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Everything posted by Epitome

  1. No I dont mean the grpahics of the movie itself, I meant my computer. But he did direct it. So its true. Man, now I owe my friend 10 dollars.
  2. This should might be in the PC section. Im not sure though. But you should probably use all the Z Warriors, Cell, Buu, Freza, and maybe one or two other people. a setting you should use is the world tournamant arena.
  3. Im not sure if these are just rumors or if they are true, but I have heard that Rob Zombie directed the movie The House of 1000 Corpses. I downloaded the movie and it was awesome but I couldnt see it very well, not too great of "graphics" but did Zombie really direct it. Anyone know.
  4. I think a Mature game is made up by (1)Blood or very graphica and gory viloence. For example Resident Evil. (2) A mature game could be called Mature for maybe sexual "influence" or "talk" if you will. And (3) A game can be made Mature by fighting with " number 1." But I dont think Windwaker would be made Mature. It has a deep gaming to it, but not too viloent or anything.
  5. I like it. In my mind, it kind of looks like a sword. But thats just me. But anyways its awesome for a first time.
  6. I started a thread about these a while ago. But hey you never know, they might not close it.
  7. I think it is very well draawn... the only thing I dont like about it is that it is a little blurry. But otherwise, its great.
  8. I love Calvin and Hobbes. I like the avatar too. They dancing and moving and grooving to the music. I like it.
  9. Hey thats a cool banner. I like the avatar too. They are nice. And let me know when you finish with my banner ok. Thanx.
  10. Oh thanks guys. You guys answered my question perfectly. I thank you all very much.
  11. Epitome

    Hybrid Theory

    I have the CD and O love it. Meteroa is a little better in my opinion but my faavorites on the CD are 1) In The End 2) One Step Closer 3) Crawling and the song that is like "Forfit the game, before somebody else takes you out of the frame, and put your name to shame....." Otherwise, I love the CD. Its great. Linkin Park is one of the best bands in my opinion and I think Hybrid Theory is the best CD so far.
  12. Ok have you noticed how all the characters on .hack//SIGN have little [i]painting[/i] like things on their faces. I just started watching the show about 2 months ago and never really got why they are there.
  13. I have noticed the one with Joeys life points but the other I havent noticed. But you have to remember, the animators cant be perfect everytime they make a show.
  14. No, Im asking how to chane the name of the link, not change the avatar or banner.
  15. Ok, Ive seen people post banners and avatars but have the name of the banner/avatar instead of the link or whatever. How do you do that.
  16. I like the way you show how "Death" takes someone. Its a good poem. You used some cool phrases as to how you cant do anything about i too. Nice job.
  17. I love Pooh. He is the coolest bear around. I went to Disneyland once, and there, he has is own ride. Its awesome. Nice job on the banner though.
  18. Nice work Kakashi. I like the "Change" thing in the middle and the guy. Although you got some of the art from the Otaku thing presently, its awesome.
  19. Epitome


    No but you dont understand, we have been best friends since kindergarden, I just want to move back. I miss it so much there.
  20. Crim definatley. I dont know why I would say that because usually the stronger ones are voted off first but there is something about him that makes me think he would win.
  21. Its awesome. Good detail, nice shading, and I think the proportions are great as well. Nice work.
  22. Epitome


    Has anyobe ever moved from a place that they absolutley loved and then had to be pulled away. I have. This Memorial Day weekend, my best friend visisted me from Buffalo and he left today. Now Im really depressed and like am.... sad I guess. Has anyone else had this happen to them.
  23. Nice, I like all of them. Good backgrounds with good pictures. I might end up using one of those one of these days.
  24. Its ok. The thing that I dont like about it is that theres only a little drawing of a design in the middle. Its too bland. Its ok though.
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