars it and plays a great part. The plot is about, dont take my word, a man who is supposed to protect a young girl and she ends up being taken hostage. His Mission: Hunt down the bastards and get her back. I really do plan on seeing the movie because (1) Denzel Washington is a ridiculously awesome actor, and (2) because it seems like an action/ shoot em' up movie. I have heard good reviews on it as well. So, what do you guys think of it, and if you havent seen it, are you planning to?[/size]
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