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Everything posted by Epitome

  1. Great pic. I love the eyes and the way hes "positioned," I guess you could say. i like the scales as well. It really turned out nice. ~Hataki
  2. Im pretty sure that is an unformal ending. My brother came upon this as well and was wondering the same thing. I cant say that it is an unformal ending for sure, but my guess is that it is one.
  3. Not bad. I like the tone of it. Nice poem.
  4. I have to agree with you guys on the difficulty level but otherwise, I think its an awesome game.
  5. Hmmm. You prove many points but you never know. We could quite possibly live in a Matrix, but Im am not saying that we do. ~Hataki
  6. I was searching for a thread on this and couldnt find one so I thought Id make one. I love the game and all the aspects of it. It has great graphics and awesome stunts that you can do. I love jumping up and coming down slashing an enemy with a sword or shooting them with your guns. The game is an all time favorite for me. Did you guys, who have played it, like or dislike it. Why or Why not.
  7. I cant see it. I wanna see. *starts to cry*:bawl: Put a attachment up so I can see please.:bawl:
  8. As everyone else has said, CONGRATULATIONS!! Boys are the coolest. No offense girls, I like girls too though. But boys are cooler...Oh, sorry. That was my other side talking. Well congratualtions and his little toes are cool. :)
  9. Dmitri does prove a point, but you have to take this into consideration, everyone in the Matrix is a potential agent. And you never know when you are or arent one. Another thing is, is that the little Secret Service dudes could be agents.
  10. That is definatley better than the last one. I love Trigun and Vash. Nice OB Banner.
  11. Thats cool. I like the way you put the guys hair white at the top. And the dragons a good touch as well. I like it. *saves* Keeping this one.
  12. Its pretty funny to me. But the doctors face is whats making me crack up. His facial expression says to me: What the hell happened to you you moron!! LOL. Well great pic Shy. ~Hataki
  13. Whoa, thats so cool. I like the swords in his hands. They look neat. I also like how the wings were done. They look great. Nice job. Hes a furry little fella too. ;)
  14. Shonen Jump? Whats that. Im a big fan of the show but only started watching it recently. Can someone please explain.
  15. I like the Parappa games but I didnt play the Lammy ones. I loved to see that little dog or whatever he was rap.
  16. Dont doyble or triple post dude. Thats not aloud on the boards, but anyway, Ill try to get it working.
  17. I JUST GOT IT. Its the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I love it. All of you have to get it or at least see it. Its amazing.
  18. But do you guys think that we actually live inside a Matrix. Like the ones in the movie.
  19. At first, I had the same reaction as you, but the thing is I have the DVD so I went over it alot. But yea thats Tsuakasa.
  20. There have been many threads on this topic. Heres one thread you can check out. Theres been alot of reoccuring threads lately and Im trying to keep you out of trouble. But your new here so welcome to the boards. And here is the thread. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24086]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24086[/URL]
  21. Hmmmm, maybe you can post the pic up here and let me see if I can get it working for you.
  22. Hey, I was looking through my User Profile, and Braidless Baka pointed out to me that you can change the skin of the boards on your comp. Right now there is "Industrial" "Liquid" and "Version 6". Can anyone make some more, whoever makes them.
  23. These posts are not aloud and plus youve been here for less than an hour. Just because there isnt alot of posts right now doesnt mean these are bad boards. Come on tommorow in the afternoon and see how this place can get hopping.
  24. I totally have to agree with that statement. I did not get any of that episode. I was like so confused and I couldnt get to sleep because of it, I was thinking to much.
  25. This year isnt over for me yet either, 13 more days and counting. But we are going to the U.S. Open, a golf tournament, going to Disney World, and having some relatives visit us. Its going to be an awesome summer.
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