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Everything posted by Epitome

  1. I like the idea that Baka has but, James is right. It would take ALOT of hard work to do that. But I do like the idea of that.
  2. Oh I see now. Thanx Sara... [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] Ok I changed the colors, but now how do I post the font that I changed up. It didnt work in my last post? [color=teal]Please do not double post. If you wish to add on to what you said before, there is an Edit button at the bottom of your posts. Be sure to use that in the future. ;) -Syk3 EDIT: I understand now that someone posted before you and then deleted their post. That really a stupid thing for them to do, and it makes it look like they were trying to get you in trouble. -Syk3[/color]
  3. You meanie :starts to cry: *sniff, sniff* Does anyone else know how to do it :wipes tears away from eyes: I want to know. lol.
  4. I like it, you did a good job on the shading and made it very nice. I do agree with you on the part of the creepiness. :look around: They make me fell like they just are staring at me with those BIG eyes.
  5. My favorite character is definatley Dante from Devil May Cry and DMC 2. I like him because he comes off as an easy going guy, look awesome in the game, and the stunts he does in the games are awesome as well. My least favorite character of all PS is :thinks: probably Kimarhi from Final Fantasy X. I dont like him because he doesnt talk at all in the game, and is sometimes mean to Tidus, and Tidus is the BOMB. Well another reason I dont like him is that his moves arent all that great in the game either. These are my favs, and least favs...
  6. I still cant fgure this out, people always have fonts changing colors in the middle of them and I cant figure out how to do it. Can someone please tell me.
  7. I like the second one, but I think it is a little too plain. You could have added some other stuff in there and maybe even some text, but its nice.
  8. I agree with every other person that has posted in here. Its a great banner and the animation of it is awesome as well. I would like to see some more of his work and some of yours Bandit.
  9. Wow its looking great Ginny!! Cant wait to see the finished product. Ive always admired your work. Its all great. Well, post the finished product ASAP.
  10. Epitome

    T.V. Show

    Hmmm, my picks are Seinfeld, Friends, and Home Improvment. All of them are just hilarious. And some drama in Friends, and HI which I like. Yea but all around, those are defiantley my favorites.
  11. Too plain. And the person is too small and you cant really see her. Trying adding like another picture iof "Testament" in it if ts like a show or something with characters. But I do like the text, it fits well with the word "Testament" for some reason.
  12. I am definatley using that. Thats awesome. *sets as background* Nice job.
  13. After I was down in the dumps for not getting in O. A. E. :( and then when no one was using my banners :( I was thinking about stopping making banners but Logan... Read the banner and you'll see [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/logananimation.gif[/img]
  14. Thats amazing Kinetic, I want to know how you make it 3D. But that is so awesome.
  15. I just bought it myself and I love it but does anyone belong to the LP Underground.
  16. I was just kidding Chris, I need a little practice thats all. But hey maybe next time Ill make it.
  17. I wasnt sure if this belongs here or in Music, Movies, etc. but does anyone play. Its a great instrument and its farely easy to learn. Does anyone else play?
  18. Damn this sux, I was hoping to make it. Hmph. Im a failure!! :( I should just stop trying. Well I guess my career of making banners needs practice. Hopefully next time...
  19. Oh thanks juna. Didnt see that. *says to himself* I hope I get in...
  20. Its okay, and I dont think the text fits either. Also you could probably add another picture in there. But I do like the "cube" look on it. So over all, its and okay banner.
  21. Once again, my vote goes to Juu. She has excellent writing and I think that she should be the Otaku Idol.
  22. I have one question before I stop posting in this thread, when does this contest expire. I was just wondering so I can know if Im in or not. Well later.
  23. Well lets go over to Mr. Hataki Vash for a live weather update- The weather here is great. I am just chilling with my brother in the hotel room right now... and sorry it took so long to popst back up. So far we have been to every park but we havent done evertything yet, and we still have like 8-9 more days left. So I hope to talk to you all soon. Laters...
  24. Ummm, Chris, is there anyway I could enter in a fourth entry to take the place of my second. It looked alot better when I had it up on Ulead. But if not, thats fine, I just wanted to have another chance at that because my second one turned out horrible.
  25. Well I am up at 5:30 in the morning for one reason today, Im going to Disney World. WOOHOO!!! Sorry. But anyways, I was hoping I could post this up before I left so I could keep you guys updated on what Im doing while Im there, so I woke up extra early. I hope this doesnt get closed either. So, Ill talk to you in a few hours... I hope... Oh and I will be able to post on the plane because my dad has an internet card on his comp so... Ill talk to you all later.
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